divine talisman

Chapter 2002 Her Origin

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help smiling wryly, knowing that the two senior brothers had misunderstood.

He didn't say much, turned his palm over, took out the sword talisman, and handed it to Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian: "Two senior brothers, please take a look."

Tang Xian frowned more and more, and muttered in his heart, could the Talisman Weapon and Dao Treasure that this kid sacrificed could be better than his Huofutu?

He looked at the past casually, and in just a split second, his eyes like flame jewels suddenly froze, and let out a cry of surprise.

Immediately, he took the sword talisman in one hand, stroked the sword with his fingers, and began to examine it carefully, without saying a word for a long time.

Seeing this, Wu Xuechan looked at the calm and composed Chen Xi, and couldn't help but be attracted to him.

Soon, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Interesting!"

"No wonder you don't like my Huofutu."

Tang Xian handed the sword talisman to Wu Xuechan for a look, and said, "Eldest brother, take a closer look, this treasure is hard to find in all ages, rare in ancient times, since I practiced till now, it is the first time I have come across such a unique treasure. Innate Lingbao."

"It's amazing."

Wu Xuechan sized it up for a while, then returned the sword talisman to Chen Xi, and said with a smile, "Having this treasure, it is true that Huofutu is no longer needed."

Chen Xi smiled, and carefully put away the sword talisman.

When he entered the chaotic ruins and began to cultivate, as long as he was not in a fighting state, he kept the sword in his body to devour and refine the original essence of other innate spirit treasures.

This is the power of the sword talisman. Originally it was just a talisman weapon, but after refining and nurturing the innate dao embryo, it has already transformed into a real innate spiritual treasure.

As we all know, Jianlu itself has the possibility of unlimited growth, and this feature has also been well preserved.

This also makes Dejianlu different from other innate spirit treasures.

In the final analysis, it is because the sword talisman has the power to devour and refine other innate spirit treasures. This kind of magical effect can be said to be the only one in the world throughout the ages, and it is simply not comparable to other innate spirit treasures.

And as these years passed, intermittently, the sword talisman had devoured nine innate spiritual treasures, and its power had also continued to change accordingly.

Up to now, the appearance of the sword talisman is even slightly better than that of Daluotian and Luobao copper coins. Even if it is compared with Tang Xian's Huofutu at this moment, it is not inferior to each other.

Therefore, Chen Xi rejected Tang Xian's kindness, but it was not because he disliked Huo Futu.

And Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian's eyes were so sharp, when they sensed the power contained in the sword talisman, they were all amazed immediately, and they understood the reason why Chen Xi rejected Huofutu.

"Having this treasure is enough to give you a lot of advantages in the battle, but this action is quite unusual, so you should be careful, little brother."

Wu Xuechan thought for a while, and reminded Chen Xi, "After all, although your cultivation level can disdain many of your peers in the world, you are not too powerful compared to those more powerful dao protectors."

Chen Xi nodded, but he wondered in his heart, are those dao-protecting god races really as powerful as the senior brother said?

"Little Junior Brother, you don't have to be too conservative. As long as it's a battle, no matter who the opponent is, it's enough to go all out."

Tang Xian didn't know what he thought of, and snorted coldly, "Although the Dao Protectors are powerful, they just have an innate advantage after all, so don't worry too much about it."

Chen Xi and Wu Xuechan looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

Tang Xian himself was also a descendant of the Taoist God Clan, but it was really unexpected that he said such a thing.


At this moment, suddenly Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian seemed to notice something, their eyes were like lightning, and they all looked in the same direction.


Tang Xian didn't even have any hesitation. With a swipe of his palm, a flame pierced through the air like a blade, cutting out a crack in the void that was ten thousand feet long.

The place where the crack passed, the stars burst and nothing could stop it, filled with an unimaginable terrifying and destructive force.


When Chen Xi came to his senses and looked over there, he saw an ethereal shadow stepping on a big cauldron, which disappeared in a flash, and unexpectedly avoided Tang Xian's blow!

This was a blatant blow from the Taoist Realm, the power was so terrifying, but the opponent dodged away and disappeared suddenly, which was a bit shocking.

Who is that shadow?Does it also have the power of a Taoist master?But why would he appear here again?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sense of familiarity suddenly rose in his heart, as if he had seen that figure somewhere before.

This discovery made his heart jump, and he felt more and more strange about this matter.

"It's that woman."

Wu Xuechan spoke suddenly, with his hands behind his back, and his pupils were full of thoughts.

"Oh, no wonder."

Tang Xian nodded, then frowned and said, "She dared to follow us secretly. Could it be that she still wants to be our enemy?"

This sentence is murderous.

