divine talisman

Chapter 1971 Qingluo Martial Arts Hall


It is the "name" of the person who should be robbed in the seventh era.

Obviously, "Wu", like "Wu", is not their real name, but represents a unique symbolic meaning.

Wu, represents the era of witches.

Wu, naturally represents the era of Wu!

This also means that the seventh era before the eighth era was a world dominated by "martial arts civilization"!

Martial arts!

He was no stranger to Chen Xi, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that the martial arts he understood more represented a fighting method and a will spirit, rather than a cultivation system.

Obviously, all of this is completely different from the practice system that dominates the entire Era of Martial Arts.

In Wu's memory, he was full of fear, even fear, of this seventh-era robber.

Back then, when Wu first stepped into that door of doom and came to this catastrophic land, he also encountered the same situation as Chen Xi, and Wu took the opportunity to attack him and tried to obliterate him.

But in the end, he was saved by the witch.

From then on, Wu held a grudge against Wu.

It's just that with his strength, he can't do anything to Wu at all, so he can only endure it and try his best to avoid conflicts with Wu.

How powerful is Wu?

In Wu's memory, it was very vague, because even he couldn't be sure.

But now, as Wu was obliterated by Chen Xi, and the seal of Wu fell into Chen Xi's hands, all these memories were also observed by Chen Xi.


After quietly staring at the Wudi City in the distance for a long time, Chen Xi's figure finally flashed, with his hands on his back, and he walked towards the city gate at a leisurely pace.

As soon as you enter the city gate, it is like entering a completely different world.

On the sky is a clear sky, a bright sun, and white clouds like cotton wool. On the ground, there are endless buildings, streets extending in all directions, and endless crowds...

The hustle and bustle of the crowd, sending out noisy and lively sound waves, filled the world, covering the whole city with a mortal atmosphere.

In the world of mortals, the prosperity is like brocade, joy, anger, sorrow, life and death are all interpreted in it, depicting a vivid picture of all beings in the world.

Seeing all this, Chen Xi squinted his eyes, and continued walking along that bustling bluestone street.

Passing along the way, he saw a rich businessman with a big belly throwing a lot of money just to buy a dream house, and the Pomeranian smiled.

I also saw the bony beggar curled up in the dark corner of the street, his dirty and tender cheeks were numb.

Seeing warriors in fresh clothes and angry horses galloping through the streets in groups, their spirits were high, and their eyes were full of longing for the future.

I also saw the old man sitting alone in the teahouse, listening to the singer singing an unknown sad song softly.


"It seems that during these years trapped in this catastrophe, this 'Wu' is lonelier than 'Wu'."

Chen Xi stood at the end of the street, looking back at all the sentient beings in the turbid waves of the world of mortals, his expression became more and more indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations.

At the end of this street is an ancient and vicissitudes of life building, dense green vines cover the building, and a few fine white flowers are dotted among the green radish, swaying in the sun, exuding a sense of vitality.

Chen Xi looked at this ancient building. On the central portal of the building, there was a rather shabby old wooden plaque that read "Qingluo Martial Arts Hall".

A name that looks very ordinary, even a little ironic.

Green radish is a kind of emerald green and pleasing plant. It is more often used as a girl's name, but now it is paired with martial arts, which seems a bit subtle.

Chen Xi was even certain that with this name alone, he might be ridiculed by many warriors who passed by here.

Too girly, not domineering.

That's the reason for mocking.

Martial arts hall, a place of preaching and teaching, a place of training one's own martial arts, how can one get such a name like a jade from a small family?

But at this moment Chen Xi didn't smile. He stared at the wooden plaque for a long time, and finally pushed open the closed door and walked in.

"The road to martial arts is long and long. If you want to go further, you must lay a solid foundation and don't aim too high!"

"The first level of martial arts, refining skin like iron, tempering bones like steel! Only when you have reached this point can you be considered as stepping into the threshold of a warrior!"

"Martial arts is the second level, refining blood like pulp, and refining organs like thunder! Once you reach this level, you can be called a warrior!"

In the courtyard of the martial arts hall, a group of young men and women in vigorous attire stood solemnly and solemnly, with meticulous expressions and serious concentration.

Before them, a dignified middle-aged man was preaching.

The setting sun is like fire, and it casts orange light, covering this courtyard with a layer of illusory luster, solemn and sacred.

After Chen Xi entered, he stood silently on one side, quietly watching those young men and women, and listening to that majestic middle-aged man constantly imparting knowledge about martial arts.

Strangely, as if no one had noticed him, a stranger who came here rashly, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

"In short, martial artist, warrior, martial artist, great martial artist, and martial master are the six realms of martial arts practice! Every step is like a moat in the sky. The higher the realm, the more difficult and difficult it is. There is no shortcut! If you feel Fear, you can leave now!"

