divine talisman

Chapter 1993


Knowing that Chen Xi was leaving now, Xueyun was still a little bit reluctant, and there was even a touch of sadness in her eyes.

Seeing this, Xue Changkong couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In the past, he would definitely try his best to persuade his daughter to chase after Chen Xi, but after witnessing the shocking duel just now, he immediately understood that, like Chen Xi, a pair of amazing people who are unparalleled in the world, his daughter might be If you can't catch up at all, if you force yourself to fight for it, you will only end up with a fate and no fate.

"Girl, don't be like this. Chen Xi has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders. How can he stay here for a long time? If you treat Chen Xi as a friend, you can look for him later."

Xue Changkong patted Xueyun on the shoulder, comforting her gently.

Chen Xi naturally also vaguely saw some of Xue Yun's thoughts, but now he really had no luck to accept such affection anymore.

This was also one of the reasons why he left in a hurry. He was worried that if this continued, he might have to bear another love debt. It would be better to cut the mess quickly and kill everything in the bud.

"Then you... take care."

Xueyun took a deep breath, fixed her clear eyes on Chen Xi, and said softly.

Chen Xi smiled casually and said, "You also take care."

After all, he was about to leave with Tumon, but at this moment, an extremely dangerous aura suddenly rose in his heart, making him stiff all over, subconsciously raised his head, and looked towards the sky.


Seeing this, the others couldn't help being startled. They followed Chen Xi's gaze and looked up at the sky. There was nothing unusual there, and they couldn't help but wonder, what happened to Chen Xi?

Only Tu Meng seemed to have noticed something, his face darkened suddenly, and said: "Master Uncle, it seems..."

"Do not talk!"

Chen Xi interrupted with a wave of his hand, and his expression became solemn.

This made everyone else thump in their hearts. Chen Xi didn't show such seriousness when he was fighting against the twelve Domain Master Realm powerhouses just now. What happened?

"Oh, it's still a step late after all."

At this moment, an extremely old voice suddenly floated in the sky and the earth, like erratic smoke, faint and dim, making it impossible to judge the specific location of the visitor.

Hearing this voice, everyone in the audience felt a chill, their hair stood on end, and they felt a kind of unspeakable terror.

Many members of the Xue clan who were weak in strength trembled violently, their faces were pale, and they almost fell to the ground!

And this is just the deterrent brought by a voice!

"It's the Daoist Realm big shot coming..."

Chen Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression was extremely serious.


When they heard these two words, even the faces of Tu Meng, Xue Changkong, Xue Wenqing and the others changed suddenly, with an extremely intense crisis in their hearts.

Who is the Taoist, he...couldn't be here for revenge?

"Killed so many people from my Gongye clan, little guy, you must pay the price of your life today to pay homage to the souls of our clan's lost heroic spirits!"

That old voice sounded again, but this time there was already a sharp and decisive murderous intent in the voice.

In an instant, the sky dimmed and the earth darkened, everything wailed, and the avenue trembled. This piece of the universe was shocked by a terrifying murderous intent!

This is the power of the Taoist Realm, every word and deed carries a supreme power.

"Could it be that you are not afraid of offending Shenyan Mountain?"

Tu Meng yelled loudly, and until this moment, they still couldn't pinpoint the specific location of each other, which made them all tremble and find it difficult to calm down.

"Hahahaha, when I am determined to do something, what is Shenyan Mountain?"

The old voice laughed loudly, shaking the world.

In an instant, Tu Meng's expression became cloudy and uncertain. He never expected that this great figure of the Gongye clan Taoist who suddenly appeared would be so rampant.

And at this time, Chen Xi finally fully understood the words that the empress in Taichu had once said——

Each of the existences that have reached the Taoist realm is ruthless, unscrupulous, and not bound by the rules of cause and effect in the world. If they want to kill a person, they will act immediately, regardless of your origin or background. ·scene!

Now, Chen Xi finally fully understood the meaning of these words, which made him feel a great pressure.

Almost subconsciously, he quickly sent a voice transmission to Tumon: "The situation is dangerous, I will try my best later, you immediately take..."

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed.

In his field of vision, at an unknown time, an old hand that could cover the whole world with one foot had quietly appeared above the sky.

That big hand is really vast, covering both ends of the sky, as if it wants to cover the entire planet they are on!

The power contained in that big hand is too terrifying, the palm prints are like the brand of the great way, gathering the power of the supreme law, and the breath released, oppressing this world is bursting, collapsing, and sinking!

As for Chen Xi, he felt as if he was suffocating his breath, and his blood seemed to be frozen, and he had the illusion that he was on the verge of death.

puff puff...

