divine talisman

Chapter 1964 Strange Dao Mark

Nine, the ultimate number?

Shi Yu was startled, and then almost cursed, what the hell reason is this?

But when he saw Canaan's serious face, it didn't look like he was joking, so he finally held back and didn't dwell on this topic any more.

"Then what should we do? Should we go there with Chen Xi, or leave now?"

Qin Xinhui on one side asked.

This is indeed a problem. Now that Aluye and his party have been executed, according to common sense, now is the best time for them to get out of this abyss of forbidden robbery.

But at this time, because of Chen Xi's sudden action, all of this was immediately disrupted, leaving them in a dilemma.

"It's very simple, wait."

When Canaan spoke, he was already sitting cross-legged on the ground, as if planning to wait for a long time.


Shi Yu and Qin Xinhui looked at each other and frowned.

"Now even if Aluye and his party are destroyed, we cannot leave this abyss of forbidden robbery with our strength alone."

Soon, Canaan explained in a deep voice, "And we also can't get close to the gate of the law, and the power in it is not something we can contend with at all."

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others finally understood that if it was true what Canaan said, the only option now is to wait.

At the moment, even if Shi Yu and the others were full of doubts, they could only put it down for the time being, and just stood there like Canaan, and began to wait.

During this process, Shi Yu checked the situation of Kong Youran and the others, seeing that they had begun to repair their injuries bit by bit, he finally felt a lot relieved.

In the Wu Ling battle before, Kong Youran, Ye Chen, Yu Jiuyue, and Zhao Qingyao were defeated and captured one after another, and Shi Yu and the others really broke into a cold sweat.

Now not only are all of them out of trouble, Kong Youran and the four of them have also begun to repair their injuries little by little. This result is already considered very good.

Right now, the only thing Shi Yu and the others are worried about is Chen Xi in the distance.

What is he planning to do when he approaches the door of the end of law?


again and again!again and again!

Chen Xi's pace was neither fast nor slow, he paced the void, his expression was calm, and he couldn't see any emotion fluctuations at all.

Soon, he came to the door of Namo Dharma.

Compared with the one hundred thousand feet tall portal, his whole body is like an ant, which looks extremely small.


The gray Dharma Tribulation Thunder turned into dense electric arcs, continuously flowing on the surface of the Namor Gate, releasing a terrifying aura.

Chen Xi stood there, but he didn't seem to be aware of all these dangers, he just stared quietly, no one knew what was going on in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Xi really looked too abnormal. He was obviously drenched in blood, and his body was almost torn apart, but it seemed like he couldn't attract his attention at all.

His expression was also calm, with an extreme indifference and coldness on his blood-stained cheeks.


Suddenly, the evil-slaying brush emerged from Chen Xi's hand, and with his fingers exerting force, the tip of the brush was like a sky-shattering blade, piercing deeply into the densely packed thunderstorms.

At this moment, Shi Yu and the others who had noticed this scene couldn't help but feel agitated, they were all worried that Chen Xi would be robbed.

After all, it is the final dharma tribulation thunder, how can it be ordinary and comparable?

But what surprised Shi Yu and the others was that those densely packed gray electric arcs transformed by the catastrophe of the end of the Dharma were easily torn open, as easily as tearing a piece of cloth, and did not hurt Chen Xi at all.


Chen Xi continued to move, and the evil-killing pen in his hand was like a sharp blade, cutting through thorns and thorns, tearing apart the Dharma-ending Tribulation Thunder that covered the Gate of Doom, and continuously disintegrating them.

In the end, on the surface of Namo Fa's Gate, an area about three feet wide was exposed.

"That is!?"

Shi Yu and the others were all shocked, and they suddenly saw a strange and incomparably branded line of dao patterns in that three-foot-wide area!

Those dao patterns seemed to be naturally generated, floating on the surface of the gate of the end of the law, showing a gray luster, as if transformed by the energy of chaos, exuding an indescribable breath.

It was a terrifying coercion, like the supreme law that suppressed the heavens and the world, and like the original Dao marks from the origin of chaos, it had a nameless deterrent force.

The moment they saw this strange line of Dao patterns, Shi Yu and the others felt as if they had witnessed the true face of the Dao of Heaven, their Dao heart couldn't help trembling, and there was an uncontrollable awe, and they wanted to kneel down and worship!

This is terrible!

You must know that Shi Yu and the others are now domain masters. Looking at the entire ancient gods, they can be called pinnacle big figures, the overlords of a domain.

But now, just witnessing a line of strange dao patterns, one can't help being in awe, unable to control one's own dao heart, how amazing is this?

"Any power gained to attack me will be destroyed; anyone who violates my will in practice will be condemned!"

"I, supreme, infinite, immeasurable!"

"Therefore, everywhere!"

