divine talisman

Chapter 1962 Appearance of Wheel Chapter

Evil-killing pen!

The pen is as sharp as a blade, glowing with illusory light.

When he touched the blank space on the last page of the Nether Record, an indescribable force suddenly blurred from the pen.

A stroke splashed down, imprinted on the blank page like lightning, releasing a unique breath.

This stroke, like a key, opened the door of reincarnation!

In an instant, the entire Wuling altar fell into a kind of silence, an indescribably solemn and majestic atmosphere.

Heaven and Earth lost their voices.

Time and space freeze.

Everything seemed to stand still at this moment.

Aluye's laughter also stopped abruptly, and he was like a bound puppet, sluggish in place, his pupils dilated, his face stiff, and his brows and eyes were filled with horror.

He wanted to speak, but couldn't open his lips.

He wanted to struggle, but found that all the power in his body was imprisoned by a mysterious field, and he couldn't even lift his fingers.

Even the mind is under shackles, unable to rush out!

At this moment, Aluye could only look at the distance, and could no longer control himself, as if his fate was no longer under his control!

A great terror suddenly appeared in his heart, sweeping through his whole body like a cold current, making his blood seem to be frozen, and he fell into an indescribable panic.

"This is... this is... impossible... this is impossible!!"

Aluye roared inwardly, like a prisoner on the brink of death, crying out in despair in the boundless abyss, revealing endless fear and unwillingness.


Shi Yu and the others were also stunned, as if they had lost their souls. After reaching their level, they could no longer be happy with things or sad with themselves.

But now...

But they were firmly occupied by a touch of shock.

They couldn't explain why, but they just felt that this world was about to undergo a shocking change in Chen Xi's hands!

This kind of shocking change is something they have never experienced after practicing!

"It's coming, it's finally going to be fulfilled... Many eras have passed, endless years have passed... It's finally going to be reflected in the world... Nine, it really is the end of the number... The Buddha is sincere..."

Canaan's expression was either happy or sad, sad or sad, extremely strange, he muttered in his lips, even he himself didn't know what he was talking about.


In all this stillness and all the silent atmosphere, only Chen Xi was moving. The evil pen in his palm seemed to be held by the hand of the gods, marking one trace after another on the blank space of the last page of the Nether Record. .

Those traces are clean and ordinary, but like flowing clouds and flowing water, with a unique and supreme aura, unlike what the world can have.

When they appeared on the blank pages one by one, visions began to appear one by one.There is the road of fire, there is sinking into the sea of ​​suffering, there is the end of dusk, there is the six divisions of Senluo, there are eighteen levels of hell, there is the road of no return to the underworld, and there is the palace of Meng Po's ruling...

These visions are constantly overlapping and merging, converging in the blank space of that page, condensing in the strokes written by the Xie Xie pen.

And with all this going on, the atmosphere in this world became more and more silent and solemn, giving people an endless shock to the soul.


At this moment, no one can move again, Shi Yu and the others can't, Canaan can't, and Aluye, whose strength is comparable to the Nine Star Territory Master, can't.

Even if anyone is here, I'm afraid they won't be able to do anything.

What kind of atmosphere is this?

No one dares to desecrate the great majesty in the great terror, the majesty in the great majesty, and it has never been seen before!


Suddenly, Chen Xi paused the evil pen in his hand, and withdrew it from the last page of the Nether Record. At the same moment, a wave of strange and mysterious power spread out.

In an instant-


The eternity, the change of all things, the past and the present... everything seems to be in a state of reshaping, evolution, and transformation.

That feeling is like standing at the end of the years, looking down at the stars and the moon, and the river going east!

"Reincarnation! How did the damned reincarnation appear! Why! Why!"

At this moment, I don't know where the strength came from, and Aluye uttered a loud cry of extreme anger and fear.

But in just a split second, his whole body changed, as if he had fallen into a cycle of reincarnation. The skin around him, his vigor, and even his strength were all decreasing rapidly!

It seems that the years he has experienced are all being reversed, the power he has mastered is all going back, and the life he possesses is like returning to the source...

In just a few breaths, Aluye's whole body has turned into a childlike child, his face is full of bewilderment.

His experience is gone, his power is gone, and his memory has returned to a long, long time ago...

At this moment, he is just a naive child, he can no longer remember everything in front of him, and he feels a kind of bewilderment, a kind of blankness from the inside out!

How terrifying is this, even though the enemy is in front of him, he has forgotten everything and returned to his childhood. He obviously has the power comparable to that of the Nine Star Territory Master, but now all his strength has been lost and he has become extremely weak.

His honor, memory, experience, and even the secret hidden in the deepest part of his heart were all wiped out in this shocking change!

And how sad is all this?

I haven't achieved my wish yet, but the turning head has turned into nothingness!

