divine talisman

Chapter 1978 Xue Clan

Chen Xi suddenly discovered that since he entered the gate of Na Mo Fa, his luck seemed to have changed.

Falling into a coma one after another, unable to control his own destiny again and again, and even facing sudden changes, he has no ability to resist at all!

Until now, even though it was determined that he had already escaped from that catastrophe, Chen Xi had no choice but to find that he was once again in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Not only was his strength exhausted, but even the breath in his whole body became extremely weak, like a terminally ill disabled person.

If someone hadn't rescued him this time, Chen Xi would have suspected that if he was in any danger when he was in a coma, I'm afraid... he would have died long ago, right?

In fact, in the final analysis, Chen Xi also knew that it was not that he was not strong enough, but that everything inside the Gate of the Law was too shocking and beyond common sense, and the power within it was even more unimaginably powerful.

Three-star domain masters like him can only drift with the tide, without any ability to resist and contend. It is conceivable how terrifying everything in the Gate of the Last Law is.

Chen Xi even suspected that even if someone from the Dao Master Realm entered it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After all, among the Era Responders I saw back then, whether it was Wu, Wu, or Dao, their combat power was either comparable to that of a Taoist master, or even stronger than that of a Taoist master!

Under such circumstances, it was already a fluke for Chen Xi to be able to escape from it.


Chen Xi didn't think too much, but started to check his physical condition.

Due to the problem of weakened breath, it was difficult for him to recover the strength of his whole body, and he was even unable to operate his cultivation base.

This state also meant that, at least for the time being, Chen Xi was no different from a cripple, completely devoid of fighting power.

Fortunately for Chen Xi, his incomparably weak aura is being repaired bit by bit. As long as it becomes stronger, he can mobilize his whole body's aura to run, thereby completely recovering his strength.

However, this recovery process will take at least three months.

Putting it in a normal way, three months is nothing more than a flick of a finger for an existence like Chen Xi.

But now it's different, he lost all his combat power, if some accident happened, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Therefore, Chen Xi could only beg in his heart that no accidents should happen during this period of time...

"Hey, are you awake?"

Suddenly, the curtain of the treasure chariot was lifted, followed by a pleasant and gentle voice, full of surprise.

Chen Xi looked up, and a delicate and beautiful face came into view.

This is a woman with an extremely outstanding appearance. Her red lips are glossy, her black eyes are like lacquer, and her fair face is crystal clear, which can be broken by blows.

She was wearing an emerald green dress, her thick black hair was tied behind her head, and she exuded a dignified, quiet, and gentle unique temperament in her gestures.

Originally, her black eyebrows were tightly furrowed, as if she had a heavy heart on her mind, but when she saw Chen Xi who opened his eyes, her black eyebrows immediately stretched, and a pair of star pupils revealed a gleam of joy.

Obviously, it was this woman who rescued Chen Xi before.

Chen Xi wanted to get up, but he found that he couldn't even move a finger. He opened his mouth and moved, but he didn't even have the strength to say a word.

This made him smile wryly.

The woman in the emerald green dress obviously also saw Chen Xi's predicament, she couldn't help but smiled, and said softly, "You don't need to say too much, fellow daoist, you don't feel well, just calm down and recuperate."

After a pause, she introduced herself, and then told the whole story of how to rescue Chen Xi.

It turned out that this woman's name was Xueyun, and she was a descendant of Youyan Zhouyu Xue clan.

A few months ago, when she went to the demon-subduing swamp together with a senior in the clan, she accidentally found Chen Xi who was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Since Chen Xi was seriously injured, no matter how much he tried to help him, there was no sign of recovery, Xueyun finally decided to bring Chen Xi back on the journey with the consent of the senior in the clan.

Now, they are on their way to the Xue clan.

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi was finally completely convinced that after he left that catastrophic place, he was mistakenly moved to that demon-subduing swamp.

For a moment, he was filled with emotion, and he knew that if it wasn't for Xueyun's help this time, with his current state, he might not be able to survive in the demon swamp for a month at all.

"Miss, those damn..."

At this time, an old voice came from outside the treasure chariot. Accompanied by the voice, a strong and brave old man opened the curtain and walked in. When he saw Chen Xi who had awakened, the old man immediately shut up and stopped talking.

"Look, Uncle Li, this fellow Taoist has come to his senses."

Xueyun said with a smile.

The old man nodded, his eyes were like lightning, and he coldly glanced at Chen Xi, revealing a trace of hostility faintly.

"Dare to ask where you are from, how could you be comatose in the demon swamp?"

When the old man spoke, there was an aggressive taste in his voice. Obviously, he was very resistant to helping Chen Xi, an unexpected guest.

