divine talisman

Chapter 1989 Fighting Alone

A dead body fell from the sky, bloody and bloody, but who could not recognize it, this is Li Wentai who just left yesterday evening?

As the head teacher of Xuanying Sword Sect with the first-class strength in Youyan Zhouyu, and as a great figure in the emperor realm, Li Wentai was killed, and even his body was ruined!

In an instant, everyone in the Xue clan, including Xue Changkong, turned pale. Who did this?


At this moment, a huge crack suddenly exploded in the sky far away, and immediately, figures emerged from it.

The leader was the elegant man from the Gongye clan who had escaped before!

And beside him, followed by a group of majestic and majestic figures, there were 11 of them, both men and women.

As soon as the group of them appeared under the leadership of that elegant man, the whole world was shrouded in a terrifying and suffocating oppressive atmosphere, which made the world's color change, and the avenue wailed!

Those are all the domain master realm existences!

"It really is the bastard of the Gongye clan!"

"No, there are also the Luo family, the Zhai family, the Jin family, the Pei family, the Kunwu family...God, it's possible that these top powers in the imperial domain have united and sent out the domain masters from their respective forces. ?”

"How could this be...how could this be?!"

When they saw the twelve majestic figures standing proudly above the sky, all members of the Xue clan in the audience suddenly fell into agitation, and their expressions changed in horror.

Twelve domain masters!

This level of power is enough to sweep the entire Youyan universe!

Who could have imagined that this long-delayed revenge, if not coming, would be such a shocking scene?

Unspeakable fear began to spread in the air, making those members of the Xue clan feel chills all over their bodies, and they all fell into a kind of helpless despair.

Facing such revenge, how could they survive?

At this moment, even the hearts of Xue Changkong and other big figures of the Xue clan sank to the bottom of the valley, feeling like a catastrophe was imminent.

Could it be that their Xue clan is really doomed this time?

"Death to my Xue clan!"

Xue Wenqing, the great elder of the Xue Clan, let out a sigh with grief from his heart, and his expression was dull.

Their Xue clan is only one of the first-class strength in the Youyan universe. Although there are many emperors in the clan, they can't find a strong domain master at all.

Under such circumstances, what should they use to fight the twelve domain masters from the top powers in the imperial domain?


Why is this happening?

Everyone was bewildered and panicked.

Only Chen Xi and Tu Meng seemed extremely calm, and they naturally saw the existence of the twelve domain masters.

Especially when Chen Xi learned that there were not only domain masters from the Gongye clan among them, but also domain masters from several top forces such as the Luo clan, Zhai clan, Jin clan, and Kunwu clan. Immediately, he understood that the other party was obviously targeting him!

Because when he was in the Manggu ruins, Chen Xi beheaded Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu, Zhai Jun, Jin Qingyang, Kunwuqing and other supreme gods in one fell swoop.

And these guys are all from the top powers in the imperial domain!

So when he confirmed the identities of the refined man and his party, Chen Xi immediately judged the other party's purpose, obviously they came here to kill him.

If it was just to deal with the Xue clan, there would be no need to be so laborious.

Chen Xi could even guess that the reason why the Gongye Clan did not come to take revenge in the past three months was obviously because they were secretly contacting other top powers in order to accumulate more power to kill him!

"You really think highly of yourself!"

Chen Xi felt emotional in his heart, but his eyes were already filled with coldness and indifference.


The atmosphere is tense and stormy.

The color of the world changed, and it fell into a kind of absolute silence. The air seemed to be frozen, giving people the illusion of suffocation.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you, Xue Changkong, to wake up after only three months. This is a bit unexpected, but it's not important anymore. Anyway, this time, whether it's you or your entire Xue clan, you must die. !"

In the sky, the refined man sneered, his pair of eyes swept across the audience like lightning, and finally landed on Xue Changkong, his voice was cold and full of hatred, reverberating throughout the world.

Everyone in the Xue clan's expression changed, and their expressions became more and more gloomy. Many young clan members couldn't help shivering, falling into fear and unable to extricate themselves.

Compared to those domain masters, they are like ants, and they don't even have the courage to struggle and resist.

Because the disparity in strength between the two is too great, fighting against those domain masters is no different from hitting a rock with a pebble or blocking a car with a mantis arm.

"Chen Xi, take this girl Xueyun and go. I believe that with your strength, you can definitely get away. I only hope...you can take good care of Xueyun, and I will die without regret."

In such an extremely urgent situation, Xue Changkong suddenly sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi. There was sadness in the voice, and there was also a sense of determination.

Apparently, Xue Changkong completely lost confidence in Chen Xi and Tu Meng in the face of the refined men and other twelve domain masters, so he made the worst plan.

"Father! I won't go! I want to be with everyone! I want to be together even in death!"

