divine talisman

Chapter 201 Five Rows of Ruins

The climate of the vast sea desert is harsh, with sandstorms and hurricanes often sweeping through it. Although the vast sea desert has entered a dormant period, the depths of this desert are still extremely dangerous and harsh. None were spared.

And this five-element storm is a terrifying existence with a fierce reputation in the desert of the vast sea. This kind of storm covers a range of thousands of miles and wipes out any living beings wherever it passes. It is extremely overbearing.

And in the center of it is a vast ruin. This ruin is the main battlefield of the war between gods and demons tens of thousands of years ago. Countless powerful demons and monks have fallen. The remnants left by these gods and demons when they fell, Blood, shattered magical weapons... and other fiendish things, after tens of thousands of years of changes, have spawned an exhaustive range of fiendish monsters, they can hide in the storm, they can walk and shuttle in the storm, any monk who falls into the storm In the process, they will be swarmed up by the beasts, torn into pieces, and devoured their lives alive.

It is precisely because of the existence of these ruins and the existence of these ferocious monsters that such terrifying and harsh weather as the Five Elements Storm is derived.

Now, the team of Chen Xi, Tantaihong, and Huangfu Chongming encountered the Five Elements Storm. [

The colorful five-element storm was like a colorful dragon raging between the heavens and the earth. Chen Xi even saw that around the storm, the void was torn to pieces. There were raging winds, sun and moonlight everywhere, and the formation of sand layers on the desert floor. There are countless vortexes, and each vortex is filled with the suction that devours everything. Wherever it passes, some rocky hills that are thousands of feet high are swallowed by the vortex in the blink of an eye.

How big is the five-element storm within a thousand miles?

Anyway, when Chen Xi looked at it with a glance, the very far horizon was covered by the five-element storm everywhere, cutting off his way forward. If he wanted to go deeper into the vast sea and desert, he could only bypass the five-element storm.

However, at this moment, the five-element storm was approaching, not to mention avoiding it, even if they fled backward, they would be involved, because the storm moved so fast that it would make anyone feel desperate!

"Damn it! This five-element storm was wandering around, but we encountered it unexpectedly. The monsters in the storm are exhausted. Once you are involved in it, you will be trapped in the ruins of the five elements, and you will be attacked by waves of monsters." Attack, and your life will be swallowed up in the end!" Huangfu Chongming's face was gloomy, he growled in a low voice, and a trace of deep fear flashed in his eyes.

The faces of the others were also pale. No one thought that they would encounter such a terrifying scene just after entering the depths of the vast sea desert.

Although they are all the most dazzling Golden Core Realm powerhouses of the younger generation, they still seem insignificant in the face of the power of nature, and there is no room for resistance.

"No! I have heard that the Five Elements Storm will disappear every ten days. Without the protection of the storm, the ruins of the Five Elements will be exposed between the sky and the earth. Therefore, our only way to survive is to enter the storm and hide in the ruins of the Five Elements , as long as you can stand firm for ten days in the wave after wave of monster attacks, you will be able to leave safely!"

Tan Taihong paused and said: "Everyone, we have no way out. As long as we persevere to the end, not only will we be able to survive, but it will not be difficult to find the treasure house of Qianyuan. Because according to what I know, the Five Elements Storm comes out every thousand years. It will appear once, and with the appearance of the storm, some secret places, treasures, and ruins left by the ancients will all come out of the ground and come to the world!"

"Hold on for ten days? Is it possible? There are so many monsters in the Ruins of the Five Elements, all of them have the cultivation base of Huang Tingjing, and some of them are even more powerful. With the strength of the seven of us, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for three days." " Lin Moxuan frowned and asked back.

"I think it's better to give it a try and experience the ferocity of the Five Elements Ruins, maybe it can better improve my strength." Xiao Ling'er smiled, with a frenzy in her eyes, eager to try.

"You crazy woman! What time is it, are you still joking?" Lin Moxuan scolded angrily.

"Enough!" Huangfu Chongming yelled loudly, and said coldly: "Everyone, we have no choice but to go in. As long as we persevere until the five-element storm disappears, the great opportunity will come at our fingertips. Don't tell me? Me, you don't have any cards to save your life, and it's time to use them!"

When it came to the trump card to save their lives, both Lin Moxuan and Xiao Linger were startled, their eyes flickered, and finally they stopped talking.


At this moment, the overwhelming five-element storm has swept in, with surging power, raging rage, shattering the void, and crushing everything.

Faced with this scene, ordinary people would have been scared to death, but Huangfu Chongming and the others calmly compared each other, showing extremely strong strength and extremely firm mind.

"Go! Don't disperse!" Huangfu Chongming shouted loudly, jumped up from the sky, circulated his true energy, propped up a wishful-shaped defensive magic weapon, and rushed head-on into the Five Elements Storm.

Whoosh whoosh...[

Seeing this, the others had no choice but to grit their teeth, resorted to various defensive magic weapons, and followed closely.These defensive magic weapons include bells, shields, and umbrellas, all of which are exquisitely shaped, with spurting spiritual power and flowing runes, and they are all top-grade magic weapons of the same color. pole.

