divine talisman

Chapter 1965 Blood Shadow Reappears

That channel is like a rainbow bridge, which runs through from outside the Chaotic Remains, across the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss, glowing with illusory and blurred luster.

Undoubtedly, this must be a channel opened up by the joint efforts of the five poles of the Imperial Domain!

"Heirs of all sects obey orders, return quickly now!"

In the tunnel, the majestic voice of Liu Shenji, the head of the Taoist Academy, was conveyed, stirring the world and spreading to the forbidden abyss.



At the bottom of the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss, far away from the [-]-foot-tall Gate of Doom, Kong Youran, Ye Chen, Canaan and the others suddenly looked up, with a hint of excitement in their expressions, can they finally return?

But immediately, their expressions became a little hesitant.

It has been three years since Chen Xi entered the gate of Namo Dharma, but until now there is still no news, and his life and death are unknown.

At such a time, how could Kong Youran and the others leave Chen Xi alone and leave?

"If you guys leave, go now, I'll wait for Chen Xi here."

Shi Yu took a deep breath and said firmly.

He and Chen Xi had a life-long friendship. Since they were in the Three Realms, the two have been best friends. At such a moment, he will never leave alone.

"If it wasn't for Chen Xi this time, I'm afraid I would have been robbed and died long ago, and I don't plan to leave for the time being."

Unexpectedly, following Shi Yu, Zhao Qingyao was the first to express her attitude.

"There are too many variables involved this time, and life and death are irrelevant. I only hope to witness the complete end of this."

Canaan spoke with a calm expression on his face. Obviously, he would not leave at this time either.

All of a sudden, the others looked at each other.

They all knew very well that Shi Yu, Zhao Qingyao, and Jianan were definitely not fooling around, nor did they make a decision out of a moment of loyalty.

The reason for doing this may be because the one who entered the gate of the end of law was not anyone else, but Chen Xi!

This name alone is enough to make them express their attitude without thinking!

"I'm staying too."

Yu Jiuyue said.

"Count me in."

Qin Xinhui said.

"The only thing we can do now is to wait. If we are deprived of the right to wait, then even if we return safely, we will regret it for the rest of our lives."

Yechen said.

All of a sudden, others also made a decision.

It is true that a passage back to the Ancient God Realm has appeared, and it would undoubtedly be a blessing to be able to return from this dangerous and unpredictable chaotic land.

But compared to these, Chen Xi's safety is undoubtedly more important to all of them present.

Because they knew very well that the reason why they were able to survive the numerous killings this time was absolutely impossible without Chen Xi!

This is a kind of recognition.

Before he entered the Chaotic Forsaken Land, Chen Xi definitely would not possess such a great charm, so that Kong Youran and the others who were favored by heaven would be convinced.

But it was different now, after experiencing everything in the chaotic ruins, Chen Xi had already established an irreplaceable prestige in their hearts.

It was this experience of sharing adversity, life and death that made Kong Youran and the others willing to stay at this moment without any complaints.

"According to the previous agreement, this channel can last for three years. Instead of waiting here, it is better to take some proactive actions. I will see if I can communicate with those seniors waiting outside the chaotic ruins. If I can get their With some pointers, perhaps Chen Xi can be returned faster."

Suddenly, Kong Youran got up and said slowly.

The others nodded.


The next moment, Kong Youran had disappeared in place.


Three years ago, when Chen Xi entered the Gate of Doomsday, the entire Great Abyss of Forbidden Tribulation quietly changed.

The most notable change is that the power of the Forbidden Dao Tribulation densely covered in every area of ​​the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss began to gradually disappear.

Afterwards, the many murders distributed in the great abyss also disappeared without a trace.

All these changes occurred after Chen Xi entered the Gate of the Ending Law, but no one knew the reason for all these changes.

But these are not important anymore. The important thing is that the changes in the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss are enough for them to leave here safely, and they are no longer trapped in it like before.

But during these three years, no one left!

Even if Kong Youran dashed out of the abyss at this moment, she didn't have the slightest intention of leaving.

That channel is like a divine rainbow, spanning over the great abyss, and it is extremely eye-catching in that gray world.

When Kong Youran's figure arrived, her eyes were immediately attracted by this passage, but soon, she sorted out her thoughts and her expression became serious.

"The junior Nuwa Gong Kong Youran, I have met the senior."

Kong Youran bowed and saluted, and conveyed her thoughts into that channel, trying to connect with those big figures outside the chaotic ruins.

