divine talisman

Chapter 1955 Unstoppable

The white lava turned into a sea of ​​flames, burning the heavens and the earth, blazing and terrifying.


One after another, waves of fire swept into the sky, ruthlessly attacking Chen Xi from all directions.

The expressions of Shi Yu and the others changed, and even Chen Xi was a little surprised. He never expected that the combination of Ruiwen and Baizhe would show such mysterious power.

In the arena, there was no trace of the other party!


Chen Xi's sword was unmatched, and he tried his best to blast on the molten lava waves, stirring up monstrous waves. Although he was unable to escape, he was not suppressed by the siege either.

"get out!"

Chen Xi yelled loudly, and the sword talisman in his palm slashed swiftly, exerting the power of the fourth level of the Sword Emperor to the extreme, as if it was about to crush that sea of ​​molten lava.


Suddenly, two thick and pitch-black chains soared into the air, glowing with a mysterious and strange luster, covering that area in an instant, and Chen Xi's whole body was also bound in it.

That is the "Chain of Destruction", the ancestral supernatural power from the "Blood-eyed Witch" Raven, which destroys everything!

This kind of supernatural power has incredible destructive power. Once it is contaminated, it will suffer fatal damage and cannot be repaired. It is extremely terrifying.


Unfortunately, it met Chen Xi, and as soon as these two "chains of destruction" were bound in the void around Chen Xi, they were blocked by a purple-gold divine ring.

The purple-gold divine ring covering Chen Xi's whole body was transformed by the power of the end!

In just an instant, the power of destruction and the power of termination collided, creating a terrifying storm of power that swept across all directions.

It can be clearly seen that the "chain of destruction" was broken inch by inch, collapsed, and finally turned into nothingness, completely disappearing!

Obviously, in terms of the power of the Dao, the power of destruction is not the opponent of the end at all!Incomparable!

This made Aluye and his team terrified, and they became more and more aware of the power of the end, which was completely beyond their imagination.

Even Shi Yu and the others couldn't help clicking their tongues. No wonder the power of the end is regarded as a taboo.


Chen Xi's power became stronger and stronger, the spirit of Terminator surrounded his body, and his body was filled with purple-gold energy, as if he was an invincible sword master, sweeping away the world with his sword.

Soon, the white lava sea burst into pieces and was completely flattened and disappeared.

At the same time, the body shared by Ruiwen and Baizhe appeared, resembling a demon god, staggering back and forth, and their expressions were all changing.

Obviously, they also did not expect that under the joint efforts of the two, they would still be unable to do anything to Chen Xi.


Chen Xi didn't have any nonsense at all at the moment. He stepped on a pole, his body was like a kunpeng, and his sword was like a waterfall, slashing and killing the universe in all directions.

That kind of power is boundless and earth-shattering!


It didn't take long for Ruiwen and Baizhe to suffer heavy injuries. Their bodies were riddled with wounds and bleeding profusely. In the end, amidst the screams of unwillingness and anger, they were suppressed by Chen Xi in one fell swoop and captured alive!

"Shi Yu, keep an eye on them."

As soon as he won, Chen Xi kicked Ruiwen and Bai Zhe out of the Wuling altar as if he had done something very ordinary, and was imprisoned by Shi Yu and the others.


Ruiwen and Baizhe teamed up and failed miserably!

When this duel was over, the expressions of Aluye and his party were extremely gloomy, unimaginable, and full of surprise.

How can it be?

How can it be so strong?

That's Raven and Baizhe teaming up!In the end, he couldn't help but a guy who had just advanced to the Domain Master Realm?

Aluye and the others broke their heads and couldn't figure it out.

The atmosphere is deadly.

Since the start of the battle, Chen Xi has lost four matches in succession, and four of his companions have been imprisoned, but since the fifth match, Chen Xi has never lost again.

Liefuluo, Suo Lin, and Yinglong were killed, and Ying Luan, Bai Zhe, and Ruiwen were captured... The loss was even greater than that of Chen Xi!


Chen Xi stood on the altar of the Wu Ling with a cold and heartless expression.

The familiar voice wafted through the world, but it fell into the ears of Aluye and his party, but it was so harsh that it made their expressions even more gloomy.

There are only three words that appear more than once, but each time they represent completely different meanings. Until now, what these three words represent is more like a kind of absolute self-confidence, a desire to sweep all directions by one person. The enemy's determination!

This made Aluye and his party feel angry, and even more humiliated, their self-esteem was trampled on like never before.

"You go up to challenge one by one. Even if you can't defeat this beast, you can still consume its strength. If you really can't defeat it in the end, don't worry. With these hostages, he dare not attack you."

Aluye took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and quickly conveyed his thoughts to other ancient witches.

"As for this seat, I will appear at the most suitable time, kill this son in one fell swoop, and completely end this battle!"

At the end, there was a touch of hatred and murderous intent in his voice.

Those powerful ancient witches were all taken aback, and immediately there was a flash of determination in their expressions, and they nodded in agreement.

