divine talisman

Chapter 1957

That clear, dreamlike big body is naturally Da Luotian.

Being bound in one fell swoop, even though Bermuchen's body recovered, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free from the trap at all.


As Da Luotian continued to shrink and bind, Baimuchen finally felt the panic, and let out a shrill cry, revealing a deep sense of unwillingness.

He tried to turn into a small stream of water, trying to escape from the hole, but what made him desperate was that the dense and terrifying force, like a copper wall, made all his attempts futile.


In the end, under the gaze of all the horrified eyes, Baimuchen's body was forcibly bound into a fist-sized ball of water by the big bundle, and then he was thrown out by Chen Xi and handed over to Shi Yu to be imprisoned.

So far, Bermuchen has also suffered a disastrous defeat!


Chen Xi was full of murderous intentions, and he was too lazy to hide his murderous intentions. His clothes were loose and his hair was flying. Although he was standing still, he had an aura of contempt that looked down upon the world.

"Chen Xi, in this abyss of forbidden calamity, you are also doomed to die violently in the end, so why bother to persist?"

Accompanied by a deep and magnetic voice, another black-robed man flitted out, and in a flash, he transformed into a graceful woman with snow-white skin and an incomparably charming beauty.

There is a mysterious pattern of "green vines circling the sky, all spirits crawling" imprinted on the center of her eyebrows, like an ancient totem tattoo, flowing with aura.

Chen Xi could see that this woman was not simple, and the aura pervading her body was stronger than that of Na Ruiwen and Bai Zhe working together.

"You should not be aware that this era has come to an end, and the end of the Dharma will eventually come to the world. At that time, everything in this world will be destroyed, everything will perish, and there will be no living beings. Only we, the ancient witch lineage, will be able to Keep it going."

The woman was not in a hurry to fight, but spoke slowly in a unique voice, "And it's obviously too unwise for you to fight us now."

Aluye frowned, seemingly displeased, but in the end he didn't stop it.


A trace of disdain appeared on the corner of Chen Xi's lips.

"No, you don't understand. Our lineage of ancient witches can survive the destruction of the last era. Naturally, we know all this better than you."

The woman's expression was serious and calm, and she seemed very frank, "Now, I can decide to give you a chance. As long as you join us, you will not only be able to survive in this abyss of forbidden calamity, but also avoid the destruction of the era when the end of the law comes. Jie, live forever with my ancient witch lineage!"

Chen Xi was stunned, a little surprised that the other party would persuade him to surrender like this at this moment.

"Ridiculous! My fate will never be entrusted to anyone!"

Chen Xi said coldly, "What's more, if you can't kill all of you heretics who want to bring disaster to the world, what's the point of living?"

The woman shook her head and sighed: "You are wrong, you have not yet understood how terrifying the Epoch Tribulation is, this is the general trend! It is unstoppable, in front of this torrent of the Era, let alone you, everyone in this world will be unable to Get away! By then, you won't think I'm scaremongering."

After a pause, she continued: "Before, you also saw that door of doom, do you know what all this means?"

Chen Xi frowned, he was somewhat confused as to what kind of tricks this woman was trying to play.

"You are wrong, this era of catastrophe is not irresistible!"

At this time, Canaan stood up solemnly, and said in a deep voice, "Because the ultimate road that did not appear in previous eras will definitely appear in this era. As long as someone steps on the ultimate end, all disasters can be resolved and reshaped. A brand new number of epochs!"

The Ultimate Road!

Be present in this era!

Hearing this, not only Chen Xi, but even those ancient shamans and heretics were shocked, with different expressions and various thoughts.

"Even if what you said is true..."

The woman took a deep breath and said, "Up until now, no one in the entire Ancient God Realm has made it this far, has there?"

Canaan's expression remained unchanged: "But all this does not mean that no one can do it in the future. As far as I know, some supreme beings in the five poles of the imperial domain have already touched that threshold!"


This time it was Aluye who spoke, his expression was cold and disdainful, "I have traveled [-] years in the ancient gods, and I have already confirmed that none of those so-called supreme beings have made it this far!"

"Have you ever been to the Three Realms?" Canaan asked back.

Three Realms?

Aluye was stunned, then sneered and said, "That garbage-like place is even worse than one ten-thousandth of the Ancient God Realm, how could I waste my energy there?"

Three Realms...

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel his heart move, as he remembered too many secrets.

"You haven't been there, so you don't understand."

When Canaan mentioned this, he stopped talking.


Aluye snorted coldly in disdain, thinking that Canaan was playing tricks to deceive them.

"Chen Xi, can you think clearly? Now that I am showing you the way to survive, you have to think clearly. This is your only chance."

At this time, the extremely charming woman also spoke again.

"I've thought it through."

Chen Xi looked indifferent.

Seeing this, the woman frowned, but she still asked, "The result?"

"Kill you heretics first, and then consider whether the so-called epoch catastrophe is nothing!"

Chen Xi stepped forward, approaching step by step, the ground violently shook and cracked, and terrifying cracks spread out.

