divine talisman

Chapter 2001 Fire Buddha

In Shenyan Mountain, there are 14 disciples in Fuxi's lineage, who are called direct disciples. The second patriarch, Emperor Shun, is quite special, and has not accepted any successors so far.

Only the third patriarch has heard that Daozhen's lineage has many branches and leaves. So far, there have been about four generations of successors, and it is the lineage with the most disciples and grandchildren in Shenyan Mountain.

And this Tang Xian was a great disciple of Wen Daozhen's lineage, and his status was also extremely respected, not much different from Wu Xuechan.

As early as when Chen Xi first stepped into the sect of Shenyan Mountain, he had heard of Tang Xian's name, and he knew that the other party was also a legendary figure in the Dao Master Realm!

Thinking that his senior brother Wu Xuechan would take him to meet such a person soon, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little anticipation in his heart.

After tea time.


After a burst of void fluctuations, Wu Xuechan and Chen Xi came to a secret realm filled with endless flames.

The sky here is like burning, the earth is rolling hot and surging lava, the tongue of fire is raging, boiling like a vast ocean of fire.

The scorching sun-like stars circulated on the sky, pouring down hundreds of millions of fire rain, roaring between heaven and earth, the scene was magnificent and amazing.

This is indeed a land of fire. Everything in the world is covered by torrential flames. As soon as you enter it, you will feel as if your whole body is burning, and you will be so oppressed that you can't breathe.

Putting it on the body of an ordinary ascetic, I am afraid that as soon as he steps here, he will be melted and die in an instant!

But as far as Wu Xuechan and Chen Xi were concerned, these dangers were of course helpless to them.

"This is the Fire Refinement Secret Realm, the place where Junior Brother Tang Xian practiced. Junior Brother Tang Xian is a descendant of the Tang clan of the Dao Protector God Clan. He is born to manipulate the law of fire, and his strength is so powerful that even I admire it."

Wu Xuechan quickly explained something, and Chen Xi was shocked in his heart. He realized that he, Senior Brother Tang Xian, was actually an innate god from the Dao Protector God Clan!

"Elder brother, younger brother, you are here."

At this moment, a sound as deep as thunder suddenly sounded in the kingdom of fire. Accompanied by the sound, a wave of molten molten fire soared into the sky, and suddenly condensed into a majestic red figure.

He has flying red hair, a stern and handsome face, and his skin is as smooth as jade. He is wearing a fire-colored pine-pattern robe, and a pair of bare feet is stepping on a fiery lotus.

He stood there casually, like a sun of the Supreme God, shining brightly, shining all over the nine heavens and ten earths, dazzling and dazzling, making people's eyes sting, and they dare not look at it closely.

Especially his pair of eyes, as bright and deep as fire-colored gemstones, gushing out terrifying flames, as if they were about to incinerate the sky.

This is, of course, Tang Xian!

Wu Xuechan nodded with a smile.

Chen Xi clasped his fists in salute and said, "I've seen Senior Brother Tang Xian."

"Junior brother, don't be rigid. Senior brother has already told me about your matter. I will do my best to assist you this time when you go to the mountain of conferred gods."

Tang Xian nodded his head, his voice was deep and composed, and every word was sonorous and powerful.

He was obviously a resolute, straightforward person, without any nonsense, and as soon as he finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he came to Wu Xuechan and Chen Xi, and said, "Eldest brother, if we are ready, we can start now."

Wu Xuechan obviously also knew that Tang Xian's temperament was like this, so he stopped talking nonsense immediately and said with a smile: "I'll wait for you to lead the way."


Tang Xian nodded, and after uttering a word from his lips, he walked away. From the beginning to the end, there was no unnecessary nonsense at all.

"Well, little brother, Tang Xian's temperament has always been like this, fierce as fire, decisive and sharp. Once you get acquainted with him, you will understand that you, senior brother Tang Xian, are the most protective in our Shenyan Mountain."

After Wu Xuechan said something with a smile, she led Chen Xi and hurriedly followed.

At this point, Chen Xi realized that this time the two senior brothers Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian would go to the Mountain of Conferred Gods with him, and the purpose was naturally to bring back his parents from the Chen clan!

After realizing all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel inexplicably moved. He didn't expect that, when he didn't expect it, his senior brother Wu Xuechan had already arranged everything for him in secret.

At the same time, Chen Xi felt more and more unusual about this operation.

After all, whether it is Wu Xuechan or Tang Xian, they are all first-class Taoist realm existences in the world, and the power they possess is absolutely boundless and beyond imagination.

But now, just to go to the mountain of conferred gods, to pick up his parents from the Chen clan of the guardian god clan, the two senior brothers actually went out together. From this, we can deduce how extraordinary the Chen clan is!

If it were other forces in the Ancient God Realm, I am afraid that they would not be able to invite the two senior brothers to fight together.

"The Taoist God Clan...how powerful is the Chen Clan?"

Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little complicated. He still couldn't imagine that his father Chen Lingjun's background would be so amazing that he would be involved with that Dao Protector God Clan.

He didn't even dare to imagine, if he only relied on his current ability and didn't rely on the power of Shenyan Mountain, would he be able to bring his parents back again.

