divine talisman

Chapter 1963 Chen Xi's Abnormality

Witch Spirit Battlefield.

Reincarnation circulates, and many visions are reflected, shocking the audience.

At this time, Aluye had turned into a childish child, standing on the spot in a daze, and all his cultivation had been lost.

At this moment, he seemed so innocent, ignorant, and at a loss, but in the eyes of Shi Yu and the others, he showed no mercy.

On the contrary, they all have a sense of pleasure in getting revenge!

Of course, what shocked Shi Yu and the others the most was the method Chen Xi used, which made them finally realize the horror of the power of reincarnation.

In the blink of an eye, without a sound, all the memories, experiences, and powers of a terrifying existence comparable to the Nine Star Territory Lord were deprived, and he became a child with no power to restrain a chicken!

For any cultivator, who would be willing to be reduced to such a situation?

The former glory, status, strength, experience, path...all vanished into nothingness, this is...more unacceptable than death!

What shocked Shi Yu and the others was that the power of reincarnation was still pervading Aluye, constantly changing everything about him.

In the end, Aluye's whole body turned into a drop of blood!

A drop of dark golden blood filled with the spirit of a holy witch!

This is too surprising. Who would have thought that such a terrifying existence as Aluye would be condensed from a drop of blood?

The most important thing is, who did this drop of dark golden blood come from?

Shi Yu and the others were horrified, and suddenly remembered that Canaan had said before that this Aluye came from the lineage of the holy witches of the last era, and he was the descendant of the only king who ruled the holy witches, with an extremely noble status.

And doesn't this mean that the drop of dark golden blood in front of him came from the mysterious and unfathomable king of holy witches?

Thinking of this, Shi Yu and the others couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts. A single drop of blood can condense into a terrifying existence comparable to the Lord of the Nine Stars Region. How terrifying should the strength of the King of Holy Witches be?

And if Aluye can survive the destruction of the last era, doesn't this mean that the mysterious king of holy witches is also very likely to survive?

Maybe even dormant in this chaotic ruin?

The more they thought about it, the more Shi Yu and the others became more suspicious and uncertain. Invisibly, it diluted the shock of the power of reincarnation in their hearts.

Chi Chi!

At this moment, that drop of dark golden blood also disappeared, turned into nothingness, and disappeared completely.

In other words, after being affected by the power of reincarnation, Aluye completely disappeared at this moment, and all traces disappeared.

Seeing this, Shi Yu and the others immediately noticed that the power of reincarnation permeating this world was suddenly disappearing.

And they also regained their freedom at this moment, no longer being frozen there like puppets like before.

This made them all heave a long sigh of relief, and without thinking about other things, they all turned their eyes to Chen Xi who was on the Wuling altar.

At this moment, Chen Xi was still covered in blood as before, his body was almost torn apart, his face was covered with blood stains, only his eyes became more and more indifferent and cold.

He holds the Xie Xie Pen in one hand and the Nether Record in the other, as if standing in the long river of time, looking down at the ups and downs of the world, and the birth and death of all things.

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others felt a sense of strangeness in their hearts for no reason, as if the Chen Xi in front of them had become different from what they were familiar with, making it difficult for them to treat him like before, even in their hearts. With a touch of awe and fear-like complex emotions.

Is Chen Xi who has controlled reincarnation the same Chen Xi from before?


Before Shi Yu and the others came back to their senses, an explosion resounded, and on the other side of the Wuling altar, the other ancient witches who were seriously injured died suddenly one by one at this moment, and finally turned into nothingness !


Shi Yu and the others were stunned.

"When I captured them before, I left a trace of finishing power in them."

At this time, Chen Xi who was on the altar of Wu Ling suddenly spoke, his voice was emotionless, and this was also the first time he made a sound after killing Aluye.

The content of the words explained very well the reasons for the sudden deaths of those ancient witch powerhouses, so that Shi Yu and the others couldn't help but secretly admire Chen Xi's sophistication in their hearts. Going to let those guys go!

At the same time, Shi Yu and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Chen Xi's voice, as if they had found the familiar Chen Xi again.

They didn't want Chen Xi to become a complete stranger just because of one reincarnation.


Soon, the entire Wuling Battlefield shook, like cracked glass, shattered inch by inch, and suddenly turned into powder.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xi and the others reappeared in the depths of the forbidden abyss.

This also proved from the side what Aluye said before. In the witch spirit battle environment, the two sides of the confrontation did score life and death, and they were able to escape from it.



Those powerful ancient witches are all put to death!

They had been planning for too long, formulated a rigorous and perfect action plan, and did not hesitate to use various means to lead Chen Xi and the others into this abyss of forbidden robbery. As a result, it will bring disaster to the world and completely destroy this era.

