divine talisman

Chapter 1981 Sacrifice Hall

When Chen Xi stepped out of the treasure chariot, he saw Xueyun was talking with a man in golden robe who was handsome and dignified.

Come to think of it, the man in the golden robe is Xueyun's "Second Uncle".

"Second Star Monarch, the background of the Xue clan is quite extraordinary."

Chen Xi could tell the opponent's strength at a glance.

"You actually found the Dragon Muscle Jade Grass?"

The man in the golden robe was surprised, and immediately showed a touch of excitement, "Quickly, let me take a look at this magic medicine!"

Xueyun nodded happily.

But at this moment, Li Wentai on the side said decisively: "No, this magic medicine has already been sealed up. Now is not the time to open it. We should wait until we return to the clan and see Brother Chang Kong, and then we will not open it again." Late."

The voice was a bit harsh, but it was undeniable.

The golden-robed man's expression froze for a moment, before he smiled and said, "Brother Wentai said that I was too irritated and reckless for a while."

Xueyun gave Li Wentai a strange look, as if she was a little puzzled as to why the other party's attitude was so tough.

But soon, she was distracted, and saw the man in the golden robe turned his head to look at Chen Xi, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

"Second Uncle, this is Chen Xi."

Xueyun explained quickly, and then said to Chen Xi, "Chen Xi, this is my second uncle, Xue Yinghai."

Chen Xi! ?

Hearing this name, the golden robed man Xue Yinghai's eyes shrank suddenly, his expression changed slightly, he seemed a little dazed.

Seeing this, Li Wentai next to him couldn't help laughing secretly. When he first heard this name, he probably had the same expression?

Almost at the same time, Xueyun also knew that her second uncle, Xue Yinghai, had misunderstood and mistook Chen Xi in front of her for a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain.

She quickly explained to Xue Yinghai, telling how she accidentally rescued Chen Xi one by one.

Knowing all this, Xue Yinghai's expression regained his composure a little.

Especially when he sensed Chen Xi's incomparably weak aura, he was sure that this guy definitely couldn't be that legendary disciple of Shenyan Mountain who was famous all over the world.

Thinking of this, Xue Yinghai didn't bother to talk to the other party anymore. A young man who was seriously injured was saved by his niece, so he didn't deserve much attention at all.

So, he nodded to Chen Xi perfunctorily, and put his mind on Xueyun.

And when Chen Xi witnessed all of this, he couldn't help feeling helpless again. If he really wasn't Chen Xi, he would probably be very embarrassed when faced with such a cold reception, right?

On the other hand, if the other party knew that he was the real Chen Xi, would he dare to treat him with such a perfunctory attitude?

Of course, Chen Xi didn't care about these details, it was just because Xue Yinghai's attitude changed too quickly just now, and his performance was too perfunctory, which made him shake his head secretly. It can be seen that there is no shortage of guys who watch people through the cracks of doors in this world. .


Xue Yinghai was waiting here to take Xueyun and her party back, and now that they meet, they will naturally not stay any longer.

Soon, everyone continued on their way, galloping towards the place where the Xue clan was entrenched.

Along the way, Chen Xi sat on the treasure chariot, opened the curtain, looked at the starry sky on the road in a daze, and didn't get involved with Xueyun's family affairs.

Compared to Xueyun and the others, Chen Xi was an outsider after all, especially in the eyes of Xue Yinghai, who was classified as "insignificant, not worth mentioning".

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not go out of his way to make fun of himself.

However, a conversation between Xue Yun and Xue Yinghai that Chen Xi overheard on the road still caught Chen Xi's attention.

"Someone is chasing you on the road?"


"Can you tell which power it is from?"

"I don't know."

"Then... what about them?"

"All dead."


"Well, they were killed for no reason. At that time, Uncle Li originally planned to fight them desperately, but this kind of thing happened unexpectedly. I was also surprised."

"Isn't this too strange? You... really didn't see something?"

"Second Uncle, do you still think I will lie to you?"

"Uh, I was just too shocked, after all, this matter is really unbelievable."


This passage seemed to have nothing special, but it made Chen Xi keenly aware that Xue Yun was vaguely wary of Xue Yinghai.

One must know that a few days ago, Xueyun had mentioned to herself, an "outsider", that the forces chasing and killing them were most likely from the Gongye clan.

But now, Xueyun has not mentioned this to Xue Yinghai, which is a bit unusual.

"It seems that the relationship between Xueyun and her second uncle is not very close, and there is even some estrangement..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful.

Not long after, a huge planet formed like snow and ice, filled with soft and shiny luster, appeared in the field of vision.

The planet is extremely large, with clear ice crystals, floating there like a huge ice sun, setting off a group of nearby planets in a dim light.

Xue Lingxing!

The place where the Xue clan is entrenched is a practice planet that is quite famous in the entire Youyan universe.


A group of people followed a unique star trail and landed in a mountain range on Xueling Star.

This stretch of mountains is vast, covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, winding and entrenched on the ground, like an ancient snow dragon crawling there, majestic and majestic.

