divine talisman

Chapter 1992


The battle continued, and the divine splendor collapsed, disturbing all directions.

Because of the death of the two companions, the elegant man and his party were completely insane, all eyes were tearing apart, and they exerted all their strengths, which was no different from desperate efforts.

This piece of heaven and earth began to collapse, annihilated into nothingness, and the confrontation between the field masters had reached an incomparably tragic level.

The members of the Xue clan in the distance were astonished, and their hearts became more and more rejoicing. They knew that if Chen Xi hadn't been there this time, their entire clan would have been wiped out long ago.

"No, this beast's fighting power is too strong. I have tried my best. If I can't turn the situation around, something bad will happen!"

A moment later, a middle-aged man wearing a crane cloak roared sharply. He was completely suppressed by Chen Xi, and he was almost unable to hold on.

Not only him, but everyone else was also like this at this moment. The pressure was greatly increased by Chen Xi's one-on-one suppression, and they were almost powerless to fight back.

If this situation continues, they are doomed to have bad luck today!

How to do?

Do you want to escape?

This thought came to the minds of the refined men almost in unison.

It wasn't that they were afraid of fighting, but that Chen Xi's behavior was too monstrous. He was only a three-star domain master, and he had already displayed such a heaven-defying fighting power. This made them have to think about their own safety no matter how angry and unwilling they were. .


Soon, a wisp of sword energy, erratic like smoke, suddenly appeared out of thin air, and with a single swipe, it cut off the neck of the middle-aged man wearing a crane cloak before he could react in time!

Crash~~Blood splattered and heads were thrown into the air.

Another domain master was beheaded!

Seeing this scene, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely breaking the refined man and his party.

The middle-aged man in that crane cloak was named Kun Wuchong, but he was a formidable four-star domain master!Among them, it can be called a first-class existence, but now, it was actually beheaded by Chen Xi on the spot!

How is this not shocking?

Even Kun Wuchong was beheaded, let alone them?


"If you don't leave, you are destined to die here!"

"Hateful! Hateful—!"

The rest of the elegant men and the other nine domain masters let out a roar like frightened birds, and fled in all directions like crazy.

At this moment, they didn't even have a look of majesty. Instead, they ran away in panic like bereaved dogs.

However, Chen Xi seemed to have long expected this scene to happen, just when the refined man and his group were about to escape, his footsteps slammed into the void.

With a bang, time and space exploded, and this piece of heaven and earth changed suddenly. One after another, grand divine talismans rose from the ground, emerged out of thin air, and burst out endless runes, echoing each other from afar, covering all the eight directions of this piece of heaven and earth.

The patterns of these divine talismans are dense and vast like a starry sky, mysterious and frightening. As soon as they appear, they burst out endless divine aura, rushing towards the sky, and the momentum is extremely terrifying.

Great array of divine talismans!


Almost at the same time, the sword talisman in Chen Xi's palm soared into the sky, the hilt of the sword soared to the sky, and the tip of the sword pointed to the ground. Sitting in the center of the large formation composed of divine talismans, the sword body released a rain of billions of light!

The hundreds of millions of light and rain drifted down, turning into strands of mysterious dao patterns, pouring into the divine formation, making the entire divine formation more powerful.

In an instant, the fleeing figures of the elegant man and his party were enveloped in it!

Seeing this, Tu Meng in the distance couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips, and finally realized that compared with his master and uncle, not only was his cultivation base a thousand li behind, but even his attainment in talisman Taoism was far behind. Can't compete with it!

In one step, a grand array of divine talismans was formed.This is not something that everyone can do, even in Shenyan Mountain, there are only a handful of people who can do this!

And at this moment, those members of the Xue clan finally saw the inheritance of the talisman of Shenyan Mountain for the first time, and couldn't help but feel a wave of anxiety, unable to calm down for a long time.

In one step, the world is imprisoned!

If you have this kind of talisman power to defend around the clan, why worry about foreign enemies coming?

The magic array is in motion, interpreting infinite mysteries, and the divine brilliance spreads for nine days and ten places.

The elegant man and his party were trapped in it, their figures disappeared, and even their voices fell silent all of a sudden, unable to utter any more.

It felt like they were not imprisoned in a divine formation, but fell into an endless abyss!


And at this moment, the Banchen Sword appeared in Chen Xi's hands, his figure flashed, and he also entered the divine formation and disappeared.


All of a sudden, the world fell into silence.

Only that divine array was in operation, filled with divine brilliance, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths, and there was no more chaotic battle scene just now.

Everyone knew that the battle hadn't stopped, it was just changed in that divine formation.

And the group of elegant men who originally wanted to flee were trapped in it, which undoubtedly meant that their retreat was completely sealed off. Under Chen Xi's control, one could imagine the consequences they would encounter.

