divine talisman

Chapter 1991

The sky and the earth trembled, the divine treasure flew, stirred up the universe, and Taoism poured out. If rounds of scorching sun exploded, the terrifying battle fluctuations were like nine heavenly winds, raging and roaring, sweeping across the ten directions.

The place where the Xue clan was entrenched suddenly turned into ruins, full of mess.


A pitch-black shuttle-shaped divine treasure flew over, steaming fiercely with the laws of the divine way, piercing through time and space, and ruthlessly stabbed at Chen Xi's throat.

With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, he shook this attack away, and then continued to chase and kill Luo Qianchi. This person had been seriously injured just now, and his combat strength had been reduced. Chen Xi would feel very sorry if he didn't take the opportunity to kill him.


Suddenly, another round of disc-shaped divine treasures appeared in the sky, reflecting a rain of billions of light, which was as misty as mist, and had a fatal corrosive effect on the soul.


Chen Xi's tongue burst into spring thunder, and he shouted loudly, the sound was like a dragon's howl, and with a bang, this round of Yuanpan Shenbao was shaken and flew out, and the wailing continued.

His majestic power is so powerful, his figure shuttles through nothingness, pointing at the sky and hitting the earth, looking at him immeasurably.

The refined man and his party were all startled and angry, and frequently resorted to underhanded tactics to besiege Chen Xi with all their might, not daring to be negligent in the slightest.

This son is too heaven-defying, if you don't get rid of him today, I'm afraid no one will be able to suppress him in the future!


The battle became more and more fierce and fierce, and the whole world fell into a kind of collapse-like chaos.

Under such circumstances, Tu Meng had no choice but to lead the Xue clan members to retreat again and again, so as to avoid being involved.

"Fellow Daoist Tu Meng, taking advantage of this opportunity, why don't you go to help Fellow Daoist Chen Xi. As for everything here, let me handle it."

Xue Changkong suddenly sent a voice transmission to Tu Meng. He no longer doubted Chen Xi's strength in combat, but he was a little worried about Chen Xi's situation. After all, it was the cooperation of the twelve domain masters. If some accident happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

And as far as he knew, Tu Meng's combat power was also extremely tyrannical. Back then, he single-handedly killed the elegant man and fled, and even killed all eight powerful emperors of the Gongye clan on the spot.

At this time, Tu Meng stayed here to protect them, but it was a bit overkill.

"No need."

Tu Meng hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and refused. Of course, he was eager to go forward and fight side by side with his uncle Chen Xi, but he knew better that his duty was to protect these Xue clan members. This was the order of his uncle, so he couldn't let him violated.

"Aren't you worried?"

Xue Changkong was stunned and couldn't help asking.


Tu Meng replied without hesitation, "But I believe that since Master Uncle dares to do this, he must be sure to win!"

Xue Changkong was startled, is that really the case?


In the battle situation, Chen Xi's pressure was greatly increased, but he was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he became more and more courageous as he fought. In his originally calm eyes, at this moment, fierce fighting flames also burst out.

The fighting spirit is on fire!

This is his first battle after returning to the Ancient God Realm from the Chaotic Remains, and it is also his first duel after advancing to the main realm of the three-star realm.

In his eyes, that refined man and his party are not only enemies, but also a whetstone, which allows him to pass the battle and test how far his fighting power has reached!

After all, every great realm represents the mastery of a brand-new power. What's more, when Chen Xi advanced to the Domain Master Realm, he could fully refine the origins of nine domains!It can be said to be unprecedented, unique in the past and the present, with a profound foundation, I am afraid that there is no one in the world who can compare with it.

Most importantly, Chen Xi is no longer a one-star domain master, but a three-star domain master!Although the difference is only two levels, there is a world of difference in the power they control.

In other words, the power he controls now has already reached an unimaginable height even in the three-star domain master realm, so a close battle is urgently needed to test it.

In this way, not only can he have a deeper understanding of his own combat power, but also allow him to skillfully control this new force through the training of combat!

Therefore, the confrontation in front of him undoubtedly served as a whetstone for Chen Xi to test himself in the battle. As he gradually mastered his own power, the power he displayed became stronger and stronger.

And the gradual changes in Chen Xi's battle also gradually intensified the pressure on the refined man and his party, and the originally evenly matched situation also faintly showed signs of pouring out on Chen Xi.

This made the faces of the elegant men and the others more serious and ugly. It is impossible to imagine how Chen Xi's combat power can be so heaven-defying, and he can gradually improve in battle. This is simply desperate!


Suddenly, an old man couldn't hold back any longer, and with a stern roar, he sacrificed a simple and vicissitudes of bamboo scriptures, spread them in the air, and suddenly floated out mysterious and mysterious scriptures, which evolved into the shape of thunder and lightning, and slammed at Chen Xi smash!

