divine talisman

Chapter 1998 Refining the Seal of the Witch

Riding a donkey to find a donkey?

Wu Xuechan couldn't help laughing, and walked into the hall with Chen Xi with a smile.

The hall was quiet and empty, deserted and clear, and only in the center was a coffin that was as bright as jade and as clear as glass.

Strictly speaking, it is not a coffin, but a treasure, the whole body is filled with wisps of brilliance and dao charm, and its appearance is transcendent.

At this moment, Zhen Liuqing's body was lying in it. She was covered with plain clothes, her black hair was spread out like a waterfall, her eyes were closed, and her beautiful and beautiful face was full of peace and tranquility.

There was a smile on the corner of her pale lips like cherry petals, as if she was dreaming a sweet dream.

Looking at this familiar face, Chen Xi felt mixed feelings, guilt, resentment, sadness, self-blame...

Back then when he was in the Manggu ruins, Chen Xi knew for the first time that Zhen Liuqing was coerced by the Gongye clan, and the extremely vicious "Black Witch God Gu" was planted on her body.

At that time, if the Buddha's disciple, Canaan, hadn't appeared in time, Chen Xi would almost have thought that Zhen Liuqing had vanished and left him completely.

Later, in order to rescue Zhen Liuqing, Chen Xi trekked through the endless star field and came to the Temple of Absolute Beginning in the South Sea Region. After going through many twists and turns, he finally managed to get that empress to help him completely suppress the power of "Black Witch God Gu" in Zhen Liuqing's body.

However, it is impossible to expel and dissolve this force, which is also the fundamental reason why Zhen Liuqing has not been able to wake up so far.

But now, Chen Xi already has a way to completely solve this problem, so although the emotions in his heart are complicated, they are more excited and hopeful.

After a long time, Chen Xi took a deep breath, and his mood calmed down.

Only then did he realize that at some time, his senior brother Wu Xuechan had already left, and he was the only one left in this empty hall.

No, there is also Zhen Liuqing.


Black Witch God Gu is a mysterious Gu art that has survived from the last era. It is almost extinct, and few people have heard of it in this era.

Because of this, when it was learned that Zhen Liuqing had been affected by this kind of Gu art, neither Wu Xuechan nor the master of Taichu Guan was helpless, unable to completely erase this mysterious force in Zhen Liuqing's body.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Chen Xi's original plan was to go to the Gongye Clan and force the other party to hand over the method to solve the Black Witch God Gu.

However, when he returned from the Havoc, everything was different.

For the current Chen Xi, he can solve this difficult problem even without resorting to any external force.

The reason is very simple, he has mastered the inheritance brand belonging to the last era - the seal of the witch!

Wu, is the ninth robber in the last era, and has a complete inheritance of the civilization of witches.

And this Black Witch God Gu also came from the Age of Witches. Under such circumstances, Chen Xi only needs to thoroughly refine the "Witch Seal" to easily find the way to break the Black Witch God Gu!

This is also the reason why Chen Xi felt like "riding a donkey to find a donkey" just now.

However, even though he wanted to understand all of this, there was still a difficult problem before Chen Xi, and that was how to completely refine that "Witch Seal"!

Because at this moment, this kind of epoch brand is imprisoned in the fragments of the river map, and it is somewhat troublesome to completely refine it.


Sitting quietly cross-legged in front of that jade-like coffin and pondering for a long time, Chen Xi finally made a move.


He took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, slowly closed his eyes, his whole body's air mechanism was running autonomously, and there were wisps of dazzling and sacred purple-gold divine brilliance, reflecting his aura more and more aloof.

And in the sea of ​​consciousness, Chen Xi's thoughts were like a tidal wave, and he began to search for the river map that had fallen into silence.

It didn't take long for him to lock onto the fragment of the river map that imprisoned the "Witch's Seal".

