divine talisman

Chapter 1959

again and again!again and again!

In the silent atmosphere, Aluye raised his foot and walked towards the Wuling altar step by step.

With his hands on his back, his figure was tall and straight, and when he was pacing, a brilliant holy light spread out under his feet, a sacred vastness, filled with auspicious clouds, against which he was like the god of war coming to the world.


The world began to tremble, as if surrendering to Aluye.

This is very extraordinary, like Aluye transformed into another person in an instant, like the unrivaled holy king, ruling the world, with an unrivaled demeanor.

The void trembled and hummed, and an invisible force field filled the air like an avenue, covering this Wu Ling battle field, vast and holy.

Shi Yu and the others were shocked.

In their field of vision, Aluye has indeed changed. His aura is constantly rising and changing. Every step he takes is like improving his own cultivation level, which is too incredible.

Until later, Aluye's whole body was filled with holy light, transcending the ordinary, unparalleled in the world, and possessed an inviolable majesty.

"The power of the holy witch! He is a descendant of the supreme holy king of the ancient witch line!"

Canaan stood up suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face, "The supreme holy king is the only terrifying existence who has reached the status of a ruler in the last era, even surpassing the ruler of the five poles of the imperial domain. and!"

Supreme Holy King!

The only master!

Hearing this, Shi Yu's face also changed slightly, how could they have thought that Aluye's identity would be so frightening?

Regarding this, Chen Xi did not cause any disturbances. What really made him feel awe-inspiring was the arrogance displayed by Aluye at this moment.

If the power of Aluye before was like a domain master of the one-star emperor realm, then at this moment, his realm seems to be constantly breaking through and improving, until now, it has already made Chen Xi feel a kind of pressure. Can't see through its depth!

This is amazing!

Although Chen Xi had already guessed that Aluye was completely different from those powerful ancient witches, how could he have thought that the power he possessed would be so terrifying?

"Chen Xi, this guy is too dangerous, you must be very careful. In the last era, he was also a terrifying existence like the son of a ruler, possessing incredible power!"

Canaan's reminder sounded in his ears, making Chen Xi even more afraid to neglect.

This is already the last battle, as long as he kills the opponent, it is equivalent to killing everyone on the opponent. At such a moment, Chen Xi will never let himself make any mistakes.

Although Aluye's aura displayed at this time was extremely terrifying, Chen Xi was unafraid, and he still had some trump cards that he hadn't used yet!


Aluye stepped onto the Wuling altar. At this moment, he was wearing a blood robe, and every inch of his skin was sprayed with holy light. Standing there at will, he was like the backbone of heaven and earth, the pillar of all things, with a kind of breath that swallowed the world, The majesty that dominates all directions.

"At least comparable to the power of the Nine Star Territory Lord, how will this battle proceed?"

All of a sudden, Canaan's face changed suddenly, and he was unusually dignified, judging that Aluye's power at this moment was not weaker than that of the Nine Star Territory Master!

The Nine Star Territory Lord is the last level in the Emperor Realm level, and further up is the Taoist Realm!

And compared to Chen Xi, who has only just advanced to the domain master realm, even if his combat power is sky-high, how can he win against such an opponent?

Too much disparity!

The difference between each other is not only one level, but a full eight levels!

How is this played?

This time, Shi Yu and the others finally understood why Aluye was so confident and calm before. It turned out that he had been hiding his real fighting power!

Chen Xi obviously noticed this too, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes suddenly, revealing a rare dignified look.

His whole body was boiling with qi, and the star field in his body was revolving loudly, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and the purple and gold divine brilliance surged out, surrounding his whole body.

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to have unreservedly displayed all the power he possessed!

But even so, when facing Aluye in the distance, Chen Xi still felt an unspeakable pressure.

This is the coercion caused by the gap in realm, and it is difficult for Chen Xi to completely dissolve this oppressive force.

It is conceivable that once the war starts, what terrifying power Aluye will display again.

"This seat has just observed that the combat power you have now is enough to compete with the strong of the four-star domain master level in the ancient gods. If you are desperate, you can even compete with the five-star domain master. It is definitely called a battle. It is rare in the world, rare to see, and I am afraid that there will be no one in the world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you."

Aluye chuckled and said in a calm and calm voice, "Unfortunately, even if you are against the sky, in the eyes of this seat, you are nothing more than a chicken and a dog."

When it came to the end, there was a touch of absolute confidence in his expression, majestic and contemptuous, shocking the soul.

"I really didn't expect you to hide so much power, but this battle doesn't necessarily mean who wins."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and his expression became extremely calm. Even though his opponent suddenly became extremely powerful, he was unafraid.

"No, you will definitely lose this time."

Aluye's expression was calm, and he looked like he was sure of winning and ruling the world.


The sky is falling apart, and the ghosts are crying.

Aluye made a bold move, punched out, the holy light surged, and the witch spirit altar trembled. It was too strong, far beyond the comparison of other ancient witch powerhouses.