Obviously, this is also an extremely powerful innate spirit treasure, and as soon as it was sacrificed, it displayed extraordinary power.


However, almost at the same time, three golden falling treasure copper coins flew out of Chen Xi's palm, and they uttered a trembling chant, imprisoning that scroll of bamboo books in an instant!

"not good!"

The old man's face changed suddenly, and he recognized it as a copper coin.

But to his surprise, Chen Xi didn't take the opportunity to kill him. Instead, his figure flashed and rushed towards the other side.

What is he going to do?

The old man was startled.


At this moment, an extremely shrill scream sounded, and Luo Qianchi in the distance was crushed by a wave of sword energy, and his flesh and blood flew like rain.

It was obvious that Chen Xi had adopted a strategy of smacking east and west, and before Luo Qianchi could react, he killed him in one fell swoop!


"Brother Luo!"

The faces of the refined men and his group suddenly changed, and their anger was unbearable. Under their siege, not only failed to suppress and kill Chen Xi, but he took the opportunity to kill Luo Qianchi who was seriously injured. It was an extremely heavy blow, which made their eyes turn red.

"One died!"

Far away, Xue Changkong uttered in shock, "It's too strong, it's too strong..." Repeatedly, he couldn't find any other words to describe his state of mind at this moment.

Seeing this, the other members of the nearby Xue clan were stunned as if they couldn't believe it, and immediately burst into cheers, uncontrollably excited.

Who would have imagined before that in such a situation, Chen Xi would still kill a [-]-star domain master on the other side?


Therefore, when they witnessed this scene, it seemed particularly shocking to them.

"I knew it would be like this. If Master Uncle couldn't do this step, it would be abnormal..."

Tu Meng murmured, his expression full of pride and pride.


"Everyone, we must fight!"

"The weather is here now, if we don't work hard, none of us will leave today!"

"That's right, if Shenyan Mountain finds out about today's incident, we will definitely not have any good fruit for us in the future. Therefore, no matter what price we pay today, we must take him down!"

Because of Luo Qianchi's death, the refined men and the others were driven completely crazy, like ancient ferocious beasts being enraged, they continued to besiege and kill Chen Xi in a desperate posture.

"Unfortunately, the strength is only so, so let's end the battle."

Seeing this, Chen Xi sighed. The fighting power displayed by the other party was no longer able to make him feel the suffocating pressure, so he knew very well that it was impossible to sharpen his fighting power by confronting them again.


The sword talisman roared, and the momentum suddenly increased a lot, and then it slashed out suddenly.

This sword was born like a flash of lightning splitting chaos, piercing through the entire sky, blazing to the extreme.

For a split second, the universe was silent, everything lost its voice, and a terrifying throbbing spread over the hearts of everyone present, making them all pale, and their souls froze.

What kind of sword is this?

It is indescribable, it seems to have seized the power of good fortune, interpreting the fierce killing power of the sword to the extreme, there is a kind of power that ghosts and gods change, and everything is unstoppable.

But to the elegant man and his party, this sword is like a death blade, it will reap their lives!

Almost subconsciously, they used their power to the extreme, almost crazily displaying the strongest means, not daring to keep it.


There is a blank area in this time and space, everything is crushed and annihilated in it, this sword energy is too fierce and invincible.

Although the elegant man and his group managed to avoid the blow, they were all forced into a panic, their faces were cloudy and hideous.

This sword was too strong, seeing that blank area made them terrified too.


Before they could react, Chen Xi had already charged again with his sword, and the sword intent shot out, piercing through ten directions, piercing through the universe, interpreting the infinite and wonderful truth, illuminating ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers.

One after another, the sword energy was more terrifying than the other, until the elegant man and his party kept dodging, so embarrassed that they didn't dare to touch his edge.


But in the end, an old man failed to dodge in time, and was swept by a vast abyss of sword energy. In an instant, his entire body exploded, and he was obliterated by the powder on the spot!

The rain of blood was pouring down, and the screams before death shook the world, shocking the audience, dumbfounded, and another one died!

"Do not--!"

The refined man and his group yelled in grief and indignation, it was difficult to accept this result. When they came to Xingshi to inquire about their crimes, how could they have thought that such an accident would happen after they had prepared so well?

The extreme unwillingness and shock burned their hearts like flames, causing their eyes to tear apart, their beards to swell, and their faces distorted to the extreme.

But to Chen Xi, he seemed unaware of all of this. His expression was calm and indifferent as if he had no emotional fluctuations. After killing the old man, he attacked again with a fierce and aggressive aura.

From the beginning of this battle, Chen Xi didn't intend to let anyone go!

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