divine talisman

Chapter 1970 Witch Seal


Chen Xi didn't take this seriously. He was thinking about what the witch said, that by devouring and refining the brand marks on the robbers from other eras, he could obtain the real mystery of the ultimate path?

Is this really true?

"In this land of catastrophe, there is no way of heaven, no law, only a dead silence, an empty dead silence."

Suddenly, Wu muttered to himself, with a dazed look on his face, "In the future, you will find how boring, boring, and lonely it is to live here. But in order to survive, you can only endure this kind of loneliness..."

Chen Xi frowned, but did not interrupt the other party.

"It's a pity that I have lost everything I have learned, but I can only be exiled here like a prisoner, unable to escape, and even... it is difficult to find someone to talk to."

Wu's voice was low, desolate, and filled with indescribable sadness, "If I had known this earlier... I would rather perish with that era than come here."

Speaking of this, Wu looked at Chen Xi, and suddenly showed a mocking smile: "You may not realize it now, but you will understand later, and I'm even sure that you will be like us, only endless endure the torment of loneliness."


Chen Xi was keenly aware of a word, and asked, "Is there anyone else here?"

Wu nodded and said, "Of course, don't you know that since ancient times, eight eras have been destroyed in the long river of history?"

The destruction of the eight epochs means that eight epoch-respondents have come to this gate of doom!

Chen Xi is of course aware of this.

"In other words, you are the ninth Era Respondent who came to this catastrophe."

There was a touch of pity in Wu's voice.

"Where are the others?"

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and asked directly.

"Every era respondent has his own territory, and under normal circumstances he will never leave."

When Wu said this, he pointed to the muddy pool in the distance, and said, "Look, that's your territory, after you get out of this pool...it's my territory."

Chen Xi was stunned, and frowned, "How is the territory divided?"

Wu suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this, Chen Xi seemed to understand it all at once, and thoughtfully said: "It seems that if you want to obtain a larger territory, you need to have stronger power."

Indeed, this land of catastrophe is so mysterious that even witches can hardly know its origin, so they can only call it "land of catastrophe".

At the same time, there is no way of heaven and no law here, just like a dead place, naturally there are no rules at all here.

Without rules, the strength of power replaces the role of rules!

"You want to take my territory?"

Wu raised his head and couldn't help asking, he seemed a little nervous.

"No, I don't intend to stay here forever."

Chen Xi shook his head, his voice was flat, but there was an undeniable smell.

But these words fell into Wu Wu's ears, and he sneered, "Impossible, the eight of us have endured endless years here, almost searched this catastrophic land, but in the end we couldn't get out of trouble, do you think it's still possible to escape?" Is there any hope of leaving?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the voice.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Chen Xi said indifferently.

"Then what are you going to do?"

The sarcasm in the witch's expression became more and more intense, as if he was waiting to see a joke from Chen Xi.

"Just do what you just said."

Chen Xi looked at Wu, his expression was calm, as if he had no emotion.

"I said?"

Wu was startled, and then seemed to realize something, and his face changed drastically.


Before he could react, his whole body was overwhelmed by a terrifying purple-gold divine radiance.

"No—! Why! Why—!"

The witch uttered a shrill scream, filled with incomparable hatred.

In the end, his whole body burst into pieces, turning into an incomparably miraculous symbol. It was the word "Witch", but the strokes were extremely dense, as if it contained infinite mystery, with a unique aura.

During this process, Chen Xi remained silent, and his expression did not change at all.

It wasn't until he saw the miraculous "Witch" symbol at this time that a strange color appeared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to swallow it into his body.


In an instant, an incomparably vast amount of inheritance mysteries poured into Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness like an explosion, turning into a series of realizations that rushed to his heart.

In a daze, he seemed to see a grand era world, that is the era of witches!

In that era, hundreds of millions of living beings all took the practice of "witchcraft" as their way to seek the eternal and immortal law.

They are called sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers...

This is a civilization that belongs entirely to "witches". They temper their bodies, exercise their qi and blood, and take the road of physical sanctification!

The aura inherited from the entire "Era of Witches" is completely imprinted in that magical "Witch" symbol at this moment.

It is suspended in the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly spreading and fluctuating.

This "Witch" character is the "Witch Seal"!It represents the unique atmosphere and unique inheritance of the entire Wuzhi Era!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Chen Xi thoroughly refines this "Witch Seal", he will be able to spy on all civilizations and inheritances related to the Witch Era.

