divine talisman

Chapter 1986 Hidden dangers left behind

As analyzed by Chen Xi, whether it was the refined man or the other eight Monarch Realm beings, they couldn't compare to Tu Meng in terms of background and strength.

First of all, Tu Meng himself is a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, one of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain. He has practiced in Shenyan Mountain all year round, and his roots and talents are far beyond ordinary geniuses.

This can be seen from the Dao Discussion Contest held by the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain last time. Among the disciples who were able to participate in it at that time, which one was not the generation who looked down upon the ages and amazed the world, and Tu Meng was able to stand out from it and rank among the top [-]. Among them, it can be seen how outstanding his talent and roots are.

Secondly, after entering the chaotic ruins, Tumon refined the original power of an undeveloped star field. This alone is enough to make many domain owners in the ancient gods feel ashamed.

After all, back then, even Empress Yu Che was unable to refine the original power of a complete domain, and the reason why Chen Xi and the others worked so hard and took great risks to enter the mysterious chaotic ruins was originally for the purpose of When advancing to the realm of domain masters, possesses far beyond ordinary power.

Under such circumstances, coupled with the supreme inheritance of Shenyan Mountain that Tu Meng has mastered, one can imagine how terrifying the combat power Tu Meng can display.

On the other hand, the group of elegant men from the Gongye clan, although they were numerous in number, could be compared to Tu Meng in terms of comprehensive strength.

Therefore, from the beginning of this battle, the current battle situation was doomed.


At this moment, after listening to Chen Xi's analysis of the battle situation, Li Wentai was completely sure that the opponent must be Shen Yanshan's direct disciple!

Because being able to analyze this duel so thoroughly proves in itself that the power Chen Xi possesses must have already surpassed the strength possessed by both sides of the duel, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to achieve this step.

But what puzzled Li Wentai was that the aura of Chen Xi in front of him...was so weak that he couldn't bear a single blow, so what was going on?

"Chen Xi, what about you?"

Xueyun was obviously also puzzled by this question, so she couldn't help asking.


Chen Xi was startled, and quickly understood the meaning of Xue Yun's words, he couldn't help but shrugged and said helplessly, "An accident happened to me, and I will be able to recover soon."

"Then if you shoot in full power, can you kill those damned guys?"

Xueyun asked, her eyes were full and extremely bright.


Chen Xi nodded, but didn't say anything more specifically. If he said that, he would be suspected of bragging. Although he was very sure that if he did it himself, he would be able to end this battle within a moment, and there was no need to be like Tumeng. as strenuous.

"Silly girl, haven't you heard that fellow Taoist Tumeng called fellow Taoist Chen Xi 'uncle master'? Fellow daoist Chen Xi is naturally stronger."

Li Wentai on the side sighed with emotion, but felt a little bitter in his heart.

However, he remembered that when discussing the Dao Grand Competition, no matter whether it was Chen Xi or Tu Meng, they were only existences at the peak of the Ancestral God Realm.

But in just a few hundred years, they have grown to such an extent that they even feel ashamed of themselves as emperors, which is too unimaginable.

Perhaps, this is the background of Shenyan Mountain. As the descendant of Shenyan Mountain, it is natural that one of them cannot be measured by common sense.

Li Wentai was in a daze.


Suddenly, there was an extremely shrill scream from the field.

A strong man of the Gongye Clan's Monarch Realm was split in half by Tumeng's ax at this moment, and the divine blood burst out, making his death horrific.

Immediately, Li Wentai and Xueyun were shocked, so cruel!

The death of this emperor-level powerhouse was like a fuse. Not long after, one enemy after another died tragically in Tumeng's hands.

Either his head was chopped off, or his soul was shattered by the divine talisman, or his bones were shattered directly, and he died suddenly...

All of a sudden, the blood of the gods flew on the battlefield, dyeing the void red, and the screams of sorrow and unwillingness were endless.

Tumon, on the other hand, was like a bloodthirsty demon god, covered in the blood of the enemy, making his divine power even more vast and terrifying, violent and frightening.


Tumeng kept shouting, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and he fought in blood. When the giant ax opened and closed, it seemed that he wanted to break open the universe and destroy everything.

The refined man and his group were also yelling, but their voices were full of anger, hatred, even fear and panic.

At this moment in the battle, how could they not know that even with the strength of so many of them, they were no match for the brutal and brutal guy in front of them at all!

Especially after each companion is killed, this kind of gap is constantly expanding...


Not long after, the seventh being in the Monarch Realm was kicked by Tu Meng to smash his chest, blood spattered, and before he could utter a scream, he died violently on the spot.

At this point, only the remaining elegant man and another strong man in the emperor realm felt a kind of despair!

Endless fear began to spread throughout their bodies like a tide, making them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and their souls froze.

At this moment, let alone killing Chen Xi, let alone suppressing Tu Meng, they became uncertain about saving their own lives.


