divine talisman

Chapter 1995

On the way back to Shenyan Mountain, Chen Xi finally understood why his senior brother Wu Xuechan was able to find him.

It turned out that when the Gongye Clan united with other forces and dispatched twelve domain masters to go out together, Wu Xuechan noticed it.

After all, this is a joint operation of several top powers in the imperial domain, and twelve domain masters have been dispatched!

Under such circumstances, it is difficult not to attract the attention of others.

For others, this action may be very special, but it is far from worthy of too much attention, but when Wu Xuechan heard the news, especially when he judged the identities of those top powers in the imperial domain, he immediately paid attention.

Because Wu Xuechan could clearly remember that when Chen Xi returned from the Manggu ruins, he was suppressed by these top powers in the imperial domain.

And the reason is also very simple. Chen Xi killed Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu, Kun Wuqing, Zhai Jun, Jin Qingyang and other supreme gods of the younger generation in the Manggu ruins.

Therefore, Wu Xuechan was immediately alerted when he realized that these top powers had once again joined hands to act together.

Until later, when he was investigating the matter, he found that even the Taoist Gong Yezheng of the Gongye Clan was also acting together, which made Wu Xuechan feel a little strange.

Later, when Wu Xuechan realized that the one Gong Yezheng was going to deal with was indeed his junior brother, he resolutely chose to attack brazenly while hiding in the dark, and when Gong Yezheng was caught off guard, he killed the opponent in one fell swoop!

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly moved. It wasn't because he was surprised that the elder brother had killed that Gong Yezheng, but because he was a little surprised that the elder brother would find something abnormal in a small detail, so he rushed to save himself in time. once.

Doesn't this mean that during the years when he disappeared, the elder brother has always been careful about himself?Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be able to do this step at all.

This is the key that moved Chen Xi.


Shenyan Mountain.

The scenery is still the same, the mountains are quiet, and the air is full of beauty.

Hundreds of years later, when he set foot in the sect again, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion in his heart. If possible, he would rather stay in the sect for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, he has too many burdens on him, so he can only imagine it in his heart. a bit.

"Hey, the ancestor thought who it was, but he never thought that it was you who came back!"

When Chen Xi, Wu Xuechan, and Tu Meng had just set foot on the top of Shenyan Mountain, they heard a sharp voice suddenly resounding.

Immediately, a white bird with extraordinary horses fluttered its wings and soared into the sky, with its wings on its back, stared at Chen Xi and spoke proudly.

"Old Bai, long time no see."

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, then immediately laughed. That white bird was indeed Lao Bai who was known as the "Master of All Souls".

"Hmph, it's only been a few hundred years, and to the ancestor, it's just a snap of the fingers."

Lao Bai snorted arrogantly, his nature has always been like this, his mouth is sharp and mean, and he likes to think of himself as a senior.

Seeing that Lao Bai still looked like this without any changes, Chen Xi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Lao Bai also laughed along with him, and immediately soared into the sky, flapped his wings, and screamed with his throat open: "Come and see, come and see, this guy Chen Xi is finally back—!"

All of a sudden, the world was filled with its sharp sound like broken gongs and drums.


"Is it Chen Xi?"

"He is back?"

In the blink of an eye, figures came from all directions, including third senior brother Tie Yunhai, fourth senior brother Lao Qiongsan, Ye Yan, Wen Ting, Hua Yan and others.

Even some descendants of the Three Patriarchs who heard about Daozhen's lineage came here upon hearing the news. When they saw clearly that it was indeed Chen Xi who had returned, they were all overjoyed, and greeted him one after another. It seemed very lively for a while.

Looking at those familiar faces, Chen Xi couldn't help being very happy, and felt like returning home after a long absence.

That night, on the top of Shenyan Mountain, Chen Xi sat on the floor with a group of classmates and friends, drinking wine and tea, and talking about what they had experienced in these years.

At that time, the night was like water, and an ice plate hung high in the sky, which was round and clear, and sprinkled a clear halo like a veil.

Chen Xi and the others drank wine to the moon, talking and laughing happily.

Gu Yan and Ah Liang had already been summoned by Chen Xi to attend and chat with everyone.

Most of the time, it was Chen Xi who was speaking alone, and the others were listening, listening to Chen Xi talk about some of his experiences in these years.

However, when Chen Xi talked about entering the door of the end of the law, he was interrupted by his senior brother Wu Xuechan and changed the subject.

Chen Xi immediately understood that such things were too taboo to be announced, so he only mentioned them briefly.

Next, Chen Xi also learned that during the years he left, Ye Yan, Lao Bai and the others had been retreating and cultivating in Shenyan Mountain, living a clean and worry-free life, which made Chen Xi quite envious.

The banquet lasted until midnight before everyone dispersed one after another.

And Chen Xi was brought into a secret realm by Wu Xuechan.


The secret realm is a chaotic world, empty, except for an ancient Taoist altar standing in the center.

The altar is branded with the mottled traces of the years, as if it has gone through countless wind and rain baptisms, it is ancient and sacred.