But in the end, Chen Xi restrained himself from this thought.

Chen Xi returned to the side of the muddy pool and sat cross-legged on the ground.

In this empty and deserted gray world, his handsome face like an ancient well still showed a hint of trance.

He remembered how he came here, how he fell into a coma, and even everything that had happened to him in these years.

But it wasn't until now that Chen Xi was soberly facing all of this, that Chen Xi realized that all of this was like a dream, so unreal.

He couldn't figure out why he insisted on opening the door of the end of the law.

He also couldn't figure out what the strange handwriting imprinted on the door of the end of the law meant, why he took out the evil writing pen to erase the strange handwriting, and then left a line of his own. Strange handwriting that I can't understand...

Similarly, during the years of coma in that muddy pool, he didn't know why an earth-shaking transformation occurred in his body. Not only did his body get a new-like remodeling and Nirvana, but even his cultivation base was promoted in one fell swoop. To the point of Samsung domain master.

All this seemed too unbelievable!It is completely out of Chen Xi's control, so that when he thinks about it now, besides feeling uneasy, there is also a kind of heart palpitation.

This uncontrollable change made him even worry that one day he would completely lose himself and become another completely strange self.

Chen Xi hated this feeling!

"Hetu, Youminglu, Xiexie Pen, Reincarnation, Gate of Doom... What kind of secrets are hidden in it?"

After a long time, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing. He even knew that if the "Witch" just now hadn't been seriously injured, it would be impossible to kill him with his own strength alone!

"No—! How is it possible! He is also the Era Responder, why is he able to enter this gate of doom with the river map?"

"This... this is not the power of Hetu!"

In the ear, it seemed that "Witch"'s roar of incomparable anger echoed again.

All of this allowed Chen Xi to roughly judge that the person who severely injured the "Witch" either came from Hetu, or from... the power of reincarnation!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help muttering: "That's right, why can I bring the river chart into the Gate of Doom?"

The destruction of the past eight epochs was all due to the opening of the door to the end of Dharma by the Era Respondents.

And the reason why every era responder can do this is because they have the river map!

In other words, all other era responders, including that "shaman", were once Hetu enlightened people.

However, if it is inferred from this, when those who will be robbed in the era open the door of the end of the law, their own river map will be lost outside the door of the end of the law, otherwise... how can the river map be passed down from generation to generation?

If Chen Xi's deduction is correct, the inheritance of Hetu has gone through nearly nine epochs!

Under such circumstances, he brought Hetu into the Gate of Doom and did not lose it, which is obviously very unusual.

"Perhaps, it's because my river map is broken, so I was able to do this step?"

A thought inadvertently popped up in Chen Xi's mind, the river map he currently possesses is not complete, and there is only one piece left before he can piece it together completely.

But if this is the case, how can the incomplete river map open the door of the end of the law?

"Is it reincarnation?"

There was a bright luster in Chen Xi's eyes.

Until now, he still couldn't figure out everything, but he dared to conclude that the abnormality that happened to him must be inseparable from the power of mastering reincarnation.

Think about it, a enlightened person who has a broken river map and also masters the power of reincarnation, which in itself seems too shocking and abnormal.

Perhaps, it was precisely because of these abnormalities that a series of changes happened to Chen Xi.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi got up, identified the direction, and flew towards the gray sky and earth in the distance.

Wu Zeng said that only by refining the era marks on those who should be robbed from other eras, can one hope to grasp the true mystery of the ultimate path.

Now, although Chen Xi killed the witch and obtained the "Witch's Seal", he is still not sure about this.

However, he intends to give it a try.

Not only for the real mystery of the so-called ultimate path, but also for leaving this catastrophic land!

seven days later.

A majestic, majestic, and seemingly endless city floated in the gray sky, like an ancient Kunpeng entrenched there, releasing a monstrous aura.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes and stood silently.

After obtaining the "Witch's Seal", he also obtained some memories about witches, and recognized the origin of this magnificent city at a glance.

That is Emperor Wu City!

This city is a world created by the robbers of the seventh era!

Entering it is undoubtedly tantamount to entering the territory controlled by the Seventh Era Respondent, who will encounter ruthless suppression from the opponent, and may even be killed!

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