divine talisman

Chapter 1980 The Ins and Outs


Chen Xi's voice hadn't finished yet, when suddenly there was a faint wave of power in the corner of the treasure chariot, and a figure was outlined.

He was as tall as a mountain, with a rough face, wide eyebrows, and a rock-like aura. He was Tumon!

When he heard Chen Xi's words, Tu Meng hurriedly said: "Master uncle, this is what juniors should do. You must never say that in the future."

Chen Xi smiled, and looked at the curtain of the treasure chariot with his eyes.

"Uncle master, don't worry, I have placed a restriction on the treasure chariot, and the outside world can't hear our conversation at all."

Tu Meng immediately guessed Chen Xi's thoughts, but when it came to this, he was a little puzzled and said, "Master Uncle, why do you still want to hide your identity?"

Chen Xi said helplessly: "I have become like this, even if I admit my identity, who would believe it?"

Tu Meng couldn't help being dumbfounded, and immediately said: "Master Uncle, now we have helped them resolve a murder, why don't I take you back to the sect now?"

Obviously, it was Tumon who killed the enemies of Xueyun and his party before!

He had already advanced to the domain master realm when he was in the chaotic ruins. Back then, together with Gu Yan and A Liang, he was hidden in the Nether Record by Chen Xi.

And these days, Chen Xi has barely regained some strength. Although he can't move, it is enough for him to open the Nether Record, so he has already summoned Tumeng and guarded it by his side. Just now, when he noticed When the danger just now was about to approach, Chen Xi immediately dispatched Tumon to help Xueyun and his party defuse a murder invisibly.

At this time, seeing Chen Xi weakened into such a state, De Tumeng was also very worried, so he made a sound, and wanted to take Chen Xi away quickly, and return to the sect to recuperate and recover.

However, this proposal was flatly rejected: "Now is not the time."

Tu Meng was stunned, scratched his head in doubt and said, "Master Uncle, don't you have a crush on that chick?"

Chen Xi scolded with a smile: "Get lost! A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory."

Tu Meng giggled, feeling very happy.

"This time Xueyun and the others did me a big favor. It's no different from life-saving grace. This kindness is too great. I must try my best to repay them, otherwise I will only feel bad in the future."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and said seriously.

This is Chen Xi, if someone treats him well, he will return it tenfold!

"Well, then I will accompany Master Uncle for a walk."

Tu Meng nodded and said, he absolutely obeyed Chen Xi's decision unconditionally.

"For the next time, it's up to you to protect them in secret, while I need to practice quietly and try to recover my strength as soon as possible."

Chen Xi made a decision and didn't waste any more time. He immediately closed his eyes and fell into a deep meditation.

Seeing this, Tu Meng immediately flashed his figure, and quietly turned into a shadow of nothingness, hiding in the dark corner of the treasure chariot.


gurgling~~ gurgling~~

Within Chen Xi's body, a wisp of breath drives the Qi machine, and it circulates in the body like a stream of gurgling water, constantly circulating.

In the past few days, he was finally able to mobilize his energy for cultivation, but this ray of energy was still too weak, and the force he could pull was pitifully small.

If it is repaired at this speed, it will take at least two months before he can fully operate the star field in his body and use the power belonging to the Cangwu Sacred Tree.

However, Chen Xi was not discouraged by this. Apart from practicing these days, he had been observing the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness.

When he was in the land of catastrophe, he clearly remembered that it was the change of the river map that swallowed the eight era marks that were constantly colliding.

It was precisely because of this accident that his consciousness fell into a strange situation. In the end, he couldn't even figure out what happened, and the whole person was carried away by a terrifying force, and he was taken away in a strange way. Way to leave the land of catastrophe.

Although Chen Xi has not been able to figure out the specific reason, but he has already made a rough judgment in his heart. The reason why he has become so weak this time is probably related to He Tu!

What exactly does it do?

This is the question Chen Xi is most concerned about right now.

Ever since he entered that catastrophic land, the fragments of the river map seemed to have changed, changing frequently, appearing extremely abnormal. This made Chen Xi faintly feel a little uneasy, and eagerly wanted to understand all of this.

Unfortunately, despite Chen Xi's various attempts, he was unable to find anything from the river map.

It fell into silence again, motionless as before, so that Chen Xi had nothing to do with it.

"The eight fragments of the River Map just devoured the eight era marks. Is this a coincidence, or is there some kind of connection?"

"Perhaps, when I find the last fragment of the river map, I can solve all these problems?"


"How about it?"

While Chen Xi was retreating and meditating, Li Wentai was also talking with Xueyun who had returned.

"It has been confirmed that it was not him who helped us kill those enemies before."

Xueyun's voice was a little low.

"I said earlier that he is not that Chen Xi of Shenyan Mountain."