Tumeng's eyes were like lightning, he stared at the divine formation closely, and kept silent, everything was not over yet, so he dared not take it lightly.

Like Tu Meng, Xue Changkong and the rest of the Xue clan also fell silent, looking at the divine formation with a surge of emotion, unable to contain themselves.

Thinking of everything that happened just now, they still have a dreamlike feeling, which is incredible.

Originally, they only knew that it was Tu Meng who defeated the elegant man and the eight emperor-level powerhouses, and helped their clan resolve a crisis of genocide.

For this reason, the patriarch Xue Changkong also took out the seven spirits of Xue Ling sealed in the Rongdao Jade Cauldron, and gave them to Chen Xi as a repayment for such a great favor.

But they also knew that Chen Xi's physical strength was weak back then, and he was unable to fight at all, so they subconsciously believed that even if Chen Xi's combat power recovered, he might not be much stronger than Tu Meng.

However, when the battle in front of them really broke out, they finally realized that they were wrong, terribly wrong, outrageously wrong!

Chen Xi is not only stronger than Tu Meng, he can be said to be against the sky!

In the past, if anyone dared to say that a [-]-star domain lord could fight against the cooperation of twelve domain lords by himself, they would definitely scoff and disbelieve it at all.

But now, they believed it, because all this was happening right before their eyes!

They were even sure that, looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, looking at the years of the past, I am afraid that such a battle has never happened.

It was like an unprecedented miracle!



After a stick of incense, there was a sudden violent fluctuation from that divine formation, and it disappeared without a trace.

This made everyone in the audience tense up, but when they saw everything in the place where the magic circle disappeared, everyone looked dull as if struck by lightning.

The ground there was blood-stained and dark red, and the corpses of the broken domain masters lay here and there, some were pierced between the eyebrows, some were beheaded in the middle, or their heads were directly split...

That is a respectable domain master, everyone has the power to suppress a domain, but now they are all buried here, no one survives, bloody and shocking.

And Chen Xi was returning from that bloody place. His face was clear and handsome, the ancient well was calm, his eyes were as deep as an abyss, and although his clothes were stained with blood, they were all the blood of the enemy. On the contrary, it adds a kind of coercive power invisibly.

He paced casually, as if he had just done a trivial thing, but at this moment, looking at his figure, all the Xue clan members in the audience couldn't help feeling a deep sense of awe, and they didn't even dare to breathe out.

This is power.

Chen Xi annihilated the group of enemies and appeared in everyone's field of vision with incomparable power. One can imagine the shocking force it caused.

After all, those are twelve domain masters!

Chen Xi was able to exterminate them with his own strength, such a record can be called unparalleled in the world, unmatched in the past and present!

If this were introduced into the Ancient God Realm, there would be such a huge commotion.

But to Chen Xi, all of this didn't give him much sense of accomplishment. He had seen too many existences stronger than the Dao Master Realm in the Land of Catastrophe, so how could he be ashamed just because he killed some Domain Master Realm powerhouses? Complacent.

The more you see it, the higher your horizons will be, and you will get used to it naturally, probably because of this mentality.

"Sorry, this battle ruined everything here."

Chen Xi came in front of Xue Changkong, and said apologetically, the entire land occupied by the Xue clan has now been reduced to ruins, devastated everywhere, it is simply too horrible to look at.

Xue Changkong hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands: "It's not a problem, it's not a problem. If the site is destroyed, it can be rebuilt. If a person dies, it will be completely over."

After a pause, he took a deep breath, bowed and saluted and said, "Chen Xi, thank you very much this time, and my Xue clan will always remember this great kindness!"

At this moment, the other members of the Xue clan all saluted together as if they had just woken up from a dream, all with expressions of endless gratitude and admiration.

Chen Xi waved his hand, and an invisible force lifted Xue Changkong and the others up, and then said: "Now that the matter has been settled, Tu Meng and I won't bother you any more, so let's take our leave. If you have free time in the future, everyone is welcome to come to Shenyan The mountain is winding, and Chen will be there to sweep the couch."

"Are you going now?"

Xueyun was the first to hold back and blurted out.

"Yes, I still have a lot of important things on me, so I can't stay here for long."

Chen Xi smiled, "However, I believe that after this incident, neither the Gongye clan nor other powerful forces would dare to offend them again."

If it was put before this battle, Chen Xi would not dare to guarantee this, but now that he has killed twelve strong domain masters who came to invade, under such deterrence, if anyone dares to come to offend, then They simply didn't take him seriously in Chen Xi's eyes.

Not taking Chen Xi seriously is tantamount to not taking Shenyan Mountain seriously. I believe that as long as you understand this, no one will dare to trouble the Xue clan again.

Xue Changkong and the others obviously understood this point, and they all cheered up. They knew that starting today, if they were protected under Shenyan Mountain, it would definitely be of immeasurable benefit to their clan's future development!

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