divine talisman

Chapter 1990 Decision Against the Heavens

Under the darkness of night, Chen Xi was alone, facing the refined man and other domain masters, his aura was like a vast abyss, and he had the power to be the one who was invincible.

At this moment, when they sensed the might of the [-]-star domain master unleashed from Chen Xi, many people were shocked and couldn't believe it.

In just a few hundred years, a strong man in the Ancestral God Realm transformed into a three-star domain master. This level of promotion speed can be said to be unprecedented and shocking!

"No wonder he dares to be so confident. It turns out that his strength has reached such a terrifying level..."

Xue Changkong murmured, with a complicated look on his face, shocking, but more exciting.

It was as if he had found a ray of hope in despair, which relieved Xue Changkong's helpless and pessimistic mood a lot.

"This is the descendant of Shenyan Mountain. It really is beyond my generation's ability to speculate."

Great Elder Xue Wenqing was also full of emotion.

Samsung domain master ah!

Such terrifying cultivation bases are rare in the entire Ancient God Realm!


The expressions of the refined men and the group suddenly became gloomy, and the power and influence displayed by Chen Xi also exceeded their expectations.

Fortunately, they were well-prepared this time and dispatched twelve strong domain masters, many of whom were above three-star domain masters.

While this reassured the refined man, he couldn't help but become more determined to kill Chen Xi. This little thing's promotion speed is too fast. If he is allowed to continue living, he doesn't know how powerful he will grow to be in the future!

"Everyone, if the descendants of our clan hadn't been harmed by this son when we were in the Manggu ruins, I'm afraid we can have such an achievement now..."

The refined man's voice was low and filled with incomparable hatred. He thought of Gongye Zhefu who died at the hands of Chen Xi.

With just a few words, the hearts of other domain masters couldn't help but feel hatred.

That's right, if Luo Shaonong, Kun Wuqing, Zhai Jun, Jin Qingyang and the others hadn't died back then, how could their achievements now be lower than that of Chen Xi?

In an instant, the world was filled with endless murderous intent. The refined men and his group looked at Chen Xi with incomparably cold eyes, as if wishing they could choose someone to devour.

"Old people, if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head, and there was a hint of ridicule in his expression, these old bastards simply became more and more confused as they lived, and they even compared the dead Luo Shaonong with himself, it was really ridiculous.

"Sinister! Let me die!"

Suddenly, a shocking shout sounded, and an old man in a golden robe stepped out. A red divine sword suddenly appeared in his palm, and he slashed out with one strike.


The sky seemed to be torn apart, and the red sword energy was like a molten sea of ​​flames, accompanied by a burst of berserk power, suppressing and killing Chen Xi.

At this moment, the world within a radius of a million miles seemed to be falling into a collapse, screaming violently, bursting frequently, splitting one huge crack after another, spreading in all directions.

This is the prestige of the Domain Master Realm, especially this golden robed old man named Luo Qianchi, who has been famous for a long time as a [-]-Star Territory Master. Far Yang.

At this moment, he attacked with anger, and with just one blow, he showed his might to the fullest.

The expression of the entire Xue clan changed, as if they were facing the doomsday, their whole bodies were stiff, and they even suspected that they were about to be robbed and die!


A strong person in the domain master realm can destroy the stars, crush the sun and the moon, and if they are affected by such power, one can imagine how serious the consequences will be.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also made a move, and the sword talisman uttered a clear chant that resounded through the nine heavens, and a gleaming and clear quaint sword energy gushed out, shaking the opponent hard.

This piece of heaven and earth exploded, time and space set off a violent wave of shattering and turbulent spread, and the entire land occupied by the Xue clan was washed to pieces and messed up everywhere.

Fortunately, before such a collision broke out, Tu Meng had already seen that the situation was not good, and used his strength to forcefully take away those Xue clan members, avoiding them far away, and just avoided disaster.

Otherwise, under the spread of the aftermath of this attack, at least half of the Xue clan members would have been robbed.


In the void, Luo Qianchi's figure was suddenly shocked, and he staggered back. He was actually forced to retreat by Chen Xi during this first confrontation!

This made his face darken suddenly, and he was horrified in his heart. Has this damned little thing become so powerful?

again and again!again and again!again and again!

At this time, Chen Xi had already traveled through time and space, striding forward, every inch of his skin was filled with sword energy, as if he had transformed into a vast ocean of swords, and the purple-gold divine brilliance covered the sky, and the scene was terrifying.


Luo Shaonong struck again, the scarlet divine sword in his palm violently turned into billions of flaming sword energy, smashing and killing with a sweeping force.

The elegant man and other domain masters did not neglect either, their figures flickered, and they sat in all directions, spying on and sensing Chen Xi's flaws, seeking opportunities to kill with one blow.