There was a forceful majesty in the middle-aged man's voice, and his eyes scanned the boys and girls.

Everyone was silent, no one answered, and there was a touch of determination in their expressions. Obviously, no one wanted to leave at this moment.

Perhaps, many of them were just out of self-esteem, unwilling to admit that they were inferior to others, but when this scene was seen by the middle-aged man, it still made him feel relieved.

"Okay, this is the end of the first day of teaching..."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and was about to end, but was interrupted by an immature and clear voice.

"Master, I have another question."

This is a thin young man with immature brows and eyes, but his eyes are as firm and sharp as a falcon, and his expression is resolute and calm.

"You said."

The middle-aged man frowned.

"I want to know, is there a more powerful realm above the six realms of martial arts?"

When he said this, the thin boy's eyes were bright, revealing a touch of burning and longing.

"Yes, when you get to that point, you will naturally understand."

The middle-aged man seemed a little surprised, but finally nodded, and after finishing speaking, he turned and left.

"Ha, little junior brother, you are so crazy that you have thought about a level higher than the six realms of martial arts."

"Didn't you listen to what Master said at the beginning, practicing martial arts is the most taboo to be too high-spirited, little brother, your mentality is a little impetuous."

"Hey, don't hit my junior brother, if he really reaches such an unbelievable level in the future, do you still dare to say that?"

"Only by him? Humph, I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than believe that he can do it. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

After the middle-aged man left, a group of boys and girls also burst into laughter and teased the thin boy, but there was not much malice in it, it was just a kind of rivalry between young people.

And from the beginning to the end, the thin young man kept smiling, his eyes were as bright as stars, and he didn't seem to care what the people around him thought of him.

In the end, only the thin young man was left in the courtyard, and the lively atmosphere became deserted and quiet.

"Do you think I'm funny too?"

Suddenly, the thin young man looked at Chen Xi who was in the distance, with a hint of inquiry in his expression.

"What do you think?"

Chen Xi asked back.

The skinny young man was startled, his originally bright eyes became dull, and a look of loneliness appeared on his resolute and firm face.

After a long time, he sighed: "It's ridiculous, not only ridiculous, but also childish."

After a pause, he suddenly smiled again: "However, I don't regret it at all. If I could go back to the beginning, I would resolutely ask and do this."

In the voice, there was a deep nostalgia. He didn't look like a young man, and his tone was clearly like an old man who had gone through vicissitudes and found out the falsehood.

Chen Xi nodded, seeming to understand: "However, you can't go back anymore."

The thin boy sighed again: "Yeah, I can't go back..."

There was a touch of sadness in the voice.

He looked at a piece of green radish vines hidden on the wall of the martial arts hall, and suddenly said: "Do you know why this place is called Qingluo martial arts hall?"

Before Chen Xi could answer, he said to himself, "Because my master's most beloved daughter is Qing Luo, she is a kind and shy girl, and she doesn't look pretty, but in front of her, I always feel ashamed and feel a kind of Inexplicably inferior..."

"Until I defeat all the enemies and become the ruler of the whole world, but whenever I think of her pair of pure eyes, I still feel unconfident. I feel that no matter how much effort I put in and how high the honor I get, it's hard to be worthy of her." .”

The voice was lonely, like a whisper, revealing a touch of indescribable sadness.

"What about her?"

Chen Xi asked.


The thin boy answered very calmly, without any emotional fluctuations.

Speaking of this, he seemed unwilling to mention this topic again, looked at Chen Xi, and said, "Thank you, I haven't talked about these things with people like this for a long time in the endless years, this feeling not bad."

Chen Xi said, "You're welcome, it's a little effort."

The thin young man smiled, put his hands behind his back, and his waist straightened abruptly.

All of a sudden, his whole aura changed suddenly, his eyes were as cold as lightning, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying majesty, as if he had become the supreme master of this world in an instant, with a kind of compulsion to swallow mountains and rivers and dominate the world momentum!

There is no doubt that this thin young man is "Wu", the one who should be robbed who opened the door to the end of the law in the seventh era!

"Okay, now it's time for us to talk about business. If my guess is correct, you are the ninth respondent to come to this catastrophe, and you have obviously killed the witch by being able to come here. Deprived of his seal of witchcraft, I am curious, with the ability you have shown now, how did you achieve this step?"

Wu Yan's pupils were like lightning, and he suddenly locked on to Chen Xi, his expression was indifferent and cold, completely different from the sentimental look just now.

It made people even suspect that if Chen Xi didn't answer in time, he would kill Chen Xi immediately without hesitation!

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