divine talisman

Chapter 1958 The Mystery of the Era

Fifteen ancient witch powerhouses were defeated miserably!

Seeing the end of one battle after another, Shi Yu and the others had long since become a little numb from the original shock, and were no longer even surprised.

too strong!

Chen Xi alone, with a sword in his hand, became an unshakable scenery on the witch spirit altar, stunning the audience.

Putting it in the past, I'm afraid no one would have thought that such a scene would appear.

After all, Chen Xi is only a domain master existence, and even when it comes to real cultivation, he is only at the level of a one-star emperor.

But under such circumstances, he won time and time again, and defeated the opponent time and time again, all of which seemed too unbelievable.

If this is reported back to the Ancient God Realm, no one would dare to believe it.

Outsiders can only see the brilliance that belongs to Chen Xi. Only Chen Xi knows how much hardship and effort he has put in to be able to possess the current combat power.

Behind the glory, there is often too much loneliness and dedication!

And witnessing all this happening, Aluye at this moment was unusually calm and silent, like an outsider, without a trace of anger or unwillingness.

This behavior was abnormal, or could it be said that Aruye had already expected such a thing to happen, so he was not surprised?

Chen Xi ignored these, and after defeating the boy-like Wan Shuiqing, his gaze was fixed on Aluye, with an indifferent and calm expression.

The atmosphere in the arena was a little quiet for a while, and no one spoke.

Shi Yu and the others looked at Chen Xi, then at Aluye in the distance, feeling a little nervous for no reason.

Because they knew that as long as they defeated Aluye, all this would be over, but... how could Aluye be defeated so easily?

As the leader of those ancient witch powerhouses, Aluye has always been hiding his secrets, and even at this time, he has never revealed much surprising aura.

But the more it is like this, the more shocking it is, and I dare not underestimate it.

After careful calculation, when Aluye pretended to be "Wang Zhong", he had fought Chen Xi more than once, and ended in failure every time.

But Shi Yu and the others now also know that the "Wang Zhong" is just a clone of Aluye, and after Aluye returns to this chaotic ruin, he is no longer the "Wang Zhong"!

He not only fused the power of the deity, but also became the leader of those ancient witch powerhouses. How could such a character be ordinary and comparable?

Therefore, even if Aluye was the only one left, Shi Yu and the others did not dare to relax in any way. On the contrary, because Aluye was about to start a war with Chen Xi, they couldn't help becoming nervous and feeling a little bit nervous. Shares are depressed.

Even Canaan is no exception.

Canaan has seen the unusualness of Aluye since the Dao Dao Contest, until he entered the chaotic ruins, and now facing Aluye, Canaan still feels a little unable to see through the other party.

Even if he sacrificed the supreme supernatural power of the Buddhist sect, "Sky Eye", he couldn't get a glimpse of Aluye's true details. All this made Canaan vigilant and dare not be careless.

"Early before the start of this duel, this seat has been thinking about whose fate is more suitable for this seat among you. Now, this seat can finally confirm that as long as I kill you, Chen Xi, and deprive you of your fate, For my use, maybe... this seat does not have to wait until the next era, and it is enough to set foot on the end of the ultimate!"

After a moment of silence, Aluye suddenly spoke, his expression was calm, and he looked indifferently at Chen Xi who was on the Wuling Altar in the distance, as if he was chatting with a friend, not aggressive.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and said, "Could it be that you plan to talk nonsense before the battle? I'm not interested in listening to your long speech."

Aluye didn't seem to care, and said: "Don't you want to know why I think you can open the door of the end of the Dharma?"

Chen Xi's heart moved, but he didn't answer.

However, Aluye said to himself: "It's very simple, if you own the river map, it means that your identity is very different!"

River map?

Shi Yu and the others were all stunned, but they already knew that Chen Xi owned the River Map, and it was precisely because of this that the Supreme Master hated him so much, and wished he could kill him.

But according to what Aluye said at this time, it seems that there is something else hidden about Hetu?

Canaan seemed to think of something, his lips moved, but in the end he seemed a little uncertain and didn't say much.

"Since ancient times, this world has experienced more than one epoch catastrophe. As far as I know, before this epoch, at least eight epochs have been wiped out."

Aluye put his hands behind his back, and didn't talk about the topic of Hetu anymore, but said indifferently: "You should be clear that each era represents a civilization of cultivation, a long-lasting reincarnation change, in this Under the general trend, even if your cultivation is as high as the sky, if you have no way to protect yourself, you will eventually be annihilated in the destruction of the era, and you will never survive."

After a pause, he continued: "Why is it inevitable that every era will be destroyed? It's very simple, because in these eras, no one can reach the ultimate end!"

What is the ultimate end?

No one knows.

But the ultimate path exists!

It wasn't just Chen Xi, Shi Yu and the others who were present were also very sure of this.