At this moment, Xueyun obviously also received the sound transmission from Xue Changkong, she couldn't bear the sadness in her heart anymore, she burst into tears, looking helpless and desolate.

"Go? Ridiculous!"

The elegant man suddenly glanced over, and his voice was as cold as a knife, "Today, no one can leave alive!"

"Chen Xi, quickly take her away!"

Xue Changkong looked anxiously at Chen Xi, and there was already a hint of pleading in his voice.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing, stepped forward and patted Xue Yun on the shoulder, and then said to Xue Changkong, "They came after me, so let me handle it alone."

what! ?

Xue Changkong was stunned, he almost couldn't believe his ears, this guy is crazy, he is the twelve domain masters!

It wasn't just Xue Changkong, the members of the nearby Xue clan also had expressions of astonishment upon hearing the words.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't take it seriously at all. At this moment, he had already stepped forward and locked his mind on the group of elegant men in the distance.

"Master Uncle, I'll be with you..."

Tu Meng followed excitedly, but before he could finish speaking, Chen Xi interrupted him: "You stay and protect the others, this battle will be left to me."

In a word, Ling Tumeng was also stunned, wanting to fight for it again, but when he saw Chen Xi's indifferent and stern face, he immediately extinguished his thoughts, retreated listlessly, and sighed secretly.

"Chen Xi, you are not serious, are you?"

This time, Xue Changkong finally dared to be sure that Chen Xi was not joking, but really planned to fight those twelve domain masters alone!

"This is a grievance between me and them, and I should resolve it myself."

Chen Xi said a word indifferently, but before the words fell, he had already risen into the air, stood with his hands behind his back under the sky, and looked at the refined man and his party from a distance.

"That is?"

"Chen Xi!"

"Is he going to help our clan resolve the crisis? Great!"

"Don't get too excited, those are the twelve domain masters, and Chen Xi alone...how could he be an opponent?"

"What can we do? If so, wouldn't it be no different for him to die?"


When they saw Chen Xi appearing under the sky, many members of the Xue clan in the distance were also alarmed, and started discussing one after another.

But in the end, no one was optimistic about Chen Xi. It wasn't that they didn't have confidence in Chen Xi, but that the enemy this time was simply too powerful!

All of a sudden, the hearts of many people present couldn't help but they were worried that Chen Xi would be defeated and died, and they also hoped that Chen Xi would be able to turn the tide and create a miracle. Their thoughts were so contradictory and complicated to the extreme.


In the sky, when he saw Chen Xi standing out alone, the refined man couldn't help being slightly startled, as if he was a little surprised.

Immediately, an unconcealable look of cruelty and resentment appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Xi! Originally, I thought you would have escaped long ago, and I was worried that this operation would come to naught. Surprise, you are so brave!"

"He is Chen Xi?"

"It turned out to be this damn thing!"

"That's right, that's right. Brother Gongye didn't deceive us. This little thing is still here. This is a golden opportunity."

At this moment, all the powerful domain masters around the elegant man also spoke with sneers, excitement, or cruelty.

Just as Chen Xi had speculated, the reason why these old monsters from different top powers in the Imperial Domain were able to gather together this time was all for Chen Xi alone!

Of course, if Chen Xi was in Shenyan Mountain right now, even if they had a hundred guts, they wouldn't dare to make such a decision.

The reason why they went out together this time was nothing more than seeing that Chen Xi was on his own, and it was an excellent time to kill him.


Chen Xi sacrificed his sword talisman, casually pointed at the enemies facing him, and said calmly, "It's time to settle this grievance."


In an instant, a brilliant golden divine radiance gushed out of Chen Xi's body, rushing straight to nine heavens away, with an imposing manner, looking down on the eternity, there was a kind of majestic majesty like an emperor!

Especially on the top of his head, a projection of a star field emerged, in which universes revolved, and billions of stars circulated continuously, shining immeasurably.

In a trance, everyone present had an illusion, as if Chen Xi had become another person, with unrivaled power and imposing aura to the extreme, so many people couldn't help being awed, wishing to kneel down and worship.

Samsung domain master!

In an instant, even the refined man and his party were shocked in their hearts, realizing that the aura released by Chen Xi already possessed the might of a three-star domain master!

How can this be?

Hundreds of years ago, he was only in the Ancestral God Realm when he competed in the Dao Contest hundreds of years ago, but in this short period of time, he not only advanced to Breakthrough, but even advanced three levels in a row, reaching the level of a three-star domain master. Waiting for the speed of cultivation would be too heaven-defying! ?

Not only them, even Tu Meng couldn't help opening his mouth wide and gasping for air. This was the first time he knew that his master uncle had already possessed such a terrifying cultivation level!

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