divine talisman

Chapter 1985

Thank you Brother Jiuyue and Daochang for your support~~



The terrifying collision sound resounded in the sacrificial hall, and the divine brilliance spread like a wanton ocean, spreading and sweeping, blazing and terrifying.

Ding Ding Deng!

Tumon was so shaken that he took three steps back. Every step, the ground was crushed and cracked into countless cracks.

It seemed that he didn't take any advantage, but what was horrifying was that with this blow, Tu Meng abruptly deflected all the attacks of the elegant man and his party!

It was a joint effort between a Domain Master and eight Monarch Realm powerhouses, and it was actually blocked by Tu Meng alone. This scene can be called soul-stirring and shocking.

Xueyun and Li Wentai, who were far away who were worrying about themselves, froze immediately, dumbfounded, this guy...isn't he too fierce?

But obviously, Chen Xi was not satisfied with this, and frowned, because in his opinion, Tu Meng should be able to do a better job.

As if he sensed Chen Xi's dissatisfaction, or perhaps felt a little embarrassed by his performance just now, a blue light flashed on Tu Meng's face, and his aura became stronger and more tyrannical.


He roared like thunder, and swung a giant golden ax in his hand, just like an ancient savage dragon, crushing time and space, trampling mountains and rivers, extremely powerful.

This space was imprisoned by Tumon's power, and as he rushed to kill together, the terrifying murderous intent was like a tidal wave, locking all the big figures of the Gongye clan on the opposite side.

At this moment, Tu Meng had indeed displayed his real fighting power, because he didn't want to be looked down upon by his master and uncle!


This area was covered and submerged by the blazing divine splendor, and Tumon's burly mountain-like figure was rampaging in it, domineering and disdainful, showing signs of great turmoil and chaos.


The refined man roared angrily, and sacrificed a magic sword like glazed white jade, wrapped in a peerless sword light, pushing his own power to the extreme.

Tu Meng's aura was too strong, and his combat power was unexpectedly strong, which made the elegant man's calculations come to naught.

The refined man knew very well that if he wanted to turn the situation around, he had to suppress Tu Meng's arrogance first, so that he could win the chance for others to kill Chen Xi.

Therefore, during the battle at this moment, the elegant man also used all his skills to severely defeat Tumon's arrogance.


The white jade and glass-like sword energy reflected the terrifying aura of the Dao, just like the law of order in the divine way, and the blue mist was like thunder, and it slashed and killed Tu Meng fiercely.


Tu Meng roared loudly, shaking the surrounding fields, and the golden giant ax in his palm moved backwards and horizontally, and crushed the sword energy with a bang.

Almost at the same time, Tu Meng grabbed it with his left hand, and one after another the mysterious and obscure scriptures flew into the air, crushing and going towards the eight powerful men in the Monarch Realm who rushed to kill them.


A strong man in the Monarch Realm at the front was the first to bear the brunt of being hit by a divine talisman, which nearly broke his bones and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Although the others blocked the blow, their expressions suddenly changed when they saw Tumon's brave and brutal posture.

How could this bastard's combat power be so terrifying?

How could they fail to see that Tu Meng was just a one-star domain master, and even if his combat power was unrealistic, he would definitely not be a match for the nine of them.

But unfortunately, Tumon did it!

This unimaginable scene immediately made everyone, including the refined man, startled and angry, and finally realized that the opponent this time could not be measured by common sense at all.

They didn't dare to neglect any more, sacrificed all kinds of divine treasures, performed all kinds of supreme methods together, and killed Tumon together.


In an instant, the entire sacrificial hall shook violently, the stone pillars collapsed, the ground cracked, and the walls crumbled like paper.

In the end, with an earth-shattering explosion, this ancient palace that stood here for an unknown number of years was completely destroyed and reduced to a devastated ruin.

But at this time, Chen Xi and the others had already seen that the situation was not good, so they fled to the outside world and stood in the distance to watch the battle.


Tumon shouted, resounding through the sky, the sky covered with ice and mist was shattered, covered with a terrifying murderous aura, the situation was changing, and the mourning continued.

The more he fought, the more courageous he became, with golden light lingering all over his body, like an unrivaled demon god, swinging a golden giant axe, pointing at the sky and hitting the earth, sweeping across the ten directions, he was domineering, violent, and powerful.

Under such a blow, the refined man and his party were restrained, and they couldn't get out to deal with Chen Xi at all.

As the battle continued, the nearby buildings began to shatter and collapse, the warp and latitude were chaotic, and the divine splendor raged, and the world turned into a terrifying scene full of holes.

Xue Yun and Li Wentai were completely shocked by such a shocking peak duel, and fell into a daze.

According to their past experience, how have they ever seen such a terrifying confrontation scene?

You know, both sides of the war are all existences of the Emperor Realm, and there are two domain masters who have mastered the power of the realm!

Characters like these, each possessing the power to burn the sky and boil the sea, and turn the world around, but now they are fighting together, the scenes can be described as shocking.

