divine talisman

Chapter 2003 Chaos Brood

Before I knew it, three years had passed.

Chen Xi had no idea that it would take so much time just to go to the Mountain of Conferred Gods.

You know, under the leadership of Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian, the two Taoists, the moving speed is terrifying, but even so, after three years, this road still seems to have no end.

According to Tang Xian, after all, it is the Mountain of Conferred Gods, and it is the area closest to the way of heaven in the entire ancient gods, so how can it be easily reached.

This also made Chen Xi feel emotional, knowing that it is no wonder that his parents have never contacted him so far. The mountain of conferred gods is too far away, and it may be difficult for ordinary people to reach it, not to mention that they are still imprisoned in the Chen clan. Unable to get in touch with the outside world.

During these three years, Chen Xi was not idle, and began to try to comprehend the "Seal of Martialism". When it arrives, it can be completely refined in one fell swoop.

The seal of martial arts represents the civilization of martial arts in the seventh era. Like the seal of witches, it also contains a vast and incomparable inheritance of civilization. If you want to thoroughly understand its mysteries, it will not be a simple matter.

However, with the experience of refining the Seal of Witch last time, Chen Xi still saved a lot of effort when comprehending the Seal of Martialism.

In just three years, nearly half of the mysteries have been comprehended. Compared with the time it took to refine the seal of the witch, it can be said to be extremely fast.

Of course, it is just to comprehend the mystery, and it will also take a lot of time to refine it.

Dangling, another five years passed.

On this day, Chen Xi, who was meditating and comprehending, only felt his whole body tremble, and when he came to his senses, his expression was dazed, as if he still had something to say.

Almost at the same time, Tang Xian's stern voice sounded in his ears: "Here we are."


Chen Xi's mind was completely awake, and when he looked up, he saw that they were currently standing in a mysterious, deep, and incomparably empty starry sky.

Bright and bright stars circulate in it, dense and vast.

And in the depths of the starry sky, there stands an incomparably lofty and immeasurably high mountain!

It is too tall, standing among the billions of stars, like the backbone supporting this starry sky, majestic and majestic, it makes people look far away, and it seems small.

Its breath is also unique, as if it was born after bathing in the supreme way of heaven. The whole body is filled with chains of order that hang down from the sky, like waterfalls, densely packed, covering the entire sacred mountain, releasing a kind of supreme majesty.

People can't help trembling in their hearts, feeling a sense of oppression and suffocation from the depths of their souls, wishing to kneel down and worship, without daring to have any thoughts of blasphemy.

This is the Mountain of Conferred Gods!

A supreme sacred mountain that existed long before the birth of the ancient God Realm, and it is also a forbidden area closest to the Dao of Heaven. The secret of heaven!

According to rumors, on the top of this mountain, there is even the most mysterious scroll of the Conferred Gods List, the power and the way of heaven are integrated, covering the entire ancient god domain, mysterious and inviolable.

The moment he saw this mountain, Chen Xi only felt a suffocating feeling of being imprisoned and frozen, about to be forced to kneel down, which made his soul throb and tremble endlessly.

But it was only for a split second, and the river map that was silent in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness quietly had a ripple-like fluctuation, which resolved all these abnormalities, and immediately made Chen Xi relax and return to normal.

Chen Xi knew very well that if Hetu hadn't shown his power, he might really be forced to kneel down and worship him this time, and he wouldn't even have room to struggle!

From this, we can know how frightening this mountain of conferred gods is, possessing a supreme power comparable to that of heaven.

But what surprised him was that the change of the river map this time was in his expectation, but different from the past, the fragments of the river map this time did not produce any repulsion or hatred, and helped him resolve the After an invisible oppressive force, it fell into silence again.

Before Chen Xi could figure it out, he was led by Tang Xian and Wu Xuechan and moved towards the distant starry sky.

Soon, in Chen Xi's field of vision, he saw an extremely huge chaotic thing that looked like a beehive floating under the mountain of conferred gods.

Compared with the Mountain of Conferred Gods, this thing is not that big, but compared with the stars in the sky, it is extremely huge.

It can be clearly seen that hundreds of millions of stars shuttle around the chaotic thing like a beehive like a stream of light, like stars supporting the moon, which is extremely incredible.

Let people see it, it's like seeing a chaotic star field!

"That's the Chaos Brood."

Tang Xian pointed to the beehive-like chaotic thing in the distance, and said, "All the guardian gods live in it, and each of them occupies a different brood plane. It is only considered medium, neither high nor low, and the place to live is the 'Nine Spirits World' in the Chaos Brood."

Chaos brood!

