divine talisman

Chapter 2005 Descendants of the Chen Clan

The world of nine spirits was opened in the mother's nest of chaos. It is naturally beautiful and aloof, unmatched by the outside world. It can be called the creation of heaven and earth, the essence of Zhong Xiantian.

The Chen clan is entrenched in it, and it has been baptized for countless years, and the depth of its heritage is also beyond imagination.

Under the leadership of Chen Lingkong, along the way, Chen Xi saw stretches of sacred mountains, stretches of lakes, birds and animals everywhere, magical medicines entangled roots, mountains and rivers as picturesque, and majestic scenes.

Among the vast mountains and rivers, there are row upon row of ancient buildings, stretching like endless, extremely magnificent.

However, Chen Xi was not in the mood to watch these things at the moment. Along the way, he kept thinking about a question in his mind.

The sinner Chen Lingjun?

What crime did his father commit?

Chen Xi couldn't figure it out, but through the conversation just now, he was completely sure that both his father, Chen Lingjun, and his mother, Zuo Qiuxue, were indeed imprisoned in this Chen clan!

Looking at Chen Lingkong's attitude, he obviously guessed his identity roughly, but he just pretended not to know it, which is a bit intriguing.

"No matter what, we must take our parents back this time!"

Chen Xi murmured in his heart, his attitude had become extremely firm.

From the beginning of his practice, his greatest wish was to find his parents. In order to realize his wish, he spent countless years in the practice world. From a small Songyan City, he overcame the thorns and thorns into the southern border, rose in the Great Chu Dynasty, and crossed the ancient battlefield. , stepping into the magnificent Xuantian Realm.Then, he ascended to the Immortal Realm from the Xuanhuan Realm, and broke into this ancient God Realm from the Immortal Realm...

Along the way, I don’t know how much blood and ups and downs I have experienced, let alone how many hardships of life and death I have encountered. Isn’t all the dedication and hard work I have done just to see the day when my parents are reunited?

Now, this hope is close at hand, within reach, Chen Xi will never miss this opportunity that he has been looking for for too long!


After tea time.

Chen Lingkong, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped, pointed to the distance with a smile, and said, "Fellow Daoist, please see, in half a month, our clan's once-in-[-]-year clan sacrifice will begin there."

Chen Xi immediately woke up from his contemplation, and when he raised his eyes, he saw five peaks reaching the sky standing in a very far distance.

These five peaks occupy the positions of the five elements, surrounded by divine splendor, and if viewed from the sky, they form a perfectly round shape, just like Tai Chi.

But at this time, on top of the five peaks, there is an extremely ancient and majestic altar, covering a range of [-] feet, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, filled with the vicissitudes of life.

And in the center of the altar, an incomparably dazzling white innate spiritual fire was burning, shooting straight into the sky, illuminating it brightly and incomparably sacred.

From a distance, one could even hear a boundless Taoist sound like the sound of heaven spreading leisurely from the altar, deafeningly deafening, echoing nine heavens and ten earths.

This is the altar of the Chen clan, opened by its ancestors, filled with the power of the majestic totem, representing the dignity and history of the Chen clan.

Normally, this altar is like a forbidden place, and even members of the Chen clan can't even take a step closer.

"So, it's a coincidence that we came here, and we can take this opportunity to observe and admire the extraordinary demeanor of the Chen family."

Wu Xuechan smiled and spoke calmly.

Tang Xian was noncommittal about this, his expression remained stern.

Chen Lingkong smiled heartily, and said: "It is a great honor for Mr. Da and fellow Daoist Tang Xian to come to watch the ceremony together."

After a pause, he glanced at Chen Xi without any trace, and then smiled at Wu Xuechan, "By the way, Mr. Da may not know that at this ancestor worship ceremony, my Chen family will select the next heir to the patriarch. Well, when the time comes, Mr. Da can also help to examine it while watching the ceremony, and it would be even better if the next successor can win Mr. Da's favor."

Wu Xuechan smiled and waved her hands: "Fellow Daoist is too polite."

However, Chen Lingkong said with emotion: "Well, speaking of it, since my elder brother left without saying goodbye, there have been frequent accidents in the clan, so these years, the position of the patriarch of my Chen clan has been vacant, and I have been unable to choose a real leader for a long time. , if it wasn't for this, my Chen family wouldn't have gradually declined..."

Wu Xuechan nodded and said: "This is indeed something wrong."

Chen Lingkong laughed, stopped talking, and flew forward again with a group of people.


Not long after, under the leadership of Chen Lingkong, everyone came to a magnificent palace with elegant decoration and ancient solemnity.

After everyone took their seats, a beautiful maid presented an assortment of immortal brews and treasures, and poured tea and water for Wu Xuechan, Tang Xian, and Chen Xi, with extremely considerate etiquette.

It can also be seen from this that Chen Lingkong also attaches great importance to the visit of Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian, and dare not neglect it.

This is quite normal, Wu Xuechan is the eldest disciple of Shenyan Mountain, and he is a Daoist Realm existence with the good fortune of heaven and earth. When it comes to status, Chen Lingkong, a big figure in the Daoist God Clan, has to be courteous three times. point.

