divine talisman

Chapter 1997 Top 8 Respondents

Chen Xi was completely shocked.

When he first practiced, Zeng Jiyu said that Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, obtained the river map by chance, and finally deduced the true meaning of heaven from the river map, thus stepped on the peak of the road and created the Taoism of Shenyan Mountain.

When he was in the ruins of Manggu, he also encountered the imprint of will left by the master of Manggu, Xuan, and learned the fact that Xuan had comprehended the ultimate sword path by relying on the river map.

When he was in the land of catastrophe, he even got in touch with the catastrophes who came from different eras, and he knew that with the help of the river map, they stepped into the highest position one by one and possessed the might of the world.

But Chen Xi still never imagined that whether it was Fuxi or Xuan, the river map they had obtained... was just a fragment of it!

What exactly is this for?

Chen Xi was quite sure that with Fuxi's, Xuanna's and other's sky-high cultivation, he was able to find more fragments of the river map, so why did he only get one piece in the end?

Is there any unknowable restriction in this?

But right away, Chen Xi was acutely aware of a problem. According to what his senior brother Wu Xuechan said, only the ninth person who should be robbed in an era can piece together a complete river map.

Is this a hidden limitation?

So why this limitation?

Could it be that it was only because of piecing together a complete river map that the mysterious door to the end of Dharma could be opened?

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic Chen Xi's mind became, and various thoughts flooded his mind, making him speechless, and his whole body seemed to be in a daze.

It took a long time before Chen Xi smiled wryly and said, "This river map is too mysterious."

Wu Xuechan laughed, patted Chen Xi on the shoulder and said, "Do you remember the question I asked you just now?"

Chen Xi nodded.

Wu Xuechan restrained her smile and said seriously: "One day, when you get the last piece of the river map, you may be able to understand everything, and you can also deduce how the river map was broken in the first place!"

Even if Wu Xuechan didn't say anything, Chen Xi would figure it out. The complete river map, but it appeared in the form of fragments, which in itself seemed very unusual.

"Actually, since you have practiced so far, little brother, you should have discovered that almost all of your path of cultivation is influenced by Hetu. On the contrary, there are not many things taught to you by our Shenyan Mountain."

Wu Xuechan talked about another topic, "It's not that our Shenyan Mountain deliberately hides private information and doesn't want to pass it on to you, but because our Shenyan Mountain's orthodoxy was created by Master Fuxi, and when he founded Shenyan Mountain , it is precisely because you were inspired by the fragments of the river map, so for you, owning the fragments of the river map is equivalent to owning the most complete inheritance of Shenyan Mountain."

Chen Xi thought about it, and quickly understood this truth.

Wu Xuechan smiled, and continued: "And it's not just that, the inheritance you have obtained now covers the inheritance owned by the first eight era robbers of this era."

Hearing this, Chen Xi was greatly surprised, and couldn't help but ask, "The first eight responders in this era?"

Wu Xuechan nodded and said, "Yes."

Speaking of this, Wu Xuechan couldn't help being a little surprised, and frowned, "Don't tell me you still don't know who the first eight era robbers are?"

Chen Xi blushed for a while, and said, "I only know that the eighth robber is Master, and the seventh robber is Master Xuan of Manggu. As for the identities of the first six, I don't know anything about it."

Wu Xuechan said dumbly, "Actually, during these years of practice, you have already come into contact with all these things invisibly, but you have never thought about it before."

Immediately, he explained: "The first person to be robbed is Chaos God Lotus. When you were practicing in Xuanhuanyu Jiuhua Sword School, you have seen the two thoughts of good and evil left by him after his death."

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, he thought of Dao Lian and Xie Lian, and also remembered the Dao Evil Sword he had obtained!

However, he never expected that the Chaos God Lotus would be the first robber in this era.

"The second person to be robbed is the Cangwu Divine Tree. When you were in the Abyss of Cangwu, you once obtained a piece of the river map from the Gate of Wonders, which is what it left behind."

Wu Xuechan's voice continued to echo.

Cangwu Divine Tree!

Chen Xi's heart stirred again. He not only obtained the fragment of the River Map, but even the original power left by the Cangwu Sacred Tree, that is, the Cangwu seedlings, had been hidden in his body all along.

It's just that later, the spiritual wisdom of the Cangwu Sacred Tree awakened, and a wisp of spiritual body drifted away to pursue the vague ultimate path. Only the main body of the Cangwu Sacred Tree was left behind, which is still in the star field within Chen Xi's body. , playing an immeasurable role.

"The third robber is the Shaking Ant Emperor..."

Before Wu Xuechan could finish speaking, Chen Xi said in astonishment, "Who is this?"

Wu Xuechan glanced at Chen Xi in a daze, and said, "Could it be that you haven't seen it when you were in the Abyss of Cangwu? It is a friend of the Cangwu Sacred Tree, and its body is the most ordinary and insignificant ant. Put your mind to it, and finally set foot on the pinnacle of the Dao.”

"It turned out to be it!"