Naturally, Chen Xi could clearly sense it, but he also understood that whoever suddenly rescued a stranger with unknown origin would inevitably be vigilant and prepared.

"Uncle Li, this fellow daoist has just woken up, and his body is still extremely weak, unable to speak. It won't be too late for you to talk again after a while."

Xueyun smiled warmly at the side, and immediately she said to Chen Xi, "Fellow Daoist, this is my father's best friend, Li Wentai, who is the head teacher of Youyan Zhouyu Xuanying Sword Sect, and is titled 'Emperor Wentai'."

There was a hint of pride in his voice.

But to Xueyun's surprise, Chen Xi acted calmly as if he didn't know Li Wentai at all, without any reaction.

This made her mutter to herself, isn't this person from Youyan Zhouyu?

As Xueyun said, this Li Wentai is indeed a well-known ascetic in the Youyan universe, his cultivation has already reached the level of the emperor, and in the Youyan universe, he can also be called a master of wind and rain. big shot.

It's a pity that Chen Xi really has never heard of this person, and he doesn't even know which realm this Youyan Universe is located in.

After all, the ancient God Realm had thousands of domains, and each domain contained an unknown number of universes, and each universe contained an unknown number of cultivation planets.

Although Chen Xi said that he had entered the Ancient God Domain for many years, it was impossible for him to keep all the universes in the entire Ancient God Domain firmly in his heart.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a sentence, the ancient gods' domain is really too big, not to mention Chen Xi, even some other old antiques, I am afraid that it is difficult to know everything in all the domains of the ancient gods' domain.

However, when he saw that Xueyun was guarded by a powerful person at the Monarch Realm, Chen Xi immediately judged that the clan power that Xueyun belonged to might be unusual.

"Fellow Daoist, it would be great if you wake up now. This old man is not a cold-blooded person, but there are some things that must be said in person."

Li Wentai looked majestic, and said in a deep voice, "Now we have encountered some troubles, which are quite tricky. On the next journey, I am afraid that we will not be able to take care of your safety, fellow daoist, so please ask you to restore your body, Leave as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body, there is nothing we can do to help."

After a pause, his voice suddenly became stern, "Of course, fellow daoist, you'd better do your part, if the old man finds out that you have any abnormal behavior that is unfavorable to the young lady, he will shoot you to death immediately! "

There was an undisguised warning in the voice.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. He secretly thought that if I fully recovered and wanted to harm you, even ten of you would not be my opponent at all...

Xueyun looked at Chen Xi, seemed a little embarrassed, and was about to explain something when Li Wentai pulled her out of the chariot.

"Miss, you must be cautious. This person's origin is unknown, and he has a strange smell all over him. You should be more careful in the future."

"Uncle Li, I understand. By the way, you seemed to have something to do with me just now?"

"That's right, I noticed before that those damned guys are probably following up again..."

Indistinctly, the conversation between the two could still be heard, but unfortunately as they drifted away, their voices also became faint and could no longer be heard.

Chen Xi had been lying there the whole time, like a dead corpse that couldn't move, but he was thinking quickly in his heart. He was now sure that his previous judgment was not wrong. Xueyun and the others were obviously running away. Behind them, It seems that there is still a force chasing them.

Obviously, Li Wentai was not lying, they and his group were indeed in trouble, and under such circumstances, it was no wonder that he was so resistant to helping him.

Originally, there were enough troubles, and with the addition of taking care of myself, a stranger of unknown origin along the way, it was inevitable that anyone would reject him.

And under such circumstances, Xueyun still resolutely chose to help herself, which made Chen Xi even more grateful for this gentle and quiet woman.

"When you recover, you must repay this kindness..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, stopped thinking about it, and began to actively try to guide the extremely weak breath in his body.

Just like that, Chen Xi followed Xueyun, Li Wentai and the others on their way. Due to his weak physical strength, he could only stay in the treasure chariot every day, lying there trying various methods to quickly restore strength over and over again.

Along the way, Xueyun would occasionally come to chat with Chen Xi.

After many days of recovery, Chen Xi was finally able to speak, and Dexueyun couldn't help but feel very happy for him. It felt like she had done something extremely extraordinary.

This made Chen Xi feel emotional occasionally, Xueyun is really a good girl with a heart of a Buddha, and Chen Xi even doubted that any bastard would dare to deal cruelly with such a kind-hearted woman.

Her enemy... who is it?

Unfortunately, despite Chen Xi's inquiries, Xueyun always shook her head and said nothing, she obviously didn't want to make Chen Xi worry, she just told Chen Xi to let Chen Xi rest in peace and heal his wounds.

But the more this happened, the more it made Chen Xi feel bad, as if he was dragging the other party down.

In the end, Chen Xi became more and more determined to help the other party resolve this difficulty.

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