divine talisman

Chapter 1979 Silent Resolution

In the vast starry sky, three bronze chariots galloped at full speed, dragging out three colorful long rainbows in the void.

In the first treasure chariot, Li Wentai disdained to make a sound: "Miss, what kind of person is Chen Xi, how can he be compared to that kid? There are so many people with the same name and the same name in this world, and that kid has become that weak. Maybe compared to that Chen Xi from Shenyan Mountain?"

At the end, Li Wentai couldn't help shaking his head, feeling relieved.

Chen Xi!

Since the last Dao Discussion Contest jointly held by the Five Extremes of the Imperial Domain, this name has become like the most dazzling star, becoming the most prestigious generation of arrogance in the entire ancient God's Domain.

His swordsmanship is unrivaled, and his talisman is unparalleled. He crushed Leng Xinghun of the Taishangjiao, Donghuang Yinxuan of the Shenyuan and other strongmen, crowning all the strongmen in the Ancestral God Realm, just like leading the tide of an era!

Looking at today's Ancient God Realm, who doesn't know that there is such a heaven-defying peerless evildoer as Chen Xi in Shenyan Mountain?

Even though hundreds of years have passed since the last Dao Discussion Competition, the rumors about Chen Xi are still one of the most talked about topics in the entire cultivation world.

Like this kind of person, how could Li Wentai not know?

There are even rumors that the current Chen Xi is very likely to have set foot in the domain of the domain master!

However, there are also rumors that the current Chen Xi has been trapped to death in the mysterious and chaotic ruins, and there is no possibility of returning to the ancient gods.

Regarding this, Li Wentai was not sure, but no matter what, in his heart Chen Xi was still an existence absolutely worthy of his respect.

It was precisely because he was aware of all this that Li Wentai looked so disdainful when he heard Xueyun say that the young man they rescued claimed to be Chen Xi.

One is a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain who amazed the entire Ancient God Realm, and the other is a dying guy who is so weak that he can hardly even speak. How could these two be the same person?

"Uncle Li, I didn't say that he is that Chen Xi."

Xueyun on the side pursed her lips and smiled, she also wouldn't think that the young man was the same Chen Xi, it was just that the name was the same.

"However, he shouldn't be a bad person. Although he sensed that our situation is not good, he didn't feel any frustration. Instead, he offered to help us."

Xueyun couldn't help but smile when she thought of the contact with Chen Xi these days, she could feel that Chen Xi really wanted to help her.

"Ha, just depend on him?"

Li Wentai couldn't help but sneered again, his voice was full of disapproval, "In my opinion, he can't protect himself, yet he dared to boast of going to Haikou to help us, this young man is too exaggerated."

Speaking of this, he looked at Xueyun solemnly, and said: "Miss, in the future, you should have less contact with this glib and boastful guy, so as not to pick up some bad habits. black……"

Before she could finish speaking, Xueyun stroked her forehead like a headache and interrupted: "Okay, okay, Uncle Li, I will remember, you have said it many times these days."

Li Wentai sighed: "I watched Zhang Da, so I was naturally worried that you would go astray. If you were someone else, I wouldn't bother to remind you."

Xueyun smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Li, I know you love me the most."

Li Wentai laughed loudly, stroked Xueyun's head pamperingly, and said: "This time our operation went smoothly, and we were lucky enough to find the 'Dragon Muscle Jade Grass' from the Demon Swamp. If there is no accident, you can definitely return to the clan in time and heal your father's injuries."

Xueyun nodded, and immediately a pair of clear eyes scanned the vast starry sky in the distance, but her expression became a little depressed.

She murmured: "Uncle Li, if we fail to return to the clan in time, will my father..."

Li Wentai frowned and reprimanded: "No nonsense!"

Xueyun pursed her lips, but there was an unshakable haze between her brows. In the end, she took a deep breath and said, "Uncle Li, my father once told me that if he can't hold on this time, he will let me die for the rest of my life." Don't take a step into the clan, the farther you go, the better, this...why?"

Li Wentai frowned more and more, but in the end he didn't say much.

"Uncle Li, is all of this related to the Gongye Clan? I heard that they want to get their hands on my Xue Clan's township 'Seven Spirits of Xueling'..."

Xueyun spoke suddenly, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Li Wentai's scolding.

At this moment, Li Wentai's face looked extremely serious and stern, with a cold light in his eyes, he looked at Xueyun and said: "Miss, all of this has nothing to do with you! Don't say another word in the future!"

Xueyun shuddered all over, frightened by Li Wentai's appearance, she nodded after a while and said: "I...understand." Her voice was low and deep.

Li Wentai saw this, but there was an indescribable pain in his heart, he held Xueyun in his arms with pity, and said softly: "Miss, don't worry, I am here, whoever wants to hurt you in this world must do it from me." step over the dead body!"

