divine talisman

Chapter 1969 The Land of Havoc

The hunchbacked old figure shrouded in a black robe was reflected in the pool, revealing half a thin and fuzzy face.

He was leaning on a black and swarthy wooden stick, his breath was dark, and his eyes were as cold as electricity. He stared at Chen Xi in the pool for a long time, then suddenly raised his right hand.

This right hand is thin and long, with knuckles like bamboo, and the veins on the back of the hand are like earthworm knots, making it look extremely old.

And in the palm, there is a mysterious tattoo totem.

The tattoo totem is like a character, with dense strokes, different from the handwriting in the world, extremely mysterious, and glowing with a palpitating light.


A divine light gushed out from the totem tattooed on the palm, like a sharp blade, cut through the void, split the muddy water in the pool, and ruthlessly slashed towards Chen Xi's body.

This blow was not terrifying, but it exuded a terrifying aura that was invincible and invincible, as if the next moment, Chen Xi's body would be ruthlessly chopped into two halves.

However, a strange scene appeared. When this divine light approached Chen Xi's body, it fell into the sea like a mud cow. Not only did it not hurt Chen Xi, but it was engulfed by his body and disappeared quietly!

"Sure enough..."

The man in black murmured, his voice full of endless vicissitudes.


He didn't seem to give up, a terrifying aura surged from his whole body, and his thin and slender palm grabbed Chen Xi who was in the pool out of thin air.

It's like a big picture, trying to catch the fish out of the pond.


The pool water splashed, and that big hand grabbed Chen Xi's neck fiercely, and with a sudden lift, it was about to pull Chen Xi out.

But at this instant, a surge of mysterious power erupted from Chen Xi's motionless body.


The man in black felt a sharp pain in his right arm, and was invaded by a terrifying force, like being bitten by a wild beast, unable to break free, even unable to resist!

That mysterious force was too frightening, no matter how the black-robed man struggled, he couldn't get rid of it, but was continuously invaded by it.

"No—! How is it possible? He is also the Era Responder, why is he able to enter this gate of doom with the river map!?"

The black-robed man let out a roar, full of shock and anger, as if he had encountered a terrible thing.

The sound vibrates in all directions, making one's heart palpitate.

It could be clearly seen that the right hand of the man in black was still holding onto Chen Xi's neck, but his body was shaking violently uncontrollably, as if he was enduring incomparable pain.

"Damn! How many years have passed, is this seat going to fall into the hands of a latecomer today?"

The man in black kept roaring, and the black robe covering his body exploded, revealing an extremely thin body.

He has long gray hair, loose shoulders, old cheeks and dense wrinkles, but his eyes are as bright as the sun and the moon, exuding wisps of deep vicissitudes.

He has an extraordinary aura, exuding a detached, ancient, and primitive aura, and his whole person has an unspeakable supreme power.

However, at this moment, he was frightened and angry, his eyes were full of horror, and his whole body was trembling, as if he was imprisoned there, unable to break free.


That mysterious force continued to spread, rushing into the vicissitudes of life like a rotten old man, spreading continuously, and almost covering his whole body.

"This... this is not the power of Hetu!"

Suddenly, the vicissitudes old man seemed to have discovered something, and let out a hysterical howl, as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing in the world.

The sky and the earth shook, the gray sky changed, and there was a terrifying and suffocating atmosphere.

By the bank of the muddy pool, the vicissitudes of life old man trembled all over, and his roar shook the sky, but Chen Xi in the pool didn't seem to notice it, like a living dead.

This picture is so shocking, revealing a strange color.


In the end, without knowing where the vicissitudes of life came from, the old man violently swung the black wooden staff in his left hand and smashed it hard on his right arm.

With a click, his right arm shattered and turned into powder, and his whole body fell backwards like a kite breaking free from its restraints.


He coughed up blood, lying on the ground convulsed all over, his face throbbing like the aftermath of a catastrophe, looking extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, he was like an old man in his dying years, without any trace of power to speak of.

"Hateful! I didn't expect such a difficult monster to emerge in this era... What was that force just now... How could it be able to completely suppress all my methods..."

The vicissitudes of life old man lay on the ground, gasping for breath, his expression fluctuated, and there was a touch of doubt that could not be shaken off between his brows.

In the end, he struggled to get up, but smiled miserably, and found that most of the strength in his body had been wiped out, and he was seriously injured and dying.

If it is not repaired as soon as possible, one can imagine how serious the consequences will be.

"That damn monster!"

The vicissitudes old man glanced at Chen Xi in the pool again, as if he was extremely unwilling, but in the end he gritted his teeth, turned around and staggered away.


Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind, making the vicissitudes of the old man stiff.

