divine talisman

Chapter 1994 World uproar

Big Brother!

When he saw the appearance of this person, Chen Xi's calm state of mind suddenly had a ripple, and he was very excited.

How could he have thought that in this secluded universe, in this place where the Xue clan is entrenched, he would unexpectedly see his senior brother Wu Xuechan coming?

When he thought of the changes that had happened in these years, and seeing his elder brother Wu Xuechan reunited at this moment, Chen Xi felt a sense of trance.

He had already learned from Tumon that nearly 600 years had passed since he entered the Chaos Relic.

In other words, apart from the ten years spent in the chaotic ruins, Chen Xi was trapped in the catastrophe for more than 500 years!

At that time, Chen Xi had no idea about this time at all. After all, after entering the land of catastrophe, his consciousness had been in a coma all the time, and it was also in that kind of coma that his cultivation base successively broke through to the three-star domain master. .

Later, the robber "Witch" of the eighth era suddenly appeared, intending to seize the era brand on Chen Xi's body, which invisibly played a stimulating effect, which made Chen Xi wake up from that coma.

But there is no doubt that he spent hundreds of years in a coma in the land of catastrophe!

But now, when he finally escaped from the catastrophe and returned to the ancient God Realm, and after experiencing a shocking event that seemed to be on the verge of death just now, when he saw Wu Xuechan coming at this moment, one can imagine the state of mind How complicated.

There is emotion, there is excitement, there is trance, and so on.

"That is?"

"Could it be... the owner of the big hand that covered the sky just now?"

"Doesn't this mean that the other party is the big man from the Gongye clan?"

The members of the Xue clan also saw Wu Xuechan's arrival, but they didn't know who he was at all. Many people even mistook Wu Xuechan for the existence of the Gongye clan Taoist just now.

This made many people's faces change.

Originally, Chen Xi's state of mind was fluctuating endlessly, but when he heard these comments, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and was speechless for a while.

However, he also knew that the other party had never met the senior brother Wu Xuechan after all, and after such a big change happened just now, it was normal to confuse the senior brother's identity.

But Tu Meng couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't help shouting: "What a mess! That's my uncle, Mr. Shenyan Shanda Wu Xuechan!"

The sound was like thunder, shaking the world.

Wu Xuechan!

When hearing these three words, all members of the Xue clan including Xue Changkong and Xue Wenqing froze, their pupils dilated uncontrollably as if struck by lightning.

Mister Big!

It was actually Wu Xuechan, Mr. Shen Yanshan University!

For Xue Changkong and others, the name itself is like an irreplaceable legend, it is so famous that there are not many people who can match it in the entire Ancient God Domain.

But now, such a figure that existed in the legends and reached the heavens actually appeared in front of him alive. One can imagine how much shock it caused to Xue Changkong and others.

For a moment, the audience was stunned, and no one spoke.

However, Chen Xi didn't care about these things. After waking up, his figure flashed, and he came to Wu Xuechan's body, and said, "Eldest brother, why are you here?"

There was great joy in the voice.

Wu Xuechan sized Chen Xi up and down, and said with emotion after a long time: "If I didn't come, how would I know that little junior brother, you have already reached such a level in cultivation?"

Saying that, Wu Xuechan took the initiative to give Chen Xi a hug on a rare occasion. This was the first time Chen Xi had enjoyed this kind of treatment. Apart from being moved in his heart, he also felt a rare sense of steadfastness.

"You did a good job this time."

Wu Xuechan patted Chen Xi's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Eldest brother, that old guy from the Gongye clan just now..."

Chen Xi asked.

"You mean Gong Yezheng? He's dead."

Wu Xuechan said casually.

Chen Xi immediately understood that the owner of the big hand that covered the sky just now was the Gong Yezheng that the senior brother said, and it was obvious that the big hand suddenly shattered at a critical moment, naturally because the senior brother made a move in secret.

Thinking of the fact that the senior brother killed a Dao Master Realm existence without a sound, Chen Xi couldn't help but wonder in his heart, how powerful is the senior senior brother?

"Meet Mr. Big!"

At this time, Xue Changkong and the rest of the Xue clan all reacted and bowed in unison, with admiration and awe in their expressions.

Wu Xuechan and Chen Xi smiled at each other and stopped talking about the past.

With a wave of Wu Xuechan's sleeve robe, wisps of divine light rained in the world, and then——

The originally cracked and scarred land was restored to its original state...

The buildings that were originally destroyed and collapsed into ruins are also rising one after another...

The mountains, rivers, and mountains that were originally turned into a mess are like resurrection and rebirth at this moment, constantly reshaping and appearing...

