divine talisman

Chapter 1996 Origin of River Map

Chen Xi sat there in a daze, feeling a little depressed.

The conversations between Di Shun, Wen Daozhen, and Wu Xuechan all revolved around "variables", which was mysterious and mysterious, making Chen Xi seem to understand it, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that he didn't understand anything.

What does it mean that samsara has already been born and the end of Dharma is coming?

Could it be that the catastrophe that might come from that door of the end of the law will inevitably come to the entire ancient gods after all?

If this is the case, will this era also be wiped out?

Chen Xi couldn't figure it out.

What is a myriad of variables, one of which is hard to find, and from now on, it is no longer possible to peek into the mysteries of heaven from the sky?

Could there be some connection between this variable and the Dao of Heaven?

Chen Xi still couldn't figure it out.

Therefore, when the three of Di Shun, Wen Daozhen, and Wu Xuechan were talking, Chen Xi could only listen in silence and couldn't intervene at all.

But this conversation at least made him sure that his master, Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, was still alive!

Chen Xi even vaguely guessed that the reason why Fuxi disappeared might have a lot to do with the search for the real mystery of the so-called ultimate path.


After a stick of incense.

Full of doubts, Chen Xi, led by Wu Xuechan, bid farewell to the two patriarchs, Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen, and left that secret realm.

Stepping out of the outside world, the sky was clear, the green mountains were quiet and quiet, and the air was full of spirituality and beauty, which made Chen Xi very excited.

"Junior brother, maybe you still have a lot of doubts in your heart, but the matter that the two senior uncles are considering is too obscure and difficult, and it has little to do with you for the time being, so don't worry about it."

Before Chen Xi could open his mouth to ask, Wu Xuechan took the initiative to say, "However, I can help you answer some questions about Hetu."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, then nodded and smiled, "It couldn't be better."

The two brothers walked along a secluded and rugged mountain path, and the atmosphere was quiet, not as restrained and depressed as they were when they talked with Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen before.

"Eldest brother, what kind of treasure is this river map?"

Chen Xi thought about it, and asked a question that was the most obvious but also the most difficult to answer.

In the past, Chen Xi had never considered where exactly the river map came from, and why it was so mysterious.

He also only knew that when he was in the Three Realms, because of the river map, there was a fight of gods and demons in the sky, which caused the world to be in turmoil and blood flowed continuously.

Later, when he owned the river map, he realized that it was so mysterious, not only containing many amazing secret methods, but also possessing an unimaginable power.

In the subsequent practice, the river map even changed more than once, helping Chen Xi resolve one after another unimaginable disasters.

It wasn't until he returned from the land of catastrophe that Chen Xi finally understood that the river map had appeared as early as the first era, and it had lasted for nearly nine eras!

This is incredible.

What is especially hard for Chen Xi to imagine is that the destruction of each era is actually related to the catastrophe of the ninth era, and these catastrophes must also have the river map in their pockets to be able to open the door of the law.

All these facts made the river map even more mysterious, and Chen Xi had to seriously consider, what is the origin of this river map...?

Hearing Chen Xi's question, Wu Xuechan was obviously taken aback, and it took a long time before he said with emotion: "I've always wanted to know about this question. When Master was still there, I heard him say that this river map should have been born in In the Chaos of the Three Realms, it may even have appeared before the Chaos of the Three Realms, as for the specific time, even he can't judge."

"Three realms of chaos?"

Chen Xi was startled. As far as he knew, before the birth of the three worlds of immortals, humans, and the underworld, it was the period of primordial enlightenment. At that time, the three realms had not yet been separated, and the entire world was connected into one, which was also called the primordial realm.

Before the Hongmeng period, it was called the ancient period, or the Taixu period, which belonged to the era of innate gods and demons and sages of the heavens.

Going forward is the era of chaos.

Chaos is the place where innate spirits are bred. There is no sky, no earth, and it is mysterious and unpredictable!

But if it is said that Hetu was born in the chaos of the Three Realms, or before the chaos of the Three Realms, it would conflict with everything Chen Xi knew.

Because the Chaos of the Three Realms also belongs to this era, and according to Chen Xi's understanding, the River Map appeared as early as the first era!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi expressed his doubts.

Wu Xuechan smiled, it didn't seem strange, and said casually: "Actually, you are right, but you made a mistake. The Chaos of the Three Realms appeared as early as the first era..."

what! ?

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, he couldn't believe it.

"In other words, the Chaos of the Three Realms, like the Hetu, has gone through many eras and has survived until now."