And Tang Xian's identity is also very special. He is not only a descendant of Shenyan Mountain, but also a descendant of the Tang family of the Dao Protector God Clan, which also made Chen Lingkong dare not wait for him.

After all, the Tang clan is a superior clan among the Dao Protector God Clan. When it comes to power background, the Chen clan is after all inferior.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Chen Lingkong, the Supreme Elder of the Chen Clan, did not dare to lose courtesy and neglect the other party.

In this welcome hall, apart from Chen Lingkong, Chen Xi, Wu Xuechan, and Tang Xian, there were also some members of the Chen clan accompanying them.

There are men and women in these Chen clansmen, each of them has a transcendent aura and natural charm. Although they do not exist in the Taoist realm, they all exist in the Territory Master realm, and there are as many as seven or eight.

The most important thing is that they are all descendants of the Taoist gods, so they are all innate gods!In terms of innate background, they have crushed the strong outside domain masters!

After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Lingkong pointed at the seven or eight members of the Chen clan, and said with a smile: "Everyone, please see, these are descendants of our clan, and they will also participate in the competition for clan heirs at the clan sacrificial ceremony half a month later." middle."

His voice was full of pride.

Wu Xuechan glanced at those members of the Chen clan with a smile, and said, "Not bad, not bad, they are indeed outstanding and extraordinary."

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen is also very honored to be appreciated by Mr. Da." Chen Lingkong laughed.

The seven or eight members of the Chen clan also had smiles on their faces and their spirits were high.

But at this moment, Tang Xian, who had always been stern and silent, suddenly said, "Although it's good, but after all, the climate is not yet established. It may take a lot of hard work before I can take on the big responsibility."

In a word, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly stagnated.

Although Tang Xian is a descendant of Shenyan Mountain, he is also a descendant of the Tang family of the Dao Protector God Clan. Now that he said such a thing, the taste became a little different.

If you don't know the situation, you will think that Tang Xian is mocking and laughing at the other party.

But even though it was clear that Tang Xian had no such intentions, Chen Lingkong and the rest of the Chen clan felt a little uncomfortable after he said these words.

"Hehe, what Fellow Daoist Tang Xian said is very true, but in Chen's view, the failure of the climate does not mean that the general trend will not be able to gather in the future. As for the tempering, there are always tempering on the road of practice. For the descendants of the Chen family here, The sacrificial ceremony in half a month will be a kind of tempering."

Chen Lingkong pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "What's more, these are just some of the outstanding descendants of my Chen family, and some more powerful ones are currently in retreat. When the sacrificial hall opens, fellow Taoist Tang Xian can I saw them, haha, maybe I can give Fellow Daoist Tang Xian a surprise then."

The words are neither salty nor weak, neither humble nor utter a word, showing the demeanor of a big man.

Tang Xian shook his head, and said, "It's not a surprise, but if someone participates in the sacrificial hall, I will be pleasantly surprised."

Chen Lingkong was surprised and said: "Oh, may I ask Tang Xian which member of my Chen family is optimistic about me?"

The other seven or eight members of the Chen clan were also very curious.

Under the eyes of everyone, Tang Xian pointed to Chen Xi beside him, and said, "He."


When they saw clearly that it was Chen Xi, Chen Lingkong and the rest of the Chen clan were stunned for a while, almost doubting their own ears.

But immediately, the corners of Chen Lingkong's lips twitched imperceptibly, as if he understood, his face became slightly gloomy.

At this time, Chen Xi finally vaguely understood the two senior brothers' intentions, it seemed that he wanted to participate in the Chen Clan's sacrificial ceremony himself!

If this is the case, it is really feasible. After all, if he wins the qualification of the heir of the Chen family and wants to take back his parents, the chances and hopes will undoubtedly be much greater!

The only problem is that I am not a real descendant of the Chen family, but a descendant of Chen Lingjun's reincarnation. If this identity cannot be resolved, there is nothing I can do if I want to participate in it.

Just when Chen Xi's thoughts were flying, Chen Lingkong's face was expressionless, and he said lightly, "Fellow Taoist Tang Xian, you must be joking, right?"

Tang Xian frowned and said, "I never joke."

One sentence made Chen Lingkong's face darken again, and he fell into silence. He vaguely guessed the purpose of Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian's visit this time.

"Senior, but this sacrifice to the hall is an internal matter of our Chen clan, and all participants are members of our Chen clan. Outsiders are not allowed to participate."

Chen Lingkong didn't speak, and a member of the Chen clan couldn't help but speak first. He was handsome, heroic and aggressive, and his voice was sonorous and resounding, as if he was accusing Tang Xianyu of wanting to meddle in their Chen clan's affairs.

"Yeah, senior's move is a bit inappropriate."

Others also spoke one after another, and some even looked at Chen Xi with a hint of hostility in their eyes.


The corners of Tang Xian's lips curled into an inexplicable arc, and he said, "You probably still don't know that my junior brother is a descendant of Chen Lingjun. Is it really inappropriate to let him participate in this sacrificial hall?"

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