divine talisman

Chapter 1960 Turning the world upside down

The "stupid" in the last chapter should actually be "idiot". The emotion I wrote when typing was too hot, and I used a "stupid" all of a sudden...



After mastering the Holy Sword of All Witches, Aluye's power became stronger and stronger, as if he was truly invincible, crushing everything.

And Chen Xi's slight advantage gained by exercising the explosive qi killing god art, also disappeared.

He was constantly repulsed and sent flying, like an ant that could only be ravaged, coughing up blood, unable to struggle, his whole body was drenched in blood.

Shi Yu and the others couldn't bear to witness that miserable appearance, and their hearts were extremely anxious and aggrieved.

Aluye is too powerful. He originally possessed the power comparable to that of the Nine Star Territory Lord, but now he has sacrificed a mighty and unpredictable Myriad Witch Sword. Such terrifying power makes people despair.

However, even so, Chen Xi didn't seem to feel the pain and frustration at all, and every time he was defeated, he stood up resolutely again, fighting to the death.

He seemed to have forgotten life and death, and Shi Yu and the others felt distressed and resentful at the same time, and their emotions were complicated to the extreme.

As the battle continued, even Aluye couldn't help feeling a little surprised. Chen Xi's will to fight was too strong, as if he couldn't be crushed.

But immediately, Aluye smiled and ignored it.

It's just that the more Chen Xi is like this, the more ruthless aura in his heart is aroused. He wants to destroy Chen Xi's will in one fell swoop, completely trample Chen Xi's dignity under his feet, make him completely collapse, degenerate, and become prostrate at his feet. lowly prey!




Under Aluye's absolute crushing, Chen Xi was defeated again and again, blood stained the void, scarred, and there was no trace of intact skin all over his body.

If this situation continues, even if Chen Xi does not die, he will be completely crippled!

How to do?

Shi Yu and the others' minds were blank, and they were at a loss.

No one expected that Chen Xi, who had won one victory after another, would be crushed by Aluye with an absolute attitude in this final battle. This gap was too great for people to bear.


"This seat wants to see how long you can struggle."

"See, this is the gap between you and me, so what if you have a river map? Even if the Taoist master comes, he will definitely die today!"

"Give up, this is the abyss of forbidden robbery, the territory of my ancient witch lineage, under the control of this seat, no one can survive, and you are no exception."

"Still struggling? You have backbone, but I like people like you the most, because only in this way will I have a little sense of accomplishment after depriving you of your destiny."

As the battle continued, Aluye continued to speak out, ridiculing and ridiculing Chen Xi, and his words were as humiliating as possible.

These words fell into Shi Yu's ears, and they were so angry that they were about to blow up, and they couldn't help but curse at Aluye.

But regarding all of this, Aluye turned a deaf ear to it, and fixed his eyes on Chen Xi, as if killing Chen Xi was the only thing that could arouse his interest at this moment.

The battle is brutal!

From the very beginning, this battle was destined to be an absolutely unfair duel, and the difference in combat strength between the two was too great.

Until now, Chen Xi's face was covered with blood stains, his image was terrifying, except for his pair of eyes which were still firm and stubborn, never wavering.

For no reason, Shi Yu and the others felt grief from the bottom of their hearts, feeling a kind of tragic and inexplicable emotion, and they wanted to go mad with hatred.


Why is this happening?

Could it be that this time... is Chen Xi really going to be robbed?

Shi Yu and the others were at a loss, it was the first time they felt a kind of helplessness and despair, and it was the first time they hated to such an extent that they were at a loss and at a loss!

This hatred is comparable to monstrous!

In the arena, Aluye's mocking voices sounded from time to time, piercing into Shi Yu's and the others' hearts like sharp thorns, and their hearts were about to shatter.

But they didn't know, and at this moment, Aluye felt a little annoyed.

He also did not expect that under his absolute crushing, Chen Xi was clearly wounded and dying, but he was able to persist until now. This was like a miracle.

But unfortunately, Aluye couldn't kill him at this time.

It wasn't for playing with Chen Xi, but because if he wanted to deprive Chen Xi of his complete destiny, he had to break Chen Xi's Dao Heart defense line, destroy his will, obliterate his dignity, and turn him into a complete waste.

This is the only way, as long as it can be done, Chen Xi can be successfully deprived of his essence, qi, spirit, divine way principles, and all the power he has mastered!

This is called deprivation of fate.

But it is obvious that at this moment Chen Xi's will has not been broken, his dignity has not collapsed, and his Dao Heart line of defense has not even been shaken!

This made Aluye couldn't help frowning, feeling a little troublesome, and a touch of anger couldn't be restrained in his heart.