Xueyun nodded, quietly nestled in Li Wentai's arms, and let out a long breath of foul air, but the haze and worry in her heart did not disappear.

On the contrary, because of Li Wentai's fierce reaction, she became more doubtful and worried about all of this...

Suddenly, a sharp whistling sound resounded from the starry sky far behind, rumbling and spreading like a magic sound.

"not good!"

Li Wentai froze all over, got up abruptly, and walked out of the treasured chariot.

At this moment, his expression became incomparably dignified, revealing an indescribable gloom, and muttered: "It came so fast, it seems...they don't intend to let us return to the clan safely!"

"But those enemies are coming?"

Xueyun was also alarmed at this time, her delicate and beautiful face was full of surprise.

"Miss, you continue on your way, and I will leave these damn things to me. Remember, if I can't return this time, you must never look back for me!"

At this moment, Li Wentai seemed to be going all out, with murderous intent lingering all over his body, as if he was determined to die generously.

Xueyun trembled all over, her pretty face turned pale, she tightly clutched Li Wentai's sleeve, and said anxiously: "No! Uncle Li, what they want to arrest is me, if they want to fight, let's fight together!"


With a shake of Li Wentai's sleeve robe, he shook Xueyun's hand away, and then said coldly: "Do as I say, otherwise I won't die with peace in my eyes!"

After saying that, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the starry sky behind him.

"Uncle Li..."

Xueyun uttered a grief-stricken cry, and two lines of hot tears slid down her face.

She knew how terrifying the enemy was this time, and in order to catch her, she even dispatched several terrifying figures in the Monarch Realm.

Under such circumstances, this time Li Wentai went to fight alone, it was no different from sending him to death.

Her father is dead or alive, and now Uncle Li, who loves her the most, may never return. All of a sudden, Xueyun felt that the whole world had become dark, and she felt an indescribable sadness and powerlessness, and she couldn't help but hug her knees and curl up there , even if she gritted her teeth tightly, her tears could not stop flowing, soaking through the skirt of her clothes...

However, to Xueyun's surprise, after only a stick of incense, Li Wentai's figure reappeared in her eyes!


Xueyun froze for a moment, rubbed her eyes hard, and finally made sure that she was not dazzled.

This made her unable to hold back immediately, she flew into Li Wentai's arms, crying: "Uncle Li, Uncle Li..."

At this moment, Li Wentai also seemed a little puzzled, his expression was dazed, and he murmured: "Don't cry, Miss doesn't cry..."

It took a long time before Xueyun restrained her emotions and couldn't help asking: "Uncle Li, what happened just now?"

Li Wentai shook his head, with a look of bewilderment: "I don't know, when I got there...those guys were already killed!"


Xueyun was stunned and couldn't believe it.

It's not just her, Li Wentai has been in a daze until now, unable to believe all of this, it's just like a dream.

The enemy just died like this?

This... who actually did it?

"Uncle Li, do you think it could be him?"

Xueyun seemed to think of something, her clear eyes lit up.


Li Wentai's eyes narrowed.

Xueyun pointed to the second treasure chariot in the distance.

"Him? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

A weak figure lying there like a dead body appeared in Li Wentai's mind, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Uncle Li, wait, I'll go and see for myself."

But Xueyun seemed unwilling to give up, her figure flashed, and she rushed towards the second treasure chariot.

Seeing this, Li Wentai couldn't help smiling wryly, and murmured: "I'd rather believe that those guys committed suicide than he did it... If it's wrong, I can just kneel down and kowtow to him, it's obviously impossible !"


"Chen Xi!"

Xueyun excitedly entered the second treasure chariot, but was disappointed to find that Chen Xi was still lying there with a dying appearance.

At this moment, even she couldn't help wondering if she was thinking too much. Even if Chen Xi had completely recovered his strength, how could he possibly be their opponent?

Not to mention, he was so weak now, and those enemies were all killed in just a stick of incense!

"Miss Xueyun, what's wrong?"

Chen Xi opened his eyes and asked in doubt.

"It's nothing."

Xueyun took a deep breath, and said quickly, "There was some accident just now, and it has been resolved now. Let me inform you."

As she said that, she stared closely at Chen Xi, as if she was about to discover something.

But Chen Xi's performance made her completely disappointed. Seeing his eyes fixed, he said in surprise, "Accident? But that piercing voice just now? Miss Xueyun, are you alright?"

At this point, Xueyun gave up completely, shook her head and said, "No, I'm fine, you have a good rest, I'll go to Uncle Li to discuss something."

With that said, she stepped away from the treasure chariot.

"It seems that it's really not him... That's right, there are so many people with the same name in this world, how could he be that Chen Xi?"

Xueyun murmured in her heart, even though she was thinking this way, she still felt a little lost for no reason.

But in the treasure chariot, Chen Xi seemed to heave a sigh of relief, with a smile on his lips, as if talking to himself, he said, "Tumeng, thank you very much this time."

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