divine talisman

Chapter 1966: One Word of Change

That shadow of blood appeared at the bottom of the Forbidden Tribulation Abyss.

With his hands behind his back, he looked at the gate of the end of the law that was one hundred thousand feet high in the distance, and fell into a long period of contemplation.

"Reincarnation really appeared... It seems that if this king wants to set foot on the ultimate end, this era is already the last chance..."

"Based on this, it's not a failure. It's a new opportunity. It's just a pity for this child, Aluye..."

"Right now, we can only wait for when the Dharma-ending calamity will come!"

Blood Shadow murmured, with a touch of emotion in his voice.

The next moment, his whole body had disappeared in place.

On this day, a catastrophe broke out in the chaotic ruins, the sky collapsed, the star field exploded, and everything fell into an endless chaos.

The terrifying aura of destruction was like a hurricane, and began to wreak havoc throughout the chaotic ruins, turning into a purgatory.

No one can step into it anymore!


Outside the chaotic ruins.


The starry sky fluctuated for a while, and a portal was reflected. Immediately, Kong Youran, Shi Yu, Qin Xinhui, Yechen, Yu Jiuyue, Jianan, Zhao Qingyao and a group of people came out one after another.

"came back."

Taoist Master Xueling of Nuwa Palace, who had been waiting there for a long time, came up to welcome Kong Youran, Shi Yu, and Qin Xinhui.

Almost at the same time, the Cliff Master of the Taoist Academy took Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue back.

Only Mr. Wu Xuechan of Shenyan Mountain University, Taoist Master Xutuo, the priest of Taishangjiao, and Taoist Master Xuanming of the Shenyuan were left in a daze.

Because among the descendants who returned, there were no disciples of their respective sects!

"How is this going?"

The face of Taoist master Xu Tuo of the Taishangjiao suddenly turned cold, revealing a coercive power, and he looked at Canaan and Zhao Qingyao.

The ancient well in Canaan was silent and silent.

Zhao Qingyao hesitated for a moment, but then said: "Except for Chen Xi, the others... I'm afraid they've all been robbed."


Hearing this, Taoist Master Xutuo and Taoist Master Xuanming of the Temple focused their eyes together, and a terrifying aura permeated their bodies.

Only Mr. Wu Xuechan was startled, thoughtful.

"The passage is broken, even if you are not dead, it is difficult to return..."

At this time, a sigh sounded, and the skinny and low figure of the head of the Taoist school, Liu Shenji, appeared, standing up casually, and dissipating the terrifying aura released by Taoist Master Xutuo and Taoist Xuanming.

"This is impossible!"

Xu Tuo's muddy eyes were full of terrifying luster, like an enraged ancient beast, and his voice was filled with endless sullenness.

He couldn't accept this result!

This time, a total of five descendants of their Supreme Sect entered, led by a leader like Leng Xinghun, how could the entire army be wiped out?

Not only Taoist Master Xutuo, but Taoist Master Xuanming's expression darkened when he learned of all this, and figures of descendants such as Donghuang Yinxuan, Zhu Qianyu, Gongsun Mu and others appeared in his mind, and he was shocked and angry at the same time. It's unbelievable.

"What exactly happened?"

Mr. Da Wu Xuechan spoke in a gentle voice and asked Zhao Qingyao.

Zhao Qingyao thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I don't know about the deaths of the others. I only know that Wang Zhong's true identity is a strong man from the ancient witch lineage of the last era..."

As she spoke, she confided everything about Wang Zhong, and even told out all the dangers that happened in the abyss of forbidden robbery.

Of course, Zhao Qingyao didn't mention a single word about Chen Xi's mastery of the power of reincarnation.

The last era!

The lineage of ancient witches!

A long-planned conspiracy!

After learning all this, Wu Xuechan's expression could not help but become serious, and his eyes were full of deep thoughts.

Even Taoist Masters Xutuo and Taoist Xuanming, who were furious, frowned, their expressions changed slightly, and they fell into silence.

They also didn't expect that there were so many dangers in the chaotic ruins, and it even involved the lineage of ancient witches from the last era!

This is somewhat unusual.

After all, the reason why they teamed up to send the descendants of their respective sects into the chaotic ruins was actually very simple. It was to enable those descendants to open up new realms, grasp the original power of the realm, and thus step into the ranks of domain masters .

Another purpose is to explore the mysterious area in the chaotic ruins, to see if there really exists the real mystery of the ultimate path.

But who ever thought that the development of the situation was completely beyond their imagination!


Suddenly, Daoist Xutuo stared at Zhao Qingyao coldly, and said, "According to what you said, then Aluye obviously possesses strength not weaker than that of the Nine Stars Lord, but why did he finally lose to that kid Chen Xi?"

Zhao Qingyao's expression froze.

"you are lying!"

Daoist Xutuo didn't give Zhao Qingyao time to answer at all, and shouted sharply. The murderous intent in his voice made Zhao Qingyao tremble all over, and her pretty face turned pale.

This is a Dao Lord Realm existence, how could Zhao Qingyao, who has just stepped into the Territory Master Realm, be able to withstand such a deterrent?

"Because of the river map!"

Canaan, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke out to help Zhao Qingyao resolve an invisible oppression, "Seniors should all know that Chen Xi carries a river map on his body, and according to those ancient shamans and heretics, the power of the river map is enough to threaten to them."

River map!

A few words made all the Taoist masters present fall into silence. This treasure has a mysterious origin and is rare in the world. A long, long time ago, it caused countless murders.

