divine talisman

Chapter 2000 Guardian Protoss

Thank you Mingmeizhi for your reward and support, thank you~~


Wu Xuechan didn't answer in a hurry, but gave instructions to Tu Meng, and led Chen Xi straight out of this hall.

"Junior Brother, do you remember what I promised you when I left Shenyan Mountain to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition?"

On the way, Wu Xuechan pondered for a moment, then smiled.

Chen Xi was startled, and suddenly remembered that when he left, he wanted to inquire about his parents from his senior brother Wu Xuechan, but if he hadn't been reminded at this moment, he would have almost forgotten about it.

Immediately, Chen Xi couldn't help being moved in his heart, and said, "Eldest senior brother, did you find out some specific information about my parents?"

Wu Xuechan nodded, and said: "In fact, I knew about your parents a long time ago, but because the timing was not ripe, I concealed it from you."

Chen Xi was stunned, so he already knew about it, senior brother?But why did he hesitate to tell himself?

"As early as in the Three Realms, you should have noticed, little brother, that your father Chen Lingjun's identity is very unusual."

There was a touch of emotion in Wu Xuechan's voice, as if recalling a past event.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress his doubts, and nodded.

Of course he knew that his father Chen Lingjun's identity was very special, all because his father Chen Lingjun had more than one identity!

According to Chen Xi's knowledge, Chen Lingjun had been reincarnated in the Three Realms more than once. In his first life, he was named Chen Tailing, and he was the junior teacher of the Supreme Sect Master. big shot.

In the second life, Chen Lingjun reincarnated as the second disciple of Shenyan Mountain, Taoist Ji, named Chen Ji, who was also revered.

In the third life, Chen Lingjun was reincarnated as Yun Fusheng, a descendant of the Daohuang Academy, traveling all over the world, and mastering the sword.

In the fourth generation, Chen Lingjun was the real Chen Lingjun, who became the descendant of the Chen clan in Songyan City, that is, the father of Chen Xi and Chen Hao.

If it's just that, it's fine, but the key point is that when Chen Xi rescued his mother Zuoqiu Xue in Yuanwei Immortal Prison, he discovered that his father before the reincarnation of the Three Realms was not a figure in the Three Realms!

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Lingjun suddenly disappeared with Zuo Qiuxue and went to the ancient gods.

Chen Xi still remembered that when his father Chen Lingjun left the Three Realms with his mother Zuo Qiuxue, he left behind a piece of jade slip saying that Chen Xi had to keep the fragments of the River Map safe. day.

But up to now, Chen Xi had no choice but to find that he had achieved such a great reputation in the ancient gods, but his parents seemed to be unaware, not to mention their traces, and there was no news of them at all.

This is a bit too unreasonable.

After all, if they were really in the Ancient God Domain, they would definitely hear news about Chen Xi, but unfortunately, they have not contacted Chen Xi until now, which is of course very abnormal.

Sometimes Chen Xi even wondered if something happened to his parents...

Of course, just doubting, he would rather see his parents later than encounter any accidents.

"It is precisely because your father Chen Lingjun's identity is so unusual that I have to hide something from you, but now, it is time to explain all this to you."

Wu Xuechan pondered for a long time, her expression became solemn, "Junior Brother, have you ever heard of the Dao Protectors?"

Guardian Protoss?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes and shook his head endlessly.

"The guardian gods, in the final analysis, they themselves are the innate gods born in the chaos, and they are the real gods. As soon as their descendants are born, they are the innate gods, possessing incredible power and noble blood. , is also unique in the entire Ancient God Domain."

Wu Xuechan spoke slowly, explaining Chen Xi's confusion: "Like this race group, there is only one place in the entire Ancient God Realm that can be seen, and that is the Mountain of Conferred Gods."

The Mountain of Conferred Gods!

In an instant, Chen Xi suddenly remembered the sacred mountain he saw when he entered the Emperor's Domain for the first time.

That sacred mountain seems to be far away, standing in the depths of the deep and vast starry sky, exuding an aura of supreme majesty, which makes people feel a sense of horror and awe even when they look at it from a distance.

That is the Mountain of Conferred Gods!

Ye Yan, who went to the Imperial Realm with Chen Xi at that time, once said that at the beginning of the birth of the entire Ancient God Realm, this sacred mountain already existed, and there stood a tower of conferring gods on it, and the rumored list of conferring gods was hidden in it. Its power is integrated into the supreme way of heaven, covering the entire ancient god domain!

Since ancient times, the Mountain of the Conferred Gods has been a restricted area, representing the majesty of the Heavenly Dao, and only the existence of the Daoist Realm can set foot on it to understand the real secret of the Heavenly Dao.

Chen Xi even clearly remembered that when he saw the Conferred God Mountain for the first time, the fragments of the river map deposited in the sea of ​​consciousness also fluctuated slightly, as if they were loathing and resisting a certain force. This made Chen Xi completely sure, On the mountain of conferred gods, there must be a list of conferred gods.

Because as early as in the Three Realms, when the fragments of the river chart were fighting against the list of gods, there had been such a change!