In their view, Luo Qianchi, who possesses the strength of a [-]-star domain master, is more than enough to deal with a newly promoted Chen Xi, and is enough to suppress him.


But at the next moment, a scene that horrified them happened. Chen Xi raised his sword, and with an understatement, he crushed Luo Qianchi's attack again abruptly!Never blocked a point at all!


Before everyone could react, Chen Xi had already attacked again, and the sword talisman in his palm reflected grand and mysterious sword formations, crushing them fiercely.

With a bang, the red divine sword in Luo Qianchi's palm shattered and turned into light rain, and his whole body seemed to be pushed horizontally by a hundred thousand deep mountains, and he was violently thrown away. He coughed blood in his mouth, and his face suddenly changed. Very pale.

For a moment, the audience was shocked.

In just the third confrontation, the immeasurably powerful Luo Qianchi lost to Chen Xi and was completely defeated!

How can this be?

The same three-star domain master, even Luo Qianchi became famous earlier than Chen Xi, and existed like an old monster in the Luo clan, but now, he was shattered in just three blows The treasure in the palm, the whole person was defeated!

This is too amazing!

The expressions of the refined men and his group suddenly changed. It was just the beginning of the war, and the situation would undergo such an astonishing change, and the power Chen Xi displayed was beyond imagination, and they were also unexpected.


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi ignored it completely. After defeating Luo Qianchi, he did not stop at all, and continued to chase and kill, unwilling to miss this excellent opportunity to destroy the enemy.

Luo Qianchi's face became paler, and he smelled a deadly and dangerous aura.

How could he have imagined that this time the opponent would be so difficult, completely beyond his predictions, if he had known this earlier, he would definitely not have fought so hastily.

But at this moment, he was not allowed to regret it. When he realized that the danger was imminent, he almost subconsciously uttered a hysterical roar, and a round of bronze mirror appeared on his chest, blooming with divine brilliance.


A burst of sword energy struck the bronze mirror fiercely, and when the two collided, the bronze mirror burst into pieces.

And Luo Qianchi's bones shattered and popped, bleeding all over his body, and fell to the ground with a scream.

It was also fortunate to have this round of bronze mirrors protecting him, otherwise Luo Qianchi would have been robbed and died under this blow!

At this moment, even Tu Meng was shocked, and he smacked his tongue and muttered: "Master Uncle... is much more fierce than me..."

As for those members of the Xue clan, they all have big mouths at the moment, their expressions are dull, and they look dumbfounded.

Originally they were still worried that Chen Xi was not an enemy opponent, but how could they have imagined that Chen Xi's combat power was so terrifying?


A purple gourd soared into the air, spewing out chaotic profound light, blocking Chen Xi from continuing to attack, and helping Luo Qianchi resolve a calamity.

It was the group of elegant men who made the move. Seeing all this, they dared not wait and watch. They sacrificed divine treasures one after another, and rushed out brazenly to kill Chen Xi from all directions.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind in this world, the howling wind, lightning and thunder, time and space collapsed, and various terrifying visions appeared between the heaven and the earth.

A powerhouse in the domain master realm was dispatched, triggering a monstrous destructive power, just like the real doomsday.

The cultivation planet occupied by the Xue clan began to tremble violently. The creatures living in it trembled and fled in panic. It was a turbulent and chaotic scene.

Tu Meng's expression became solemn, and he was a little worried. Facing the joint attack of the twelve domain masters, he also had to worry about Chen Xi's safety.

The members of the Xue Clan were all horrified, their minds were in chaos, they couldn't even see everything on the battlefield clearly, they could only pray in their hearts that Chen Xi could turn the tide.

However, what everyone couldn't believe was that although Chen Xi was alone in the sky, he had never been suppressed. Instead, there was a vaguely even situation of evenly split!

This made everyone gasp. Those are the twelve domain masters from the top powers in the imperial domain, so how could Chen Xi be the only one?

This is too astonishing. For hundreds of years, Chen Xi has stepped up to the level of a three-star domain master at an incredible speed. Defeated, so powerful that it can be described as against the sky!

Looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, how many people can be like Chen Xi?I'm afraid I won't be able to find a second one at all, right?

Especially the group of elegant men, their hearts were shaken at this moment, and they were all frightened, angry, and horrified.

Originally, among Chen Xi's three strikes, the crushing of Luo Qianchi had already made them realize that Chen Xi was not so powerful, but they never thought that when the 12 of them attacked together, they would not be able to suppress Chen Xi. Horrified?

They even couldn't accept it, how did such a small thing cultivate, and how could it possess such heaven-defying combat power?

"Kill! You must use all your strength to suppress and kill this evil! Otherwise, the situation today may be unpredictable!"

The refined man roared, realizing that the situation had become serious.


There is no need to remind, the other domain owners are also aware of this, and they all showed fierce faces immediately, and used all their skills.


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