There was no response in the passage, and there was no sound. Just when Kong Youran was a little disappointed, suddenly, the voice of Taoist Dean Liu Shenji sounded in the passage: "But something happened?"

Kong Youran's heart was shocked, she didn't expect that the other party seemed to have guessed something with just one sentence.

But if you think about it carefully, it's easy to understand. According to common sense, when you see this passage back to the ancient gods, I'm afraid no one will talk nonsense and rush in immediately. How can you be like Kong Youran? Make another thought sound.

Perhaps Liu Shenji saw this, and broke the situation of Kong Youran and the others with one word.

After hearing Liu Shenji's voice, Kong Youran didn't think much about it. After sorting out his thoughts in his mind, he told the things that happened in the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss one by one.


After a cup of tea time.

Kong Youran returned, with a lingering strange look on his face, and he remained silent from beginning to end.

This scene was quickly noticed by Shi Yu, Yechen, and Canaan.

"An accident?"

Shi Yu couldn't help asking.

"Senior Liu Shenji said..."

Kong Youran hesitated for a moment, and said, "If Chen Xi is alive, a door won't be able to trap him. If he is robbed and killed, even if we wait for a lifetime, it won't help."

After a pause, she took a deep breath and said, "The most important thing is that within three years from now, if we resolutely choose to stay here, there will only be one end."


Everyone's heart tightened.


Kong Youran spat out two words lightly from his lips.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned and fell into silence.

"Chen Xi will not die."

Canaan firmly said.

To others, it was obvious nonsense, and they felt just as firmly in their hearts.

However, just because Chen Xi didn't die doesn't mean that he will be able to return from that door of the end of law within three years!this is the key of the problem.

"Then what should I do? If I don't see Chen Xi returning safely, I will have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of my life!"

Shi Yu frowned.

"We can choose to wait another three years. If Chen Xi still fails to return, we must leave here."

Although Kong Youran was somewhat reluctant to mention this topic, she knew very well at this moment that she had to make a decision.

"According to what Senior Liu Shenji said, three years later, the entire Chaos Remains will be plunged into a catastrophe. If we don't leave at that time, we will only be buried here."

Speaking of this, Kong Youran glanced at everyone: "What do you think?"

The others were silent again.

In the end, everyone else accepted Kong Youran's proposal, but they were all extremely looking forward to it, hoping that within these three years, Chen Xi could return...


Time passed silently.

Three years later.

Above the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss, looking at the illusory passage running through the void, Kong Youran and his party not only showed no excitement, but were replaced by endless disappointment.

Until now, Chen Xi... still hasn't returned!

"We can't wait any longer, we should leave."

Kong Youran spoke with some difficulty. She knew that these words seemed cruel at this time, but she had to say them.

"Well, let's go, return to the ancient gods, I will choose to go to the sect of Shenyan Mountain, and continue to wait."

Shi Yu said in a daze, "If he doesn't come back, I won't leave."

The voice is bleak and low, but it is firm.

When the other people heard the words, they all had ups and downs and couldn't calm down.


There was a sudden violent vibration in that channel, and it began to become unstable, as if there were signs of collapse and destruction at any time.

"Come on!"

Seeing this, Kong Youran immediately said solemnly.

Seeing this, the others stopped hesitating, followed Kong Youran, rushed into that passage, and disappeared.

After half a sound.

An almost nothingness-like blood shadow suddenly appeared above the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss, with almost no trace of aura in his body, making it difficult for people to detect his existence at all.

But when he stood there casually, there was an indescribable terrifying power, just like the master of this chaotic ruin.

"These little things have finally left..."

That blood shadow murmured, the voice was old, indifferent, revealing endless vicissitudes, like the boundless wind chant from the last era.


Before the sound fell, the channel like a rainbow suddenly collapsed inch by inch, producing a terrifying explosion sound, illuminating the gray world.

Suddenly, a big hand surrounded by misty brilliance stretched out from the collapsing passage, instantly turned into a shape that covered the sky, and grabbed the almost nothingness-like blood shadow fiercely.


At this moment, the universe was smashed to pieces, and everything was destroyed by that big hand, which seemed extremely terrifying.

If you look carefully, you can see that the palm prints on that big hand are like the transformation of the Dao, containing the supreme truth of the Dao, which seems to cover the ten directions, and has a mighty power that reaches the sky!


The shadow of blood seemed a little suspicious, and immediately waved his sleeves and rushed into the forbidden abyss, disappearing.

That big hand that covers the sky can't stop his figure!


A cold snort came out from that channel, but immediately, the sound disappeared completely with the destruction of that channel.


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