When Chen Xi arrived here under the leadership of Wu Xuechan, he saw two stalwart figures sitting cross-legged on the altar.

The man on the left is wearing a linen robe and a purple gold feather crown. His waist is like a pillar of support, and his shoulders seem to lie across the mountains.

Looking from a distance, it seems that what you see is not a person, but a creator who sits on the mountains and rivers, with immeasurable momentum and supreme holiness!

This person is the Second Patriarch of Shenyan Mountain—Di Shun.

Back then, when he first entered the Shenyan Mountain Sect and went to the "Kaiyuan Pagoda" to sharpen his cultivation, Chen Xi had met him before.

The person on the right is an old man with a gray beard, a pale face, a thin and tall figure like a green pine, and a fairy-like appearance.

He sat there casually, like a wisp of cloud and smoke, like a stream of clear spring, like a pool of clear water, like a touch of morning glow, exuding a natural, primitive and simple atmosphere, making people feel an incomparable sense of tranquility for no reason Feel comfortable.

When he saw Chen Xi and Wu Xuechan arriving together, the clear old man opened his eyes first, and immediately landed on Chen Xi.

Those eyes were clear, indifferent, warm, and had a kind of childlike purity and curiosity, without any aggressive look. When Chen Xi came into contact with this pair of eyes, Chen Xi's heart trembled for no reason, and he felt an invisible feeling. of restraint.

"Little brother, you have met the second uncle, and that is the third uncle Wen Daozhen."

Wu Xuechan introduced with a smile on the side.

It's true!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he hastily saluted, "Disciple Chen Xi, I have met Master Uncle."

"When you returned to the sect last time, I happened to be in retreat, so I couldn't come out to greet you. Don't blame Master."

Wen Daozhen smiled and said, his voice is as clear as gold and jade, as melodious as a morning bell, it makes people feel like enjoying the spring breeze, as if listening to the sound of nature.

"How dare a disciple."

Chen Xi hurriedly said.

"No need to be too polite, come up and take a seat."

Hearing Daozhen smiled, his demeanor was serene and quiet, completely different from that of the Second Patriarch Di Shun beside him, but Chen Xi couldn't see the depth of it.

At that moment, Wu Xuechan led Chen Xi up to the altar, sat down casually on one side, and then said: "Little Junior Brother, I called you here this time because I have something to ask."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "Eldest senior brother, it's okay to talk about it."

Seeing the second patriarch Di Shun and the third patriarch Wen Daozhen appeared here together, he vaguely guessed something.

Sure enough, the next moment Wu Xuechan said bluntly: "Little brother, what did you encounter after entering that door of the end of the law?"

While speaking, Patriarch Di Shun and Patriarch Wen Daozhen both looked at Chen Xi in unison. This matter was equally important to them.

Chen Xi sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "Back when I entered the gate of the end of law..."

It took a full cup of tea for Chen Xi to reveal all the details of what he encountered after entering the Gate of Doom, including the power of the shattering of the river map and the change of the power of reincarnation. He also did not hide anything.

There is nothing to hide about this, as long ago, all the brothers and sisters in Shenyan Mountain had known about Chen Xi carrying the fragments of the River Map, the Nether Record and the Exorcism Pen.

More importantly, Chen Xi still had a lot of doubts in his heart, and he needed to rely on the wisdom of his two patriarchs, Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen, and his senior brother Wu Xuechan to help him clear up his doubts.

However, after hearing all this, no matter the two patriarchs Di Shun, Wen Daozhen, or the big brother Wu Xuechan all fell into silence, as if they were deducing something.

After a long time, the Second Patriarch Di Shun, who had a majestic expression, suddenly sighed, "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, then the door of Mo Fa is actually a land of catastrophe."

"Second Master Uncle, do you know the specific origin of that catastrophic land?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Emperor Shun shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

However, Wen Daozhen said from one side: "Leave aside this question, Chen Xi, now... have you really grasped all the mysteries of reincarnation?"

Chen Xi nodded: "The situation was critical at that time, and this disciple had no choice but to do so."

Wen Dao really thought about it, and couldn't help sighing: "The end of the Dharma is coming to the great abyss, and the karma of reincarnation will be born. The prophecy of the ancestor of the Buddhist sect back then is indeed true."

"Two uncles, if you say this, the true mystery of the rumored ultimate path will really be born in this era?"

Wu Xuechan raised her eyebrows and said.

"It should be so."

Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen nodded in unison, "However, when such an unprecedented opportunity comes, I am afraid it will be accompanied by many unpredictable and shocking changes."

"Then... my master will be fine, right?"

Wu Xuechan pondered.

At this moment, Chen Xi's heart was shocked. This was the first time he had heard his elder brother talk about Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain.

"The variables are still unclear, and the omens are uncertain."

Wen Daozhen sighed softly, rubbed the center of his brows, and then murmured, "Samsara has been born, and the end of Dharma is coming. There are thousands of changes, and it is hard to find one. From now on, I want to spy on some mysteries of heaven from the way of heaven. I'm afraid it's impossible..."

His voice was low, revealing an indescribably complex color.

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