divine talisman

Chapter 1967 Turbid Pool


Wisps of air bubbles gushed out of the murky pool water, making weird grunting noises, like a wild animal snoring in its sleep.

Chen Xi's entire body was soaked in the pool water. His skin was broken and his bones were exposed. It was as if his whole body was about to be torn apart.

His eyes were closed tightly, his whole body was extremely weak, and his breath was like a thread, as if he had fallen into a severe coma, and even his consciousness became blurred...


When he entered that door of the end of the law, Chen Xi's whole body seemed to be overwhelmed, collapsed, and fell into a state of confusion.

He didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

I don't know where I am.

It seemed that he had really fallen into a death, the only difference was that there was still a trace of intermittent energy lingering in his almost broken body.

Three years have passed.

Six years passed.

Nine years have passed.


For the current Chen Xi, time seems to have become meaningless, he is muddled, he doesn't know the cold and heat, he doesn't see the sun and the moon, he doesn't hear the five sounds, he doesn't feel himself...

This is a strange state, like losing everything, not knowing where it is today.


It didn't know how long it took, like a shark smelling blood, a wisp of obscure power quietly poured into that turbid pool, and cautiously poured into Chen Xi's dilapidated body.

This ray of obscure power was extremely cautious, as if it was probing and observing something, it stood on the white bone at Chen Xi's ankle for a long time before it started to act.

It is like a blood-sucking leech, silent and hard to guard against.

It spread along Chen Xi's ankles, bit by bit to the shattered kneecap, and bit by bit poured into Chen Xi's abdomen and chest cavity...

In the end, it stopped at Chen Xi's neck, motionless, as if observing something, and seemed to be afraid of something.

This wait has lasted for more than a year, which seems to be extremely patient.


A wisp of incomparably weak energy, like breathing, flashed in Chen Xi's body that was on the verge of death, and disappeared immediately.


At this moment, as if seizing the best opportunity, that ray of obscure power suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, passed through Chen Xi's neck, and suddenly came to the sea of ​​consciousness between Chen Xi's brows!

In the sea of ​​consciousness, it was gray.

The broken fire of the soul seemed to be extinguished dimly, with an icy aura, and above the soul hung the purple gold emperor star, but now it was dim and lifeless, like a barren dead star. Absolute waste star.

However, when he noticed all of this, that ray of obscure power seemed extremely excited and trembling, like a very hungry wolf seeing a gluttonous feast.

But at such moments, it still appeared to be extremely vigilant and careful. After observing carefully for a long time, it seemed to make a decision, and in a flash, it rushed towards Chen Xi's spirit.

But in the middle of the journey, it stopped suddenly and began to observe carefully again.

Obviously, its previous actions were obviously a temptation, and actions must be used to lure out possible dangers!

If it wasn't for a ray of obscure power, it would make people suspect that this is a hunter with rich experience and extremely cunning and sophisticated.

The sea of ​​consciousness was silent, empty and dead silent, without any movement.

This made that ray of obscure power finally make up its mind, and turned into a strange and twisted secret text in an instant, rushing towards Chen Xi's soul like lightning.

It worked!

The moment it entered Chen Xi's soul, it began to release its power, turning into a terrifying devouring force, as if it wanted to occupy Chen Xi's soul that had already been dim as death.


However, the moment it started to release its power, a mysterious aura suddenly emerged from the deepest part of Chen Xi's soul, like an invisible big hand, imprisoning it in an instant!

Then, as if it was frightened, it struggled violently, but in the end it was of no avail, it burst into pieces and turned into light and rain.

At the same time, the mysterious aura also disappeared.


Those rains of light, like spring breeze turning into rain, poured into Chen Xi's gloomy soul like death, like a sliver of life, producing an incomparably nourishing and pregnant power.

For an instant, Chen Xi's broken body trembled violently, and immediately fell into silence again.

But at this moment, his muddled consciousness seemed to be split by a bolt of lightning, causing Chen Xi to regain consciousness for a short time.


Pictures emerged in his sea of ​​consciousness.

There is a scene when fighting Aruye...

At that time, the terrifying and incomparably destructive power released by Aluye continued to wreak havoc in his body, and Chen Xi felt that he was about to die.

He tried to end this terrifying destructive power with his terminating power, but it was far from enough. He tried to wake up Hetu to save himself, but failed.

In the end, he remembered reincarnation, and remembered the three supreme avenues he had mastered: the other side, sinking, and ending.