But now, the elder brother actually said that the legendary dao-protecting protoss could only be seen in the Mountain of Conferred Gods, which made Chen Xi feel even more unusual.

"Eldest brother, my father...is he a descendant of the Dao Protector God Clan?"

In the end, Chen Xi couldn't hold back and asked.


Wu Xuechan nodded calmly.

After getting a definite answer, Chen Xi's heart suddenly became extremely complicated. The Mountain of Conferred Gods, the Dao Protector God Clan, his father Chen Lingjun... When all these suddenly became connected, everything began to become mysterious.

The Mountain of Conferred Gods is a restricted area that only the Taoist Realm can set foot in. It existed long before the birth of the Ancient God Realm.

The guardian gods are a kind of innate gods born in the chaos, and their descendants are born real gods with incredible power.

And his father, Chen Lingjun, was actually a descendant of the Dao Protector God Clan. How could Chen Xi not be surprised, how could he not be shocked?

Wu Xuechan slowed down, and continued after a long time: "Before your reincarnation, your father Chen Lingjun was a descendant of the Chen clan, one of the guardian gods. Coincidentally, his name when he was in the guardian gods was the same It's also Chen Lingjun. If it wasn't for that, I almost couldn't connect him with the Taoist God Clan."

These words shook Chen Xi's heart, and he keenly grasped a piece of information, the Dao Guardian God Clan...is not just a clan, it is more like a kind of innate god born in the chaos and possessing inconceivable divine power. Collectively.

Just like what the big brother Wu Xuechan said, the descendants of one of the Dao Protector God Clan, the Chen Clan, proves that besides the Chen Clan, there are other Dao Protector God Clans with different surnames!

But soon, Chen Xi didn't bother to pay attention to these things. All of these had nothing to do with him. What he really cared about was only his father, Chen Lingjun.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and asked in a deep voice: "Eldest senior brother, so it is very possible that my father is in the Chen family of the Dao Protector God Clan?"

Wu Xuechan nodded and said: "That's right, after he returned to the Ancient God Realm, he returned to the Chen clan."

"I'm going to find him!"

Chen Xi said without hesitation, at this moment he just wanted to leave everything behind and immediately head to the Mountain of Conferred Gods.

"Little brother, don't worry."

There seemed to be a soothing force in Wu Xuechan's voice, and with just a few words, Chen Xi's anxious and anxious state of mind suddenly became calm.

Then, Wu Xuechan continued: "Junior Brother, not everyone can go to the Mountain of Conferred Gods, and likewise, the Chen clan can't just enter it."

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Could it be that there is still a dragon's pool and a tiger's den?"

Wu Xuechan smiled: "It's almost the same. The Dao Protector God Clan is very unusual. They have been living at the foot of the Conferred God Mountain, as if isolated from the world, and rarely appear in the world. But there is no doubt that their background is very strong, beyond Imaginatively powerful."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and his expression became serious: "Could it be that they are still stronger than our Shenyan Mountain?"

Wu Xuechan sighed lightly: "Even if there is some difference, it is not much difference. The most important thing is that neither our Shenyan Mountain nor other forces in the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain are willing to fight with those gods who protect the way. For the enemy."

Chen Xi's heart was terrified, and it was only then that he finally understood that the power of the Dao Protector God Clan was so terrifying!

"But, this time I'm only going to see my father, and I'm not going to be their enemy..."

Before Chen Xi could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Wu Xuechan: "Junior Junior Brother, you are wrong. If you really want to go to the Chen Clan, you will definitely encounter disaster!"


Chen Xi was shocked.

"Because your father Chen Lingjun..."

Wu Xuechan hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "When he returned to the Chen clan, he was imprisoned together with your mother Zuoqiuxue, like a prisoner, and he has not been able to escape so far."

"My father was not a descendant of the Chen clan before his reincarnation? Now that he has returned to the clan, why is he still being treated like this?"

Chen Xi's face changed slightly, and he finally realized that the situation was much more complicated and serious than he imagined.

"This...you may know it when you meet your father."

Wu Xuechan patted Chen Xi on the shoulder, "I didn't tell you this before because the time has not yet come. Even if our Shenyan Mountain mobilizes all our strength, it will be difficult to force the Chen clan to obediently hand over your parents."

After a pause, he suddenly smiled and said, "However, the situation is different now, and the time is ripe, which is why I came to see you in such a hurry."

"What time?"

Chen Xi said in a daze.

"In a short while, the Chen Clan's 'Ancestor Worship Ceremony' will kick off. Whether you can meet your parents depends on whether you grasp this opportunity."

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Wu Xuechan's lips, "Of course, you don't have to worry too much, little brother, I'm here for everything."

As she said that, Wu Xuechan quickened her pace and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet someone first."


Chen Xi hurriedly chased after him.

"Third Master Uncle's eldest disciple——Tang Xian."


ps: The end of September happened to be the 9th chapter. This number is quite neat and auspicious, and tomorrow is the National Day holiday. Everyone must have had a holiday and started to play hard, but goldfish... can only continue to code, Alas~

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