divine talisman

Chapter 1977 Big Change

The pain was as severe as a knife, and it was so painful that Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode.

At this moment, the eight completely different era marks were like wild horses running wild, colliding into the sea of ​​consciousness. Every time they collided, they brought Chen Xi an unspeakable pain.


Chen Xi almost subconsciously tried his best to use all the power in his body to seal all the power and strip it from the sea of ​​consciousness.


However, before he could act, He Tu, who had been silent in the sea of ​​consciousness, moved first!

It released obscure fluctuations, turned into a giant, and instantly covered the eight completely different eras.

The severe pain in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness decreased sharply, and he regained his sanity a little bit, but what surprised him was that after He Tu restrained these eight completely different era marks, he swallowed them all at once!


Chen Xi froze there all of a sudden, caught off guard by this scene.

How could he have imagined that the eight era marks that he had worked so hard to acquire would be swallowed up by He Tu now! ?

You know, he still needs to rely on refining these epoch marks to find the true mystery of the ultimate path, and to find a way to leave this catastrophe!


After He Tu devoured those epoch marks, he did not remain silent, but released more and more powerful strange fluctuations.

It can be clearly seen that the river map seems to be changing at this moment, becoming more and more crystal clear, the surface is shining brilliantly, and there are wisps of halo, like the light of the avenue, with a thrilling and mysterious charm.

It kept vibrating, as if it was singing, and the aura it emitted made Chen Xi forget everything at this moment, his mind went blank, and he fell into a state of intoxication that he couldn't extricate himself from.

It's amazing!


This is a kind of power that goes straight to the depths of the soul, it is indescribable and cannot be explained, just like the incomparable ethereal way of heaven.


In such a strange state, Chen Xi didn't notice at all that a huge tremor suddenly resounded in this gray world.

Until later, the entire land of catastrophe was shaken, and a series of thick and mysterious chains of order suddenly gushed out from the sky, like a series of doomsday thunderbolts descending, flickering and dancing between the heaven and the earth, releasing enough to destroy the world. Prestige.

All of a sudden, in the gray sky and earth, thunderclouds rolled, hurricanes howled, and the chain of order danced like lightning, rendering this catastrophic place as if the end of the world was coming and it was about to perish.

However, Chen Xi was unaware of all this.

Only in his sea of ​​consciousness, the fragments of the river map are constantly trembling, becoming more and more brilliant, crystal clear and pure, filled with dao rhyme and overflowing with mysterious light.


A Divine Chain of Order pierced the sky, like a lightning blade, slashed fiercely towards Chen Xi's position.

This is too terrifying, the breath released is as if the real way of heaven is descending, wanting to kill the world and destroy everything!

Not to mention Chen Xi, I am afraid that the real Dao Master Realm existence came, and he had to avoid his edge in the face of this blow, not daring to challenge it head-on.

And the most terrible thing is that up to this moment, Chen Xi still didn't notice all of this, he just stood there, motionless!


At this extremely critical moment, suddenly a vortex appeared in the void above Chen Xi's head before the slashing divine chain of order.

As soon as it appeared, it released a terrifying force of swallowing and sucking that could not be resisted. In an instant, it dragged Chen Xi into the depths of the vortex, and disappeared without a trace.


Almost at the same time that Chen Xi's figure disappeared, that divine chain of order struck and shattered that vortex of void in one fell swoop. The whole area was affected, the earth exploded, time and space were pulverized, and everything was destroyed. For nothingness!

If Chen Xi saw this terrifying scene, he might not be able to believe it.

It's a pity that after being drawn into that mysterious vortex of void, Chen Xi could no longer notice all of this...


The bottom of the forbidden abyss.

Plenty of bones piled up, like a sea of ​​bones and corpses, stretching as far as the eye can see.

At this moment, the Gate of Doom, which stood in the bones and was as high as [-] feet, trembled violently at this moment, and immediately on its surface, the gray mist transformed by the thunder of Doom and Thunder rumbled and vibrated, reflecting a series of terrifying strange scenes. elephant.


At this moment, the void split open suddenly, and a blood-colored figure emerged.

With his hands behind his back, his eyes, like the sun and the moon, suddenly locked on the gate of Na Mo Fa, bursting out with a frightening luster.

After a long time, the abnormality on Namo's Gate of Law gradually disappeared, and he fell into silence again. The bloody figure also seemed to be in deep thought, and remained silent for a long time.

"The variable... It really is a big variable... It's just a pity that I can't spy on everything that happened..."

"However, that little guy should have gotten out of trouble, maybe... he has obtained the real secret of the ultimate path?"