At this moment, Canaan's clothes were loose, his eyes burst into a frightening luster, he stared at the strange line of Dao, and his lips made a sound.

One word at a time, every word seems to have magical power, shocking the mind, disturbing the world and all things!


Shi Yu and the others seemed to be struck by lightning, their minds went blank, and all their minds were swallowed by a stormy wave.

Is this the will contained in that line of strange dao patterns?

Who is left here?

Any power obtained to attack me will be destroyed...

Anyone who violates my will in practice will be condemned...

How crazy!

Who dares to claim to be supreme, infinite, and immeasurable?

And who dares to claim to be omnipresent?

This is simply comparing yourself to the Dao of Heaven!

It is unimaginable that all these words are like the truth of the Tao, uttered from the mouth of Canaan, containing a kind of magical power that shakes the soul, making Shi Yu and the others completely stunned there, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

I'm afraid that anyone who comes here will not be able to calm down when they hear these words.

Even Canaan himself fell into a kind of extreme panic. He was horrified to find that he didn't recognize those strange Dao patterns at all, but he said it by himself, and even he couldn't stop himself from saying all this...

This is too intrusive!


It was in this extremely shocking and deadly atmosphere that no one noticed that Chen Xi took the evil-killing pen and wiped out that strange line of Dao patterns in one go!

It became blank, and there was no trace of it.

Then, Chen Xi exerted force on his wrist, and turned his pen, unexpectedly writing a line of incomparably strange dao patterns, as if it was formed naturally.


As soon as that line of strange dao patterns was formed, these dao patterns suddenly rolled up and condensed into a vortex, appearing in that blank area.

Then, an irresistible swallowing force was released from the vortex, and in an instant, it actually swallowed Chen Xi's entire body, and disappeared into the gate of Mo Fa, completely disappearing!

At this very moment, Shi Yu and the others woke up from that indescribable shock. When they looked at the Gate of Mo Fa again, they couldn't find any trace of Chen Xi.

Even the blank area has been restored to its original state, covered by a gray arc transformed by the doomsday thunder.

"Just... what happened?"

Shi Yu was at a loss.

"I clearly remember that just now Chen Xi opened up a blank area on the Gate of Mo Dharma, why did he suddenly disappear?"

Qin Xinhui was a little surprised and uncertain.

"He went in..."

Canaan was silent for a long time, took a deep breath, and uttered a few words lightly from his lips, with a rare hint of bewilderment in his voice.

"But I clearly remembered seeing a line of mysterious and strange Dao patterns just now, but why can't I remember any of them now?"

Shi Yu frowned, thinking hard.

"Yes, I saw it too, but...but...I also forgot the meaning of those dao patterns, this..."

Qin Xinhui became more and more suspicious, and she was a little hesitant when she spoke.

"You don't remember either?"

Canaan sighed, looked at the gate of the end of the law in the distance, and murmured, "Our memory, I'm afraid it has been erased without a sound."

Yes, even he also forgot, the words that came out of his mouth just now seemed to have never happened at all.

But Canaan knew that it was not illusory, but the memory of all this in their minds was erased by a mysterious force!

Why is this happening?

At this moment, they all fell into a kind of unspeakable bewilderment and shock. All this is an unexplorable mystery, which makes them feel a deep powerlessness.

"Perhaps, all of that is taboo, and we are the only ones who can spy on it. In the final analysis, our strength is too far behind."

Canaan had regained his composure, and said softly, "There is no need to think about these things now, what is certain is that Chen Xi has already entered the gate of the end of the law, and all we have to do right now is one word—wait!"

Shi Yu and Qin Xinhui were silent, their emotions were extremely complicated, but no matter what, they could only wait in silence as Canaan said.

Waiting for Chen Xi to return from the Gate of Doom...

It's just that what Shi Yu and the others didn't expect was that with the passage of time, after a full year passed, there was no news from Chen Xi at all.

During this year, the Great Abyss of Forbidden Tribulation was silent, without any change, even the one hundred thousand feet high Gate of Doom stood there silently, without any change.

the second year.

Kong Youran and the four of them regained consciousness one after another, but Chen Xi still did not return...

The third year.

Shi Yu and the others could no longer keep silent, because this year was the tenth year after they entered the Chaos Relic!

According to the agreement, the five poles of the imperial domain will join forces again to open up a passage leading to this chaotic ruin in the outside world, and take their descendants back.

But now, there is still no news from Chen Xi...

How could this be?

Could it be that Chen Xi encountered an unpredictable change in the Gate of the Law?

There was a touch of worry in everyone's heart.


A few months later, on this day, a huge gap suddenly opened in the chaotic ruins, and immediately, a blazing and brilliant passage spread out from the crack, spreading continuously...

In the end, this passage came to the sky above the forbidden abyss as if possessing wisdom!

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