"It's no wonder that my father and mother have never contacted me. It turned out that I was imprisoned in the Chen clan... But why is this happening? Could it be that there is some secret hidden in it?"

Chen Xi murmured in his heart.

On this day, under Tang Xian's leadership, Chen Xi and the others did not disturb anyone, quietly activated the Godly Array of Moving, and left Shenyan Mountain.



Time and space fluctuate, making a sound like the whistling of a hurricane.

Cosmic universes flashed before his eyes quickly, as if he had walked into an endless space-time tunnel, so that Chen Xi didn't know where he was.

"The Mountain of Conferred Gods is very special. It stands in an unknowable place in the Emperor's Domain. It is also known as the closest place to the Dao of Heaven. If you want to go there, you can't do it by normal means."

Along the way, Wu Xuechan explained everything about the Conferred God Mountain to Chen Xi.

"Fortunately, your senior brother Tang Xian was born there. With him leading the way, we can get there smoothly. Otherwise, according to my ability, I'm afraid it will take some trouble. In that case, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach the Chen clan in time." Arrived before the opening of the ancestor worship ceremony."

"Eldest brother, what is going on with this ancestor worship ceremony?"

Chen Xi thought about it, Wu Xuechan said before that the reason why he didn't tell him about his parents' whereabouts in the past was because the timing was not ripe enough.

But now, the time is obviously ripe, so from Chen Xi's point of view, this time may have something to do with the grand ancestor worship ceremony of the Chen clan.

"It's very simple. As the name suggests, it is a grand event for the Chen clan to worship their ancestors. There is a small sacrifice every thousand years, and a big sacrifice every ten thousand years. This ancestor worship ceremony happens to be the first big sacrifice after ten thousand years."

Wu Xuechan said casually, "The most different thing from the previous ancestor worship ceremony in the Chen clan is that in this ancestor worship ceremony, the Chen clan will select a person who can inherit the patriarch of the clan from the direct descendants. Heir to the throne!"

Choose an heir?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, but he was wondering in his heart, could this be related to his actions this time?

"It seems that the Chen clan has also noticed that in a short time, there will be a big change in this ancient god's domain, so they have already started to prepare early."

Suddenly, Tang Xian, who had been silent all this time, spoke out and said some inexplicable words.

"Obviously that's the case. After all, it is difficult to deduce this great change. It can be said that the future is uncertain and the fate is unknown. The Chen clan wants to select a future heir from this ancestor worship ceremony. It is normal to deal with unforeseen variables.”

Wu Xuechan's words made Chen Xi vaguely understand that what the Chen clan did was actually related to a big change that was about to happen in the future.

"No wonder they want to select a successor. In case of any unexpected changes, they can stay in the same position and have more coping methods..."

Chen Xi felt emotional in his heart.

"Junior brother, the success of this operation depends on you. Junior brother Tang Xian and I can only guarantee that you are safe and sound."

Wu Xuechan suddenly looked at Chen Xi with a serious expression, "After all, this is an internal matter of the Chen clan. If Junior Brother Tang Xian and I force ourselves to intervene, the taste will change."

Although Chen Xi didn't know the specifics of this action, he could see that senior brother Wu Xuechan's expression was unusually serious, and he just pondered for a moment before agreeing.

"Eldest brother, do you think the cultivation level of the four-star domain master is really feasible?"

Tang Xian frowned.


Wu Xuechan pondered for a moment before saying.

Half hope of success?

Chen Xi's pupils shrank, and he felt more and more that this operation was unusual.


At this time, Tang Xian suddenly flipped his palm, and a four-foot-three-inch long, sparkling sword, imprinted with countless dense Dao patterns, emerged.

As soon as this sword appeared, it uttered a clear groan, releasing a terrifying aura that made one's heart palpitate. It is an extremely rare innate spirit treasure!

"Junior brother, this sword is named Huofutu, and its power is as powerful as the sky. You can use it."

Tang Xian looked at Chen Xi.

All of a sudden, not only Wu Xuechan, but even Chen Xi understood Tang Xian's thoughts. Obviously, he was a little worried about Chen Xi's actions, and wanted to use this treasure to help Chen Xi.

This moved Chen Xi's heart instantly. This Senior Brother Tang Xian seemed cold, but he was actually cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but the way of expression was different.

"Hehe, this Huofutu is very remarkable. I wanted to use this sword back then, but Junior Brother Tang Xian immediately refused. I didn't expect him to borrow it on his own initiative this time. Little Junior Brother, why don't you hurry up and accept it? "

Wu Xuechan glanced at Tang Xian in surprise, and smiled.

But to the surprise of both Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian, Chen Xi shook his head and refused after thinking for a while: "Senior brothers, this sword is indeed powerful and powerful, but I am used to the sword talisman, so it is really inappropriate to exchange for another heavy treasure. .”

This made Tang Xian frown immediately, thinking that Chen Xi was trying to be brave.

Wu Xuechan went with a dumb smile and said: "Little brother, don't be embarrassed, your brother Tang Xian is not an outsider."


ps: I wish everyone a happy National Day, eat, drink, have fun, and rest well~

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