divine talisman

Chapter 1975 Unbelievable


The strange fluctuations became more and more powerful, covering the world like a tide.

It can be clearly seen that the era brand that Chen Xi transformed released a mysterious luster, like a lighthouse, attracting streams of blood rain to gather.

Those rains of blood were all formed by Chen Xi's previously shattered body, which had already flowed into the heavens and the earth, but now, they all seemed to be resurrected, and gathered towards that era brand, which seemed extremely unimaginable.

But at this moment, Dao's calm and majestic expression has suddenly changed, his pupils dilated, and he is completely plunged into a kind of wrath.

He couldn't control his body, couldn't release his power, and even his mind was imprisoned, unable to get out!

At this moment, he was like a prisoner nailed to the death rack, unable to move at all!

How can this be? !

Dao is confident that with his current combat power, he can wipe out everything with a flick of a finger and sweep away any major enemy in the world. Except for the incomparably illusory Dao of Heaven, there is no one in this world who is his opponent!

But now, he is imprisoned by an invisible strange wave, and he can't even lift a finger. How can this not make him frightened and angry?

what on earth is it?

Dao's mind was so shocked that he still couldn't believe it. He was convinced that Chen Xi had been completely killed just now, but all the changes that happened before him made it impossible for him to deduce the cause and effect.


That strange fluctuation became more and more intense, and the sound gradually became harsh, shaking the world, making Dao feel a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if his consciousness was about to be imprisoned!

"Do not--!"

Dao let out a roar, full of endless shock and bewilderment, why, why is this happening?I have endured for nine epochs!Why do such accidents happen?

But the next scene made him feel an indescribable chill in his heart, because he was shocked to find that even his own voice couldn't spread out!

It's like being imprisoned by an invisible mysterious force, even the sound is contained!

Then, Dao was completely startled. In his field of vision, the era brand that Chen Xi had transformed was like a blood ball, wrapped in streams of blood rain.

The blood cells kept beating, making a beating sound like a heart, as if a life was being conceived in it.


Until later, the rhythmic sound from the blood cells became louder and louder, almost like a big drum beating by a god, shaking the world and looking extremely powerful.

Under this rhythm, a blurred figure was vaguely outlined inside the blood cell, continuously absorbing the blood around the blood cell.

"Is that little guy going to be resurrected?"

At this moment, a hint of panic appeared in Dao's expression uncontrollably, and his eyes were tearing apart. With his incomparable wisdom, he couldn't even imagine how such a thing could happen in this world.


The strange fluctuations between the sky and the earth continued to spread, and the blood cell was also constantly moving, and the blurry figure inside the blood cell began to gradually become clear...

And Dao, a great man who is as powerful as the sky, a living fossil-like existence that has lived for nearly nine epochs, is like a prisoner in chains, who can only watch all this happen, his expression is full of horror and confusion.

This picture is so unbelievable, but also so thrilling, beyond imagination!

"River map! Yes, it must be a river map!!"

Suddenly, Dao seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly became excited and ferocious.

"It must be this ghost thing! It is the only thing in this world that can generate such power and suppress me!"

"Damn it! Why! Why was He Tu brought into the Gate of Doom by this little thing? Is this era different from the past?"

Dao roared again and again, but no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break free from the shackles at all. He hated him so much that his teeth were about to be crushed, and he looked like a madman.

Although Dao couldn't figure out why such a change happened at this moment, he was sure that it all came from the effect of Hetu!

Otherwise, with Chen Xi's strength, he would definitely not be able to achieve this step!

Only He Tu could make Dao so angry, because at the beginning of his cultivation, the source of all his strength was also inseparable from He Tu.

He is the one who responded to the robbery in the first era, but he is also a river map enlightener!

But now, perhaps because of Hetu's relationship, Dao was restrained and completely reduced to a situation like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, which made Dao feel extremely angry.

Is this the causal loop?

Is Hetu going to take back the power he inherited from it?

Dao dare not imagine, nor dare to think, if all this is true, it would be too appalling.


At this moment, an earth-shattering explosion sound resounded, like the opening of chaos, there was a deterrent force that reached people's hearts.

Immediately, Dao saw that blood cell transformed by the era brand suddenly exploded at this moment, and a tall figure walked out of it.

That person had a clear and handsome face, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, his thick black long hair was flying, his expression was indifferent and calm, the ancient well was calm, it was Chen Xi!

"No—! How is this possible, he, he... was killed by this seat, how could he come back to life?"

Dao let out a cry, terrified to the extreme, like falling into an ice cave.

