divine talisman

Chapter 1972

Wu's change did not surprise Chen Xi, he was just a little surprised at the power Wu displayed at this moment!

This kind of power is immeasurable, supreme, full of great majesty, like an emperor who dominates the rise and fall of all generations.

At this moment, Chen Xi almost subconsciously judged that Wu's power was probably no different from that of the Dao Master Realm in the Ancient God Realm!

In other words, Wu Ji in front of him can be regarded as a terrifying figure comparable to the existence of the Taoist realm!

"The witch was indeed killed by me."

Although Chen Xi's heart was shaken, his expression did not show any fluctuations, and he said calmly, "As for the reason, do you think I will tell you?"

Wu took a deep look at Chen Xi, and said, "This is also the reason why I didn't kill you right away."

Yes, he could see that Chen Xi's strength was far from being comparable to his own, but he couldn't figure out how Chen Xi killed the "Witch", so he kept holding back and didn't do anything.

Chen Xi said indifferently: "Sooner or later you will have to do something, your hesitation just now is already very unwise."

Wu smiled and said: "It seems that you are determined to get the 'Martial Seal' on me?"

Chen Xi nodded, but did not deny it.

"Another lunatic who is desperate for the ultimate path."

Wu Wenyan couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"No, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Chen Xi said calmly.

"Leave? After leaving here, where can you go? The moment you step into the gate of the end of the law, the end of the law has begun to come to the world of the era you are in. Even if you do return successfully, what you will see in the end is only It's just nothingness, your relatives, friends, enemies, and everything you've been familiar with have all been annihilated."

Wu stared at Chen Xi, and said in a deep voice, "This result will only cause you more pain than now, why don't you stay here, what do you think?"

"Stay here to deceive yourself and others? You might as well die right away if you live like this."

Chen Xi didn't refute. He was clear that even if he said that there would never be a catastrophe in the ancient God Realm today, Wu would never believe it.

Wu also didn't refute Chen Xi's words, he just looked at Chen Xi quietly, remained silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "I can tell you frankly, not only you, but other robbers including me don't want it all the time. Take away the brand of the era from other people, but so far, no one has been able to succeed."

"Do you know why?"

Wu thought to himself, "It's very simple. The power of the brand of the era is too great, beyond imagination. It represents the civilization of an era, and the unique inheritance of an era. No one can completely refine and integrate them!"

Speaking of this, Wu glanced at Chen Xi, and said, "You probably don't know yet, but now, the second, third, fourth, and fifth Epoch Responders who came to this catastrophic place are all gone now." He was killed by the first Era Respondent who came here, and took away the era brand on his body. Unfortunately, even so, the first Era Respondent still failed, but because he wanted to refine these Era Era Yin, was almost robbed and died."

Chen Xi's heart trembled. From Wu's memory, he had already made it clear to him the origins of the other seven Era Respondents in this catastrophe place.

"Tao", the one who was robbed in the first era, represents the "civilization of Tao", and has the unique imprint of the first era on his body.

"Buddha", the culprit of the second era, represents the "Buddha's civilization", and has the unique imprint of the second era on his body.

The robbers of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth epochs are "Confucianism", "Demon", "Soul" and "Phantom", representing four other completely different powers of civilization, and they also possess completely different powers. Different unique era imprints.

Coupled with the "Warrior Civilization" of the seventh era represented by the Wu in front of me, and the "Warrior Civilization" of the eighth era represented by the dead Wu, it is all the power distributed in this catastrophic land today. up.

But at this time, when he heard that the "Buddha", "Confucianism", "Demon" and "Phantom" of the second, third, fourth, and fifth eras had all been killed by the "Tao" who responded to the robbery in the first era, Chen Xi Can't help but be shocked.

"After Dao killed them, he still couldn't completely refine those era marks. If not, I'm afraid Wu and I would have been killed by him long ago..."

Wu looked indifferent, "All this proves that whether it is for the mystery of the ultimate path or for leaving here, this path is completely unworkable."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and said, "I still want to give it a try."

Wu Wenyan couldn't help showing a hint of disdain, and said, "If my guess is correct, you have obtained the Seal of the Witch, but you haven't been able to refine it, right?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and did not deny it. He would not tell the other party that he was not ready to refine the Witch's Seal, rather than that he was incapable of refining it.

"Actually, I, like you, tried to refine the 'Phantom Seal' after killing 'Huan'. Unfortunately, after a whole era, I could only refine a small part of it, and I couldn't make any further progress."

Wu sighed.

Huan is the Catalyst of the Sixth Era, representing the "civilization of fantasy".

What Chen Xi didn't expect was that Wu had already started trying to do this, and he even succeeded in killing Huan!

And in this way, in this catastrophe, apart from himself and Wu, there is only one Dao left!

This was indeed beyond Chen Xi's expectations. He never expected that the situation would be much crueler than he had imagined.

"It is precisely because I know that this road will not work, I have not bothered to deal with Wu in these years. Otherwise, do you think that with his power, you can survive until now?"

