divine talisman

Chapter 2004 Past Glory


Bi Fang, a divine bird with magnificent wings and an incomparable majesty, hovered in the clear blue sky, and then broke through the air.

Behind it, nine snakes with nine heads and a body as long as ten thousand feet are winding across the sky, swallowing clouds and mist, moving and moving.

On the ground, a water unicorn lay lazily on the bank of the river, basking in the sun with its eyes squinted, with a leisurely demeanor.

A group of butterflies-like dragons and butterflies with colorful scales held the magical medicines that spewed out the essence, and they kept sending them to the water kylin's mouth, and they were chewed and swallowed by it.

In the distance, the mountains are undulating, and the city looms, stretching to the end of the sky.


When Chen Xi and the others passed through that passage, the first thing they saw was this scene. The sky was blue and the mountains were green, the river was gurgling, the divine birds were flying, and the divine beasts were lingering.

The breath of heaven here is also extremely pure and gentle, as omnipresent as sunlight, filling the heaven and earth with the innate chaotic aura visible to the naked eye.

Undoubtedly, this place is definitely a sacred place for practice. Compared with the so-called paradise in the world, it is simply not worth mentioning.

According to Chen Xi's deduction, no matter how poor a cultivator's aptitude is, as long as he can cultivate here, he will not have to worry about not being able to advance to the breakthrough!

This is the Nine Spirits World, a unique plane opened up in the mother's nest of chaos, and it is also the place where the Chen clan of the Taoist God Clan resides.


Just as Chen Xi and the others arrived, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void, and a gigantic and unrivaled divine beast with the physique of a dragon emerged.

"May I ask why this fellow Taoist from the Tang clan is here?"

Bi An opened his big copper bell eyes, and suddenly fixed his eyes on Tang Xian who was the leader. When he realized Tang Xian's terrifying cultivation, his expression immediately revealed a touch of respect, and he lowered his head and asked.

"Go and inform Chen Lingkong, and tell Tang Xian to visit."

Tang Xian ordered casually.

"It's actually a friend of the Elder Lingkong Taishang. Guests, please wait a little while, come as soon as you go down."

That Bi An seemed to be taken aback, with a flash of divine light all over his body, he disappeared in place suddenly.

"Chen Lingkong?"

Wu Xuechan glanced at Tang Xian in surprise, "I remember this person, he seems to be..."

"Chen Lingjun's younger brother."

Tang Xian said the answer directly, "But this person is much worse than Chen Lingjun back then."


Chen Xi's heart was shaken, his father's younger brother?

Even if it is clear that even if this Chen Lingkong is the younger brother of his father Chen Lingjun, he is only a relative of Chen Lingjun before his reincarnation, and has little to do with Chen Xi.

But when he heard the news, Chen Xi still couldn't help being surprised, because he had just heard that Bi An divine beast address Chen Lingkong as "the Supreme Elder"!

This Chen clan is a lineage of the Dao Protector God Clan, and this Chen Lingjun has such a lofty status. It is conceivable that Chen Lingjun's status in the Chen clan before reincarnation was so high!

"Eldest brother, what was my father's status in the Chen clan before he was reincarnated?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking out loud.

"I have to ask you, Senior Brother Tang Xian, about this."

Wu Xuechan looked at Tang Xian.

Seeing this, Tang Xian didn't hide anything, and said frankly: "Chen Lingjun back then was the first-class figure in the Chen clan. His supernatural powers and wrists were superb, and he was also well-known in the entire Taoist clan."

Then, Tang Xian briefly described some deeds about Chen Lingjun.

It turned out that Chen Lingjun back then was extremely talented, unparalleled in Taoism, and was known as the number one powerhouse in the Chen clan.

Back then, the Chen Clan was just an extremely ordinary low-level tribe among the Dao Protector God Clan. They didn't even have a cultivation plane belonging to their own clan, so they could only live together with some other low-level tribes in a world in the Chaos Mother Nest.

However, with the strong rise of Chen Lingjun, he broke the original pattern in one fell swoop. He led the entire ethnic group to fight in all directions, forcibly created a world in this chaotic brood, and completely took this "Nine Spirits World" as his own. The place where the entire Chen clan lived and occupied.

At that time, many other Taoist clans expressed their feelings. With Chen Lingjun in charge, the momentum of the Chen clan's rise was unstoppable. Many people even believed that one day, under the leadership of Chen Lingjun, the entire Chen clan would have great hope to enter the Taoist clan. In the ranks of the upper tribes.

However, at this moment, an accident happened to Chen Lingjun. For some reason, he took away a family treasure and chose reincarnation!

When this incident happened, not only the entire Chen family was shocked, but the entire Dao Guardian God Clan felt unbelievable and unbelievable.

But things have happened, believe it or not, it can no longer be undone.

Since then, the Chen clan has become silent, not as prosperous as before, and even with the passage of time, the power of the entire Chen clan has gradually shown signs of decline.

Up to now, the Chen clan can only barely maintain a medium-level power, and it can only be regarded as a second-rate power among the entire Dao Guardian God Clan. It is stronger than those lower tribes, but weaker than other Dao Guardians who are also middle-level tribes. Protoss forces.


