divine talisman

Chapter 1976 Deduction of Civilization

Dao's body trembled and twitched constantly, his whole body was like a punctured rubber ball, and the strength in his body gradually weakened silently.

At this moment, he seemed so terrified and disturbed that he couldn't help shouting, "Reincarnation! Is this reincarnation?"

Chen Xi nodded and said, "Not bad."

After searching Wu Hewu's memory, Chen Xi has completely understood that in the past eight epochs, there was absolutely no such power as reincarnation.

Therefore, Tao's frightened and restless performance is really normal.

"But... when did you do it?"

Dao trembled and roared.

"When you took away my treasures."

Chen Xi said calmly, "Although you haven't touched the Youminglu and the Xiexie Pen, you were greedy and took away all my treasures. Unfortunately, before I arrived here, you had already sealed the power of reincarnation Among those treasures."

In an instant, Dao completely understood that from the moment he killed Chen Xi, a silent calculation had befallen him!

But he still can't figure out why the power of reincarnation is so terrifying?Why can a vulnerable little guy have the ability to turn the world around with just this kind of power?


What exactly is it?

I don't know the reason, but I can feel that all the power in my body is being eroded and weakened. It won't take long before I will run out of energy and completely disappear!

"Before you die, can you tell me why this power is so powerful?"

Dao was trembling violently, and there was a rare look of begging on his face distorted by fright.

It seemed that he already knew that he was doomed, so he didn't expect Chen Xi to be merciful at all, but this way of dying made him extremely unwilling.

How can Dao be reconciled to completely suppressing such a unparalleled figure like him with a piece of river map and a force of reincarnation?

Even if it is death, I am afraid that I will not die with peace!

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, looked at the aging Tao in his field of vision, and finally shook his head and said, "I can't explain it either."

He really doesn't know why the power of reincarnation is so powerful, it is not just killing opponents across borders, it is almost omnipotent!

However, what Chen Xi can be sure of is that the power of reincarnation is left outside, and it will definitely not produce such a powerful killing power.

In other words, only in this gate of doom, in this dead and mysterious land of catastrophe, can the power of reincarnation explode with such terrifying power!

The reason for all this is not even clear to Chen Xi.

However, according to his speculation, there may be two reasons. One is that this catastrophic place is unusual, allowing the power of reincarnation to possess almost omnipotent killing power.

The second reason is that the power of reincarnation, when dealing with those who should be robbed of the era, will erupt such a power that can be absolutely suppressed.

It is even possible that both of these reasons have made the power of reincarnation so powerful.

Not only the reincarnation, but also the fragments of the river map, making Chen Xi, in this catastrophic land, like a master who controls the power of life and death, crowning everything.

Of course, Chen Xi would never explain it to Dao.

"You don't know... Hahaha, you don't know..."

At this moment, Dao let out a hysterical laugh, completely insane, and his distorted and desperate face was full of madness.

"A little thing that doesn't know anything, but can carry the river chart into the gate of the end of the law, and even has a mysterious power of reincarnation that has never been seen before... Is this God's will?"

"Damn the thief! If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have stepped into this place in the first place and let you play tricks! Nine epochs! I have endured the loneliness of nine epochs, but in exchange for such an end , you... all will die a terrible death!"

The maddened voice reverberated between heaven and earth like thunder, revealing incomparable anger, hatred, despair, unwillingness, and bewilderment.


The voice still echoed, Dao's whole body collapsed suddenly, his flesh and blood turned into nothingness, and he was completely killed on the spot.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help letting out a long breath of foul air.

Tao is dead.

It also means that in this catastrophic land, there is only one person left, and there is no power that can threaten him.


In the void, strange symbols appeared one after another, and each breath released was unique and completely different.

They are the stamps of each era, namely "Seal of Tao", "Seal of Buddha", "Seal of Confucianism", "Seal of Demon", "Seal of Soul", "Seal of Magic", "Seal of Martial Arts" and "Seal of Witch" .

There are eight in total, representing the inheritance power of eight era civilizations!

Now, they are presented in front of Chen Xi one by one, and Chen Xi can't help being excited.

Whether you can find the real mystery of the ultimate path, or whether you can leave this catastrophe and return to the ancient gods, all depends on the brand of the eight eras!


Chen Xi first took back his stolen treasures one by one, and then hid the Youminglu and Xiexie Pen in his body.

Then, he began to look at the eight era marks.

Dao once said before that to completely refine these epoch marks is like refining eight completely different orders of heaven. It is definitely not that easy. Only through extensive exploration and practice, the two era imprints of "Buddha's seal" and "Confucian's seal" were barely refined.

Even, when Dao was refining the "Devil's Seal", he almost lost his temper, and Dao disappeared!

Therefore, under such circumstances, Chen Xi did not dare to underestimate him.

"Eight different era civilizations are in conflict with each other and cannot coexist. If this is true, how did Tao refine the seal of Buddha and the seal of Confucianism? There must be a method to follow."

After pondering for a long time, Chen Xi fixed his eyes on the "Seal of Dao", and without any further hesitation, he opened his mouth and swallowed that Seal of Dao into his body.