Just an ant from the ancient God Realm, even if he became the ninth Hetu Enlightener in this era, he is a veritable Era Respondent, but he is too weak after all!

Such a guy, under his absolute crushing, was able to persist until now, how could Aluye accept this?


Almost without hesitation, Aluye became ruthless, and his fighting methods became more and more ruthless, constantly torturing Chen Xi.


It's just too despicable!

Shi Yu and the others were already trembling with anger, they could kill people without nodding their heads, but this Aluye kept torturing and humiliating Chen Xi with an incomparably despicable method, this is simply unforgivable!

But how could Aluye care about their feelings, his heart was already burning with anger, and he frantically attacked Chen Xi.

Until later, Chen Xi's whole body was in a bloody and fragmented state, which was so miserable that no one dared to witness it.


Suddenly, Canaan seemed to notice something, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Different from Shi Yu and the others, when the battle continued, Canaan tried his best to keep calm and paid close attention to everything about Chen Xi.

He seemed to find something, but unfortunately he found nothing, which made him feel a sense of despair and a little bit at a loss.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Chen Xi's state!

Under normal circumstances, if it were any Domain Master Realm existence, after being suppressed like this, I am afraid that it would have been unable to bear it.

But unfortunately, Chen Xi persisted. On the one hand, it was indeed because of his incomparable fighting will, but on the other hand, it was the support from an invisible force!

This force cannot be seen, touched, and its specific shape cannot be felt, but Canaan is very sure that it exists!

Not only that, it was brewing in Chen Xi's body, constantly gathering and growing...

It seemed that every time Chen Xi fell, it would make it stronger, and it was precisely because of the existence of this force that Chen Xi was able to stand up again and again even if he was defeated every time!

What power is this?

Canaan was surprised, unable to see, touch, or feel, it was too illusory.

Even he was a little uncertain, because he deduced it through some clues, not really perceived it.

What exactly is this?

All of a sudden, Canaan's mind was attracted to him.

The battle is still going on.

Although Chen Xi was defeated time and time again, and his appearance became more miserable each time, he still never showed any signs of being defeated and giving up.

This made the irritability in Aluye's heart more and more intense, and there was a hint of sternness on his originally calm and calm face.


Soon, Aluye seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly calmed down completely from the irritability.

He stopped his hands abruptly, with a terrifying holy light flashing in his eyes, he locked onto Chen Xi coldly, and examined him carefully, as if he wanted to spy on something.

This sudden change made Chen Xi, Shi Yu and the others all startled, what is this guy going to do?

Especially Canaan, he couldn't help but thump in his heart. Could it be that this guy also noticed something?


Although Aluye failed to notice anything in the end, an inexplicable sense of unreliability welled up in his heart, as if some astonishing change would happen to Chen Xi in a short time.

He took a deep breath, and the holy sword of ten thousand witches in his palm was shining brightly, with extreme power and power, disturbing the situation in all directions.

"It seems that we can only kill this damn thing first, and then deprive him of his fate. Although we can't gain complete power, it's better than an accident..."

His intuition told Aluye that if he did not kill Chen Xi, there would definitely be unpredictable changes, so he hardly hesitated, and brazenly used the killer!


The holy sword of all witches soared into the air, and ancient and mysterious totems appeared on the sword body. The holy light was dense, and the world was dyed with a layer of sacred light.

A sword cut out!

Time and space exploded, and everything collapsed. The power of this sword was so powerful and dazzling that Shi Yu and the others outside the battlefield froze all over, their blood seemed to be frozen, and their souls were dying, and they were about to suffocate.


This guy obviously wanted to kill Chen Xi with this blow!

All of a sudden, Shi Yu's complexion changed suddenly, and they could no longer suppress the worries in their hearts, and rushed towards the altar crazily.

At this moment, Chen Xi stood still on the spot, his body was drenched in blood, his body was damaged, as if he was also shocked by this blow, and stopped moving.

It's just that his eyes were still bright and firm, looking at the sword that struck.

As if... waiting to die?

Or, he knew that he was powerless to stop him, so he gave up struggling?

Aluye didn't know, but none of this affected his determination to kill Chen Xi. After the sword was struck, there was no possibility of taking it back.


Seeing that this strike contained endless murderous intent, the extremely terrifying sword energy would cover Chen Xi's body.

Seeing Shi Yu and the others frantically rushing towards the altar of witch spirits.

Seeing that Aluye had already shown a sneer of victory


Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, and countless grotesque images flashed before Chen Xi's eyes, and his eyes suddenly became indifferent, cold, without any fluctuations.

Almost at the same time, an ancient classic was quietly opened in front of him.

It's like turning a page of the era.

It's like starting a cycle. <b

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