divine talisman

Chapter 1987 Where does the tripod come from


Xue Yinghai, who had long been reduced to a disabled person, was hung high on the gallows, and executed by Xue Yun in front of tens of thousands of members of the Xue clan.

The blood splashed, staining the void red.

But none of the members of the Xue clan present showed any sympathy. On the contrary, seeing Xue Yinghai executed, many people felt very happy.

They knew very well that if Xueyun hadn't invited Shenyan Mountain's direct disciple Chen Xi this time, their Xue clan might have been wiped out!

And all of this, although it was caused by the "Seven Wonderful Qis of Xue Ling", the culprit is undoubtedly that Xue Yinghai.

Therefore, no one would sympathize with the execution of Xue Yinghai.

After finishing all this, Xueyun, accompanied by Xue Wenqing and Li Wentai, the great elders of the Xue clan, walked towards Tumeng.


The crowd automatically parted ways, and all eyes were focused on Tumeng who was in the distance. Curiosity could not be suppressed in his expression, but more respect and gratitude.

Now, they all know what happened before, and they also know that Tu Meng's identity is the descendant of Shenyan Mountain. It was Tu Meng who acted out of righteousness to help them resolve a genocide crisis.

Such characters naturally deserve their respect and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts.

"Fellow Daoist Tumon, thank you this time."

Xue Wenqing bowed his hands in salute, he is the great elder of the Xue clan, and now the patriarch Xue Changkong is still in a state of life and death, under such circumstances, all matters are naturally under the control of Xue Wenqing.

"You're welcome, my uncle and Miss Xueyun are friends, and it's only right to do these things."

Tumon smiled casually.

"I don't know... can this old man personally thank fellow Taoist Chen Xi?"

Xue Wenqing hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help saying.

Like everyone else, Xue Wenqing was familiar with the name Chen Xi, and the stories about Chen Xi were even more dear to him.

Knowing that today's calamity was resolved by this legendary direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, Xue Wenqing was also very excited.

"Sorry, my grand uncle is in retreat, but he has decided to stay here temporarily to prevent the Gongye clan's forces from coming again."

Tumon said casually.

In a word, Dexue Wenqing was shocked and excited. He was also worried about this problem. After all, this time, a total of eight dignitaries from the Gongye Clan died in their Xue Clan.

Although Chen Xi helped them resolve a calamity, what if Chen Xi left and the Gongye clan came to take revenge again?

And hearing Tu Meng's answer, to Xue Wenqing, it was like rain from the sky, making him feel so grateful to Chen Xi that it couldn't be more grateful.


At this moment, Xue Wenqing suddenly knelt down, kowtowed to Tumeng and said, "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your generous help. If there is any order in the future, my Xue clan will definitely go through fire and water, and I will die!"

Tu Meng was stunned for a moment, who would have thought that Xue Wenqing would kneel down and thank him for the pair of emperor-level figures.

But soon, a scene that surprised Tu Meng more happened. After Xue Wenqing knelt down, all members of the Xue clan, including Xueyun, knelt down at the same moment and uttered in unison——

"I will go through fire and water, and I will die!"

"I will go through fire and water, and I will die!"

"I will go through fire and water, and I will die!"

The uniform voice resounded through the world, making the atmosphere at this moment look solemn and solemn.

Tu Meng hurriedly helped Xue to ask, but secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, this is good, even if he wanted to leave, he couldn't leave...

However, when he saw such a shocking scene, Tu Meng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the Xue clan knew how to repay their kindness, and it was worthwhile for him and his master and uncle to save them.


Chen Xi naturally didn't know all of this, he was currently retreating and meditating in Tumon's inner body star field.

Before, the reason why he ordered Tu Meng not to let the Xue clan leak the news of his presence here was also very simple. He had too many enemies in the Ancient God Realm, and his current physical condition was still weak. After hearing the news, the consequences are really unpredictable.

Of course, Chen Xi was also very sure that after that elegant man escaped, he would definitely not reveal the news. After all, Chen Xi's identity was too scary. If Shenyan Mountain knew all of this, then their Gongye clan would definitely have to Suffered.

Just as Chen Xi had speculated, after this battle was over, all news was blocked, and the outside world didn't even know that a terrible and tragic event had erupted on the territory of the Youyan Zhouyu Xue Clan. duel.

Time is like a shuttle, passing by in a hurry.

During the first month of Chen Xi's retreat, he was finally able to mobilize the power of the star field in his body by virtue of his own aura.

And the movement of the star field in the body revived the Cangwu Sacred Tree, which had already fallen into silence, and continuously sprayed out the pure and thick power of the gods.

So in the following time, Chen Xi's own strength began to recover at an incredible speed. In less than half a month, most of his combat strength had already been recovered.