That elegant man had a ferocious face and let out a roar of incomparable resentment. How could he have thought that an excellent opportunity to kill Chen Xi would die prematurely because of a Tumon?

How could he have imagined that Tu Meng, the master of a star domain, could display such a powerful combat power?

It was precisely because he did not expect that, when he saw his companions die one by one, the refined man would be so angry and unwilling.

There is an incomparable fear!

Stimulated by the fear of dying, the refined man hardly hesitated, and a dazzling black light suddenly burst out from his body.

The black light shot straight into the sky, broke through the constraints of time and space, and released a power that could destroy the world.

Tumon frowned suddenly, and dodged subconsciously.


Almost at the same time, that dazzling black light suddenly exploded, turning into a rain of light and collapsing, and the refined man had disappeared in place, as if he had evaporated out of thin air.


Both Xueyun and Li Wentai were stunned. How could they have imagined that this elegant man who was domineering and arrogant before would abandon his companions and run away at this moment?

"What a fucking coward!"

Tu Meng took a deep breath, and a pair of big copper bell eyes suddenly locked on the only remaining Gongye Clan Emperor Realm expert. He stood there alone, his expression was full of panic and despair.


No nonsense, Tu Meng swung the giant golden ax fiercely in his hand, and killed the last strong emperor of the Gongye clan on the spot.

After doing all this, Tu Meng let out a long breath of foul air, and immediately realized something, scratching his head, and came to Chen Xi's side with a look of embarrassment: "Uncle Master, just now..."

"If you run away, you will run away. It's not your fault."

Chen Xi said casually.

Seeing this scene, Xueyun and Li Wentai's mouths opened wide. They both killed so many big figures from the Gongye clan, but this Tu Meng still looks guilty like he did something wrong?

Especially when they saw Chen Xi's understatement, the two of them were dizzy again, and they didn't know how to describe their mood at the moment.

"Hey, I was so careless just now. Even if you don't punish Master Uncle, I still feel a little bit sorry."

Tu Meng sighed, frowning, and blamed himself for not keeping that refined man.

"All right."

Chen Xi glared at Tu Meng, and said angrily, "I didn't kill him this time, and it won't be too late to kill him next time we meet."


Tumon nodded with a simple and honest look.

Seeing this, Xueyun and Li Wentai were stunned again. Is this still the domineering and unparalleled domain master figure who was in the battle just now?

"Xueyun, now that the enemy has been dealt with, it's better to quickly rescue your clansmen."

Chen Xi suddenly opened his mouth, causing Xueyun to wake up completely, and she nodded repeatedly.


The worship hall of the Xue clan has been destroyed, and even all the buildings within a radius of ten thousand li have been destroyed, the ground is cracked, and it is a mess.

Chen Xi sat down on a broken rock, meditating silently.Tu Meng stood on one side, carefully protecting Chen Xi.

Xue Yun and Li Wentai had already gone to the Xueling Divine Realm to rescue the clansmen. These were internal affairs of the Xue clan, and Chen Xi would not mind meddling in other matters.

What really worried him was that after this defeat, the Gongye clan would definitely not let it go. Even if they dared not deal with him, they would definitely vent their anger on the Xue clan.

"It's really troublesome."

Chen Xi sighed.

"Uncle Master, I was indeed negligent just now."

Tumon said in a low voice.

"I don't blame you, even if you kill that guy, it won't take long before you will attract the attention of the Gongye clan."

Chen Xi waved his hand.

"What can we do then?"

Tumon frowned.

"I can only wait here for a while longer. Taking this opportunity, I can completely restore my strength."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, and then said that he couldn't just leave now, if the Gongye clan came to take revenge on the Xue clan again, the consequences would be unimaginable.

From Chen Xi's point of view, since he had already helped Xueyun, he couldn't give up halfway and leave such a mess behind.

"Of course, this is just a stopgap measure. When my strength recovers, I will go to the Nagongye clan in person to completely eliminate all these hidden dangers."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and said calmly.

He made this decision not only to help the Xue clan, but also to resolve a long-standing hatred.

At the beginning, Zhen Liuqing was planted by Gongye Zhefu with the "Black Witch God Gu" and almost died. Even her master Dao Que Dao Que is very likely to be trapped in the Gongye clan

Chen Xi will never forget all of this!

At this time, a loud noise suddenly came from a distance, causing Chen Xi to suddenly wake up from his contemplation.

"Uncle Master, it should be that those members of the Xue clan have been rescued."

Tumon reminded.

"Go out and meet those members of the Xue clan. Remember, don't let them leak the news of my appearance in the Xue clan."

Chen Xi ordered casually.

"What about you, Master Uncle?"

Tumon couldn't help asking.


Chen Xi stood up with a smile, "Of course I want to meditate for a while, yes, I will borrow the star field in your body..."



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