divine talisman

Chapter 1974 Sudden Strike

Tao represents the "Civilization of Tao" in the first era.

This way is not the other way, but a system of practice, an era civilization respected by Taoism.

At the same time, this few words of "Tao" can also be seen how powerful the practitioners of this era are, and it is unimaginable for those who dare to call themselves Tao.

As a robber born in this era, one can imagine how powerful "Tao" itself is.

Therefore, even though he had already launched an action to kill Dao and deprive him of the brand of the era, Chen Xi did not dare to be careless.

Even with the power of reincarnation and the power of the fragments of the river chart, Chen Xi did not dare to have any absolute confidence in victory.

This is not fear of war, nor is it too conservative. It is just a deep understanding of the enemy. Only in this way can a corresponding combat strategy be adopted.

From Chen Xi's point of view, to deal with this kind of unusual person, one should adopt an unusual strategy, and perhaps it will be able to achieve an unimaginable miraculous effect.



In the gray world, Chen Xi kept moving and moving forward.

For three full months, he hadn't seen any sights, and there was a gray and dead atmosphere everywhere, which made people feel lonely.

It's like flying in the endless gray world, without knowing its end or origin.

Chen Xi also finally realized why both Wu and Wu seemed so lonely. Everything in this land of catastrophe was so empty and dead silent. After a long time, no matter how high their cultivation was, they would inevitably feel confused.

Just like a trapped beast, although the shackles cannot be seen, the world is already an unbreakable shackle.

It is hard to imagine how this catastrophic land was created, and for what purpose it has survived to this day.

It is an incredible thing to be able to exist until now after the rise and fall of nine epochs.

Chen Xi couldn't imagine this, and he didn't bother to think about it. He didn't come to explore the secrets of this catastrophe land. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible and never come back again!

Another few months passed.

In the distance, Chen Xi finally saw a vague outline of a building in his field of vision, which made his already vigilant mind become more cautious.

Taoist temple!

As the distance got closer, Chen Xi finally saw clearly that it was an ancient Taoist temple, mottled and outdated, and had experienced many vicissitudes.

It stands in the gray world, as if it has existed there since ancient times, and it has a primitive atmosphere of great beauty and ingenuity.

Here is the place where the "Tao" occupies!

Since the killing of the four Epoch Respondents and the inability to completely refine those era imprints, since then, Dao has never left this Taoist temple, which seems extremely mysterious.

Call ~

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and the power of samsara in his body quietly circulated, and the fragments of the river chart in the sea of ​​consciousness floated. Although no movement was released, Chen Xi knew that as long as he started fighting and sensed the aura of the Era Respondent, the river chart would automatically operate stand up.

"Little friend, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

This was the first sentence that Chen Xi heard from that "Tao" when he arrived here, before he approached that Taoist temple.

The voice is as gentle as a jade rhythm, like a bell and a drum, and it makes people feel like a spring breeze. It is like reuniting with an old friend who has not seen for many years, giving people an unspeakable comfort to the soul.

But Chen Xi's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he felt an unspeakable throbbing in his heart, it was an extremely dangerous aura!

It was as if an invisible sword had been pressed against the neck and throat, and the pores all over his body couldn't help standing up one by one.


Before Chen Xi could react, he felt his eyes go dark, and his whole body seemed to be grasped by an invisible big hand, and it exploded!

In an instant, blood rained heavily, dyeing the world red.

As early as those years when he was unconscious in that turbid pool, Chen Xi encountered danger more than once, and even once his body exploded, leaving only a head.

But in the end, it still recovered.

However, at this time, just before he arrived at a Taoist temple, when he heard the voice of that "Tao", Chen Xi had no time to react, and his whole body exploded and turned into rain of blood. This sudden change , I'm afraid even he himself can't imagine it.

too fast!

It's too hot!

Without even giving Chen Xi a chance, he was already robbed!

"Little friend, it's just a pity for you. The moment I noticed your arrival, I didn't intend to give you any chance."

A sigh resounded, and a figure emerged, arriving at the place where Chen Xi had stopped before.

He has a strange face, wearing a Taoist robe, and his aura is mysterious and mysterious, obscure and inexplicable. Standing there at will, it seems to be in harmony with the ages. It is the "Tao" who should be robbed in the first era!

He reached out his hand, picked up a streak of blood with his fingertips, and licked it on the tip of his tongue. Surprise could not help but appear on the corners of his lips: "It's a pity that the blood is so pure, it's a pity that it was born at an untimely time. figure."

When he was speaking, his abyss-like eyes swept away, and he saw treasures emerging from the rain of blood.