And in the depths of the mountains, there are majestic buildings that look like poured white jade crystals. Row upon row, they are ancient and magnificent. The ice mist sways in them, making it look like a country of ice and snow.

This is the place where the Xue clan has been entrenched, and it has existed for an unknown number of years. It is covered with ice and snow all the year round, and the scene is strange.

Tens of thousands of members of the Xue clan have been living and living in it, practicing for a living.

After arriving here, Xueyun obviously relaxed completely, and the haze lingering between her brows was also dispelled.

finally arrived at home!

Thinking of the hardships and dangers of these days, Xueyun couldn't help but feel as if she had passed away.

"Let's go, the elders are afraid they have been waiting for a long time."

Li Wentai urged with a smile on the side.


Xueyun nodded, and led a group of people towards the experts of the Xue clan.

"Wait a minute, what will he do? Will he return to the clan with us?"

Xue Yinghai suddenly spoke out, pointing at Chen Xi who followed up and said, there was already a touch of indifference and rejection in his words.

Obviously, he didn't want Chen Xi to continue following.

"His injuries are too serious. I want to ask the elders in the clan who are proficient in medical skills to take a look at him."

Xueyun said casually.

As she said that, she smiled at Chen Xi, and said, "Let's go, don't look outside, you will be completely safe here."

Chen Xi also smiled, pretending not to hear Xue Yinghai's words, and followed.

Seeing this, Xue Yinghai's eyelids twitched imperceptibly, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes looking at Chen Xi's back. He really is a little guy who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, who doesn't know how to live or die...


Rows upon rows of ancient ice and snow buildings are crystal clear, and amidst the vicissitudes of life, there is a holy and solemn beauty.

Along the way, Xueyun hurriedly took Chen Xi and the others to shuttle between the buildings. After a full cup of tea, they arrived in front of the Xue clan's sacrificial hall.

The sacrificial hall is as high as a thousand feet, and the whole body is built of dark blue ice. It is ancient and majestic, with a long history of vicissitudes, releasing soft snow light, illuminating the whole world, rendering a layer of sacred atmosphere.

Xue Changkong, the patriarch of the Xue clan, has been carefully protected in this sacrificial hall since he was accidentally injured, his soul was banned, and he fell into a state of life and death.

At the same time, this sacrificial hall is also an important place for the entire Xue clan, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone who is not a high-ranking person in the clan to set foot here.

Of course, it is even more impossible for outsiders to enter it.

"Chen Xi, you stay here for now, I will order my attendants to take you to rest... Well, why is it a little strange today?"

Originally, Xueyun planned to settle Chen Xi down first. After all, this place was already a sacrificial hall, an important place for the clan, and it was not suitable for Chen Xi to enter.

However, at this moment, she suddenly realized that she hadn't seen a single attendant, not even a single clansman!

Everywhere is empty and deserted, which seems too abnormal.

You must know that in the past, the entire Xue clan was extremely lively, with tens of thousands of people, and the number of servants in the clan alone was no less than 10!

But today, both those clansmen and those attendants seem to have disappeared.

At this moment, Li Wentai who was next to him also seemed to notice it, and suddenly narrowed his eyes and became vigilant, because he was in a hurry to rescue Xue Changkong before, he didn't notice all this at all.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing inwardly, it really wasn't normal!

Ever since he entered the Xue clan, he noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere. Originally, he wanted to remind Xue Yun, but thinking that this was the Xue clan, maybe all of this was nothing, and Xue Yun and Li Wentai were not bothered. Whatever he said, he could only hide this thought in his heart.

But I never thought that all this is indeed abnormal!

"Second uncle, what's going on?"

Xueyun suddenly turned her head and looked at Xue Yinghai, with a cold look in her eyes, "Could it be that something happened during the days when I wasn't in the clan?"

Xue Yinghai was stunned, and explained: "Due to the serious injury of elder brother, the clan has been experiencing constant storms and rumors. There are even rumors that there will be enemies coming to invade our Xue clan."

"For safety's sake, the elders discussed with me and decided to temporarily transfer all the clansmen in the clan to the Xueling God Realm. This is also for the safety of our clan. Don't think too much about it, Xueyun."

This explanation also made sense, but at this moment Chen Xi always felt that Xue Yinghai was acting a little abnormally, and he couldn't say what was abnormal specifically.

"Snow Spirit Realm!"

Xueyun's expression suddenly became agitated, and she said, "That is the holy place of the clan, and it is never allowed to be opened without my father's order! You... how could you do this!"

"Snow Yun!"

Being questioned like this, Xue Yinghai's face darkened immediately, and he scolded: "When is it, you still care about these trivial matters? If your father knows what you look like, he will definitely be heartbroken!"

As he said that, his voice softened again, and he comforted him, "Let's go, the elders are waiting for you in the sacrificial hall."

Xueyun's chest rose and fell, and she took a few breaths before she forced herself to suppress the anger in her heart, stared at Xue Yinghai coldly for a long time, finally flung her sleeves, turned and walked towards the sacrificial hall.

"Second Uncle, when my father wakes up this time, let's see how you end up!"


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