At this moment, Chen Xi became extremely cautious, his heart was spotless, the ancient well was calm, like a full moon shining on the blue sky, entering a state of extreme calmness.

He began to separate out a wisp of thought, carefully entered the seal of the witch, carefully explored, carefully perceived...


In a trance, Chen Xi seemed to have entered a prehistoric world. In this world, great witches and monsters were rampant, and there was a rough, primitive, ancient and mysterious atmosphere everywhere.

The way of heaven here is also unique, filled with the supreme and supreme "aura of witches", densely covering every corner of this world like an illusory cloud of smoke.

Chen Xi knew that the "Witch's Aura" was the "Tao" of this world, representing a supreme and inviolable order rule.

Soon, in front of Chen Xi's eyes, various visions began to flash past, flashing like fleeting shadows, like the change of time, like a dream.

Among those visions, there are altars for great witches to practice, battlefields for conquests and killings, scenes of enlightenment against the heavens, scenes of crossing the catastrophe, and scenes of being killed by catastrophes and disappearing from the body...

There are really too many of those visions, none of them are the same, they are all things that Chen Xi has never heard of or seen, they are all strange and bizarre.

Until later, Chen Xi felt dazzled for a while, and those visions began to become distorted, turning into pieces of colorful and magnificent light, howling in the years.


After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi felt as if struck by lightning, all his illusions exploded suddenly, and he came to his senses completely.

At this time, he realized that the wisp of thought that he had penetrated into the "Witch's Seal" was disintegrated and disappeared.

"That should be the world of witches... All the visions show the changing power of an era. If you want to explore the power of inheriting civilization... just relying on a wisp of thought is far from enough..."

Chen Xi murmured in his heart, instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, because he had vaguely captured a method that could refine the seal of the witch.

No, it should be said how to refine the witch seal from the river map.

Because as early as in the land of catastrophe, he had already deduced enough methods to refine the eight era marks.

As we all know, each era brand represents a completely different era civilization, and the inheritance contained in it can be imagined how vast and obscure.

It is almost impossible to refine them all. Like the eight responders in the land of catastrophe, I don’t know how many years they searched, let alone how much painstaking effort they spent. In the end, only The "Tao" who responded to the robbery in the first era was able to achieve this step.

However, relying on the wisdom of "Tao", only two kinds of era marks were refined, and when refining the third era brand, they even almost lost their minds and were robbed and died.

From this, it can be deduced that the mysteries contained in these era marks are so vast, and how difficult it will be to refine them one by one.

However, all these are no longer difficult problems for Chen Xi, because he has already found a completely feasible method to solve them.

That is Fudao!

Whether it is the civilization of Taoism, Confucianism, magic, Buddhism, or the four civilizations of fantasy, soul, martial arts, and witchcraft, all have "patterns" and "scriptures".

Everything can be evolved into Dao pattern, magic pattern, Confucian pattern, soul pattern, phantom pattern, martial arts pattern, and witch pattern. Wu Jing, Wu Jing.

In short, all these secrets of civilization can be deduced, interpreted, and replaced by Talismans!

This is the method Chen Xi deduces.

It's a pity that when he was eager to refine these eight era marks, he ignored one thing. Although he had the method, his own strength was simply unable to control the power of these eight era marks, and he was almost robbed in the end.

Fortunately, Hetu woke up in time and helped Chen Xi resolve this calamity invisibly.

But today, the situation has long been different.

The eight era marks were imprisoned in the fragments of the river map, and just now Chen Xi had tried again, and with the power of his mind, he was able to enter the seal of the witch and perceive the inheritance it possessed.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi only needs to use his own "Tales of Talisman" as a means to deduce and comprehend the inheritance of witches within, and it is enough to completely refine it!



Without any further hesitation, Chen Xi once again sent out a thought and entered that witch's seal.

Different from the last time, this time, Chen Xi had concentrated all his thoughts and entered the seal of the witch.