The moment Chen Xi fused these three kinds of Taoism, he suddenly felt like he had become another person, without emotional fluctuations, without distracting thoughts, cold and indifferent.

He looked at himself holding the Nether Record and the evil-killing pen, like a supreme master, defusing Aluye's attacks again and again.

He watched himself write the word "Reincarnation" on the blank page of the last page of Nether Records, and then, Aluye was involved in reincarnation, deprived of strength, experience, memory, and longevity...

In the end, Aluye turned into a child, and from the child into a drop of dark golden blood.


The picture flashes here, and it becomes the gate of the end of the law that is one hundred thousand feet high.

Here, Chen Xi saw that he used the evil-punishing pen to tear apart the gray tribulation thunder covering the Gate of Doom, and saw a line of strange dao patterns branded on the surface of the Gate of Doom.

Then, Chen Xi saw that he had erased that line of strange dao patterns with the evil-killing pen, and then left behind the same strange line of dao patterns.

Chen Xi could see the meaning, but couldn't remember it.

This is a very contradictory feeling!

This made Chen Xi feel an indescribable boredom at this moment.


The next moment, Chen Xi's consciousness fell into that kind of muddled state again, and he lost all consciousness.

His body is still broken, almost to pieces, his eyes are still closed, like a dead man with only a trace of vitality left.

His whole body was immersed in the muddy pool water, ups and downs, oblivious to the passage of time and the changes around him.

I don't know how long it took.


An obscure force appeared again, this time it was obviously stronger and more careful.

Obviously, this obscure force comes from the same source as the obscure force that appeared for the first time before. It was obviously extremely unwilling to fail last time, so it reappeared.

This time, it poured into the turbid pool water like a car with ease, and spread upward along Chen Xi's damaged body bit by bit.

Along the way, it also did not encounter any obstacles, and soon, it came to Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Different from the first time, it locked its target on the incomparably dim purple-gold emperor star on top of Chen Xi's soul corpse this time.

But in the end...

It still fails!

The moment it rushed into Chen Xi's Zijin Emperor Star, it was imprisoned by a mysterious force, but before it could struggle, it was pulverized and turned into light rain.

Those light rains finally turned into a burst of vitality, which was absorbed by Chen Xi's soul.

Chen Xi's body trembled again, and his muddled consciousness regained consciousness for a moment.

This time, he remembered the scene after he entered the Gate of Doom.

Inside the Gate of the Doomsday, there is a gray world, as if boundless, infinite, infinite, unimaginably large, filled with a terrifying aura that can make all gods and demons fear.

But before Chen Xi saw all this clearly, he felt an incomparably severe pain all over his body, which made him fall down uncontrollably as if struck by lightning.

In the end, he crashed into a muddy pool!

He didn't know what this pool was, but when his body fell into it, he somehow felt a kind of peace of mind, and his tense nerves were completely relaxed.

Then, an irresistible sense of exhaustion surged into his heart like a tide, making his consciousness completely blurred, and he fell into a state of confusion, unable to perceive anything anymore.

At this moment, when thinking of all these scenes, Chen Xi suddenly understood that the current self was already on the verge of death...

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of unwillingness!

He was unwilling to die like this!

He still has to go to rescue Zhen Liuqing, go back to his parents, and go to Taiping Taishang... There are too many things to do, how can... how can he die like this?

Do not!

Can't die!

Chen Xi shouted in his heart, generating an incomparable desire to survive. He tried his best to maintain a clear consciousness, tried his best to wake up the energy in his body, worked hard...

But in the end, Chen Xi only felt a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, and his consciousness was immediately cast a shadow, and he became muddled again.

It's just that this time, Chen Xi didn't notice at all that his soul, which was originally dead and silent, had a gleam of bright luster. Although it was faintly visible and extremely inconspicuous, it was real after all!

At the same time, the remaining sliver of qi in his body seemed to be benefited, and it no longer reappeared intermittently, but began to continue along the damaged meridians and acupoints in his body. cycle.

It is a pity that the meridians and acupoints in his body were too severely damaged, like a ruined land, and it is unknown when he will be able to fully recover just by repairing that ray of energy.


After an unknown amount of time, an obscure force reappeared, coming from the same origin as the previous two times.

Different from the previous two times, the obscure power this time is extremely violent, grand, and surging, and it is more than ten times stronger than before!

As soon as it appeared, it turned into thousands of smaller forces, like thousands of clones split in an instant.

In the end, they turned into a mighty army, silently poured into the muddy pool, and poured into Chen Xi's body...

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