divine talisman

Chapter 1999 Mysterious Woman

A star field light curtain was reflected on the top of Chen Xi's head. It was perfectly round and brilliant. Within it, numerous universes were revolving, and billions of stars circulated, interpreting infinite wonders.

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Xi, whose waist was as straight as a green pine, was bathed in the divine radiance, with wisps of purple-gold aura swirling all over his body, with a solemn and serene expression, with a supernatural posture.

And in his body, the star field is like a vast abyss, and the surging divine power roars in it, making a thunderous sound, rumbling.

In such a state, his Qi, Qi, blood, strength, soul...all the powers seemed to be alive and boiling, and they looked extremely miraculous.

And in the sky above his soul fire, a newly born brilliant purple-gold emperor star rose up, and complemented the other three purple-gold emperor stars. The purple-gold aura that spewed out illuminated Chen Xi's soul, dyed it with a A layer of sacred air.

The main realm of the four-star region!

After twenty years of retreat, Chen Xi originally only wanted to refine the inheritance of the "Witch's Seal" and rescue Zhen Liuqing. Who would have thought that by chance, he would break through and advance in one fell swoop, and his whole body's strength would once again undergo an earth-shaking change. Metamorphosis!

The star field in his body has expanded again, the strength of his body has increased again, the power of his soul has once again increased, and even his own energy has boiled to the extreme!

As for Chen Xi himself, he couldn't believe it. In just 20 years, his own strength had stepped up to a higher level again. If it got out, he would definitely be treated as a monster by the world.

However, Chen Xi also knew that being able to achieve this step was absolutely inseparable from the inheritance of his refined "Witch Seal"!

This seal of the witch contains a complete inheritance of the civilization of the era. The power is so vast, and now it has been completely refined by myself, and the benefits it brings are beyond imagination.

"If you continue at this speed of cultivation, wouldn't it mean that you only need to refine the other seven era marks one by one, and your own strength will also increase accordingly?"

After experiencing the initial surprise, Chen Xi's mood returned to calm and he was thoughtful.

Through refining the seal of the witch, he has thoroughly understood the method of using talisman to interpret the inheritance of civilizations in different eras.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi was even convinced that when he went to refine the brand marks of other eras, he would definitely not encounter any difficulties again!

But immediately, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head. He could feel that his current cultivation had reached a state of saturation, and it was probably impossible for him to digest more power of the era brand in a short period of time.

Just like a saturated pool, if you want to store more water, you must first expand the volume of the pool.

Right now, Chen Xi's cultivation is like this, it has already become saturated, but he is not short of water, what he lacks is only further cultivation, to continuously temper and expand himself, so that he can absorb more strength and rise to a higher level.

"Sure enough, it's obviously impossible to become a fat man in one go..."

Chen Xi smiled wryly, but he didn't feel unwilling in the slightest. It was even like opening a new door for him to refine and inherit the seal of the witch. He gained a lot and was full of surprises.

First of all, he can be sure that even if those era marks are imprisoned in the fragments of the river map, this is no longer an obstacle, nor can it stop him from refining those era marks.

Secondly, the existence of the Era brand is like a well-prepared power to advance. When practicing in the future, Chen Xi no longer needs to look for other opportunities. He only needs to wait for an opportunity to advance, so that he can improve his cultivation step by step.

In the end, what the refining era brand brought about was not only a change in cultivation, but more importantly, the inheritance contained in the era brand could be completely controlled by Chen Xi!

This is Chen Xi's greatest achievement.

Like the inheritance in the "Witch Seal", it includes all the practice systems, practice methods, and practice knowledge about the "Witch Civilization"...

Under such circumstances, if Chen Xi is placed in the last era, he can definitely be called an omniscient, omniscient, and omniscient existence!

It is no different from "Lao Bai", the "Master of All Souls".

And in this era, the "Inheritance of Witchcraft" mastered by Chen Xi can definitely play a role beyond imagination.

Just like in front of you, Zhen Liuqing has been hit by the "Black Witch God Gu", even Wu Xuechan is helpless, and even very few people in the world can break this secret technique.

But to Chen Xi who refined the Seal of Witch, this "Black Witch God Gu" is nothing more than a kind of soul secret method from the "Black Witch Tribe" of the last era, and it is also difficult to get rid of it. There are laws to follow.


Soon, Chen Xi stood up, and his eyes fell on the coffin that was as clear as glazed jade in the distance.


The coffin was opened, and Chen Xi carefully carried Zhen Liuqing's body out of it, and then placed her on a futon.

Immediately, Chen Xi took a deep breath, and silently recalled the method of dispelling the "Black Witch God Gu" in his mind. After making sure that every detail was correct, he began to act.


He made a formula with both hands, and his fingertips outlined mysterious and strange witch patterns, which poured into Zhen Liuqing's body like streams of water.


Outside the main hall, Tu Meng sat cross-legged.