These are all the treasures left by Chen Xi, including sword talismans, Daluotian, Luobao copper coins... and more than ten pieces.

With a wave of Taoist sleeve robe, he took these treasures into his palm, took a closer look, and exclaimed again: "Good baby, these should be the innate spiritual treasures in this era. After leaving this catastrophe, it can be Use it for me."

As he said that, his eyes finally fell on the Xie Zhu Pen and You Ming Lu.

"The breath of reincarnation..."

In an instant, Dao's pupils burst into a frightening light, as if he was extremely excited, but he stared at these two treasures for a long time, but he didn't start to search for them.

Instead, he carefully placed them on the ground, as if he was afraid of getting a trace of Nether Record and Exorcism Pen.

"When I have refined everything about this son, I will be able to control reincarnation, haha, hahahaha... I have waited for nine epochs, but finally it is here!"

Dao looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his voice was like a dragon's chant, stirring the nine heavens and ten earths, revealing incomparable joy and excitement.

It took a long time before he regained his composure and continued to explore.

The rain of blood was like a misty and poignant mist, dyeing the gray world with a bright red.

Dao's gaze pierced through the blood rain, and soon found three targets, which were three strange and completely different symbols, representing the "Witch Seal", "Martial Seal" and "Phantom Seal".


Without hesitation, Dao opened his mouth and swallowed these three era brands into his body.

"Although it can't be completely refined for the time being, sooner or later, your power will be used by me. The civilization inheritance of nine epochs is enough for me to explore the true mystery of the ultimate road!"

Dao let out a satisfied sigh, "Speaking of which, this little guy is really a lucky star of this seat."


Soon, Dao frowned and murmured: "No, where is Hetu? And the mark of the era on this little guy? Why is it gone?"

In an instant, he was filled with a forceful aura, disturbing the situation in all directions, and the terrifying thoughts fluctuated like thunder, covering this area, and searched carefully.

After a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of Dao's lips, and his eyes locked on one of the blood rains.

In his field of vision, the rain of blood was churning, squirming and merging little by little, forming the outline of a strange symbol.

Although it is blurry, Dao can tell at a glance that it is an era brand!

"Little friend, I'm afraid you won't understand even if you die. The brand of the era is not so integrated. Their powers conflict with each other, just like eight completely different orders of heaven. How can it be so easy to integrate?"

Dao stood on one side, muttering to himself while waiting.

"It took me several epochs to barely integrate the two epoch marks of Buddhism and Confucianism. When refining the 'Devil's Seal', I almost lost my mind and died suddenly. Even if you are alive now, with With your little ability, how can you do this step?"

"This is God's will!"

"You eight era robbers are all opportunities arranged by God's will for this seat. As long as you refine everything about you, this seat... will one day become an eternal and immortal existence. The damned way of heaven also tramples underfoot!"

At the end of Tao's words, there was already a hint of disdain for Feiyang in his expression.

During these years, he was really too lonely, he endured all the boredom and boredom, at this moment he will finally succeed, how can he not be excited?

It is true that his cultivation is as high as the sky, his wrists are as high as the sky, but in this deadly and catastrophic place, there is nothing he can do, and he can only endure this loneliness.

That's why, at this moment, he is so excited, so happy, and so arrogant!


A strange power fluctuation made Dao regain his composure a little bit, and only then did he notice that the era brand that belonged to Chen Xi had already taken shape.

But when he saw this era mark clearly, Dao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, because the aura contained in this era brand was so unusual!

There is the breath of the civilization of Dao, as well as the breath of the civilization of Buddha. Even if you perceive it carefully, you can also feel the breath of civilizations such as demons, Confucianism, souls, martial arts, and witches!

How can this be?

Dao's eyes suddenly shrank, unbelievable.

An era civilization represents a unique practice inheritance, which is absolutely impossible to be the same as previous eras, so why is there so much civilization in this era brand?


That era mark transformed by Chen Xi finally took shape at this moment, and suddenly released a wave of obscure and strange waves that spread in all directions!


In this piece of heaven and earth, there is a sound of thunder, like the sound of Taoism.

Those blood rains transformed by Chen Xi's shattered body actually reversed at this moment, as if they had spirituality, they returned along the original falling trajectory, as if they were going to re-merge and reshape.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Dao felt a shock in his heart, realizing that something was wrong, he didn't even think about it, and subconsciously wanted to stop it from happening.

But there happened a scene that made Dao completely astonished. At this moment, he was unable to control his body, and he couldn't even release a trace of strength!

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