divine talisman

Chapter 1961 Nether Twilight

The classics are like books polished from jade, clear and clean, square and upright, filled with an indescribably solemn, ancient, and cold atmosphere.

And on the surface of the classic, there are three large characters with iron and silver hooks imprinted on it——Youminglu!


At this moment, the Nether Record suddenly opened, and the world spun, like turning over a page of era, like opening a reincarnation!

The first thing that appeared was a blazing, blood-like flower of flames, covering the void, swaying and vivid, bright red and translucent, revealing an indescribable soul-stirring force.

The sea of ​​flowers on the other side!

Bianhua, also known as Manzhushahua, the flower of hell, is one of the most supreme laws in the nether world.

At this moment, the other shore flowers bloomed in the sky and the earth, red like a sea of ​​blood, as if the gate of hell had been opened, the scene was horrifying.

Aluye's slashing sword was terrifying, but as soon as it touched the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, it disappeared instantly like snow melting into water, without causing any ripples!

All this sounds slow, but in fact it was all completed in an instant. No one thought that such a shocking phenomenon would happen at this extremely critical juncture.

A fiery blood-colored flower unexpectedly neutralized Aluye's killing blow without a sound!


Aluye's complexion changed slightly, and there was a rare throbbing in his pupils, the meaning of the other side - the road of fire!


Shi Yu and the others stopped abruptly. They originally wanted to rush up to the Wuling Altar to rescue Chen Xi, but who would have thought that such a reversal would happen at such a critical moment.

what is that?

The power from the other side?

Shi Yu and the others were terrified and froze in place.

"The other shore is reflected, reincarnation can be expected!"

Canaan's heart was agitated, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. At this moment, the prophecy left by the Buddha seemed to echo in his ears again - the end of the Dharma is coming to the abyss, and the karma of reincarnation is revealed!

There was silence in the field, and the sky and the earth were illuminated by the flowers from the other shore, dyed a bright red color, and filled with a heart-pounding picture.

At this moment, Chen Xi was drenched in blood, and his body seemed to be torn apart, but his eyes were still bright, indifferent, and cold, as if he had become another person.

In front of him, the Nether Record shone brightly, solemnly and coldly, exuding an aura of obscurity and unfathomable ghosts and gods. Against this background, Chen Xi's whole demeanor changed completely, and he had a majestic aura that reached people's hearts.

It seems that he has completely lost his emotions, and has turned into a supreme god who controls the darkness, standing proudly at the end of the years, looking down on the world.


Aluye's heart was shaken, the accident he didn't want to see happened unexpectedly!

He didn't have time to regret it, almost subconsciously, he held the holy sword of all witches, released hundreds of millions of holy lights from his body, shouted loudly, and slashed away again.


At this moment, around the holy sword of all witches, tall and ancient phantoms appeared, like great witches who came from the last era to reach the sky!

They recited obscure witch spells, resounding through the heavens and the earth, with immeasurable divine power, all gathered in this sword.


The ground of the witch spirit altar seemed to be unbearable, it began to crack, and the void shook, all of which were washed away by the vast sword intent and collapsed.

The power of this sword was three points more terrifying than just now, causing Shi Yu and the others outside the altar to feel their scalps go numb for a while, their faces turned pale instantly, and there was an uncontrollable panic, and they wanted to turn around and run away.


Aluye yelled loudly, with a disdainful demeanor, immeasurably arrogant, as if he wanted to use this sword to split a new world alive.

But no one knew that at this moment, there was actually a throbbing in Aluye's heart that could not be shaken off.


Chen Xi still stood on the spot without moving, as if he was oblivious to everything around him, except for his eyes that were indifferently looking at Aluye in the distance.

And when Aluye unleashed this sword, the Nether Record in front of Chen Xi also turned a page again.

In an instant, the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore disappeared and was replaced by a mighty, seemingly endless, turbid sea.

The sea is vast, filled with the power of sinking, as if there are countless gods and demons shouting in the sea, countless sages are screaming, they are suppressed by eternity, unable to escape.

Sink into the sea of ​​bitterness!

The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, if you turn your head and keep going, once you fall into it, you will be doomed forever!

This is the second supreme avenue that exists in the Netherworld——Sinking!


A shocking scene appeared, the sword that Aluye slashed, originally there were many stalwart figures around him, but as soon as he entered this sea of ​​bitterness, he was severely suppressed by an invisible force, and completely sank into the sea of ​​bitterness deep!

They struggled and roared, but in the end it was of no avail!

And the power that Aluye's sword was filled with was almost collapsed by the sea of ​​bitterness in the blink of an eye, and dissolved invisibly.

Even, if he hadn't evaded in time, Aluye's whole body would have been almost trapped in that vast sea of ​​suffering!

This is incredible.

It was obvious that Chen Xi had just advanced to the Domain Master Realm not long ago, and Aluye already possessed the power not weaker than that of the Nine Star Domain Master. Before that, he had even killed Chen Xi with an absolutely crushing attitude, and was almost robbed and killed.