In just a few blinks of an eye, the land occupied by the Xue clan, which was completely destroyed, has returned to its previous appearance, with icy mist everywhere, divine spirit pervading, and full of vitality.

An understatement, with a wave of your hand, the world will change!

This kind of method of reshaping the universe and turning stones into gold immediately made those Xue clan people dumbfounded again, and they were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked.

"Thank you all for taking care of my little brother this time. If you have any troublesome things in the future, you can come to Shenyan Mountain."

Wu Xuechan looked indifferent, and spoke in a warm voice.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Chen Xi, and said, "Junior brother, this matter is over, follow me back to the sect."

Chen Xi nodded his head, glanced casually, and saw that Xueyun was also looking up at him at this moment, with a faint sense of trance and melancholy in his expression.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help sighing in his heart, and in the end he just cupped his fists and said, "Farewell."


With a wave of Wu Xuechan's sleeve, she took Chen Xi and Tu Meng away through time and space, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The world returned to calm, but there were no figures of Chen Xi, Tu Meng, or Wu Xuechan in the field.

All the members of the Xue clan looked at the newly restored clan building, and when they thought about what happened just now, they couldn't help feeling like a dream.

There are too many things that happened today, from the aggressive killing of the twelve domain masters, to Chen Xi turning the tide by himself and suppressing and killing the group of enemies; Seeing that the Taoist master of the Gongye clan was killed, Wu Xuechan, the master of Shenyan Mountain, came...

Almost everything can be called an unpredictable and shocking event, shocking, despairing, resentful, exciting, and exciting...

The ups and downs of all kinds of emotions make people feel as if they have passed away.

At this time, all the turmoil finally calmed down, but Xue Changkong and the others couldn't calm down for a while.


It was also from this day that the news about Chen Xi's return to the Ancient God Realm began to spread throughout the Ancient God Realm at an inconceivable speed, as if he had grown wings.

"What? Chen Xi is back!?"

"Hundreds of years have passed, and everyone thought that this guy had already died in the chaotic ruins. Who would have thought...he would appear in the Ancient God Realm again!"

"More than that, I heard that Chen Xi unexpectedly appeared in that remote Youyan universe, and by virtue of the power of the three-star domain master realm, he actually killed twelve domain masters in one fell swoop! Helped the Xue clan to resolve a genocide Misfortune!"

"God, it's only been a few hundred years, how...how could he have become so powerful?"

"It must have been a great opportunity in the chaotic ruins, otherwise, how could he have broken through from the ancestral god realm to the three-star domain master in such a short period of time?"

"No, Chen Xi is by no means that simple. With the power of the three-star domain lord, he could kill twelve domain lords by himself. Among the several top powers in the Imperial Domain, how could there be an ordinary person? But in the end...they still died tragically in Chen Xi's hands, one can imagine how powerful Chen Xi's fighting power is today!"

"That's right, I heard that even Mr. Wu Xuechan came forward and killed the only Taoist Realm existence of the Gongye clan!"



In the time that followed, rumors about Chen Xi were unearthed one after another, causing uproars one after another in the entire Ancient God Realm, shocking the whole world.

No one expected that Chen Xi, who had disappeared for hundreds of years, would set off such a big disturbance as soon as he reappeared in the world, causing an uproar in the whole world, which is unimaginable.

In just a few hundred years, his deeds of advancing to the three-star domain master realm and beheading twelve domain master powerhouses with his own power have become the most talked about topics among practitioners all over the world.

Some people were happy and some were sad. Soon, the identities of the twelve domain masters who died in Chen Xi's hands were also revealed, which immediately caused a huge shock.

Because those domain masters are surprisingly all from the top powers in the imperial domain, the Gongye clan, the Luo clan, the Kunwu clan, the Jin clan, the Zhai clan...

Even the identity of Gong Yezheng, the strong man of the Gongye Clan who died at the hands of Mr. Wu Xuechan, was exposed to the world.

All of a sudden, the whole world is boiling again. This is simply a shocking change, which will have an immeasurable impact on the situation in the imperial domain, and even cause a series of major changes. At this moment, who can not pay attention?

There are also many forces who are concerned that behind this series of changes, the Xue clan, which is far away in the Youyan universe, has undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiary. In the future, under the protection of Shenyan Mountain, I am afraid that no one will dare To provoke.

This point also caused a lot of envious eyes, and they all speculated on what channel the Xue clan used to climb up the relationship with Shenyan Mountain.

In short, Chen Xi, who had disappeared for hundreds of years, has returned, and with his return, a series of unpredictable major changes have also been triggered!

While the outside world was creating an uproar, Chen Xi had already returned to the Shenyan Mountain sect with his big brother Wu Xuechan.



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