Li Wentai smiled and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. When he was waiting just now, he had said that if Chen Xi did this, he would not even frown even if he knelt down and kowtowed.

Now that he got the exact answer from Xueyun, Li Wentai was completely relaxed.

"Uncle Li, who did you say helped us just now? Those damned guys are all from the Gongye clan. Looking at the entire Youyan universe, who is so bold as to dare to do something to the people of the Gongye clan? "

Xueyun frowned, puzzled.

"I'm also a little uncertain."

Li Wentai sighed, "However, what is certain is that the benefactor is definitely not from this Youyan universe. After all, anyone who can kill three emperor-level existences in a very short period of time can be found in the entire Youyan universe." Not one will come out."

"Could it be the Gongye clan's enemy?"

Xueyun suddenly asked.

Li Wentai was stunned, and said: "Perhaps it is possible. In short, no matter who it is, we have been lucky enough to resolve a murder this time. The most urgent thing is to take this opportunity to hurry up and return to the clan as soon as possible, and get you Father's wound has healed."

Xueyun nodded and didn't think any more, but couldn't help but glance back at the second treasure chariot where Chen Xi was, and finally fell silent.


half a month later.

Under the leadership of Li Wentai, the three treasure chariots pierced through the starry sky, and finally drove into a galaxy shaped like a bird.

This galaxy is called the "Turin Galaxy", and the Xue clan is entrenched on one of the cultivation planets, and its power is huge.

After arriving here, Xueyun became visibly excited.

On this day, she came to the treasure chariot where Chen Xi was, and said, "Fellow Daoist, in a few hours, we will be able to return to the clan."

After half a month of breath adjustment, although Chen Xi's body is still weak, he can still move freely. Right now, he is sitting there cross-legged, leisurely making tea, brewing tea, and tasting tea.

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help smiling and invited Xueyun to take a seat, brought her a cup of tea, and then said, "Then I have to congratulate Miss Xueyun in advance."

Xueyun smiled sweetly, and said: "When I return to the clan, I will find some elders who are proficient in medicine to help you look at the injuries on your body."

Chen Xi's heart warmed up. In these years, he had rarely encountered such a pure and kind-hearted woman as Xueyun. Obviously, the other party now regarded him as a friend.

"By the way, since you are about to return now, can you tell me what trouble you have encountered?"

This is not the first time Chen Xi has asked, this time Xueyun just thought about it, and did not refuse again, and briefly explained the matter.

It turned out that the patriarch of the Xue clan, that is, Xue Yun's father, Xue Changkong, was suddenly seriously injured half a year ago, his soul was imprisoned, and he fell into a state of unknown life and death. This incident completely caused panic in the entire Xue clan .

One must know that Xue Changkong is the head of the family, if he were to be robbed and died, it would be no less than a shocking earthquake to the entire Xue clan.

In order to resolve this disaster, Xueyun, accompanied by Li Wentai, chose to go to the Demon Swamp to find a magic medicine called "Dragon Muscle Jade Grass". The injuries on Changkong's body were resolved.

It was also in the Demon Subduing Swamp that they rescued Chen Xi.

It's a pity that no one knows who leaked the news, so that Xueyun and the others were suddenly chased and killed by a hostile force on the way back.

Knowing all this, Chen Xi was suddenly stunned, and immediately couldn't help asking: "Miss Xueyun, do you know who those enemies are?"

Xueyun hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "It should be the Gongye clan of the Thousand Illusory Realm, but, fellow daoist, please don't mention it."

Chen Xi nodded, but a cold murderous intent rose in his heart, Gongye clan?What a coincidence!

Back then, the "Black Witch God Gu" in Zhen Liuqing's body almost wiped out the jade. It was thanks to Gongye Zhefu, and Chen Xi hadn't settled with the other party for this grudge!

Perhaps, after the recovery of cultivation base, it is also time to go to the Gongye clan...

"Fellow Taoist Chen Xi?"

Seeing that Chen Xi had been silent for a long time, Xueyun couldn't help being puzzled.

Chen Xi suddenly woke up from his chaotic thoughts, and said, "By the way, you said that the injuries on your father's body could be the murderous hands of the Gongye clan?"

Xueyun looked a little gloomy, she gritted her teeth and said, "It should be inseparable from the Gongye clan."

"Then what are they for?"

Chen Xi was very sure that the Gongye clan would not attack Xue Changkong for no reason, and there must be some kind of intention.


Xueyun hesitated.

"Brother Li! After several months, you are finally back!"

At this moment, a hearty and heroic voice suddenly resounded from outside the treasure chariot.

"Second Uncle? Why is he here?"

Xueyun was startled, frowned, and finally got up and left in a hurry.

Only Chen Xi was left there alone in a daze, and it took him a while before he thought about it, "Things are getting more and more interesting..."

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