This is very dangerous. In case of accidents, it is enough to cause his mind to collapse, his soul to be severely injured, and in serious cases, he may even go crazy.

However, things in this world are often like this. If you want to get something, you must bear the corresponding risk.

Chen Xi has made up his mind, so he will not be bound by it.

Soon, the familiar vision of "Witch Civilization" reappeared, and it began to appear in Chen Xi's mind like a fleeting image.

When these visions began to gradually become distorted and turned into scenes like colorful ribbons, Chen Xi violently activated the power of the Talisman, and began to analyze and deduce the power of all these era changes.


In just an instant, the colorful scene that appeared in Chen Xi's mind suddenly exploded, turning into countless tiny dense rains of light.

Those light rains are too dense, like a vast ocean, densely packed, overwhelming, these are the fragments of the civilization of witches!

Each fragment is a unique and small inheritance, and the densely packed fragments together build the entire civilization of witches.

And what Chen Xi has to do at this moment is to use the power of talismans that he has mastered to thoroughly comprehend the inheritance contained in each of these fragments of civilization, and then replace them all in the form of talismans!


A ray of thought came out, and instantly locked onto one of the fragments of civilization. At the same time, a completely unfamiliar inheritance mystery appeared in Chen Xi's mind.

That is the inheritance in the Age of Witches, unique and obscure.

For Chen Xi, who had just come into contact with this kind of inheritance, it was obviously very challenging to use runes to deduce its mysteries thoroughly, and finally replace them with runes.

However, Chen Xi has never experienced any dangerous and difficult problems in his practice so far. The moment he locked onto this fragment of civilization, he had already started to move.


Strands of thoughts evolved into the tiniest runes, which penetrated into the fragments of civilization like delicate tentacles, and soon covered them all.

Then, these runes began to glow, moving like breathing, echoing each other.

At the same time, various perceptions began to steam up in Chen Xi's heart. They were strange and obscure, like a tide, permeating his heart.

Although it is just a fragment of civilization, it is as small as a drop in the ocean, but the secrets of inheritance contained in it are extremely amazing.

It took a full three months for Chen Xi to fully understand its mysteries.


In the end, this fragment of civilization changed suddenly, turning into a strange rune, and with a whoosh, it was submerged in the dense rain of light.

Those light rains are all fragments of the civilization of witchcraft, which can be said to be as dense as a vast starry sky, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the earth.

But now, it took Chen Xi a full three months to refine one of the fragments of the river map. One can imagine how many years it would take to completely refine those fragments of civilization.

But at this moment, Chen Xi obviously couldn't care less about these things. After refining this fragment of civilization, he continued to lock the second fragment of the river map without stopping, not wanting to waste any time.

Another three months later.

Chen Xi refined the second piece of civilization fragment.

A year has passed.

Chen Xi refined four pieces of civilization fragments.

Two years have passed.

Chen Xi refined nine pieces of civilization fragments.

Three years have passed.

Chen Xi refined 15 yuan of civilization fragments.


Perhaps even Chen Xi himself did not expect that he had already spent three full years just refining the "Witch Seal".

And the civilization fragments obtained are only 15 yuan. Compared with all the densely packed civilization fragments, it is like a wave in the vast ocean, and it is not worth exposing at all.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have given up a long time ago. After all, if calculated according to this speed, it would be absolutely impossible to refine all these fragments of civilization without more than ten thousand years.

But Chen Xi didn't do that.

He didn't even have this thought. From the moment he started refining these fragments of civilization with the power of talisman, all his mind was immersed in it, and he had no other thoughts.

fourth year.

Chen Xi refined seven civilization marks again.

fifth year.

Chen Xi refined the eight civilization marks again.

sixth year.

Chen Xi once again refined nine civilization marks.

From the changes in these three years, it can be clearly seen that the speed at which Chen Xi refines civilization fragments is constantly increasing every year. Unfortunately, this kind of progress is still very small, and each year he only refines one more piece of civilization than last year. Only fragments.

