divine talisman

Chapter 202

The first update!Thank you brother "Qingfeng Research" for your support!


The Ruins of the Five Elements was the main battlefield where the gods and demons fought tens of thousands of years ago. There are ruins everywhere, blood stains filled the air, bones dense, full of evil spirits when the gods and demons fell, as if they were unwilling to cry, roar, and fiercely compare.

And there are endless monsters raging here, different from the monsters in the outside world, they are all derived from the remnants, blood, and broken weapons of gods and demons when the gods and demons fell. The existence of beasts is ferocious, tyrannical and cruel, with no sense at all.

Seeing Chen Xi appearing in front of the team, Lin Moxuan and Huangfu Chongming all smiled disdainfully, and looked at Chen Xi as if they were looking at a dead person, full of mockery. [

Xiao Linger shook her head, she seemed to feel pity and sympathy, and also seemed to feel ridiculous for Chen Xi's seemingly heroic but actually reckless behavior.

The Teng brothers were very excited, their eyes were full of cruelty, and they were even more prepared to snatch Chen Xi's storage magic weapon when he was killed by a monster.

Among these people, only Tantaihong showed a worried expression, and his heart was full of guilt and embarrassment towards Chen Xi. After all, he was the one who brought the man, so who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

"At first I wanted to repay the kindness, but who knows... well, if this guy dies, how should I explain to Zixuan?" Tantaihong sighed deeply in his heart, and found that although he was the head of the family, he was still the head of the family. Yi Bi, the core disciples from famous schools around him, looked like a poor guy, unable to protect even a junior around him.


A dull and loud noise immediately attracted everyone's attention. When they saw the scene in front of them clearly, everyone's eyes were fixed, and they almost couldn't believe their eyes, because in their hearts, Chen Xi, who would have been suspicious in an instant, unexpectedly Killed a flame snake demon with one punch!

That's right, it was a blow to kill with one punch, crushing the dead and destroying the rotten, simply and neatly, the flaming snake demon was wiped out by Chen Xi like a piece of paper, and was wiped out in ashes.

The strength of a flaming snake demon is roughly equivalent to Huang Ting's perfect cultivation level. This kid is also at Huang Ting's level, how could he be killed by his punch

This was everyone's doubts, but the doubts quickly disappeared. Chen Xi's performance was indeed good, but that's all, because this was not a flame snake demon, but several heads, it was a group attack, They themselves couldn't guarantee that they could stop them all, so how could they believe that Chen Xi could stop them?

bang bang bang...

However, before they could react, they saw that Chen Xi was as powerful as a tiger, his fists were like collapsing, sweeping across the spot, each punch would take away the life of a flame snake demon, and rushed forward almost instantly. More than a dozen flame snake demons were wiped out by him!


Brave double.

At this moment, Chen Xi was standing in front of the team, facing the roaring and rushing flame snake monster like a tide, he was like a hard stone standing in front of a raging flood, his body was moving around, erratic, his fists were like rain, his strength As big as a hammer, he never took a step back from the beginning to the end!

"Hmph, it's all about the bravery of a man, there will always be a time when you will be exhausted, and you will be destined to die!" Lin Moxuan snorted coldly in his heart, his expression still disdainful.

"This kid is not good at all. Having him charge forward foolishly can relieve my pressure." Huangfu Chongming nodded with an expression on his face.

"God and demon body training? This guy is interesting. If he survives, maybe he can make friends with him?" Xiao Ling'er blinked her eyes thoughtfully.

"Brother, this kid hides so deeply, such a monk in the Huangting realm is also a peak figure in his class." Teng Huaxu's eyes flickered, and he said through sound transmission.

"Hmph, there's nothing to worry about. As long as he stands in front, those stupid beasts will consume all his strength, and death will happen sooner or later." Teng Huaji sneered. [

Chen Xi didn't pay attention to so many things. He didn't do these things to change how these people thought of him.He knew that these people had a big prejudice against him, and would rather see him die than change because of his efforts.

He even knew that the Nateng brothers were behind him, watching him covetously, waiting for him to be killed, and then plotting evil.

"Lingbai, help me keep an eye on the Teng brothers. They thought these monsters could wear down my strength. How could they have thought that every time I kill a monster, my strength would increase a little? Improve your cultivation, and then I will see who dares to harm me!"

Chen Xi quickly conveyed a thought to Ling Bai.

It turns out that these flame snake monsters that were killed contained a mass of fire essence, and every time he killed one, the fire essence would be absorbed by the Binghuo witch pattern, turning into witch power to continuously replenish its strength .

This also made Chen Xi understand that most of the monsters in the ruins of the Five Elements were probably derived from the essence of the Five Elements. Otherwise, it would be impossible to form them simply by relying on the remnants of gods and demons, their blood, and the fragments of magical weapons. new life.

The essence of the five elements is the source power of the world. For ordinary monks, it can be fused into the magic weapon to improve the quality of the magic weapon. But for Chen Xi, it can be directly absorbed by the witch patterns around his body and transformed into rolling witch power. Constantly improve your cultivation!

This is exactly the strength of "Zhou Tianxing's body training technique", and it is also the root cause of the tyrannical body training of gods and demons.

"Okay! I've seen these guys displeased a long time ago. I killed them and robbed them of their magic weapons. In my eyes, young and strong men and the proud sons of heaven are just a group of money-giving boys. If the property is left behind, people must You have to die!" Ling Bai said murderously.

"If they dare to harm me, I will do as you say!" Chen Xi is not a soft-hearted person, and only killing the enemy can solve all troubles.

bang bang bang...

All the flame snake demons were blasted to death, and Chen Xi absorbed all the essence of fire that escaped from their bodies, continuously replenishing the witch power around them. Gradually, in the Binghuo witch pattern on their backs, a star-like Something as small as a broad bean is growing and getting bigger little by little.

In the realm of body refining Huangting, the star aperture of the witch pattern has been opened, and the star bridge has been penetrated. If you want to hit the golden core realm, you must condense the "star core" in the star aperture, suppress the witch pattern, and make your own witch power more condensed and pure , derivate towards the liquid state.At this moment, in the Binghuo witch pattern, the thing as small as a broad bean is a "star core" that is being formed!

"As long as I keep killing these monsters derived from the essence of the five elements, my strength will increase little by little. Maybe I can condense the five star cores of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In that case, my witch power may skyrocket by five times." More than that, it is no longer far away to hit the body-refining Golden Core Realm..."

While fighting with all his strength, Chen Xi felt the changes in the witch power around his body, and his heart filled with joy, "This is really a treasured place for cultivation!"

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