divine talisman

Chapter 1984 He Is Chen Xi


With an earth-shattering collision, divine brilliance burst out, blazing and dazzling.

At this moment, Xueyun couldn't help closing her eyes, but she couldn't control her tears. She would never have thought that even her own second uncle betrayed her when she was in a lonely and helpless situation, but a talented A friend you’ve known not long ago, but stands up for yourself at this moment?

Indeed, Chen Xi was extremely weak, and was regarded as a vulnerable ant by those enemies, but unexpectedly, he dared to stand up in order to save himself. How could Xue Yun not be moved by this?

So, when she saw her second uncle Xue Yinghai attacking and killing Chen Xi, Xueyun couldn't help crying anymore, she was desperate, and her whole body couldn't help shaking violently.

"Master Uncle, will you kill this old bastard?"

Suddenly, a rough and thick voice resounded, which startled Xueyun, Master Uncle?old bastard?How is this going?

Subconsciously, Xueyun opened her eyes, and immediately her whole body was shaken, and she stood there with a stunned expression.

At this moment, Xue Yinghai looked like a little chicken, being held in the hands of a tall and burly man like a hill, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape, his expression was full of panic and helplessness.

But that extremely burly man was obediently standing in front of Chen Xi at this moment, as if he was asking for Chen Xi's opinion.

How is this going?

Xueyun even doubted whether she was dreaming, and everything that appeared before her eyes was simply too unbelievable.

My second uncle is a two-star emperor!If he wanted to deal with Chen Xi, it would be easy for him to catch him, but who would have thought that he would be suppressed and subdued in an instant!

Who is that burly man?Where did he come from?

At this moment, not only Xueyun, but everyone else in the hall was shocked.

They saw everything that happened just now, and they could see more clearly that when Xue Yinghai used the killer, Chen Xi had been standing still in place, as if he had been frightened stupid.

But at this moment, that burly man suddenly appeared out of nowhere, with just a stretch of his arm, he crushed all of Xue Yinghai's attacks, and then with five fingers the size of a cattail fan, he completely imprisoned Xue Yinghai, holding him in his hand, Can't get out!

This kind of fighting style can be said to be extremely simple and rough, and it is also extremely shocking.

Just as Xueyun thought before, that Xue Yinghai was a two-star emperor, but in front of this burly man...it was like paper, vulnerable to a single blow!

This is too scary.

Especially Li Wentai, who was the closest to Chen Xi, and personally felt the might and power released by that burly man, which made him tremble all over, terrified.

In the presence, Chen Xi was the only one with the same expression as usual, calm and calm, maintaining the same movements from beginning to end, without even looking at Xue Yinghai.

At this moment, everyone finally understood that Chen Xi wasn't dumbfounded by fright, but that he already had something to rely on!

Immediately, the faces of the refined man from the Gongye clan changed slightly. They looked at Chen Xi and then at the burly man, feeling a little surprised.

According to their eyesight, how could they fail to see that the aura released by the burly man was obviously only possessed by a domain master?

But this burly man called Chen Xi his master's uncle, this... is really a bit intrusive!


That burly man was naturally Tumon!

He sneaked all the way and followed Chen Xi's side. With the inheritance taught by Shenyan Mountain and his terrifying cultivation level of the domain master, it was easy for him to hide those people in the hall.

"Don't kill him."

These were Chen Xi's first words, and Xue Yinghai, who was captured, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and his frightened mood eased a little.

"Abolish him first, and hand it over to Xueyun later."

This was Chen Xi's second sentence, which suddenly made the blood on Xue Yinghai's face fade away, turning pale and transparent, and there was an unconcealable panic in his expression.


Before he could react, he felt as if his whole body was being suppressed by a majestic mountain, his bones burst into pieces in an instant, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness immediately, without even having time to scream.

With a plop, Tu Meng threw Xue Yinghai out like trash, without mercy, Xue Yinghai had already been crippled, bleeding all over his body, completely fainted, even if he woke up, he would be a cripple without any repairs for.

Seeing this bloody scene, the elegant man from the Gongye family's eyelids twitched wildly, and their expressions gradually became serious.

Even Xueyun and Li Wentai felt an incomparable shock in their hearts, and opened their eyes wide, as if they couldn't believe it.

In the blink of an eye, a two-star emperor was abolished like this?

This sudden change made the atmosphere of the entire sacrificial hall even more deadly, with a feeling of suffocation.

"Who are you?"

The refined man's eyes locked on Chen Xi, and he spoke coldly.

The same was true of the others, because they all saw that the burly man called his uncle his master and obeyed Chen Xi's words even more. This made them all realize that Chen Xi's identity might be unusual.

"Chen Xi."

Chen Xi thought about it, and said casually.

"Chen Xi, it's already this time, and you still want to lie!"

