divine talisman

Chapter 1983

The atmosphere in the sacrificial hall was silent and depressing.

Xueyun stood there alone, her face was gloomy and fluctuating, as if she had lost her soul, she was stunned and silent.

Li Wentai's expression was livid, his eyes were about to split open, he was about to burst into anger, if it wasn't because of the wrong situation, he would have already acted recklessly.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Xue Yinghai not only showed no guilt, but called out impatiently: "Xueyun, this is the case, you should obey quickly, if you continue to be obsessed, even the second uncle will protect you." It's not for your comprehensiveness."

Seeing this, the great figures of the Gongye Clan all showed playfulness on their faces, watching the play leisurely, as if they were in control of the overall situation and had the chance to win.

At this moment, hearing Xue Yinghai's words, Xue Yun felt as if she was being stimulated and completely lost control. She trembled all over, pointed at Xue Yinghai and gritted her teeth: "You traitor! You betrayed not only my father, but also the whole family. The Xue clan! You will definitely die badly, definitely!"

The voice was hysterical, revealing endless resentment and curse.

This made Xue Yinghai's face darken, and he said sharply: "Presumptuous! If Xueyun does this again, don't blame Second Uncle for being ruthless!"

"Kill me if you have one!"

Xueyun took a deep breath, and a look of madness and determination appeared in her clear eyes, "But it is absolutely impossible for me to betray the clan!"

Xue Yinghai was suddenly a little out of breath, and was about to say something, but was stopped by the elegant man sitting in the center.

He smiled gently, and said leisurely to Xueyun: "Are you sure you want to do this? Don't forget, all members of your Xue clan are now locked in the Xueling God Realm. If you die, they are afraid... I can't live anymore."

This sentence is an understatement, but the content is extremely vicious, threatening the lives of the entire Xue clan, it is like an ice pick, piercing Xue Yun's heart fiercely, making her feel as if she has fallen into an ice cave, and her face is instantly pale Incomparable.

"I'll give you one last chance to hand over the Xue Ling's seven wonderful qi, and we'll leave right away. If we don't interfere with the affairs of your Xue clan, if we don't hand over..."

When the refined man said this, his expression became indifferent and cold, "All of your clan will die with you!"

Xueyun's pretty face became paler, her cherry lips were biting tightly, and she suffered an unprecedented torment in her heart. At this moment, she wished she could die.

But she was soberly aware that once she died, she would lose not only her own life, but the entire Xue clan...

How to do?

Xueyun's head was buzzing and went blank.


Li Wentai spoke up, wanting to say something, but was shocked by the elegant man's words.

"I heard that you are the head of a sect named Xuanying Sword? If you don't want the entire sect to be buried with you, just shut up obediently!"

In a word, Li Wentai's expression changed dramatically, and his heart became violently conflicted. He was very sure that these bastards from the Gongye clan would definitely dare to do this.

When Xueyun heard all this, a touch of incomparable despair suddenly surged in her heart, her expression was ashen and gloomy.

She seemed ready to give up struggling.

In fact, think about it, in the face of such a situation, whoever is Xueyun, I'm afraid she will be ashamed, so she has no choice but to follow?

Xue Yinghai obviously also noticed Xue Yun's change, and quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Xue Yun, that's right, when the second uncle takes the position of patriarch, I will immediately accept you as the next successor, and I will make it up to you."

Seeing this, the refined man from the Gongye clan and his group also showed a smile of complacency. They enjoyed the feeling that they had obtained what they wanted without bloodshed.


Xueyun spoke with a low and hoarse voice. She looked around with a dazed but helpless expression. Those enemies were right in front of her eyes, but... she was powerless. Is this feeling more uncomfortable than death?

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the hall - "Miss Xueyun, you are tired, leave everything to me."

The voice was flat, but at such a tense moment, it was like a thunderbolt, attracting the attention of the entire hall.


The group of elegant men from the Gongye family swept their gazes like sharp knives, and when they saw clearly that the person speaking was the weak young man like an ant who had been ignored by them all this time, they couldn't help laughing.

Some people were furious. At such a critical moment, seeing that Xue Yun was about to reveal all of Xue Ling's seven wonderful qi, but was destroyed by such an insignificant little guy, this is simply asking for death!

"Who is this person?"

An emperor of the Gongye clan asked in a deep voice, his eyes were like lightning, and murderous intent lingered.

When she heard Chen Xi interrupting all of this, Xue Yinghai was furious in her heart. Hearing this, she quickly explained: "This little thing is called Chen Xi..."

Chen Xi! ?

Before Xue Yinghai could finish speaking, the mere hearing of this name made the entire group of the elegant man from the Gongye clan shrink their eyes and pupils, and their hearts trembled.

They couldn't be more familiar with this name. The most outstanding young generation of Tianjiao in their clan, the next successor of the patriarch, Gongye Zhefu, died tragically at the hands of Chen Xi.