Immediately, like a stimulated ferocious beast, his body was filled with a terrifying aura, which slammed through time and space, and was about to flee into the distance.


But the moment he acted, a big hand with purple-gold divine brilliance emerged out of thin air, grabbed him tightly, and pulled him back like a chicken.

With a thud, the vicissitudes of life old man was slammed on the ground, with stars in his eyes, and a mouthful of dust, in extreme embarrassment.

He raised his head with difficulty, and saw a tall figure standing by the side of the muddy pool.

The monster is awake?

The vicissitudes of the old man's heart skipped a beat, his eyes moved up, and he could see the opponent's appearance clearly.

That tall figure had a handsome face, thick black hair, deep and indifferent eyes, and his whole body was like the transformation of the Dao. Standing casually, there was an unspeakable power, seemingly unshakable.

Isn't this the monster that has been unconscious all this time?

All of a sudden, the vicissitudes of life old man's face changed again, and his eyes flickered.

"This is where?"

That stern figure was naturally Chen Xi. When he was clutched by the neck earlier, his consciousness had already woken up from that muddled state.

"No one knows, but you can call it 'Havoc Field.'"

At this moment, the vicissitudes old man looked extremely calm. He took a deep breath, got up, sat down on the ground, and looked at Chen Xi, with a complicated taste that couldn't be concealed in his expression.

"The land of catastrophe..."

Chen Xi murmured, with his hands behind his back, his eyes scanned the surroundings, but he could only see a gray world, like chaos, and he didn't know how big it was.

"who are you?"

Chen Xi withdrew his gaze, and looked at the vicissitudes old man.

"Me too."

The vicissitudes old man said, "Of course, you can call me a witch."

He also seemed to know that there was nothing he could do to Chen Xi, and he seemed extremely cooperative.


Chen Xi glanced at the other party, and said, "So, you are the Era Respondent who entered this Dharma-Ending Gate in the last Era?"

Wu nodded: "Not bad."

He didn't seem to be surprised why Chen Xi guessed all of this with just one word.

But when he received Wu's affirmative answer, Chen Xi felt quite uneasy in his heart, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Do you know that it is precisely because you opened the door of the end of the law in the last era that eventually led to the entire era?" the destruction of

Wu nodded, calm and calm: "I know, this is the general trend of the world, and it is unstoppable. Even if I don't open the door of the end of the law, someone else will open it."

As he spoke, Wu looked up at Chen Xi, with a mysterious arc on his lips, "You... aren't you the same?"

An intuition that came from nowhere, made Chen Xi shake his head almost subconsciously and said, "You are wrong, I am different from you, the era I came from will definitely not suffer from the Dharma Doom!"


The witch smiled, showing a pity, "Don't deceive yourself, the era's culprit is not the chief culprit that caused the destruction of an era."

Chen Xi glanced at the other party lightly, did not argue with the other party, changed the subject, and said, "I heard that apart from gathering the power of doomsday catastrophe that can destroy an era, there is also hidden the real mystery about the ultimate path... ..."

Before finishing speaking, the witch said decisively: "The ultimate way? I have searched here for endless years, but I have found nothing so far. I finally realized that all this is a lie! The ultimate way is nothing at all! This It is impossible to exist in the world!"

When it came to the end, the witch's expression became agitated, and the resentment that seemed to be borne in his heart for endless years all broke out at this moment.

Chen Xi looked at Wu calmly until the other party regained his composure, then said, "Then do you know how to leave here?"

Wu was startled, and then laughed mockingly: "If I could leave, I would have left this ghost place long ago. How could I stay here forever?"

Chen Xi was silent again, and suddenly said: "During the years when I was in a coma, did you want to devour my soul and occupy my body one after another?"

Wu froze, his expression fluctuated, and finally nodded and said: "Not bad."

He knew that he couldn't deny it at all right now, so he might as well admit it quickly, maybe he could get back a lifeline.


Chen Xi continued to ask, but there was no sign of making a move.

This made Wu An secretly heave a sigh of relief, and then he thought about it: "I heard that... every era respondent has a unique era mark on his body, as long as they can be refined, there is great hope get..."

Speaking of this, Wu became hesitant.

"Get what?"

Chen Xi looked at the other party calmly, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and there was no trace of disturbance.

"The true mystery of the ultimate path!"

Wu Yi gritted his teeth and let out a word from his lips.

A strange color appeared in Chen Xi's eyes: "Don't you not believe that there is an ultimate way in this world? Or, were you lying just now?"

Wu Lianlian shook her head, and said: "I've been in this ghostly place for a long time, and I have to find a glimmer of hope for myself to continue living, otherwise...it will be too lonely."


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