divine talisman

Chapter 1988 Dead Corpse From Heaven

Tu Meng's heart skipped a beat, knowing that Chen Xi had misunderstood, he hurriedly said, "Master Uncle, the patriarch of the Xue Clan insisted on giving it to you, and I couldn't refuse even if I tried repeatedly."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and asked, "What does he mean?"

This Rongdao Jade Cauldron is a rare innate spiritual treasure, and it is even closely related to the "Seven Spirits of Xueling". Even if Xuechangkong wants to thank himself, it is a bit too expensive to give such a gift .

Tu Mengdao: "According to what Xue Changkong said, the most valuable part of this Dao Fusion Jade Cauldron lies in the 'Seven Spirits of Snow Spirit' sealed inside it. It is rumored that this treasure was born in the chaos and has incredible uses. It can even play an immeasurable benefit when the ascetic hits the Taoist realm!"

At the end, there was a hint of surprise in his voice.

Yes, when Tu Meng learned of all this, he was also very surprised. The treasure that will help to hit the Dao Lord Realm is not only precious, but also rare!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he said thoughtfully: "It's so, no wonder the Gongye clan is so laborious and wants to grab this thing..."

He is very clear that for ordinary ascetics, the seven wonderful qi of Xue Ling may be very precious, but they are difficult to use at all, but for those ascetics who are determined to attack the Taoist realm, they are absolutely incomparable. A rare treasure to find.

Taoist Realm!

This is the existence standing proudly on the top of the pyramid of the ancient gods!Looking around the world, there are very few ascetics who can reach such a level!

For example, among the top powers in the imperial domain, the reason why they can have overwhelming power is because they have strong Taoist realms in their powers.

And like in Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taoist Temple, Divine Academy, and Supreme Sect, the five poles of the imperial domain, the Taoist Realm is also a kind of transcendent existence like the pinnacle of calming the sea.

There is no other, because this level has broken through the path of practice in the ordinary sense, and has begun to comprehend the avenue of destiny!

With this, one can imagine how rare it is for any force to have a strong Daoist Realm in command.

And the Seven Wonderful Qis of the Snow Spirit actually possess such miraculous powers that they can play an immeasurable role in impacting the Dao Master Realm. It is also conceivable that the value of this treasure is astonishing.

It's no wonder that the Gongye Clan sent out a Domain Master and eight Monarch Realm powerhouses to go out together. Whoever heard the news would probably be greedy.

It’s just that when he understands it, Chen Xi still finds it hard to believe that Xue Changkong would give this thing to him as a gift...

"Perhaps, they also know that they can no longer protect this thing with the strength of their clan alone. Instead of doing this, they might as well give it up in exchange for the survival and safety of the family."

Tumeng said his conjecture, "This means that everyone is innocent, and he is guilty of conceiving a treasure. He has no power to own a treasure. The wisest choice is to send it out."

"And through this matter, they not only repaid our kindness, but also directly established a relationship with our Shenyan Mountain. The advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages."

After listening to Tu Meng's analysis, Chen Xi glanced at Tu Meng in surprise, and praised, "The analysis is not bad."

Tumon scratched his head and laughed foolishly.

Immediately, he sighed: "But having said that, we rescued them because of the friendship of that Xueyun girl, but we didn't think about any treasures at all, and it seemed a bit uncomfortable for them to do so."

Chen Xi pondered and said: "Don't care about these things, this Xue Changkong took great pains to do this, as the patriarch of the Xue clan, he will naturally consider their clan's interests more, and you should be clear that as long as there is interest in anything , the taste will naturally change.”

After a pause, Chen Xi smiled and said, "This is human nature, so don't worry about it too much, we just treat it as helping Xueyun."

Tumon nodded.


That night, when they learned that Chen Xi had come out of seclusion, under the arrangement of Xue Changkong, the patriarch of the Xue clan, he specially arranged a grand feast for Chen Xi.


The welcome hall of the Xue clan is now decorated with lights and festoons, brightly lit.

All the important figures of the Xue clan sat in attendance, and at the top of the center were Chen Xi, Xue Changkong, Xue Wenqing, Xue Yun, Tu Meng and a few others.

As for the ordinary members of the Xue clan, they are not qualified to attend. From this, one can know how high the standard of treatment Chen Xi receives is.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the atmosphere has become lively and harmonious.

Xue Changkong had just recovered from his injuries, but he was in good spirits. From the beginning of the banquet, he frequently toasted Chen Xi with an extremely enthusiastic attitude.

Chen Xi couldn't bear to disobey the other party's kindness, and he never refused anyone who came, which made all the members of the Xue clan respect Chen Xi even more.

As a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, Chen Xi's attitude is so modest and polite, without arrogance and arrogance, it is indeed easy to make people feel good.

Later, Xueyun also began to toast to Chen Xi. She dressed up specially today, her starry eyes were like water, her skin was as thick as snow, and after three or two glasses of strong wine, a blush appeared on her delicate and beautiful face , which made her more and more charming and dazzing, with an unrivaled elegance.