There was a hint of arrogance on the corner of Wu's lips, and he looked confidently. He glanced at Chen Xi, "Of course, it's also because of this that I didn't kill you right away."

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly laughed, and said, "So, if I kill you and that Dao, I can immediately obtain the brand marks of all eras?"

Wu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but sneered immediately: "You really don't give up, if things in this world are so easy, why should we be trapped here and endure so much? Do you know How many years does an era represent? Do you know how many methods we have tried in this almost infinite time?"

He suddenly sighed, and said softly: "Speaking so much, I just can't bear the heart of a person who can talk to die like this. In that case, it would be too lonely..."

Chen Xi was silent.


At this moment, Wu suddenly made a move, and his fingers were like blades, turning into a shape that covered the sky, and suddenly covered Chen Xi's entire body.

This blow was so sudden and swift that it was impossible to guard against it!

Who could have imagined that at this moment, an existence like Wu, who was comparable to the Dao Master Realm, would sneak attack Chen Xi whose cultivation was only in the [-]-Star Domain Master Realm?

Even Chen Xi himself didn't think of it!

Even though he was always on guard against the opponent, when the opponent actually made a move, he realized that the gap between himself and Wu was so large that he had no time to react.


A terrifying golden aura emanated from Wu Na Zhe Tian's palm, which was brilliant and holy, imprinting a unique martial arts law, making this world seem to be imprisoned and irresistible.

This is the power comparable to the Daoist Realm, and Chen Xi was trapped in it, and he couldn't even use his struggling power.

It's like an ant that's been held tight and can only wait to perish!

"Don't be surprised. What you said just now reminded me that after killing you, it is enough to deal with only one person. At that time, I have at least half the chance of winning."

Wu Ao stood there with an indifferent and cold expression, looking at Chen Xi as if looking at a dead person, "If I really have the chance to kill Dao, I can master all the era marks! Even if I can't refine them all at that time, I can always There is a chance of success, if you don’t try, who will know?”

At the end, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of Wu's lips, as if looking forward to this day.

But what surprised him was that even though he was imprisoned, Chen Xi's expression at this moment was as calm as before, and there was not even a trace of disturbance.

So calm!

It's not like a dying person.

This made Wu feel a rare sense of unreliability.

"You are not afraid of death?"

Wu asked coldly.


Chen Xi said calmly, "But you can't kill me."

The words were calm and indifferent, as if talking about an ordinary and trivial matter.

Seeing this, Wu couldn't help but have a murderous look in his eyes, he didn't hesitate anymore, and exerted force with his palms.


The terrifying golden martial arts laws were like violent molten molten liquid, boiling with a bang, drowning Chen Xi's entire body and disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, Wu was completely relieved, and murmured: "With this little ability, I can kill Wu. I really wonder if Wu is going to die by himself..."

"He did die by himself, but he is more careful than you."

Suddenly, an indifferent and calm voice came out from the golden martial law that boiled like molten lava.


Before Wu could react, a mysterious force emerged out of thin air and invaded his body, making it impossible for him to resist and dissolve it.

In an instant, Wu's face changed suddenly, he didn't panic, instead he stretched out his arm, and once again went towards Chen Xi to kill him.

Obviously, he thought that as long as he killed Chen Xi, it would be enough to stop all of this.


Chen Xi's figure stepped out of the molten golden martial law. With a wave of his sleeves, a mysterious force permeated Wu's broken arm, which was imprisoned in the air.

In an instant, Wu's whole body trembled violently, as if he was enduring an incomparable pain. This scene was exactly the same as the "Witch" back then.

The only difference is that when dealing with the "Witch" back then, Chen Xi's consciousness was not fully awakened, but this time, Chen Xi not only became conscious, but also took the initiative to manipulate everything that happened!

"Damn! What kind of power is this? No! No—!"

Wu's face twisted, his roar shook the sky, revealing endless panic and fear, his whole body was like a punctured ball, weakening at an incredible speed.

"In the 'Era of Martial Arts' where you are, is there no reincarnation?"

Chen Xi stood in the distance, watching all this with cold eyes.

"Reincarnation? This is reincarnation!? Impossible! Even reincarnation will never allow you to have such terrifying power!"

Wu's face suddenly changed again, showing a touch of horror that could not be shaken off, as if encountering the most terrifying thing in the world.

"What if we add the river map?"

Chen Xi's voice was indifferent, but it fell into Wu's ears, but it was no less than a thunderbolt, which shook his mind into chaos and completely collapsed.

"How is it possible? How could the river map be brought into the Gate of Doom?! This is not true! Absolutely not!!"

Wu was completely insane, his face was twisted and hideous, and he was overwhelmed by endless horror.

Before his voice fell, he fell to the ground with a bang, his skin exploded, his muscles and bones shattered, his internal organs were pulverized, and his plasma turned into mist...

In just the blink of an eye, this terrifying existence comparable to that of a Taoist master actually died violently in front of Chen Xi's eyes!

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