In an instant, a huge and vast aura of era inheritance, accompanied by some memories of Dao, poured into Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness like a tidal wave.

Chen Xi stood there, feeling all of this quietly, and constantly searching for the method related to the branding of the refining era in Dao's memory.

Three full days later.

There was a bright gleam in Chen Xi's eyes, and he murmured: "So, even though the era marks are completely opposite, they are both a cultivation system that seeks the ultimate path of heaven and pursues the position of eternal life. If you can find it The only characteristic among them may allow them to connect with each other and be used by me..."

"When Dao first refined the seal of Buddha and the seal of Confucianism, he found a way to use the civilization of Tao to deduce the power of these two civilizations. Why can't I do this?"

"Replacing... How should I replace it? Among the powers I have mastered, the best are undoubtedly Talisman and Sword Dao... The former is good at deduction, and the latter is good at killing. If it is to replace the power of civilizations in other epochs, Sword Dao may be somewhat inferior. I can't do enough..."

"And Fu Dao, can you?"

Chen Xi fell into deep thought, constantly deducing in his mind, his whole body seemed to be dazed, and he didn't even notice the passage of time.

Ten days.

One month.

One year...

In this meditation, Chen Xi seemed to have realized the Tao. After a long time, there is still no sign of waking up.

The reason is that this era brand is indeed too vast and obscure, representing different era civilizations, and contains so many mysteries, and Chen Xi tried to refine and integrate them one by one for his own use, so it is conceivable that there will be How difficult.

Three years later.

Chen Xi, who was motionless like a clay statue, suddenly murmured——

"The civilization of Tao has the pattern of Tao."

"The civilization of Confucianism possesses the classics of Confucianism."

"The civilization of the devil has the pattern of the devil."

"The civilization of the Buddha has the scriptures of the Buddha."


"The pattern, the trace of the Dao, appears in the mountains, rivers and mountains, and is hidden in everything. If the wind blows the lotus leaf, the rippling trajectory of the lotus leaf is the trace of the Dao."

"The classics, the experience of writing books and talking about them, turning the invisible avenue into tangible, writing with scriptures, explaining with Taoism."

"The pattern can be deduced as the vein of the talisman, which is called the talisman pattern, and the sutra can accommodate the symptoms of the talisman, which is called the talisman scripture."

"Although civilizations are different, there are marks on the road, all of which are turned into lines, and the lines are used to form talismans, which can be replaced!"

"Although the forces are in conflict, they can all be explained in the scriptures, and they can also be replaced!"

"Therefore, the secrets of civilization can all be interpreted and deciphered by talismans!"

The murmuring voice became louder and clearer, until it was as loud as a bell, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths.

And Chen Xi's whole person seemed to be enlightened at this moment, his brows were clear, his whole body was open-minded and transparent, and his treasured appearance was solemn.

"Everything can be called Dao pattern, magic pattern, Confucian pattern, Buddha pattern, soul pattern, phantom pattern, martial pattern, witch pattern!"

"Everything can be integrated into Taoism, Magic, Confucianism, Buddhism, Soul, Illusion, Martial Arts, and Witchcraft!"

"Everything can fit together!"

When it came to the end, Chen Xi opened his mouth and swallowed violently, swallowing the remaining era brand that had been floating in the void.


All kinds of terrifying inheritance powers that clashed with each other suddenly rushed into Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness like a series of terrifying storms.

This kind of power is so terrifying, even though Chen Xi was ready, he still felt a sharp pain from the corpse, and his head seemed to explode!

"Not good! Although I understand its principles, I don't have the power to control the eight era marks. Once I go to refine it, I'm afraid I will destroy the sea of ​​consciousness and go crazy!"

In an instant, Chen Xi seemed to realize something, his expression changed suddenly, and his whole body froze. After all the calculations, he still missed a link.

That is, with his current strength, it is impossible to refine the civilization inheritance contained in the brand of the eight eras at the same time!

Chen Xi's heart sank to the bottom, and the ever-expanding pain in his sea of ​​consciousness reminded him that if he didn't stop all of this, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous!


ps: I have to explain a problem.In the setting, there have been nine eras since ancient times, and in each era, nine catastrophes will be born, and only the ninth catastrophe in each era can open the door of the end of the law and enter the land of catastrophe .

Chen Xi is the ninth culprit in the Ninth Era, so there is a saying that "ninety-nine return to one".

Fuxi and Xuan, the two survivors of the ninth era, ranked seventh and eighth respectively, so they did not have the opportunity to enter the gate of the end of Dharma.

In addition, the relationship between the Gate of the Doomsday, the Land of Catastrophe, Reincarnation, and the River Map will be written again in the future, probably before the end. Therefore, the power of the three-star domain lord who surprised Chen Xi can kill other catastrophes. By.

Because from the beginning to the end, it was not he who was fighting, but the two forces of Hetu and Samsara fighting against a special group of robbers under a special situation.

All of the above have been written in the text and will not be explained in the future.

Finally, there is a reason for the update of Chapter 2 every day, so I have no face to ask everyone to vote monthly, and everyone understands to take care of one or two. 2015 is definitely a bumpy year for me.

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