However, there are very few people who have been able to own it since ancient times, which also makes Dehetu even more mysterious.

Therefore, when they heard from Canaan that Chen Xi used the power of Hetu to resolve a fatal disaster from Aluye, many people were already half-believing.

Only Canaan and Zhao Qingyao knew that it was not Hetu who defeated Aluye at that time...

Of course, they won't tell this secret, Kong Youran, Yechen and the others will also keep this secret for Chen Xi.

After all, the power of reincarnation is too taboo. Once it is leaked, even if Chen Xi can return through that door of doom, he may instantly become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the great figures in the heavens. The consequences of that are absolutely unimaginable.

"In that case, where is Chen Xi?"

Taoist Master Xutuo was still a little suspicious, and glanced coldly at Canaan and Zhao Qingyao. If it weren't for the presence of Liu Shenji sitting in charge, he would have wished to arrest these two people and torture them for interrogation.

"Chen Xi has entered the Gate of Doom!"

Kong Youran, Shi Yu, and Qin Xinhui also came over one after another under the leadership of Taoist Xue Ling.

Obviously, Taoist Master Xueling already knew everything from Kong Youran and the others during the previous period.

The Gate of Doom!

At this time, Wu Xuechan, Taoist Xutuo, and Taoist Xuanming all knew the origin of this door.

Therefore, when she heard that Chen Xi had actually entered it and had never returned, Wu Xuechan couldn't help but tightly frowned, with a look of worry on her face.

On the other hand, Daoist Xutuo and Taoist Xuanming seemed to have found a balance, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the passage has been destroyed, the kid might not be able to come back in this life, right?

"Everyone, do you know who I saw just now?"

At this moment, seeing that everyone already understood everything that happened in the chaotic ruins, the head of the Taoist academy, Liu Shenji, opened his mouth to speak.


Everyone's eyes fell on Liu Shenji.

"An existence that can be called the only master in the last era, the title of the king of holy witches!"

Liu Shenji paused every word, and his voice was a little low, "I used my mind to fight against the opponent before, but unfortunately, I couldn't hurt the opponent at all. According to this inference, that guy's strength... I'm afraid it is by no means inferior to this seat. !"

Everyone's heart trembled, unable to calm down, the only master, the king of holy witches?Such an all-powerful figure has survived from the last era?

Even Kong Youran, Canaan and the others were shocked and extremely horrified when they heard the words, because they knew that Aluye, who possessed the power of the Nine Star Territory Master, was nothing more than a drop of blood from the king of holy witches. Transformed...

Since such a great person is alive, why didn't they show up during the years they were waiting for Chen Xi?

Thinking of this, Kong Youran and the others couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. They knew that if the King of Sacred Witches appeared back then, they would be able to kill them in minutes!

But he never showed up, why?

Is there any conspiracy hidden in it?

They can't imagine.

"A long time ago, I deduced with some friends and agreed that there would be a shocking change in the ancient gods, but I didn't expect that this change would be caused by the chaotic ruins..."

Liu Shenji's expression was slightly complicated, and he sighed, "Fortune, fate, luck, luck... in the end, they are no match for the word 'change'. From now on, this ancient god's domain will probably fall into a monstrous change. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, no one can deduce."

After these words fell, Wu Xuechan and other Taoist realm existences were all shocked.

"Then dare to ask seniors, if this change happened in the ancient gods, where would the first change be?"

Taoist Xueling couldn't help asking.

Liu Shenji was silent for a long time, and finally spit out eight words from his lips: "The Mountain of Conferred Gods, the Dao Guardian God Clan!"

There are only a few words, but it seems to contain a supreme magic power, which makes the whole audience silent, and no one makes a sound for a long time.

After a long time, Liu Shenji shook his head and said: "The destiny cannot be violated, the variables are unpredictable, what should come will eventually come."

After a pause, he seemed to lose interest, and said, "Let's go, there's no point in staying here any longer."

Everyone was silent for a while again, no matter how much doubts and unwillingness there were in their hearts, no matter how troubled and puzzled they were, they could only do so in the end.

Yes, leave.

It's time to leave too.

The news about the Gate of Doom, the Ancient God Realm, the King of Holy Witches, the shocking changes... and so on, is too appalling. They must return to the sect and make advance plans and preparations for this.

As for Chen Xi...

Wu Xuechan can only hope that one day, the junior brother, he can return to the sect intact.

Because in the face of this sudden change, Wu Xuechan, who is the master of Taoism, can only choose to wait, but is powerless to do something...

Likewise, he couldn't just stay here and wait.

Because Taoist Masters Xutuo and Taoist Xuanming were watching over him, he even suspected that if he stayed here, he might even attract revenge from the Supreme Leader!

After all, he had killed the Supreme Master Taoist Mo Lin back then, which had completely angered the entire Supreme Master.

In the end, when Wu Xuechan left, his face remained gloomy, and he left with a heavy heart.

It's not just him, but other people are roughly the same. They may think differently, but they all have a lingering depression in their moods.

Taoist Master Xutuo and Taoist Xuanming are both full of resentment, full of doubt and anger about the death of their respective disciples.

Like Kong Youran and the others, even though they had escaped from their predicament, they couldn't relax their minds when they thought of Chen Xi, who was still alive or dead.


After 13 years, this trip to the chaotic ruins came to an end. Of the [-] successors who entered it, only seven were left when they returned!


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