If it was left outside, I'm afraid it would have already caused an unimaginable catastrophe.

Fortunately, in the territory of the Xue clan, there are prohibition defenses all around, which has virtually resolved the spread of many destructive forces.




Tumon's loud shout was like thunder, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths. At this moment, he was like a demon god completely mad, caught in a frenzied and boiling killing, his fighting power became stronger and stronger, and the pressure on his opponent gradually increased get bigger.

This made the elegant men's group's expressions change frequently, and they all showed their milking strength and besieged Tumon frantically.

How could they have imagined that a guy who honored Chen Xi as his master uncle would have such a tyrannical combat power?

Are all descendants of Shenyan Mountain so perverted?

At this moment, the anger and aggrieved state of mind of the refined man and his party was beyond words.

Even, they no longer had the intention to kill Chen Xi, but focused all their attention on Tu Meng in front of them.

This guy is too strong, if he is not killed, the situation today will not be good at all.


"This... this fellow daoist is... simply too powerful!"

Li Wentai, who was watching the battle from a distance, was stunned at this moment, unable to speak completely, and his head was a little dizzy.

As the head teacher of the Xuanying Sword Sect, Li Wentai is also a two-star emperor and strongman, and he is one of the few pinnacle figures in this Youyan universe.

However, at this moment, after seeing the duel between Tu Meng and the big figures of the Gongye clan, he suddenly realized that he was unable to compare with any of them...

The difference is too big!

This made Li Wentai couldn't help feeling a strong sense of frustration.

"Chen Xi..."

Xueyun suddenly turned her gaze to Chen Xi, hesitated to speak, her expression was filled with awe and apprehension, it was extremely complicated.

"Let's be honest, aren't we friends? If you change your attitude towards friends just because of one identity, you are too snobbish."

Chen Xi joked with a smile, he could see what Xueyun was thinking at a glance, he knew that because of her status as a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, Xueyun unconsciously had some worries in her heart when she was talking to him.

"I didn't mean that, I just..."

Xueyun hurriedly explained, but after thinking for a long time, she didn't know what to say.

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "You are my savior, if you see each other like this again, then I won't have the face to stay here any longer."

The voice was warm, like a spring breeze blowing on her face. Seeing Chen Xi's serious expression, Xueyun's heart warmed up for no reason, and her emotions eased a lot.

She blinked her eyes and said, "I have made a deal with a friend like you, and no one can take it away!"

Chen Xi smiled and nodded.

"Who is that Fellow Daoist? He is really powerful."

Xueyun turned her eyes to the battlefield, looked at the brave and brutal Tumon, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Perhaps because of Chen Xi being by her side, she has become calm at this moment, and she is no longer as desperate, helpless, painful, angry, and bewildered as before...

"He is Tu Meng, the best of the three generations of disciples of my Shenyan Mountain."

Chen Xi said casually, "Actually, it's not that Tu Meng is so powerful, but that those guys from the Gongye clan are too mediocre."

With a glance, he saw Xueyun's strong curiosity, and he couldn't bear to distract her, so he immediately explained.

"You see, although Tu Meng is a first-star domain master, what he refines is the original power of an unexplored domain. On the other hand, the second-star domain master among the Gongye clan powerhouses, although his cultivation level It surpasses Tumon by a bit, but according to my deduction, the original power of the realm he refined is obviously too thin, and it may even be forcibly obtained from other domain masters, and it cannot be compared with Tumon at all..."

"As for the existence of the eight emperors... If it wasn't for the second-star domain master, they would have been easily killed by Tu Meng, so let's not mention it."

"Well, you probably don't know that Tu Meng was ranked among the top [-] in the Dao Discussion Grand Competition back then. Looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, he can be said to be extremely talented and have outstanding background. Now he has advanced to the top [-]. Domain Master Realm, fighting with the power of a complete domain, ordinary people can't be his opponents..."

"Look at their fighting methods..."

While paying attention to the battlefield, Chen Xi analyzed the combat power of both sides one by one, and told Xue Yun, his voice was calm and indifferent, but it seemed to have magical power, firmly attracting Xue Yun's mind.

According to her Ancestral God Realm cultivation base, she couldn't perceive the subtleties of this peak duel at all, but under Chen Xi's explanation, it made her feel like she had opened the door to a new world, and felt an unprecedented Fresh and shocking.

At this moment, even Li Wentai, who was on the side, was attracted by the content contained in Chen Xi's words, the more he listened, the more fascinated he became, and there was a sense of enlightenment, like a blow to the head.

This feeling, but Li Wentai has never had it!

The so-called listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. This is the case. Although Chen Xi analyzed the strength and strength of the two sides in the battle, according to his current wisdom and cultivation base, the content he explained was also true. It's not something other people can say at all.

For Li Wentai, this is undoubtedly a rare instruction, which will have an immeasurable impact on his future practice and battle.

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