"Chen Xi, I'm really thankful this time. I've been worrying these days that I won't recognize me as a friend from now on..."

Xueyun drank another glass of wine, her starry eyes were blurred, her breath was like blue, she seemed a little tipsy, and there was a touch of sentimentality in her voice.

"Will not."

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder to show comfort.

Xueyun blinked her eyes and said, "Since we are friends, will you come to see me in the future?"

Chen Xi was stunned, and finally understood the meaning of Xue Yun's words. He knew that the other party was worried that if he left one day, he might not have the chance to see him again.

"Don't worry, it will."

Chen Xi smiled, "What's more, even if I don't come to you, you can still go to Shenyan Mountain to find me."

Xueyun's eyes lit up, and she said happily, "You said that."

Chen Xi said calmly, "Of course."

Seeing this, Xue Changkong, who has been paying attention to all this, couldn't help laughing, seemingly casually joking: "It's been so many years, and it's the first time I, as a father, have discovered that this girl cares so much about her friends. In the past, she never pretended to talk to any man, Chen Xi, you must not let down such a friendship."

This last word of friendship was bitten very hard by him.

When the other members of the Xue clan heard the words, they all laughed, and there was already a touch of ambiguity in their eyes when they looked at Chen Xi and Xue Yun.

Chen Xi frowned imperceptibly, and looked at Xue Yun on the side, but saw that the latter was drunk, obviously oblivious to everything around him.

This made Chen Xi not say much in the end, but he had secretly decided in his heart that he would leave immediately after the matter of the Gongye clan was resolved.

Because he was worried that if he stayed again... then Xue Changkong would have to take the initiative to betroth Xueyun to him as a Taoist partner, and he didn't want to lose Xueyun as a friend because of this.

"Master Uncle, something is wrong. Xue Changkong seems to be planning to betroth Xueyun to you. If this is the case, the Xue clan will completely become a family with you. No matter what happens in the future, we Shenyan Mountain will not be able to marry you." Just sit back and ignore it, this old guy has a good plan..."

Tu Meng suddenly sent a voice transmission.

Before he could finish speaking, he was quickly interrupted by Chen Xi: "I know, there is no need to say more."

Tu Meng was startled, and keenly noticed that Chen Xi seemed a little displeased, so he immediately shut up.

But at this moment, Chen Xi also sighed in his heart, he was very sure that this was definitely not Xue Yun's idea, it was entirely Xue Changkong's effort to help this matter.

The reason why Xue Changkong did this was probably not only due to Chen Xi, but also a lot of other thoughts.

This caused a subconscious repulsion in Chen Xi's heart, but after looking at Xue Yun beside him, Chen Xi finally held back.

Xueyun's heart is kind and pure, gentle and virtuous. After saving her back then, she took good care of her along the way. Chen Xi has always been grateful for this. For Xueyun's sake, he will not be angry with the entire Xue clan because of this. Not a good feeling anymore.

"By the way, why don't you see Fellow Daoist Li?"

Chen Xi changed the subject, and he suddenly discovered that Li Wentai who escorted Xueyun all the way back to the clan was not in the hall.

"This guy, who cares about his disciples and grandchildren of Xuanying Sword Sect, hastily left as early as yesterday evening."

Xue Changkong explained with a smile, seeing that Chen Xi changed the subject, he couldn't continue the topic just now, so he just put it away.

Chen Xi nodded.

At this moment, outside the main hall, a figure suddenly stumbled in and shouted in horror: "It's not good, it's not good, there are enemies coming!"

In an instant, all the voices in the originally extremely lively hall disappeared. Everyone stopped their movements and looked at the figure who barged in. They recognized that it was a servant of their own clan, and immediately panicked. Some are in doubt.

The atmosphere became silent.

"What happened?"

Xue Changkong frowned and scolded in a deep voice.

"The enemy... the enemy has broken in, there are many!"

The servant of the Xue clan stammered.


The pupils of many members of the Xue clan in the main hall all shrank. Could it be that the Gongye clan came to take revenge?

"Go, go out and see!"

Xue Changkong stood up, with a gloomy expression, and strode towards the outside of the main hall.


All of a sudden, other people got up one after another and rushed out after them. An extremely lively event was suddenly interrupted by this sudden accident.

"Let's go see too."

Chen Xi got up, his dark eyes were like abysses, glowing coldly, and he even wished that the enemy who came was the force sent by the Gongye clan.


Tumon laughed loudly, a ferocious expression appeared on his rough face, as if he was quite excited.

"I'll go as well."

The drunkenness in Xueyun's body was immediately frightened away, she came to her senses completely, and followed Chen Xi towards the main hall.

Outside the main hall, there is a vast expanse of space, and a round of ice moon hangs on the sky, shedding a clear luster.

Many members of the Xue clan had already gathered there.


As soon as Chen Xi's figure walked out of the hall, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground like a sandbag.

This is a dead body, his flesh and blood are mutilated, without making any sound, it is obvious that he is already dead.

When he saw clearly the appearance of this dead body, Chen Xi's eyes narrowed immediately.

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