"You really don't think about it anymore?"

The woman continued to question.

Chen Xi answered her with actions.


A swipe of sword energy rose into the air, shining brightly, decisively and ruthlessly.


The woman's skirt swayed, and burst out bursts of blue vines, spreading wildly. Each one was like a magic arrow, piercing the void and covering Chen Xi.

This is her innate supernatural power, the green vines are like heavenly swords, with tens of thousands of branches, covering the sky and covering the earth, extremely violent, blasting the void and completely destroying it.

Chen Xi's sword talisman spun like a taiji, and suddenly formed a sword vortex, and the purple-gold energy evaporated in it, swallowing all the ivy that had been smashed.

Originally, those vines were as terrifying as heavenly swords, piercing through the void, and each one was like a sharp blade of a magic weapon, with unimaginable power.

But now, as soon as it appeared, it was destroyed by Chen Xi, and the densely packed green vines were all smashed into powder by the sword vortex, producing a terrifying explosion.


The sky is filled with divine splendor, and the scene is frightening.

"After so many battles, how can he be so powerful?"

Aluye and the others were surprised, and their mood became more and more depressed.


A moment later, the woman coughed up blood, staggered, and suffered trauma.

Chen Xi stepped into the air, his power became more and more blazing, and the runes around his body loomed, like a war emperor walking from the ancient times, unstoppable.


The woman's red lips parted slightly, and suddenly let out an obscure whistling sound.

For an instant, the void was calm, everything was as usual, and everyone didn't feel any abnormality, but Chen Xi felt a sharp pain between his brows, as if his soul was being impacted by a mysterious force and was about to be chopped into pieces, and his figure froze accordingly.


Seeing this, the woman's whistling sound became more and more intense, wave after wave, like Huawei's invisible blade of thought, unparalleled in sharpness, constantly hitting Chen Xi's soul.

This kind of mental supernatural power is simply too terrifying, invisible and qualityless, mysterious and difficult to resist.

Chen Xi frowned, his figure was slightly stiff, stagnant in the void, being seen by outsiders, he seemed to be bewitched.

"Amoyun's 'God-Splitting Witch Curse' is getting stronger..."

Seeing this, Aluye and the others couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Before, Chen Xi's combat power was astonishing, and he could not be defeated by any means, which made it difficult for Aluye and the others to accept it.

Now that they saw Chen Xi slumped under the attack of Amoyun's soul, Aluye and the others might not be cheered up.

"Duh, duh, duh..."

How could A Moyun miss such an excellent opportunity, she took advantage of the victory and chased after her, and continued to emit obscure secret sounds from her lips, spreading away.

Shi Yu and the others all changed countenance. Although they couldn't feel the horror of Amo Yun's attack, when they saw Chen Xi's sluggish and stiff figure, they knew that Chen Xi's current situation seemed to be a little bad.

The mind is like a blade, rushing to kill the soul, and the terrifying magic power is invisible, making it impossible to defend.

Using this kind of power obviously made it very difficult for A Moyun. As she kept uttering witchcraft, her pretty face became pale and transparent, and her whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

"A Moyun is desperately trying to defeat Chen Xi in this battle!"

An ancient black-robed witch said quickly.

"If so, wouldn't it be better?"

There was already a hint of relief and hotness in Aluye's eyes, as if he couldn't wait to see Chen Xi being suppressed and killed on the spot.

It didn't take long for Chen Xi's brows to bleed suddenly, and his whole body was stiff, like a stone sculpture, motionless.


When witnessing this scene, a gleam suddenly flashed in A Moyun's eyes, which was already almost unbearable.

The next moment, her figure flashed, and a dazzling ivy emerged from her palm, silently attacking Chen Xi.

Target, straight to the throat!

Shi Yu's heart tensed up, their whole bodies tensed up, and they couldn't help shouting loudly, wanting to remind Chen Xi.


But at this moment, Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, and the sword talisman in his palm was lifted up at some point, and swept away.

With a loud bang, the ivy in A Moyun's palm exploded, and she flew backwards as if being hit by a storm, coughing up blood and staining her clothes red.

The audience was stunned and couldn't believe it.

This change was too sudden, and no one expected that at such a critical moment, Chen Xi would actually react from that sluggish state and severely wound A Moyun in one fell swoop.

"This is impossible!"

Amoyun's screams sounded in the field, revealing incomparable unwillingness and despair.

She didn't know at all that all of this was just Chen Xi's intentional attack. Her mental attack was indeed terrifying, but Chen Xi's soul was extremely powerful, and he was protected by forbidden path secret lines, so it was difficult to shake Chen Xi even a little.

Even the smear of blood between Chen Xi's eyebrows was all a cover-up by Chen Xi!


At this moment, Chen Xi's eyebrows were like lightning, cold and heartless, he slashed out with a sword, and abruptly sent that A Mo Yun flying, and fell in front of Shi Yu. He didn't know how many bones were broken in his body, and he fainted immediately. .


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