Just hearing this name made Chen Xi startled. Just as the name suggests, isn't this where Chaos was born?

Sure enough, the next moment Wu Xuechan explained softly: "Little brother, you probably don't know something. This Chaos Mother Nest is the only thing left in the world after the chaos of the Three Realms was opened up. It is filled with the most original Chaos Qi, protecting the way. The gods live in it, so that when their descendants are born, they can become innate gods in one fell swoop."

The implication is that the reason why the descendants of the Taoist God Clan can have god-like power at birth is inseparable from the role of this Chaos Brood.

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion in his heart, compared with these dao-protecting protoss, those so-called geniuses in this world are simply not worth showing off.

When others are still working hard to prepare for the impact of the gods, they have become innate gods as early as birth.

Moreover, they live in the mother's nest of chaos, adjacent to the mountain of conferred gods, and they can more easily comprehend the most complete power of heaven.

Facing this kind of Taoist gods who had an absolute advantage as early as birth, other ascetics could not compare with them.

This is the foundation!

Compared with their origins, the guardian gods are all innate gods.

Compared with resources, the Dao Guardian Protoss lives in the Chaos Mother Nest, which is a forbidden area closest to the Dao of Heaven.

Compared with cultivation, the Dao Protector God Clan has survived to this day, and I don’t know how many years of accumulation it has taken. One can imagine how vast the secrets they have mastered.

Under such circumstances, how can other ascetics compare with them?

This can also be highlighted from the side. It is not without reason that even Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian dare not underestimate the power of the Dao Guardian God Clan.


The Chaos Mother's Nest seems to be close at hand, but in fact, if you want to get close to it, there is still an extremely long distance, because it is too huge.

This is the reason why Wangshan runs to death.

Under Tang Xian's leadership, Chen Xi and the others moved and fled for another seven days before approaching the chaotic mother's nest.

At this time, Chen Xi finally saw clearly that this Chaos Mother Nest was located right under the Mountain of Conferred Gods. It was shaped like a honeycomb, and there were huge holes on the surface that looked like black holes in the starry sky. Get mysterious.

"Those densely packed holes covering the Chaos Mother's Nest are all plane passages. If you want to enter them, you have to report first, otherwise you will suffer unpredictable attacks before you get close."

Tang Xian explained casually, and brought Chen Xi and Wu Xuechan straight to a plane passage.

It is said to be a passage, but it is actually huge, comparable to a black hole in the starry sky, and the billowing chaotic gas is gushing in it, mysterious and unpredictable.


Tang Xian took out a quaint bronze card casually, threw it away, and the bronze card immediately turned into a stream of light, rushed into that plane passage, and disappeared.

"This is the plane channel to enter the Nine Spirits World, and the Chen clan lives in it. I have just handed over the identity token belonging to my Tang clan. It won't be long before the other party will come to greet me. "

Tang Xian said casually, "If other cultivators from outside came here, it might be difficult to get in, because these dao-protecting protoss only recognize their own kind, and those cultivators from outside cannot be seen by them. "

"Sure enough, as proud as the rumors say."

Wu Xuechan smiled.

"What kind of pride, I think it's stubborn and self-sufficient."

Tang Xian smiled. Although he was also from the Taoist God Clan, he seemed to dislike the Taoist God Clan very much, and his words were full of disdain.

At this moment, Chen Xi didn't think much about it. Looking at the passage leading to the Nine Spirits World in front of him, and remembering that his parents were trapped somewhere in it, he couldn't help feeling a wave of shock in his heart. He wished he could rush in immediately and kill his parents pick up.

"Junior brother, at this time, you must hold your breath."

Wu Xuechan reminded Chen Xi.

"Elder brother, don't worry, I understand."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, his black eyes had become extremely calm.

"It turns out that a fellow Taoist from the Tang clan is visiting, please come in quickly."

At this moment, a clear voice came from the depths of that plane passage, and with the sound, the chaotic air that originally surrounded the passage suddenly parted, as if a door had been opened.


Tang Xian was not polite, soaring into the sky together with Chen Xi and Wu Xuechan, rushed into that passage in a flash, and disappeared in an instant.

"Chaos Brood? Why did they come here... This is a little troublesome..."

Not long after Chen Xi and the others had just arrived, a graceful figure floated from the starry sky far away.

She stepped on a large cauldron, wrapped in an obscure mist, staring at the direction in which Chen Xi and the others disappeared for a long time, finally sighed, and did not continue to follow.


With a flash of her figure, she had flitted towards one side of the starry sky and disappeared, as if she was hiding and waiting, and she seemed to have really left completely...



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