From the moment Chen Xi started retreating 20 years ago, Tu Meng was arranged by Wu Xuechan to come over. When Chen Xi woke up, he immediately asked Tu Meng to notify him.

To Tumon's surprise, this wait lasted for 20 years.

Of course, for Tu Meng, a domain master like Tu Meng, this amount of time is nothing. What really puzzled him was that in the past 20 years, Wu Xuechan, the master uncle, came here no less than ten times, as if there was something wrong with him. The most important thing is to find the master uncle Chen Xi.

It was just because Chen Xi didn't move for a long time that Wu Xuechan had no choice but to leave every time.

"Master Uncle, what is he looking for Master Uncle? Could it be related to that mysterious woman?"

Tumon's imagination wandered.

In the past 20 years, there have been news coming from the Ancient God Realm, all of which are related to the situation in the Ancient God Realm.

What drew Tu Meng's attention the most was that 18 years ago, that is, the second year of Chen Xi's retreat, a series of bloody incidents occurred in the ancient gods' domain, and seven domain masters were killed one after another!

And the murderer was the same person, a mysterious woman with unknown origins and who appeared from nowhere!

What is especially incomprehensible is that the seven domain masters killed by this mysterious woman were all from different major forces, and they had nothing to do with each other. , or for other reasons.

But no matter what, after the occurrence of this series of bloody incidents, it quickly caused shocks in the entire Ancient God Realm, and everyone panicked and felt insecure.

Even those top powers in the imperial domain were fully on guard against being approached by that mysterious woman.

Rumor has it that even the Supreme Sect, the Temple of God, the Nuwa Palace, the Taoist Academy and other forces have sent out experts to investigate the matter, and even dispatched big figures from the Taoist Realm.

But in the end, no clues were found!

This is a bit too unusual.

Until last year, a Taoist figure from the temple met the mysterious woman by chance, so he made a bold move to capture her.

But who would have thought that the mysterious woman would escape in the end!

As soon as this matter came out, the Ancient God Realm was shaken even more, and there was an uproar everywhere. It was unimaginable that the mysterious woman could escape safely from the hands of a strong Taoist realm.

Who is she?

Why have I never heard of such a powerful character like her before?

Nobody knows.

But the rumors about that mysterious woman snowballed more and more, making her the focus of attention of the entire Ancient God Realm.

Even compared to her, the light of Chen Xi, who was originally in the limelight, was faintly covered.

After all, although the matter of Chen Xi's killing of the twelve domain masters was a sensation back then, everyone knew that he was a direct disciple from Shenyan Mountain. He had been quite famous a long time ago, and he was like a peerless monster.

Therefore, compared with the mysterious woman, people naturally pay more attention to the latter.

The most important point is that the power possessed by that mysterious woman can escape from the hands of a strong Taoist realm, which is too terrifying.

In terms of this point alone, Chen Xi seems to be unable to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Coupled with the fact that this mysterious woman's whereabouts are unpredictable, and she has successively killed the existence of the domain master, no one is sure whether she will stop here, so her attention seems to overwhelm Chen Xi.

again and again!again and again!

The sound of gentle footsteps woke up Tu Meng who was thinking wildly. He raised his head to see the person, and quickly got up to salute, calling him Uncle Master.

The person who came was naturally Wu Xuechan.

"Is there still no movement?"

Wu Xuechan looked at the closed door of the main hall, and couldn't help frowning.

Tu Meng shook his head: "Master Uncle, he has been silent."

"It seems... we can only wait for the next time."

Wu Xuechan sighed lightly, and was about to turn around and leave when the door that had been closed was creaked open at this moment.

"What is the big brother looking for me?"

Chen Xi's tall and tall figure stepped out of it, and looked at Wu Xuechan suspiciously.

"Hahaha, little brother, you finally showed up."

Wu Xuechan laughed loudly, looked Chen Xi up and down, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "In just 20 years, his cultivation has been promoted to another level. It's amazing, amazing."

Tu Meng's eyes widened at the side, gasped, and he secretly cried out, "Hey, my master uncle is really perverted!"This promotion speed is simply unbearable!

Chen Xi rubbed his nose, shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly, "It was also a coincidence, it was just a mistake, even I was a little surprised."

Tumon resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and hit by mistake?Why didn't I encounter such a lucky thing when I was a bull?

But Wu Xuechan nodded, and said, "How about it, the black witch god Gu on Miss Zhen's body has been exorcised?"

Speaking of this, Chen Xi immediately revealed a smile, and said, "Thanks to senior brother's concern, this problem has been completely solved now."

After a pause, he continued: "It's just that Miss Zhen has been in a coma for too long, and her Qi is extremely weak. I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover before she can fully wake up."

Wu Xuechan smiled and said, "No problem, as long as you can wake up, that's enough."

Chen Xi said, "Eldest senior brother, do you have something to do with me?"

He happened to hear Wu Xuechan's sigh just now, and he vaguely felt that the senior brother came to find him this time, it must not be just to visit him.

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