But now, the situation has suddenly reversed!

Aluye's attack was even more terrifying than before, and he even launched a murderous plan without reservation, but he hit a wall again and again, not only could not hurt Chen Xi, but almost caused him to be affected as well!

If all this hadn't happened in front of our eyes, Shi Yu and the others almost couldn't believe it.

But soon, they judged that all these changes came from the tome floating in front of Chen Xi.

Nether Records!

This is the treasure left by the third Nether Emperor!

It is showing its power at this moment, does it indicate something?


Aluye's voice seemed to be squeezed out of his chest, full of shock and anger, as if he couldn't believe it, but also as if he was extremely jealous.

Compared with the calm and unhurried appearance before, Aluye is acting extremely abnormal at this moment, restless, frightened and angry, as if he is afraid of something.


Almost without hesitation, Aluye attacked again.

At this moment, his whole body seemed to be on fire, the holy light soared into the sky, and his whole body seemed to be transformed into a sacred person, with a kind of great majesty.

And the Holy Sword of Myriad Witches in his palm emitted ear-piercing buzzing sounds, shaking the heavens, and its power had been urged to the extreme.

Yes, at this moment, Aluye had no reservations and tried his best to use all his strength in this blow!


The sky is falling.


ground fissure.


What this sword passed through seemed to break through the infinite time and space, passing through the years, with an epic glory.

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others suspected that the real doomsday was coming, and everything seemed to be submerged in a catastrophe, completely turning into nothingness.


Suddenly, a twilight light emerged, spreading continuously, dyeing the universe, turning everything into a tragic twilight.

And the Nether Record in front of Chen Xi was like a bloody sun at dusk, permeating the dusk, causing time and space, dust, light... everything to fall into twilight.

At this moment, Chen Xi was covered in blood and broken, but his whole body was shrouded in an incomparably thick twilight aura. He stood in the twilight, with the twilight as his crown, and his brows were solemn and indifferent.

The twilight light seemed to tear apart the eternal night and the light, dyeing everything into a twilight, majestic, majestic, and desolate.



This power is more than just terrifying. It seems to be able to end time, end the universe, and make all power and life fall into a kind of judgment.

After dusk, there is eternal silence, eternal darkness, opening up a new era for the dawn of the next moment!


A loud explosion resounded, and the holy sword of all witches in Aluye's hand was shattered inch by inch as soon as it was stained with the color of twilight, completely turning into nothingness.


And Aluye's whole body, as if struck by lightning, flew upside down, coughing up blood from his lips, with a look of shock on his face.

His full blow, in this twilight, was ruthlessly crushed again!

This is the finishing power.

It is also the core of reincarnation. As early as the ancient times of the Three Realms, this kind of taboo power has caused countless bloodbaths, which made the big figures in the heavens angry, and finally ended with the suppression of the third Nether Emperor.

Since then, this kind of taboo power has been annihilated in the endless years, and has never appeared in this world, but who would have thought that at this moment, Ragnarok appeared again!

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others were all stunned, and their hearts were overwhelmed by shock.

Canaan's lips trembled slightly, and he murmured a sentence repeatedly: "Kamma is born, reincarnation is now, it is really going to be fulfilled, it has been fulfilled..."

"Impossible! This is impossible! The end of the Dharma is approaching, and reincarnation has long since ceased to exist. You, you, you... absolutely cannot control the power of reincarnation!"

Aluye yelled, piercing his heart, his face was distorted, his hair was disheveled, and his voice was full of horror and hatred. At this moment, he looked like he was crazy and couldn't accept what he saw.

But no matter how angry he was, he didn't seem to dare to get close, and he didn't dare to break into that twilight, as if there was a danger in that twilight that was enough to make him feel fatal.

But even though Aluye no longer attacked, Nether Record was still changing, and it kept showing all kinds of strange phenomena.

The road of fire that blooms like blood, the boundless and vast sea of ​​turbidity, the well-ordered Six Daosi, the Senluo Temple that adjudicates good and evil, and the bloody sea of ​​​​eighteen layers of hell with endless sins...

So thrilling.

So shocking!

In the end, the Nether Record turned to the last page.


On the last page, it was blank, and it looked extremely abrupt and empty, which made people feel at a loss.


What does this mean?

"Hahaha, what about reincarnation? Reincarnation is long gone! Without reincarnation, all struggles would be in vain!"

Seeing this scene, Aluye, who was originally looking crazy, was stunned, and then suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a loud laugh, as if he was relieved, and the fear in his heart was swept away.

The gaze he looked at Chen Xi became cold and cruel again.


Shi Yu and the others were stunned, and secretly groaned in their hearts.

Canaan was startled, deducing crazily in his heart, how could this happen?

And at this moment, Chen Xi, who had been standing motionless all this time, seemed to wake up from the silence. He stretched out his right arm, and at some point in his palm, there was a black and cold pen with an obscure luster.

The tip of the pen lightly landed on the blank space of the last page of the Nether Record.

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