Even Chen Xi was like this, let alone other people. In just this moment, most of those Xue clan members just fainted and fell to the ground.

Those who were able to persist in standing still trembled all over, their faces were pale, and there was an unconcealable fear shrouded in their brows.

Who could have imagined that the revenge from the Gongye clan would happen one after another, until finally, even a big figure who could be said to break all the rules of the Taoist realm came out?


This practice planet was trembling violently, and the mountains, rivers, and oceans covering the surface seemed to be overwhelmed and burst into pieces.

The hundreds of millions of living beings living in it died tragically at this moment, and it was no different from the end of the world.

If you look down from the universe, you will find that under the cover of that big old hand that covers the sky, the cultivation planet that Chen Xi and the others are on is as small as a projectile, and it is about to be completely grasped by that big old hand. .

If all of this happens, not only this planet will be easily crushed, but Chen Xi and the others will all perish in it!

This is the power of the Taoist master, unimaginably powerful, known as the supreme existence in the ancient gods, each of them has the terrifying power to crush a world and level the ten directions.


Deadly danger!

This was the first time for Chen Xi to truly face the murderous intent of a Taoist realm. Previously in the land of catastrophe, because of the power of reincarnation and Hetu, he couldn't really feel the horror of this realm at all.

But now he feels it, and finally understands that the power he possesses now is still so small and vulnerable to such an existence.

But Chen Xi didn't intend to give up just yet. In his life, he never said that he waited for death voluntarily!


He squeezed out the sword talisman, bursting out hundreds of millions of purple-gold divine radiance from his body, and he had already operated his own power to an unprecedented height.

But even so, Chen Xi still had a feeling of suffocation that was completely restrained, which made him dare not hesitate at all, subconsciously soaring into the sky.

Let's fight!

I would rather die in battle!

Nor be obliterated in despair!

"Master Uncle—!"

Tu Meng yelled in horror, his grief and anger reached the extreme, he knew very well that taking the initiative to attack at such a time was no different from courting death.

However, Tu Meng also took the initiative to attack at the next moment. He would not just watch his master and uncle go to die alone. If he wanted to die, he would die together!


However, just as Chen Xi and Tu Meng rushed out one after another and were still on the way, they unexpectedly discovered that the big hand that was originally covering it suddenly made an extremely ear-piercing sound of bone shattering.

Immediately, they saw that the five fingers of that big hand shattered inch by inch, splashing out streaks of blood, staining the sky red.

This is?

Both Chen Xi and Tu Meng were stunned. This incident happened so suddenly that they couldn't even expect it.


Before they could react, the palm of that big hand also began to shatter, like a volcano collapsing, splashing out billowing plasma and flying into the sky.

In an instant, this planet of practice was like a rain of blood, and the thick bloody aura was overwhelming, watering the entire surface of the planet red!

The big old hand that covered the sky completely collapsed and disappeared, only the torrential rain of blood was pouring down, dyeing the whole world red.

And from the beginning to the end, the voice of that strong man from the Gongye clan's Taoist realm has never sounded again!

what on earth is it?

Chen Xi and Tu Meng were stunned. Even at their level, they hadn't seen any clues, and they couldn't figure out how such a thing could happen.

As for Xue Changkong and the others, they were already sluggishly there, as if walking from the edge of death just now, seeing the blood rain all over the sky, their expressions became dazed, and their minds went blank.

No one expected that at this moment, at such a critical juncture, such a shocking event would happen.

The big hand that covered the sky was gone, and the voice from the Taoist Gongye Clan seemed to have completely disappeared, everything seemed too unbelievable, unbelievable!

"It's really a false alarm..."

After a long while, the corners of Chen Xi's lips showed a hint of confusion. Although it was a false alarm, he thoroughly understood the extent of the gap between himself and the Daoist Realm through everything just now.

"It's fine if you don't die, it's fine if you don't die, hahahaha."

Tu Meng had just recovered from his shock, and he couldn't help grinning loudly at this moment, with a touch of rejoicing for his life after the catastrophe in his voice.

"But, what happened just now?"

Chen Xi murmured.

Immediately, he froze all over, and a bright light burst out in his eyes.

Because in his field of vision, a majestic and tall figure quietly appeared in the starry sky far away.

His white hair is like snow, his face is warm and moist, and his eyes seem to cover the universe, giving rise to infinite visions. Standing there, he is like the ruler of this world, making people feel at ease, without any worries.

It seems that as long as he is there, even if the sky falls, it is nothing at all.


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