But when it reached the seventh year, all of this began to undergo amazing changes, and it could even be described as a turning point.

Because in this seventh year, Chen Xi had refined a total of 36 civilization marks, fully four times that of the sixth year.

And when it came to the eighth year, the number of Chen Xi's refined civilization brand marks had doubled again, reaching as much as 180 yuan!It is five times that of the seventh year!

In the ninth year, it was six times more than in the eighth year.

In the tenth year, seven times more than in the ninth year.

No. 11 years, eight times more than the tenth year.


The change has doubled year by year, and the speed at which Chen Xi refines the fragments of civilization has gradually reached an appalling level.

It can be clearly seen that today he is no longer satisfied with refining a single civilization fragment, but refining multiple civilization fragments at the same time.

At the same time, his speed of refining civilization fragments is getting faster and faster, and the time is getting shorter and shorter...

Everything presents a momentum of leaps and bounds, which is shocking!

All of this is because, at the very beginning, Chen Xi was completely unfamiliar with everything about the civilization of witchcraft, so when he tried to deduce the refinement, he would inevitably stumble and encounter various difficulties.

But as he refined more and more imprints of civilization, he gradually became familiar with everything contained in the civilization of witchcraft, and he was no longer as unfamiliar as before. Naturally, he was handy and proficient in refining.

This is like learning to write. When you first start learning, you need to remember all kinds of radicals and strokes, and you need to practice thousands of times before you can write every word neatly.

But when you write a lot and practice a lot, no matter how unfamiliar the characters are, as long as you memorize the strokes, you can write them fluently and freely.

For Chen Xi, refining these fragments of civilization is like this, but if these fragments of civilization are compared to individual characters, then Chen Xi is like a tentacle monster at the moment, who can write dozens or even hundreds of characters at the same time!


No. 15 years.

Most of the densely packed and overwhelming fragments of civilization were refined by Chen Xi, and turned into strange runes, shining like stars.

No. 16 years.

The speed of Chen Xi's refining became more and more frightening. With just a sweep of his thoughts, he could dissolve a fragment of civilization!

No. 17 years.

Less than [-]% of the dense fragments of civilization transformed by the witch's seal are left.

No. 18 years.

All civilization fragments have been refined!

It was also in this year that the appearance of the era imprinted in Chen Xi's mind by the "Witch's Seal" completely changed.

It turned into a dense starry sky of runes, those runes were strange and mysterious, flying like a school of fish.

However, they seem to be runes, but what they contain is the purest shamanic heritage!

No. 19 years.

Under Chen Xi's deduction, the dense runes began to connect with each other, forming rune patterns one after another.

Then, the rune patterns were combined together again, like a chain of order gods, and began to correspond to each other.

No. 20 years.

The chain of order derived from dense runes suddenly changed, and it evolved into a series of anomalies, which began to change constantly.

Those visions are clearly the civilizational changes of the "World of Witches" shown at the beginning!

It's just that these visions today have been completely replaced by the runes, and the scene presented in Chen Xi's mind is completely different.

It was as if a piece of raw jade had revealed its most essential essence, and it was as if a young woman had taken off her clothes, revealing every inch of her body, and Chen Xi had clearly captured all the mysteries in his mind and presented them in his heart.

So far, after spending 20 years of work, all the inheritance imprints from the witch civilization have been refined by Chen Xi!


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi, who was originally sitting cross-legged, didn't even have time to be happy, so he felt his whole body tremble, and his whole body was like a volcano that had been silent for a long time, rumbling and shaking, and began to climb up at an inconceivable speed!

At this moment, even his cultivation base and strength underwent an astonishing transformation along with the change of Qi.

This transformation lasted for a full month before returning to calm.

And when Chen Xi woke up completely, he realized that his cultivation had broken through again!


ps: The [-]-word chapter is here. I have something to go out tonight, so I can only make this update.

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