"Nephew, come with me, don't get lost!" Tantaihong also shouted, and raised his hand to sacrifice a magic weapon of a stone stele, on which mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars are depicted, and spiritual light is lasing, forming a pure The cyan light curtain covered him and Chen Xi within it, and followed closely.

This stone tablet is also an extremely high-grade magic weapon of the earth rank, and Tantai Hong is also a strong man in the half-step Nirvana realm, so it would not take much effort to bring Chen Xi along.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as he entered the five-element storm, Chen Xi felt as if he had entered the turbulent flow of time and space. On the side of the darkness, there were extremely violent tearing forces everywhere, crackling and smashing on the pure blue light curtain, and the spiritual light trembled violently. Trembling, making a creaking and rubbing sound, the terrifying force caused Tantai Hong's face to turn pale immediately, the corners of his lips were bleeding, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

Fortunately, all of this disappeared in an instant. Before Chen Xi could react, he felt his eyes brighten, and the scenery in front of him had changed to another look.

Ruins, ruins, and broken buildings collapsed to the ground. Some of the stone pillars are as high as a thousand feet, and they are full of scars and dilapidated. Among them, there are piles of dense white bones, which have already dried and turned dark black. The blood stains on the ground looked desolate, desolate, and extremely bloody.

What is particularly frightening is that above the ruins, there is a wave of evil spirit raging here, roaring, as if the gods and demons who have fallen here are crying out unwillingly, roaring mournfully and fiercely.

This is the ruins of the five elements, a huge building floating in the five elements storm, looking around, it has a range of thousands of miles, like an island.

And around the ruins of the Five Elements, there is the crazily rotating storm, like a huge barrier, firmly locking the ruins of the Five Elements in it.

The raging and roaring storm, the quiet floating ruins, every movement and stillness, create a strong visual impact on people. If they hadn't entered it, no one would have thought that there would be such a magical scene in the five element storm.

Ho Ho Ho... There was a shrill and ferocious roar of beasts, and then Chen Xi saw densely packed monsters of strange shapes, mixed in the storm, pouring in like locusts, all kinds of attacks, the natural magical powers of the monsters, transforming Several rays of terrifying light roared over the ruins, enough to kill people into minced meat.

And in the ruins, there are hundreds of monks, scattered in every corner, using various magic weapons and formulas to resist the waves of monsters attacking one after another. Various explosions sound one after another, and the true essence The air current and the magic weapon's light collided together, forming a dazzling brilliance, just like gorgeous and poignant fireworks.

Obviously, Chen Xi and the other seven were not the only ones trapped in the Five Elements Ruins.

"Everyone, gather together and resist these monsters with all your strength!" Huangfu Chongming yelled, and led the others to a corner of the ruins.


Just as everyone landed on the ground, a group of flaming snake demons rushed forward. These flaming snake demons all had snake heads and human bodies, with fire mist rising from their bodies, and they were extremely fierce. It was like a sea of ​​fire, and its attack method turned out to be a fire-type Taoism!

That fire-type Taoism is overwhelming, its power is violent and violent, and the fire is shining like gold, and it is also mixed with fierce and evil power, which is extremely terrifying.

"Kill!" Huangfu Chongming yelled violently, and blasted out with a fist, several vortexes appeared, directly smashing the Taoism of those flame snake monsters, and then the power of the punch spread in all directions, tearing the void, and there were dozens of flame snakes on the spot The demon was completely torn apart, fierce and fierce.



The others didn't dare to be negligent, and they all shouted loudly and shot with all their strength. [

"Boy! Don't think about sitting back and reaping the rewards. You, go and rush to the front. If you don't die, you will have your share of the treasures you get after entering the treasury. If you die, you won't be burdened with us." Lin Moxuan swept Chen Xi, lips With a sneer, he ordered in a deep voice.

Xiao Ling'er glanced at Chen Xi, and didn't say much, obviously wanting to stand by and watch.

Huangfu Chongming sneered coldly, and seemed to agree with Lin Moxuan's approach.

"Yes! We don't want trash, you go to the front, show your strength, let me see if you are trash, don't worry, we two brothers will guard behind you, we will definitely not let you die in vain In the animal's mouth." Teng Huaji's heart moved, and he opened his mouth negatively.

"Hurry up! Prove yourself!" Teng Huaxu chimed in.

He already understood his elder brother's plan, which was to take advantage of Chen Xi's being killed by a monster to rob Chen Xi of his storage magic weapon, so that the Buddha Pagoda and the Nine-Character Mantra Town Spirit Talisman would be within easy reach, and it would not attract other people's attention. The storage magic weapon of a little guy in Huang Tingjing, everyone present is the pride of heaven with status and status, who would care about it?

"This seems...not right? I, this junior..." Tantaihong immediately became anxious, and hurriedly said, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Xi.

"Uncle Tantai, I need to say more, I'll go right away." Chen Xi smiled at Tantaihong, his expression was calm and composed, he glanced at the others, and with a cold smile in his heart, he immediately stepped forward from behind the team.

The Teng brothers glanced at each other, and they all showed a hint of scheming smiles. They followed closely behind Chen Xi, standing on either side of him, as if they really wanted to help Chen Xi protect the law.

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