Chen Xi was killed by him himself, so he might not be aware that with his own power to kill, not to mention Chen Xi, even a Taoist master would surely die if he came!

But now, this little guy... unexpectedly... really came back to life!

All this was an extremely heavy blow to Dao, which made him a little confused.


Why is this happening?

During this period of time, Dao had asked such questions more than once, but until now, when he saw Chen Xi who was killed by him come back to life, he became more and more confused.

None of this could have been conceived with the memory and wisdom of his nine epochs.

"Are you surprised?"

At this time, Chen Xi from afar came pacing over, looking at Dao with an indifferent expression, and there was no emotion in his voice.

That blood cell has disappeared, and the blood rain all over the sky has also disappeared at this moment, only that strange wave is still spreading between the sky and the earth.

It was just such a scene that made Dao immediately see that the mysterious wave that imprisoned him actually came from Chen Xi!

At this moment, Dao unexpectedly calmed down. Looking at Chen Xi who was approaching, he said coldly, "Is it because of the He Tu?"

Chen Xi nodded, looking very calm: "Not bad."

During the several months before arriving here, Chen Xi had been thinking about how to deal with this mysterious and powerful Dao.

After obtaining all the information about Dao from Wu's memory, Chen Xi didn't dare to show any carelessness about this person.

For this reason, Chen Xi prepared too many coping strategies, and also prepared many means, among which the ones he relied on the most were undoubtedly the Hetu and the power of reincarnation.

Even, in order to avoid the most unpredictable situation, Chen Xi had already stored his soul in the river map.

Therefore, when he was killed before Dao, although his body exploded into a rain of blood, his soul had already been hidden in the river map.

At that time, after He Tu realized that Dao, the Era Responder, finally started to operate independently, releasing a wave of power that was enough to suppress Dao.

Everything that happened after that was what Dao saw. With the help of Hetu's power, Chen Xi's soul circulated to reshape the corpse that he had shattered, and finally recovered.

All of this sounds plain, but when it actually happens, it is dangerous and unpredictable, with murderous intentions everywhere, and if you make a slight mistake, you will lose everything.

Fortunately, Hetu's performance did not disappoint Chen Xi.

Dao's expression at this moment was extremely complicated, and he was silent for a long time before he sighed: "I never thought that I would not be defeated by other people, but by the power of Hetu. This world...is really unpredictable."

Chen Xi calmly said: "This is fate, you have to admit it."

Dao was stunned when he heard the words, but suddenly smiled: "No, this seat can survive from the first era to the present, and even the Dao of Heaven can't do anything to this seat, let alone now?"

His words were full of contempt and confidence.

Chen Xi frowned, a somewhat unexpected reaction.

"If my guess is correct, He Tu can only suppress my power, but cannot kill me."

At this moment, Dao was like a desperate beast finding a chance of life, appearing extremely calm and composed, "And with your little cultivation, even if I stand still, you won't be able to hurt me at all!"

After a pause, his smile grew stronger, "The most important thing is that the power of Hetu will weaken and disappear sooner or later. At that time... this seat will still be the final winner!"

After Chen Xi listened quietly, he couldn't help but admire the other party's deduction. There were almost no mistakes, and he seemed extremely sophisticated and wise.

However, in order to deal with Dao, Chen Xi prepared more means than these.

Chen Xi also smiled, with an intriguing curve on the corner of his lips, and said, "The winner has already been decided, but you don't know it."


Dao raised his eyebrows, stared at Chen Xi for a moment, and couldn't help but sneered and shook his head: "Scaremongering! Little guy, this seat has gone through ups and downs in nine epochs, the more you say that, the more it proves that you are at the end of your rope, otherwise... how could you... Don't you kill me immediately?"

Chen Xi said indifferently: "I actually really want to kill you like you killed me before, that would be the most straightforward, but as you said, my strength alone cannot hurt you, so, I We can only wait."

Dao narrowed his eyes: "What are you waiting for?"

The curvature of the corners of Chen Xi's lips became more and more clear. It seemed to be mocking, but at the same time, he said with emotion, "Could it be that you haven't noticed it yet?"

In a word, Dao's heart skipped a beat, and he felt an inexplicable palpitation.

Immediately, Dao's complexion changed suddenly, his pupils shrank like needles, veins burst out on his forehead, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"This this……"

Dao trembled and made a sound, which was extremely terrifying, because he was shocked to find that the power in his body was quietly disappearing...

Even the whole body's blood energy, vitality, longevity...everything is constantly decreasing and weakening!


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