They didn't seem to doubt Aluye's words, and it could be seen from one side that they had absolute confidence in Aluye's strength and determination.

It is true that in the previous few battles, their side lost again and again, but all this is not over yet, and it is still unknown who will win the battle in the end!


A man in black robe stepped forward. He was as thin as a gun, with eagle eyes and blue hair, and a pair of golden wings.

The descendants of "Golden Ling Xun Wu" are as dark as the wind!


Yin Rufeng's figure is like lightning, and as soon as he steps on the altar of the Wuling, he casts his movement method, and the golden wings are filled with glory, flickering and moving in the void, erratic.

His speed is extremely fast, unbelievable, like lightning and wind, every time he makes an attack, he dodges away suddenly, as if he doesn't want to work hard, but wants to make no mistakes.

Obviously, Yin Rufeng's strategy is very simple, that is, to adopt an evasion strategy and fight a war of attrition with Chen Xi!

Yin Rufeng's innate supernatural power is called "Xun Wu's Misty Art".

Because the speed is too fast!

Faster than expected!

This also made Yin Rufeng feel more confident when fighting. In his opinion, even if he couldn't confront Chen Xi head-on, if he used the technique of dodging, no one could do anything to him.

When witnessing this scene, Aluye couldn't help but secretly nodded, knowing that Yin Rufeng's strategy was undoubtedly the wisest choice.

It's a pity that Yin Rufeng made a mistake this time, because this time his opponent is different from before!

Indeed, Chen Xi was unable to lock on to the opponent with his eyes and thoughts alone, but don’t forget that Chen Xi also possessed a mysterious power inherited from the Fragmentation of the River Map——Forbidden Path Secret Pattern!

Under the capture of the secret pattern of the forbidden path, not to mention the figure of the other party, even the breath and thoughts will be locked in every detail.


Therefore, not long after the start of the battle, Chen Xi seized the opportunity, and slashed out with a single strike of his sword. Surging and surging, vast and agitated, everything that was in the way of the powder was obstructed, and in the end he forcibly blasted at Yin Rufeng's body.


It was as cloudy as the wind, like being struck by lightning, a bloody hole was torn open in the chest, and the whole person was "nailed" to the ground by that wisp of sword energy!


Chen Xi uttered four words lightly from his lips. He reached out and grabbed the other person, and then flung him away, imprisoning him.

This duel ended in a moment!

At this time, Aluye and the others were no longer shocked, they even felt a kind of horror, their eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe it.

"One, two, three, four... Well, there are already four prisoners of war. Including the three bastards that were killed, there are a total of seven people who were defeated by Chen Xi."

In the distance, Shi Yu spoke slowly, with a hint of schadenfreude in his voice, obviously deliberately provoking and humiliating the other party.

"I come!"

This time, before Chen Xi could open his mouth, a strong ancient witch couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and went out to fight angrily.

This is a strange creature whose whole body is like a stream of water. The whole body seems to be condensed by water light, which looks extremely mysterious.

He is Bermuchen, a descendant of "Wanze Water Witch". His body is completely transformed by a witchcraft power called "Nie Shui". He lives like water and is difficult to kill.


Bermuchen turned into a vortex of water and light, crushing time and space, sweeping the altar of witch spirits with a terrifying aura.


In just an instant, he was shattered by Chen Xi's sword energy, and his body turned into billions of drops of water, but they quickly fused together and continued to charge, which is quite inconceivable.

This is similar to the supernatural power of the "Immortal Fire Witch" Leflo, both are not afraid of killing and are unpredictable.

"Damn prey, when my family's plan is successfully carried out, your entire ancient gods will be reduced to a land of disasters, and all ascetics will prostrate at the feet of my family, life and death, as humble as pigs and dogs!"

While rushing to kill, Baimuchen disturbed Chen Xi's state of mind with his voice, stirred up his emotions, and wanted to provoke him and make him into chaos.


Chen Xi's expression turned cold, and with a chirping sound, the others had disappeared in place. The next moment, streaks of purple-gold sword energy shot up into the sky, enveloping people in all directions.

"Chen Xi seems to be angry!"

Shi Yu was surprised.

Chen Xi was indeed angry. These bastard-like heretics are still insulting them, cultivators of the ancient gods, and treating them like pigs and dogs. It is simply unforgivable!


It has to be said that Baimuchen's supernatural powers are very powerful. Although his body was smashed into pieces by those sword qi, he recovered quickly.

If he used the power of termination, Chen Xi could easily solve all these problems, but for the sake of Kong Youran and the others' safety, he could no longer kill them.

This made his offense suffer after all.

"Hahaha, the power of the end is indeed terrifying, but you have no guts to use it. This is self-inflicted!"

Baimuchen laughed wildly, thinking that in such a situation, it was almost impossible for Chen Xi to defeat him.


Suddenly, a clear and dreamy big sky soared into the sky, covering all directions.

This is?

Bermuchen's pupils shrank.

Before he could react, his entire body was split into billions of water droplets by Chen Xi's sword, and before these water droplets fused and recovered, he was completely covered by that big sheet!


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