But before all these plans were carried out to the end, they were already dead, defeated by Chen Xi, defeated by the power of reincarnation!

Shi Yu and the others could even be sure that if it wasn't for Chen Xi's presence this time, Aluye and the others would definitely be able to capture and kill them.

Even, if Chen Xi hadn't used the power of reincarnation at the last critical moment, they would have been wiped out this time as well.

After all, that Aluye is too powerful, comparable to the Nine Star Territory Master, he alone can sweep them all away!

Therefore, it can be said with certainty that the reason why they survived this time is entirely thanks to Chen Xi's power of reincarnation.

At this time, returning to the forbidden abyss, Shi Yu and the others thought of the many dangers they had experienced along the way, and they all felt as if they had passed away.

But soon, their eyes were all attracted by the gate of the end of law that was one hundred thousand feet high in the distance.

At some point, the piles of bones accumulated on the surface of the Gate of Doom had already fallen to the ground and turned into a sea of ​​bones again.

And for the first time, the Gate of Law revealed its true face!

The pitch-black surface, like the chaotic stones from ancient times, is filled with a vast, ancient, and icy atmosphere.

On the surface of the portal, wisps of gray electric arcs were steaming, continuously flowing, steaming surging, flickering endlessly, releasing a terrifying aura that made the scalp tingle.

Doomsday tribulation thunder!

Almost without guessing, a word came to Shi Yu's mind, the dense gray arcs were all transformed by the power of the final law!

If you look closely, it's a blur, and you can't see what's going on, because the gray arcs are constantly flickering, covering the door of the magic, and people can't help but feel a stinging feeling when they look at it.

Shi Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Those damned heretics, all they did was to open this door of the end of the law, release the disaster in it, and bring disaster to the whole world. Unfortunately, they can no longer achieve this goal. .”

again and again!again and again!

At this moment, Shi Yu suddenly noticed that at some point, Chen Xi was actually stepping towards the gate of the end of law in the distance, and his footsteps stepped in the void, making a dull sound, which made Shi Yu suddenly There was a shock.

"What is this guy going to do?"

Shi Yu's face changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to call out to Chen Xi, but was stopped by Canaan who had already noticed this scene.

"Don't stop him."

Canaan's expression at this moment seemed a little strange, his eyes fixed on Chen Xi like lightning, as if he was waiting for something.

"Why? If Chen Xi opens the door to the end of the law, wouldn't it be completely over?"

Shi Yu frowned, anxious in his heart, and had a bad premonition.

Ever since Chen Xi exerted the power of reincarnation, he has noticed that Chen Xi seems to have become another person, and seeing Chen Xi approaching the gate of doom in the distance without saying a word at this time, it made him feel even more excited. Suddenly, he realized an extremely serious problem.

Before, that Aluye had said that looking at the entire world, only Chen Xi could open this door to the end of Dharma.

Because he carries the river map in his body, he is the ninth person who has realized the Tao of the river map in this era, and he is also a veritable era responder!

In the past eight epochs, it was precisely because people like Chen Xi opened the door to the end of the law time and time again, that caused those eight epochs to be destroyed time and time again.

And all of this is the reason why Aluye and the others resolutely chose to take action at this time after forbearance for so long.

Aluye wants to deprive Chen Xi of his fate, wants to replace Chen Xi as the Era Respondent, and opens this door to the end of Dharma!

It was precisely based on this kind of cognition that Shi Yu had such a big reaction at this moment when he saw Chen Xi approaching the gate of the end of law step by step.

He suspected that Chen Xi might have been blinded to his consciousness long ago, and his body had been completely controlled by a strange force, trying to open that door of doom.

"Don't forget, the rumors about this gate of the end of law, in addition to bringing disasters of the end of the world, are very likely to hide the real mystery about the ultimate path!"

Canaan's words made Shi Yu stunned.

Even Qin Xinhui, who was next to her, remembered this rumor as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"So, Chen Xi intends to find the real mystery of the ultimate path?"

Shi Yu was still worried, "But in this way, it is tantamount to indirectly causing the disaster of the end of the Dharma. This... what should I do?"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Canaan: "Are you sure nothing will happen?"

Canaan pondered for a long time before saying, "Do you know which era we are in?"


Shi Yu said without hesitation, he didn't know it before, but after listening to Aluye's words, he now understands that before this era, there are still eight eras before the world has been destroyed.

"Then do you know that Chen Xi is the first person in this era to realize Taoism in the River Map?"

Canaan continued to ask.


Shi Yu still said without thinking.

"Nine is the ultimate number."

Canaan spit out a few words from his lips, and the words seemed very inexplicable.

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