"Perhaps she has another purpose. Over the years, she has killed several domain masters in the ancient gods, which shocked the world and made people panic. Even Taoist Master Xuanming of the temple only defeated them with serious injuries, but failed to capture her completely. , which is very unusual."

Wu Xuechan pondered.

"Indeed, the combat power of this woman is obviously not as good as that of the Dao Lord Realm. She presumably exists as a domain master, but she was able to avoid my blow just now, which is really extraordinary."

When Tang Xian said this, he seemed to realize something, and said, "Perhaps, it has something to do with the ancient tripod she owns."

"I think so too. That ancient cauldron is very mysterious, and it gathers a great fortune of heaven and earth. I have never heard of it. Who in this ancient god domain has such a treasure."

Wu Xuechan's eyes were deep, and she seemed to be very interested in that ancient tripod.

Hearing this, Chen Xi was still confused, and couldn't help asking in astonishment, "Do the two senior brothers recognize that person just now?"

If Tumeng was here, he would be able to tell that the woman Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian were talking about was that mysterious woman with unpredictable origins who appeared from nowhere.

During the 20 years when Chen Xi was in seclusion and refining the seal of the witch, this mysterious woman caused a bloodbath in the ancient God Realm, causing the world to be shocked. The popularity seemed to overwhelm Chen Xi, and she became the focus of attention.

It's just that until now, no one has been able to speculate on the origin of this woman.

Wu Xuechan immediately explained to Chen Xi the things that happened in the Ancient God Realm these years.

Only then did Chen Xi understand, and he couldn't help but thought: "It's really incredible for this woman to be able to escape from the hands of a strong Taoist realm."

Speaking of this, a thought suddenly popped up in Chen Xi's mind, that mysterious woman...couldn't be from this era?

This made Chen Xi inexplicably recall that at an auction in Zhenlongfang City in the South China Sea, one of the finale treasures was auctioned off, which was a big cauldron.

At that time, just looking at this cauldron made Chen Xi's soul tremble, and a strange picture suddenly appeared in his mind——

A big cauldron shuttled through the boundless void, crossed the heavens and worlds, drifted through the cosmic starry sky, passed through one chaotic realm after another, and tens of thousands of years passed in a blink of an eye...

And in that cauldron, there was a woman sitting cross-legged. Her whole body was shrouded in gray mist, and her figure was blurred, but from the outline, she could be vaguely seen that she had a world-beating appearance and an unrivaled elegance!

She seemed to be looking for something, she kept moving forward in the deep and dark void, and she seemed to be avoiding something, she had to move forward, if she was a little slower, she would encounter a catastrophe.

But in the end, her figure gradually blurred and disappeared completely.

"Is it really... impossible to escape?"

Chen Xi still remembered that when that strange scene came to an end, a faint sigh resounded, revealing endless loneliness and sadness.

At that time, Chen Xi only felt shrouded in an indescribable sense of loneliness, as if he had been abandoned by the world, his thoughts were destroyed, and his heart was as dead as ashes...

If it wasn't for the sudden disappearance of that strange scene, he would have almost lost his mind and gone mad!

According to Lao Bai's analysis at the time, that big cauldron was a divine treasure of an era, which was born in the last era and gathered the luck of an entire era. Bless you, it is impossible to even want to die!

But in this era, this era divine treasure is a sign of disaster!

At the same time, Lao Bai analyzed that the woman who controlled the cauldron must be looking for a way to avoid the destruction of the era...

At that time, Chen Xi felt incredible about all of this, thinking that it had nothing to do with him.

But now, after hearing the rumors about that mysterious woman, Chen Xi connected these two things for no reason.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the mysterious woman is probably the figure who is driving a big cauldron to shuttle back and forth in time and space!

"If they are really the same person...why did they appear in the Ancient God Realm, even at the expense of killing so many powerful domain masters?"

"What's her purpose?"

"And just now, why did she appear near my group?"

Chen Xi fell into deep thought, his thoughts were racing, and he remained silent for a long time.

Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian also noticed Chen Xi's abnormality, and thought that Chen Xi was thinking about the mysterious woman, so they didn't think much about it.

After the accident just now, calm quickly returned, and the three of them continued to travel along the long space-time tunnel...

"The Era Responder... He really didn't die in the land of catastrophe... It seems that the final path may really appear in this era."

And in the depths of the vast starry sky far away, a graceful figure stood on an ancient tripod, whispering softly.

Her whole body was shrouded in wisps of obscure mist, making her face unclear, but her slender figure alone gave people a thrilling beauty.

"Boundless years have passed, and the hope of transcendence has finally come, but don't let me down..."

Muttering, she drove that ancient tripod across time and space, and gradually disappeared, as if it had never existed before, without leaving any trace.

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