It's just that they didn't expect that every time the era is destroyed, it is actually related to this ultimate road!

"Of course, it seems very illusory to say these things now. Not only you, but even I can't be sure whether this is really the case. Otherwise, my ancient witch lineage might be reduced to such a point? Otherwise, it might be Is there a practice civilization of your era?"

Aluye sighed, his voice was a bit bleak.

Chen Xi frowned: "What exactly do you want to say?"

He didn't want to discuss with Aluye about the catastrophe of the era and the end, those have nothing to do with him now.

What's more, Aluye is his enemy!

Chen Xi was not interested in discussing these things with the other party.

"It's simple."

Aluye's expression changed, and a look of mystery flashed in Chen Xi's eyes, and he said, "Because before the end of each era, it was the owner of the river chart who opened the door to the end of the law!"

After a pause, he continued: "In other words, the fuse for the destruction of every era comes from the owner of the river map!"

what! ?

Shi Yu and the others were taken aback in horror and doubt.

It was the first time they had heard this rumor, and it was simply too shocking!

Even Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart at this moment, and his brows were furrowed.

"People like you are the so-called 'Era Responders'! Born in response to the calamity, it heralds the coming of the Dharma-ending era!"

Aluye paused every word, his eyes were burning, and he stared at Chen Xi with an inexplicable enthusiasm, "Now, you should understand why I will lead you into this forbidden catastrophe at all costs. Abyss, because only you can open the door of the Doomsday and bring the catastrophe of the Doomsday into the entire ancient God Realm, thus destroying this era!"

Chen Xi was quite sure that what the other party said was not a lie, but he still felt extremely ridiculous.

Because as far as he knew, he was not the first existence to obtain fragments of the river map. Before that, there were Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, and Xuan, the master of Manggu, who were also enlightened by the river map.

If it is true as what Aluye said, doesn't it mean that Fuxi and Xuan are also the robbed of the era?

The most important thing is that Chen Xi still hasn't obtained the last fragment of the river map. In other words, he still can't be called a river map enlightener in the strict sense!

Under such circumstances, everything Aluye said was full of alarmism to Chen Xi.

As for Shi Yu and the others, they were already stunned, shocked by this secret news.

As if seeing through Chen Xi's mind, Aluye chuckled lightly and said, "I forgot to tell you that in every era, there will be nine era-respondents. Nine is the extreme number, which means the limit of all things. The entire era means the end of an era, and you, Chen Xi... are the ninth era respondent! If you can't open this door to the end of the law, I'm afraid God will not allow it."

Chen Xi frowned and remained silent.

Shi Yu and the others were puzzled. They didn't know why Aluye said this at this time, but they vaguely judged that Aluye didn't seem to need to play tricks at this time...

"The strange thing is that in you, this seat has noticed a completely different aura from the previous era's robbers. Your fate is unpredictable, and you also have the will to end the Tao, which is something that any other era's robbers have. Unable to have."

At this moment, Aluye also frowned. This question seemed to have been hidden in his heart for a long time, and finally he couldn't help but say it at this moment.


Chen Xi spoke coldly, as if these words didn't cause him much trouble.

"It's over."

Aluye narrowed his eyes, and finally said with a light smile, "No matter what, after I kill you and deprive you of your destiny, I will be able to control everything you have. It is the Era Respondent, who can enter the door of the end of the Dharma and pry into the real mystery!"

In the end, there was an undisguised murderous intent in his eyes, extremely blazing.

"Then come up and fight!"

Chen Xi remained expressionless.

"No, we still need to make a deal before we fight."

Allie shook his head.

"What deal?"

Chen Xi said.

"Release those subordinates of this seat, and this seat will also return your companions."

Aluye pointed to Kong Youran, who was imprisoned next to him, and said softly.

"it is good!"

Chen Xi thought for a while, and then agreed, even if he exchanged Kong Youran and the four of them with more than ten people, it would be worth it.

From Chen Xi's point of view, the lives of Kong Youran and the others are obviously a thousand times more precious than those heretics!

This is Chen Xi's attitude towards his companions. It has never changed since he practiced, and it is precisely because of his disposition that he has won many friends who treat him with sincerity!

This time, neither Aluye nor Chen Xi did anything wrong during the exchange, and finally rescued Kong Youran and the others and handed them over to Shi Yu and the others to take care of them.

And Aluye also rescued those powerful ancient witches.

It seems to be a satisfactory result for all, but it is not over yet!

Because this is the Wuling Battlefield!

Regardless of life or death, it is destined that no one will be able to get out of trouble!

And all these victories and losses all fell on this final battle, on the upcoming duel between Chen Xi and Aluye.


ps: In the final burial stage, it is more difficult to write, and it is difficult to maintain high-yield updates, but it can be expected that the book will be successfully concluded in about 2-3 months.

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