After hearing all of this, Chen Xi fell into a long silence, with extremely complicated emotions.

He never imagined that his father back then would be so mighty forever, and with his own strength, he would help the entire clan to turn the tide and rise to the top, forcibly opening up a new world in the lineage of the Dao Protector God Clan.

But time has passed, and now his father has been imprisoned, reduced to a prisoner of the lower class, and his life and death are unknown. This kind of change makes it difficult for Chen Xi to accept.


What exactly happened in this?

Why did the father insist on leaving and choose reincarnation?

Now that reincarnation is reincarnated, will he finally choose to return to the Chen clan?

Chen Xi couldn't figure it out, but he was sure that there must be some kind of reason behind it!

"Brother Tang Xian, do you know why they want to arrest my father now?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Tang Xian shook his head: "I don't know about this. After all, this is a confidential matter within the Chen clan. Even in this Chen clan, there are probably very few people who know about it. Maybe when you bring your father back this time , you will know as soon as you ask."

Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Immediately after, he took a deep breath and strengthened his determination for this action.


In the void in the distance, there was a sudden tumbling, and immediately, a divine rainbow came from the sky, straddling the sky and the earth, like an arch bridge, and fell towards this side.

Above the divine rainbow, there stood more than a dozen figures, each with a natural charm, extraordinary momentum, and extremely extraordinary.

The leader was a middle-aged man with loose clothes, flowing beard and hair, a majestic face and an imposing manner.

At this moment, with his hands on his back and his feet on the divine rainbow, he arrived. Although he stood still, he had a supreme aura of controlling the universe and looking down on all living beings.

Obviously, this is a big man in the Taoist realm!

"This person is Chen Lingkong, the great elder of the current Chen clan, who is in charge of the affairs of the entire clan. Since Chen Lingjun disappeared that year, he has become the most powerful person in the Chen clan."

Tang Xian quickly introduced the identity of the middle-aged man through voice transmission, "Of course, he is only powerful, but the Chen clan has a few amazing living fossil-level antiques, and they are the cornerstone of the entire Chen clan. "

The implication is that Chen Lingkong has great power, but his own strength is not the most powerful one in the Chen clan.

"Indeed, it's not as good as Chen Lingjun's. At best, his aura is at the same level as that of the Supreme Master Molin."

Wu Xuechan chuckled and made a comment on the sound transmission.

While talking, Chen Lingkong had already led a group of people to meet him.

"Haha, I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Tang Xian to come in person. What a rare visitor."

Chen Lingkong laughed loudly, and went up to greet Tang Xian.

"I haven't seen you for many years, but fellow daoist is still as handsome as ever. It's really gratifying to congratulate."

Tang Xian replied plainly, and then introduced Wu Xuechan beside him, "This is my elder brother of Shenyan Mountain, Wu Xuechan, you must have heard of it, Fellow Daoist."

Chen Lingkong raised his eyebrows, seemed a little surprised, and immediately smiled and cupped his hands and said, "So it's Mr. Shenyan Shanda, it's the first time we meet, if there are any omissions, please forgive me."

"Fellow Daoist is polite."

Wu Xuechan smiled.

"Who is this?"

This time, without waiting for Tang Xian's introduction, Chen Lingkong looked at Chen Xi. At this moment, when he saw Chen Xi's face clearly, his pupils shrank imperceptibly, and immediately recovered to the original state. It's hard to find.

But this tiny detail was still captured extremely keenly by Chen Xi, and his heart shuddered. Could it be that the other party recognized him?


However, this time, without waiting for Tang Xian's introduction, a young woman behind Chen Lingkong said in surprise, "The appearance of this person is so familiar, I seem to have seen him somewhere?"

"Yes, I feel that way too."

"How do I feel that his appearance is somewhat similar to the sinner Chen Lingjun's wife Zuo Qiuxue?"

That young girl's inadvertent words caused some members of the Chen clan nearby to speak out one after another, and there was a touch of weirdness in their eyes looking at Chen Xi.

But Chen Xi didn't care about these things anymore. When he heard the words "Sinner Chen Lingjun", Chen Xi felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and an indescribable anger suddenly surged into his heart, which almost made him unable to control it!

At this moment, a big hand pressed on Chen Xi's shoulder, and a warm force came through, making Chen Xi calm down immediately.

With a glance, he saw the senior brother Wu Xuechan looking at him with a smile.

At this point, Chen Xi completely calmed down.

"Nonsense! How can it be proper to make a noise in front of distinguished guests?"

Then Chen Lingkong frowned, scolded those members of the Chen clan, then turned his head, smiled at Tang Xian and Wu Xuechan, and said, "The younger generation doesn't know etiquette, so please don't worry about it. Please follow me to the clan welcome hall to tell you how ?”

Whether it was intentional or not, he actually stopped asking Chen Xi for his name.

Seeing this, Tang Xian and Wu Xuechan exchanged glances indiscriminately, then nodded and said, "Being obedient is worse than respect."

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