At this moment, Aluye has a peerless demeanor, confident and arrogant, with just one punch, he has an invincible momentum!

This made Shi Yu's complexion suddenly change, and he was about to suffocate.


Even though Chen Xi tried his best to fight against it, he was sent flying backwards by this punch, almost breaking all his bones.

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others felt chills all over their bodies, as if they had fallen into an ice cave. This...was too terrifying!

"It's too weak, if you have any means, just use it, otherwise your fate will belong to me in a short time."

Aluye smiled warmly, but his eyes were full of holy light, like a star field spinning, with immeasurable power.

When he was speaking, he stepped forward here, and with his fingers like a blade, he flicked lightly.


The void is like a canvas, which is easily torn into powder, and the unparalleled holy light bursts out of it, as if it came across the endless years, breaking the barriers of time and space, unstoppable.


Chen Xi gritted his teeth, the sword talisman glowed, and the purple gold filled the air, as if it was burning. Hundreds of millions of rune patterns condensed and illuminated the nine heavens, exerting the power of the fourth level of the Sword Emperor to the limit.


But in just an instant, he was crushed by this blow, as vulnerable as paper, and Chen Xi was sent flying again as if he had been pushed horizontally by a hundred thousand mountains. He coughed up blood, and his face suddenly turned pale. , The whole body is tumbling endlessly.

too strong!

This is simply absolute crushing!

How is this battle going?

Shi Yu and the others watched until their eyes were tearing apart, and they clenched their fists tightly, wishing they could rush forward and fight side by side with Chen Xi.

"It's still too weak, Chen Xi, what about your prestige just now? Do you dare to challenge me with this little strength?"

Aluye's smile became brighter and brighter. His steps were leisurely, like a stroll in a courtyard, but his voice was full of banter and disdain.


Chen Xi spat out two words lightly from his bleeding lips, his figure flashed, and he took the initiative to kill.


The sword talisman is chanting clearly, wrapped in a purple gold sword light, surging like a river and sea, falling from the sky, intending to destroy the universe and cut off all monsters.


Aluye narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and swiped his palm fiercely.


A lightning-like holy light descended, shattering Chen Xi's attack with a bang, piercing his left shoulder with a bloody hole, almost crippling his left arm!

"Don't worry, take your time, I will let you understand this time, what is the gap, what is life is better than death!"

Aluye paused every word, each word was terrified, shaking the world.


He stepped forward, and the holy light burst out under his feet, turning into holy lotus totems, spreading one by one, imprisoning the universe.

At this moment, Aluye is like a king who came from the sacred, mighty, ruling all the avenues, and cannot be shaken.


At this moment, Chen Xi finally realized the seriousness of the problem, his whole body burst out of breath, his long jet-black hair suddenly turned as snow-white as frost, and his aura was fully twice as strong as before!

Explosive Qi Killing God Art!

At this critical juncture, Chen Xi did not hesitate to use this innate supernatural power inherited from the Yazi clan.


The sword talisman strikes again, and its power has become completely different from before, crushing the universe, smashing ten directions, and shocking ghosts and gods with one sword.


The two fought together and faced off on the Wuling Altar. They were extremely blazing with each other, and the brilliance flooded this place and collapsed the world.

This kind of duel has already surpassed Shi Yu's imaginable acme, and it is no longer a duel in the domain master realm, which is enough to make all the ascetics in the world dumbfounded.


Earth-shattering explosions resounded continuously, the world seemed to be on fire, and divine splendor swept all directions, as if the end was coming.

Seeing this, although it was difficult for Shi Yu and the others to get a glimpse of what was going on, the hearts hanging in their throats were still a little relaxed. At least for now, Chen Xi, who had performed the Qi Explosive Killing God Art, could barely compete with Aluye.

But before they were too happy, Aluye suddenly heard a cold snort from the field, and the next moment——


Suddenly, a holy sword emerged from the heaven and earth, as if it could exterminate all living beings of all ages. The sharp blade of the sword illuminated the years and collapsed the sky, which was too astonishing.

It appeared out of thin air, and it was in the hands of Aluye. Its power alone would almost destroy the sun, the moon, the universe, and cut off the fetters of the ages!


With just one strike, Chen Xi was forced to retreat, the sword in his palm trembled unceasingly, and he coughed up blood continuously from his lips.

A violent, sharp and unparalleled force rushed into his body and raged, almost causing him to become disordered!

"The amazing skill of killing gods with explosive energy, it is really good for me to sacrifice the 'Sword of Ten Thousand Witches'. After depriving you of your fate, I am very happy to practice this skill."

Aluye held the sword, and there was a charming smile on the corner of his lips, which was dazzling, and he looked like he was sure of victory.


Chen Xi spat out those two words again. Although his complexion was pale, his brows were still full of stubbornness and firmness, showing no fear at all.

Those few words made Aluye's eyelids twitch imperceptibly. He didn't say any more, held the holy sword of all witches, stepped on the holy lotus totem, and pointed the sword directly at Chen Xi!

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