How could they not know about Chen Xi?

Coupled with the fact that Chen Xi's name has risen like a comet in these years, and he has become an astonishing and unparalleled figure of the generation, how could they forget this name?

Chen Xi!

To the Gongye clan, this name was like an unspeakable humiliation. Even if their clan was mighty and mighty, but compared with the Shenyan Mountain behind Chen Xi, it immediately seemed bleak.

Even, because of this many reasons, the Gongye clan clearly knew that Chen Xi was the one who killed Gongye Zhefu, yet they dared not take revenge!

Now, when he heard that the young man who spoke just now was actually Chen Xi, it was as if the scars in the hearts of these Gongye clan had been uncovered, which made their reactions so intense.

Seeing this situation, Xue Yinghai immediately knew that he had misunderstood, and he quickly explained: "My friends have misunderstood, this son is me..."

Soon, he told the whole story of how Xueyun rescued Chen Xi, and named him exactly. This Chen Xi was not the Chen Xi from Shenyan Mountain.

This made Chen Xi, as the person involved, feel speechless when he witnessed all of this. Immediately afterwards, he didn't bother to pay attention to these things. Misunderstandings were misunderstood, and it was no different to the current Chen Xi.

However, when they learned of all these things, the elegant man from the Gongye clan and his group couldn't help but secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Immediately, their expressions became unfriendly, as if they were being teased, a little embarrassed and annoyed.

Who would have imagined that with just one name, a group of great figures from the Gongye clan could be made into such a look?

This does look a little funny.

"Hehe, how dare you name this, you really don't know how to live or die!"

"No matter who it is, as long as it is called this name, everyone should be killed!"

"It's really ignorant and fearless. A little thing like an ant dares to speak arrogantly in front of us. It's an unforgivable crime!"

The existences of the Gongye Clan's Monarch Realm spoke out one after another, overflowing with murderous intent, making the atmosphere in the sacrificial hall extremely depressing.

But at this time, when she saw Chen Xi stand up and wanted to help her, Xueyun was both moved and nervous.

Especially when she realized that those big men from the Gongye Clan had murderous intentions towards Chen Xi, Xueyun almost subconsciously shouted: "This is my friend, if you dare to touch a hair on him, I will swear to the death that I will not hand over the seven wonderful spirits of Xue Ling! "

The sound is sonorous and resounding.

The refined man frowned, looked at Chen Xi with some disgust, and then said, "It's just an ant, but you want to protect his life, you really have a lot of sympathy, that's all, for the sake of Xueling's seven wonderful spirits Up, as you wish."

But Chen Xi didn't agree, he sighed, stepped forward, looked at Li Wentai who was on the side, and said, "It's enough for you to protect Xueyun's safety later on, and I'll handle the rest .”

Li Wentai was stunned, he almost couldn't believe his ears, is this kid crazy?Didn't he understand the situation?

No matter how aggrieved and resentful Li Wentai was in his heart at this moment, when he witnessed this scene and heard such words, he still felt that his head was not enough, and he almost couldn't resist breaking Chen Xi's head to see what he was thinking. , It's just... just nonsense!

But when he saw Chen Xi's serious and quiet expression, and looked at his deep and cold eyes, for no reason, Li Wentai felt a chill in his heart, and felt an unspeakable sense of oppression, which made him suffocate his breath. The whole person seemed to be shocked, obediently followed Chen Xi's instructions, and protected Xueyun's side.

"Uncle Li, Chen Xi, what are you doing! Do you want to die!?"

Xueyun was also confused by this scene, she was annoyed and desperate at the same time, she was so anxious that she was about to cry, what time is it, they are still messing around like this!

Not only Xueyun, but the elegant men from the Gongye family also frowned, what is this little ant-like thing going to do?

A thing that was about to be successful, but the atmosphere was ruined by this damn thing. They had tolerated him once, but they never thought that this guy didn't know how to advance or retreat, but started to push his nose and face!

Tolerable or unbearable!

All of a sudden, a dignitary from the Gongye Clan stood up in embarrassment, and was about to strike and kill Chen Xi.

"piss off!"

But before he could make a move, there was someone who could make a move faster than him. It was Xue Yinghai. Seeing Chen Xi courting death again and again, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. How could he hold back at this moment?


It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, Xue Yinghai slapped Chen Xi with a slap, and the wind of the slap was overwhelming, enveloping the terrifying majesty of the emperor's realm.

"Do not--!"

Xueyun let out an incomparably shrill scream, and her mind was in a daze. How could she have thought that because of her own family's affairs, Chen Xi's life was taken?

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it, as if he was frightened, he stood there in a daze, and everyone in the Gongye clan couldn't help laughing out loud, this idiot-like little thing is simply... too weird!

But in just an instant, their laughter stopped abruptly, their pupils widened, and they looked like they had seen a ghost.

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