Xueyun took the lead and couldn't help but speak out, with a hint of resentment.

She suddenly remembered that those enemies who were inexplicably killed on the way back were probably the burly man Chen Xi sent to help him resolve a crisis in secret.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't laugh or cry. He felt like he didn't know how to explain it. I swear to God, he never concealed his identity from the beginning to the end. Why did he admit it voluntarily and still not believe it?

"Miss Xueyun, I don't like to hear your words. Who in this world would dare to pretend to be my uncle?"

Tumon sighed from the side, with a sense of pride in his voice.

"Could you be that... Shenyan Mountain's... direct disciple...Chen Xi?"

Li Wentai seemed to realize something, his expression froze suddenly, his mouth was dry for a while, and he uttered a complete sentence in a trembling voice.

Chen Xi nodded, there was nothing to hide.

But with his affirmation, the expressions of everyone in the hall became exciting all of a sudden.

Chen Xi!

This guy turned out to be Shen Yanshan's direct disciple, the most famous and most admired child in the world!

And I... actually didn't recognize his identity from the beginning...

Xueyun's pupils dilated, she was completely stunned, and she couldn't describe her mood at the moment.

The same was true for Li Wentai, especially when he thought of his indifferent and disdainful attitude towards Chen Xi along the way, bitterness came to his lips, and he wished he could slap himself twice!

This is really blind!

But at this moment, the refined men of the Gongye clan and the group changed their faces. How could it be like this?This guy is really Chen Xi from Shenyan Mountain?

He...how did he appear here?

At this moment, they wished they could kick Xue Yinghai, who was fainting on the ground, to death. This damned guy had categorically said before that the other party was not that Chen Xi, so what the hell was going on?

"No, didn't there have been rumors that Chen Xi had already died in that mysterious chaotic ruin and could no longer return?"

A Gongye Clan Monarch Realm existence seemed to think of something, and spoke in a deep voice.

The others were also amazed.

And upon hearing these words, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little flustered in his heart. It turned out that the entire Ancient God Realm thought he had died in the chaotic ruins...

"There is no need to guess anymore, I can already be sure that this guy must be Chen Xi."

Suddenly, the elegant man regained his composure, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "The only thing I doubt is that this guy's aura is really weak now, but that's not important anymore."

Speaking of this, there was already a touch of excitement in his voice, he stood up abruptly, locked his eyes on Chen Xi, and said with a smile: "Everyone, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

what chance?

Of course it is a chance to kill Chen Xi!

All of a sudden, the other Gongye Clan Monarch Realm powerhouses also realized that Chen Xi was weakened to such a state, and his combat power must be vulnerable to a single blow.

At such a time, isn't it the best time to kill Chen Xi and avenge Gongye Zhefu?

Thinking about it this way, those powerful people in the Gongye Clan's Monarch Realm also became excited. As for Tu Meng, they were not afraid.

Although Tu Meng is a domain lord, they have not only one domain lord, but also eight emperors!

Under such circumstances, what would Chen Xi use to fight them?

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed, and all the spearheads were directed at Chen Xi!

Xueyun and Li Wentai also sensed that the situation was not good, and they felt a twinge in their hearts and became nervous. If Chen Xi died in the Xue clan this time, the consequences would be unimaginable!

However, at such a critical moment, Chen Xi didn't look nervous at all, he casually said to Li Wentai: "Remember what I just said, it is your duty to protect Xueyun, other things Do not care."

Li Wentai was stunned and couldn't even figure out where Chen Xi's self-confidence came from.

However, Chen Xi didn't care to pay attention to him anymore, and said to Tu Meng: "Quick battle, it's really impossible, I can only do it."

This sentence fell into the ears of other people, and it seemed extremely arrogant, which made the elegant man and his party laugh angrily. This damn bastard, has he not recognized the situation until now?

"Master Uncle, please don't do anything! Leave these offal to me, Man Niu!"

Tu Meng seemed to be quite nervous, unwilling to let Chen Xi do anything in such a weak state, and his tone of voice became extremely firm, showing his murderous intent.

"act recklessly!"

Accompanied by the sound, the elegant man suddenly stretched out his figure, and a terrifying power surged out of his body.

"Leave this bastard to me, you go and capture and kill Chen Xi!"

The elegant man shouted loudly, and when he spoke, he grabbed his palm and turned into a purple lightning that lifted the sky, and slashed towards Tu Meng fiercely.


But long before he acted, Tu Meng had already roared, his whole body was golden like the scorching sun, and his whole body was like an unrivaled demon god, punching the elegant man fiercely.

At the same time, his other arm swept across, like a hundred thousand mountains pushing across, rumbling and crushing space-time, covering the eight emperor realm powerhouses of the Gongye clan.

At this moment, Tu Meng actually planned to fight against all the big shots of the Gongye Clan by himself!


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