Chen Xi suddenly remembered, isn't that the Ant Supreme?Back then in the Gate of Wonders, he had rescued a little ant, but who would have thought that later on, this little ant would show its monstrous power and help Xiao Ding to suppress the white-haired saint from outside the territory? Emperor!

At that time, Chen Xi had also vaguely observed a scene about the cultivation of the little ant. From its initial cultivation to the moment when it reached the peak of the Great Dao, Chen Xi saw everything, and Chen Xi also benefited a lot.

It's just that Chen Xi also didn't expect that the little ant called "The Ant Emperor Shaking the Sky" by his senior brother Wu Xuechan would be the third one to respond.

Seeing Chen Xi's reaction, Wu Xuechan continued to explain: "The fourth, fifth, and sixth responders all come from the Netherworld, and they are the first, second, and third Nether Emperors respectively. Similarly, From the river map, they respectively comprehended the three supreme avenue inheritances of the other side, sinking, and ending. You should be familiar with these three."

Hearing this, Chen Xi found it difficult to control his emotions. Although he was very unfamiliar with the first and second Nether Emperors, the profound truths of the two great ways of the other side and the sinking that he had comprehended all came from these two. Robber!

As for the third Emperor Youming, he was even more familiar with it, which allowed him not only to obtain the Youming Record and the Pen of Exorcising Evil, but also comprehend the power of ending.

So far, the identities of the first six robbers of the era have been revealed one by one. If you add the seventh robber, Manggu Zhuzhuxuan, and the eighth robber Fuxi, there are exactly eight!

And after careful analysis, it is not difficult to find that whether it is the Chaos Divine Lotus, the Cangwu Divine Tree, the Shaking Ant Emperor, the first, second or third Nether Emperors, or Xuan and Fuxi, they all have a more or less similar relationship with Chen Xi. unique association.

Even some of the inheritances and perceptions about these eight robbed candidates were obtained intentionally or unintentionally by Chen Xi, which invisibly played an immeasurable role in his cultivation!

At this point, Chen Xi finally understood the words of his elder brother Wu Xuechan. Indeed, his ability to achieve today's cultivation has a lot to do with the first eight robbers.

And this kind of connection is all based on the treasure of Hetu!

After trying to understand all of this, Chen Xi was suddenly enlightened, but he couldn't help but feel a little perplexed. Is all this a coincidence?


There seems to be an invisible force in the dark, causing all the cause and effect to revolve around Chen Xi, around the river map!

Chen Xi couldn't tell what his mood was at the moment, it was too complicated, and when he suddenly looked back, he realized that all the causes and effects had already been vaguely matched, how could it not be shocking and bewildered?

"Brother, tell me...have I become a puppet of Hetu? All actions have been influenced by it unconsciously?"

It took a long time before Chen Xi opened his mouth bitterly. He even had an urge to throw away the river map and get rid of everything completely.

"Junior brother, don't think too much, we cultivators have already been tainted with karma from the moment we set foot on this road. Without this kind of karma, you and I would not be able to become senior brothers, nor would Shenyan Mountain." There may be more descendants like you."

Wu Xuechan seemed to understand Chen Xi's state of mind very well, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a gentle voice, "Similarly, your parents, friends, enemies, and everything you did seems to be nothing unusual, but you can deduce it carefully. , but you will find that there are countless threads of cause and effect hidden in it."

After a pause, Wu Xuechan pondered: "All in all, this is not a bad thing."

Chen Xi was silent for a long time, and his mood eased a lot. He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "But this is not a good thing, is it?"

Wu Xuechan laughed loudly, nodded and said: "Yes, it's neither good nor bad, it's commonplace, there's no need to make a fuss, and there's no need to be too stubborn. It's like this practice, the upper body is the way of heaven, and the other... What are you doing so much?"

"Stick to your heart... stick to your heart..."

Chen Xi finally muttered a word repeatedly, his brows that were originally tightly furrowed relaxed, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and became firm and indifferent again.

Yes, at this moment Chen Xi figured it out, it was enough to act according to his own heart, in front of his state of mind, what cause and effect, what river map, what puppet...all were no longer important.

While talking, the two of them had unknowingly walked along that quiet mountain road to an ancient and majestic palace.

At this point, Wu Xuechan suddenly stopped, looked at the palace, and said: "Junior brother, do you still remember Miss Zhen Liuqing? She is being placed there now."

Chen Xi raised his head abruptly, looked over, and said excitedly, "Eldest senior brother, Miss Zhen...has she regained consciousness?"

Wu Xuechan shook her head: "I can't solve the 'Black Witch God Gu'."

Chen Xi was stunned, and his excited state of mind dimmed a lot.

"However, now you are fully capable of solving this difficult problem."

Wu Xuechan looked at Chen Xi with a smile.


Chen Xi was stunned.


Wu Xuechan nodded.

Chen Xi thought for a moment, then slapped his forehead suddenly, and laughed loudly: "I understand, riding a donkey to find a donkey is nothing more than that!"

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