Wu Xuechan's voice became low and distant, "The only difference is that in the previous eight eras, the chaos of the Three Realms has never changed, but in this era, a transformation has begun... ..."

"It was split open, the clear air rose, evolved into the sky, and the turbid air sank, condensed into the earth. The innate creatures conceived in the chaos rushed out, bringing order, avenues, and everything to the world..."

"At that time, the gods and demons fought for hegemony, and the saints discussed the Dao. They all tried to control the world, which triggered a huge and long period of war. That was the ancient period of the Three Realms."

"Later, some sages from the ancient times broke through the Three Realms, only to discover that what was bred by the chaos of the Three Realms is not only the Three Realms, but also a soil suitable for gods to live and practice. There... is this ancient god domain!"

"In other words, although the Ancient God Realm now has thousands of domains, countless universes, and countless places of chaos, it can be traced back to the origin. The starting point for the birth of the Ancient God Realm is still the chaos of the three realms!"

"To be precise, from the moment the chaos of the Three Realms began to evolve, the civilization of this era was also born!"

"Later, the Ancient God Realm and the Three Realms were completely separated and embarked on different development trajectories. The former is the place where the gods practice, and the pattern has not changed much. The latter has been evolving. It has experienced the changes of Hongmeng and the division of the Three Realms. , the fall of gods and demons... eventually evolved into the current pattern."

"Although today's Three Realms are not worth mentioning compared to this ancient god's domain, and even the gods don't bother to enter the Three Realms, they regard the Three Realms as low-level planes, and regard all living beings as ants, but I'm afraid not many people in this world know it. Today's Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao, or the Daoist Temple, the Divine Academy...their birthplaces are all in the Three Realms!"

"This is the uniqueness of the Three Realms. There are too many secrets hidden in it, far from being as simple as people understand."

"It's like reincarnation. Looking at the world, only the Three Realms have produced such power, and there is no reincarnation in the ancient gods, or in the past eight eras!"

"For another example, the river map on your body is the same. All of this incomparably shows that the Three Realms, as the birthplace of civilization in this era, cannot be compared with any other place."

There were so many things contained in this speech, it took Chen Xi a long time to digest all of it after listening to it.

In the past, Chen Xi only knew that the Three Realms were extraordinary, but he didn't know exactly how extraordinary. But now, after listening to the analysis of his elder brother, he finally understood that the origin of the chaos in the Three Realms was so unique, beyond imagination. .

In short, after eight epochs, the chaos of the Three Realms finally began to evolve in this epoch.

At the beginning of the evolution, it was divided into the Ancient God Realm and the Three Realms. The Ancient God Realm is eternal and suitable for gods to live and practice.

The Three Realms, on the other hand, have their own unique changes. After many changes, they have just become the current situation where the three realms of human beings, the netherworld, and immortals are divided and continued.

The most unique thing is that only in the Three Realms can there be a unique and unprecedented theory of reincarnation!

Compared with the ancient gods, the current power system of the Three Realms is indeed very unbearable, but the Three Realms is the birthplace of civilization in this era after all, and it exists like a mother body. In the Three Realms!

After a long time, Chen Xi frowned and said, "But since the Three Realms are so important, why is it that they have been forgotten by the Ancient God Realm, and almost no one has returned to the Three Realms from the Ancient God Realm."

Wu Xuechan sighed: "It's very simple, subject to the way of heaven, no god can return to the Three Realms. Like our Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, and the Supreme Master, we can only rely on unique secret methods to suppress the realm. Only by pretending to be a cultivator of the immortal way can we return to it, but once the power of the god crystal is exposed in the three realms, we are doomed to be robbed!"

Chen Xi remembered in an instant that when he was in the Three Realms back then, the third senior brother Tie Yunhai and the others, as well as Yin Huaikong, the great disciple of the Grand Supreme Sect who was finally killed by him, were all punished by the power of heaven for exposing their power!

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood, and his heart became more and more deeply aware of the uniqueness of the Three Realms.

Perhaps, it is also because of this that mysterious things like He Tu are born?

"Junior brother, according to what you said, now we have gathered eight fragments of the river map, and we only need one piece to have a complete river map, but do you know how the river map was broken in the first place?"

Suddenly, Wu Xuechan said thoughtfully.

Chen Xi was stunned, shaking his head not knowing.

Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "I don't know, but I know that since the first era, the river map has been showing a broken state. A complete river map can be assembled."

After a pause, he revealed a secret that even shocked Chen Xi.

"What's more important is that each of the first eight Era Respondents in this era only obtained a fragment of the river map, including Master, and you are different from them!"

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