"No matter what, this opportunity must be seized!"

Thinking of this, that blood-colored figure suddenly took a deep breath, and his whole body became incomparably majestic, and a pair of eyes suddenly fell on the vast pile of bones.

"The silent and boundless years, only seize the opportunity of the present!"

The blood-colored figure was full of transpiration, and he waved his hand suddenly.

In an instant, the color of the world changed, and a terrifying force spread out, covering the vast sea of ​​bones.


The white-skeleton corpses that had been buried here for an unknown number of years suddenly trembled at this moment, making a rattling sound, as if they were about to wake up from death.

"The opportunity has been given to you. After a thousand years, I will take your unfulfilled long-cherished wish to conquer the world and capture the ultimate eternal secret!"

In the muffled voice filled with supreme majesty, that bloody figure had disappeared.

On this day, the entire chaotic remnant completely turned into an image of the end of the world, and the atmosphere of destruction filled every inch of space.

And the forbidden power that shrouded the entire chaotic ruins quietly opened a small gap at some point.

This gap is extremely inconspicuous, just like the veins in a leaf, it is submerged in the mist transformed by the forbidden force, making it difficult for people to notice it at all.

And, it is spreading at an extremely slow speed...

If it continues like this, I'm afraid that one day, this crack will turn into a huge opening and become a passage for entering and exiting the chaotic ruins!


Chen Xi felt like a straw floating in the turbulent waves, surrounded by a terrifying force, unable to struggle, and could only drift with the current.

He couldn't open his eyes, his whole body seemed to be drained, and he felt extremely tired and weak from the inside out.

He didn't even know what happened before.

This feeling is like returning to the time when I first entered the gate of the end of Dharma, my consciousness was dull, and my whole body was floating and sinking in that turbid pool, powerless.

The only difference is that this time Chen Xi's consciousness did not completely faint.

But even so, he could only let himself be wrapped up like a straw, drifting up and down like the current.

Afterwards, Chen Xi had completely calmed down, ignored everything else, and began to think about what happened before.

"There was a change in the river map, swallowing eight era marks... Later, a transformation occurred in the river map... and then..."

The more Chen Xi thought about it, the more chaotic his mind became, and he couldn't remember clearly what happened to him at that time.

How could this be?

Before Chen Xi could continue to think about it, an irresistible sense of fatigue surged into his heart like a tide, making his consciousness suddenly blurred, and he fell into darkness.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be as long as the endless years, and it seems to have just passed.

A sigh sounded in Chen Xi's ears——

"Miss, I think it's probably impossible for this person to wake up. He's breathing intermittently all over his body, and he's extremely weak. No matter how many miraculous medicines he feeds, it doesn't work at all. This is really hopeless."

Immediately, there was a sound of footsteps approaching from far to near.

"Uncle Li, why don't you wait any longer, since we met him, we can't just leave him here."

A pleasant and gentle voice sounded.

"Miss, our time is running out. If we can't return to the clan in time, I'm afraid..."

"Then take him on the road together."

"This... we have enough troubles..."

"Uncle Li, just do as I say, no matter how much trouble you have, this one is not bad."

"it is good."


Hearing this, Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. Although he was still unable to open his eyes, he could tell that he might have left the land of catastrophe!

This made Chen Xi's heart suddenly excited, and he never expected that such a bizarre experience would happen.

Demon Swamp?

Where is this again?

Chen Xi was thinking silently in his heart, and he had secretly made a decision. After he fully woke up, he must repay the benefactor who saved his life this time.


Before Chen Xi could think any more, that familiar feeling of exhaustion surged into his heart again.


This was Chen Xi's helpless sigh before his consciousness fell into darkness again.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi, who was in a trance, felt a shock all over his body, and he didn't know where the strength came from, causing him to suddenly open his eyes.

When the field of vision became clear, Chen Xi realized that he was lying alone on a treasured chariot. This treasured chariot was elegantly and simply decorated, exquisite and comfortable, and filled with wisps of refreshing fragrance.

The owner of this treasure chariot is obviously a woman.

Chen Xi made a judgment all of a sudden, remembering the sweet and gentle voice he heard last time. Obviously, after the other party left from the "Devil Swamp", he did not abandon him.


A piercing sound of piercing through the air made Chen Xi judge again that the treasure chariot was galloping in the void at full speed, it didn't seem like it was rushing, but it seemed like it was running away, and there was a sense of urgency.

run away?

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, but immediately couldn't help but smile wryly.

At this moment, his sanity has completely recovered, but unfortunately, his whole body is completely empty, and his physical condition still shows an extremely weak state.

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