During this period of time, the Xue clan also returned to calm, and the Gongye clan was unusually slow in taking revenge, which made Dexue Wenqing and other important figures of the Xue clan feel relieved unconsciously. tone.

These days, they have been tense, worried that the power of the Gongye clan will suddenly kill them.

What is particularly exciting to them is that after taking the "Dragon Muscle Jade Grass" picked by Xue Yun, Xue Changkong, the patriarch of the Xue clan who has been in a state of life and death, has awakened and is recovering from his injuries. I believe it will not be long. , it can be restored.

In the second month of retreat, Chen Xi's strength had completely recovered, his whole body was surging, his divine power roared, and he seemed to have returned to the peak state of a [-]-star domain master.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally noticed some secrets in the Consciousness Sea and River Diagram by virtue of his powerful thoughts!

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Hetu remained silent, as usual.

But when Chen Xi's thoughts entered it, he unexpectedly discovered that each of the eight fragments of the river map that were put together had an era brand imprisoned!

And the power that imprisoned the brand of the era... clearly came from Chen Xi himself!

This allowed Chen Xi to judge immediately why he became so weak after he escaped from that mysterious land of catastrophe. It turned out that all his strength was absorbed by the fragments of the river map!

And its purpose in doing all this is obviously to imprison those eight chance marks that almost made it collapse.

But why did Hetu do this?

Chen Xi had a vague premonition that these eight era marks kept colliding in his sea of ​​consciousness back then, almost causing him to go mad. Although it was finally resolved by the fragments of the river chart, its purpose for doing so was absolutely not so simple.

Chen Xi continued to perceive, but in the end he found nothing, which made him fall into deep thought.

"The eight fragments of the river map and the eight brand marks of the era all match each other one by one. Could there be some connection hidden among them?"

"Since the first epoch, this is already the ninth epoch, and I am also the ninth epoch respondent in the ninth epoch...then there must be a kind of evil that belongs to this ninth epoch in myself." branded..."

"If so, is it possible that the ninth piece of the river map that has not been found so far will also have a connection with the era brand on my body?"

"Nine is the ultimate number. If it is changed to the road, does this 'nine' mean the end of the ultimate road?"

"If you infer this, doesn't it mean that when you find the ninth river map, you have found the real mystery of the ultimate path?"

Chen Xi kept deducing and pondering, but the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, as if he was about to touch a taboo truth when he cleared away the dense fog.

The truth made him yearn for it, but he also felt terrified. This was an extremely contradictory feeling, which made Chen Xi's entire consciousness go into a trance.

He is the ninth respondent of the ninth era, and now he has the chance brand belonging to the first eight eras, as well as eight fragments of the river map.

Under such circumstances, he must also have the imprint of the ninth era on his body, although Chen Xi didn't know exactly where his own imprint was.

There must also be a ninth river map in this world, and Chen Xi also didn't know where the ninth river map was.

But it can be inferred that one day when he finds the ninth river map, something that he can't even imagine will happen!


In the end, Chen Xi took a deep breath and woke up from his contemplation.

He couldn't judge whether what he deduced was true, but he was sure that when he put together a complete river map, something would definitely happen!


Not long after, Chen Xi left the customs.

"Master Uncle, have you fully recovered?"

Tumon said in surprise.

Chen Xi nodded, and only then did he notice that they were in a magnificent and magnificent ice and snow palace at the moment. There were only him and Tu Meng in the huge palace, and it seemed empty.

"Has there been no accidents recently?"

Chen Xi asked casually.

Tu Meng shook his head: "It's been more than three months, and there has been no movement from the Gongye clan. Master uncle, do you think they have completely given up?"

Chen Xi was startled, then shook his head and said, "Impossible, the loss of eight emperor-level powerhouses is an extremely heavy blow to any top power in the imperial domain, and the Gongye clan will never swallow this I'm out of breath."

Tumon frowned: "Could it be that they are secretly accumulating strength and planning to give us a fatal blow?"

Chen Xi thought for a while, and said, "It's very possible. No matter what, let's wait a little longer. Now that I've recovered, I'm not in a hurry to return to the sect immediately."

Tu Meng nodded, and immediately thought of something, he smiled, turned his palm, and suddenly offered a shining jade cauldron.

"Look, what is this?"

"This is... the Dao Rongdao Jade Cauldron from the Xue clan? How did it appear in your hands?"

Chen Xi recognized at a glance that this jade tripod was once sitting in the center of the sacrificial hall, and it was a rare congenital spiritual treasure comparable to the Daluotian and Luobao copper coins!

Most importantly, this tripod is very likely to be related to the "Seven Spirits of Snow Spirit"!

But now, it actually appeared in Tumon's hands. What's going on?

Chen Xi glanced at Tu Meng, wondering in his heart, could it be that this guy forcibly asked for it from the Xue clan?

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