This is simply more cruel than killing a person. At least, the dead person knows who the enemy is before he dies, and he still has unwillingness, resentment, and concern.

But now, everything seems to have been evaporated!

This is not time reversal, because time does not take away memories and experiences.

This is not the road to Nirvana to reshape oneself, because before Nirvana, memories and experiences have long been sealed and preserved.

This is--


A supreme path constructed by the three supreme avenues of the other side, sinking, and ending, a taboo power that makes all gods and Buddhas fearful!

Since the boundless years, there have been too many rumors about reincarnation, but how many people have actually seen reincarnation?

Almost impossible to find.

Shi Yu and the others have never seen it before, but at this moment they are sure that it is the power of reincarnation!The changes that are happening to Aluye are the traces left by reincarnation!

How many years have passed, how many rumors have continued from generation to generation, and at this moment, reincarnation finally appeared in the world!

The shock caused by all this has already made Shi Yu and the others completely lost their minds, and their minds went blank.



It turned out to really exist...


Outside the Wu Ling War, above the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss, the sky suddenly shattered, collapsed, the avenue collapsed, and order did not exist.

The sea of ​​flames and fallen stars that originally fell from the sky seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand at this moment, smashed into powder, and turned into nothingness.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this place has turned into chaos!



At this moment, in every area of ​​the entire chaotic ruins, there are horrible visions of the changing of the years, the rise and fall of all things, the changing of the universe, and the changing of the world.

Under the spread of these visions, everything became blurred and distorted.



In the depths of the abyss of forbidden calamity, the gate of the end of law, which was covered by countless bones, began to tremble violently at this moment.

Those white skeletons seemed to have lost all their strength, and fell from the gate of the end of the law one after another, and fell to the ground with a rustle.

In the end, the true appearance of the Gate of Doom was revealed.


Outside the chaotic ruins.

In the boundless star field, the head of the Taoist school, Liu Shenji, who was meditating, was startled, and suddenly opened his eyes, the universe swirled in his eyes, deep and boundless, glowing with a terrifying light, as if he could spy on the nine heavens and ten heavens. the mysteries of the earth.

Almost immediately after Liu Shenji opened his eyes, five Taoist priests, including Taoist Caiya Taoist, Mr. Wu Xuechan of Shenyan Mountain, Taoist Xueling of Nuwa Palace, Taoist Master Xutuo of Taishangjiao, and Taoist Master Xuanming of the Shenyuan The big man in the Taoist Realm suddenly opened his eyes.

They have been meditating here for several years, and when they arrive in ten years, they will join hands to open up a path to the chaotic ruins again, and take those disciples back.

But at this time, the ten-year period has not yet come, but they all noticed something, and woke up from meditation, which seemed quite unusual.

"A surprise has happened!"

"What exactly is it?"

"I'm restless, I'm on a whim... How many years have passed, I thought I would never encounter such a situation again."

"Is a blessing or a curse?"

Wu Xuechan and the others were all silent, and they tried their best to deduce it in their hearts, but to their surprise, the content of the deduction was blurred and chaotic, and they couldn't find any clues at all.

This made them look more serious, and even a little dignified. It is extremely rare for people like them to pry into a secret that is difficult for them!

"Could it be that the real mystery of the ultimate path has emerged?"

Caiya Daoist guessed.

The eyelids of the others also twitched slightly. If this is the case, then it is not a bad thing.

"There's no need to speculate, there are too many variables involved in this event, I'm afraid that from now on, there will be major changes in this ancient god domain..."

Liu Shenji stood up, stared at the chaotic star field in the distance for a long time, and finally sighed.

He seemed to have noticed something, and he didn't seem to be sure, there was a secretive taste in his voice.

Liu Shenji is a supreme existence who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, the Lord of Nuwa Palace, the Supreme Leader, and the dean of the temple. Even he said so, causing Wu Xuechan and the others to fall into silence again. Thoughtful.

"When those little dolls return, perhaps...the truth will be revealed!"

After Liu Shenji said these words, he sat cross-legged in the starry sky again, and entered the state of meditation.

Wu Xuechan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, but their emotions were hard to calm down for a long time, each of them was trying to figure out the meaning of Liu Shenji's words just now.

There are too many variables involved in this scene?

What did that catastrophe refer to?


At this moment, far away in the Ancient God Realm, on the Mountain of Conferred Gods, there is also a change happening!

The List of Conferred Gods, which was forever shrouded in the chaos of the sky, suddenly let out a shocking hum, reflected in the sky, releasing immeasurable brilliant splendor, as if enraged by some kind of power, which lasted for a long time.

This scene immediately startled the stalwart figures who had been sitting cross-legged around the Conferred God Altar.

It made them wake up from meditation one after another, and suddenly looked at the list of gods.

In the end, the same idea emerged in the minds of these stalwart figures—a big change is coming!

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