divine talisman

Chapter 203 Ice Bat Swarm


Chen Xi was full of fighting spirit, instead of resisting on the spot, he charged forward instead. He was immersed in the battle, his blood boiling all over his body, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, its murderous aura was condensed and pure, and its momentum was unmatched.

Before the flaming snake monsters approached the body, they were blasted into pieces, and the essence of the fire element was taken away. Even the other people behind them were stunned by the scene of one man guarding the gate.

As if they were afraid of being robbed of the limelight by Chen Xi, Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, and the others snorted coldly and used their cultivation with all their strength, blasting out swords, lights, swords, magic weapons and Taoism as if they were free of money. In just a split second, there were thousands of flames The snake demon was wiped out, and its power was so strong that it overwhelmed Chen Xi in an instant.

Thinking about it, these people are not the core golden core disciples from the famous sect of the Great Chu Dynasty. Their cultivation base is more than a notch higher than that of Chen Xi. They have been suppressing their cultivation for the purpose of participating in the Stars Conference five years later, otherwise, with their aptitude, they might have already advanced to the Nirvana realm. [


The brilliant rain of true essence light poured out like horseshoes, the void where it passed was shattered, and the sun and moonlight, crop after crop of flaming snake monsters, turned into dust and disappeared without any struggle.

This time it was easier for Chen Xi. After the death of those flame snake monsters, the essence of the fire element left behind was so majestic and thick. He sucked it fiercely, like a giant whale swallowing water, and it was all incorporated into the Binghuo witch pattern, turning into Gained witch power and condensed his own witch pattern star core.

"Huh? Damn it! This guy dared to snatch my fire element essence!" Lin Moxuan sacrificed a gourd-shaped magic weapon, as if he wanted to absorb the fire element essence in the air, but Chen Xi took it one step ahead of him and incorporated it into his body among.His face suddenly became ugly.

In fact, it's not just Lin Moxuan, brothers like Huangfu Chongming, Xiao Ling'er, Teng's, and even Tantaihong, all sacrificed various magic weapons to collect those fire essences, but unexpectedly, Chen Xi was ahead of them. He took a step forward, and within a breath, all the fire essence within a hundred feet around him was absorbed into his body.

In an instant, everyone's complexion became ugly, and they all looked at Chen Xi with unkind expressions.

By this time of the battle, the tide-like flame snake monsters had become scarce and were about to disappear.This also allowed everyone to see all of Chen Xi's movements more clearly.

In their eyes, Chen Xi's whole body was like a bottom hole, containing everything, swallowing the essence of the fire element without any scruples, not only did it not have any side effects, but the power in his body was growing little by little!

"What kind of body training technique is this? Isn't he afraid that his body will be incinerated by the essence of the fire element, and his body will disappear?" Xiao Ling'er was startled. She is practicing the fire attribute technique, and she needs to know more about the essence of the fire element. The most profound, this kind of original power from heaven and earth is overbearing and tyrannical, and it is an excellent treasure for tempering magic weapons, but if a monk gets a little bit of it, his flesh and blood will be burned instantly.Melt bones and turn them into fly ash.

However, Chen Xi used the essence of the fire element to temper his body and improve his cultivation. This perverted body training method had completely exceeded her understanding.

"Usual body training techniques, when absorbing external power, don't be cautious, for fear of being hurt by Dao Ji, but this kid is safe and sound. This is the first time I have seen such a body training technique." Deep in Lin Moxuan's eyes But a blazing greed gushed out, and he said in his heart: "My current qi refining cultivation has almost reached its peak. If I want to improve my cultivation, it would be good to also practice a body training exercise. If I can take this kid's exercise Come here, and at the Stars Conference five years from now, you will definitely shine!"

"What a mysterious body training technique. It seems to be slightly better than my Nine Pythons training technique. You must know that my Nine Pythons training technique is a body training technique treasured by the royal family!" Huangfu Chongming's eyes lit up. , various thoughts flashed through his mind.

Tantaihong glanced at the expressions of the others, and immediately understood that Chen Xi might be in danger!

The wealth is not exposed, let alone such a miraculous body training method?

No wonder Zixuan valued him so much. If he hadn't followed him into the vast sea desert, maybe decades later, he would be a famous and powerful character again. It's a pity that his current strength can't compete with others, no matter how mysterious his skills are , has also become someone else's wedding dress...

Tantaihong sighed in his heart.

Chen Xi had no idea that what he was cultivating

Just when the last flame snake demon was killed by Chen Xi, there was another strange humming sound from the sky, and after that, large and large water clouds surged towards this side like crazy. Looking carefully, the group of water clouds Yun turned out to be monsters that looked like crystal-colored bats!

Still hundreds of feet away, a thick bone-piercing water vapor hits the face, as cold as ice and snow, freezing the surrounding air into pieces of ice fog.

"A group of ice bats?" Tantai Hong felt the sharp drop in the surrounding temperature, and exclaimed: "Just after killing the flame snake demon, another group of monsters appeared again, judging by the number, it is more than ten times more than the flame snake demon , is it over yet?"

It turned out that the water cloud was actually several crystal-colored bats flying in groups.

If the flame snake demon just now was a torrent, then the swarm of ice bats that appeared at this time can be said to be overwhelming, freezing the world.Where the group of ice bats flew, the entire ruins of the Five Elements were filled with a bone-piercing icy mist, and even a thick layer of ice had been frozen on some ground, and some stones seemed to be unable to withstand such a low temperature, suddenly It exploded and turned into fine ice slags!

When this group of ice bats saw Chen Xi and the others, they immediately rushed over.

Like those flaming snake monsters, these ice bats also have the cultivation base of Huang Ting's perfection, and also master a Taoist technique, with two wings and one flap, which are two ice-like sword lights, coming from the air, and several ice bats When the bats waved their wings at the same time, tens of thousands of ice blades blasted towards them, just like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky.

"Brother, Huangfu Xiaohou and others are all jealous of this kid's body training technique. I suddenly thought of a good idea. Let's capture this kid. We want the magic weapon for storage, and then force this kid to reveal his body training skills. Cultivation method, comprehend together with other people, no one will have an opinion, what do you think?" At this dangerous moment, Teng Huaxu suddenly passed a thought to Teng Huaji.

"Be careful! The timing of the appearance of these ice bats is also very good, blocking his retreat, let's kill him from behind!" Teng Huaji made a decision in an instant.


The Teng brothers glanced at each other, their eyes revealing ferocity and ferocity, they made a bold move, stepped forward, and punched Chen Xi whose back was facing him.

The two fists roared like a dragon, black smoke billowed, and their speed was as fast as thunder. Wherever they passed, even the void was violently plowed out a stream of broken air.This blow accumulated all the strength of the Teng Brothers, what they wanted was to kill the enemy with one blow, leaving no pieces behind!

Moreover, the timing of his attack was also extremely ruthless and cunning. It was precisely when Chen Xi was pinched by ice bats in front, he attacked from behind. This sudden scene caught Huangfu Chongming and the others by surprise. Let alone Chen Xi?

"Chen Xi! Watch out from behind, the Teng brothers are attacking you!" But this scene was noticed by Ling Bai, and almost as soon as the Teng brothers made a move, he issued a warning to Chen Xi.


Chen Xi had already tensed his nerves before, and was wary of the rear. As soon as Ling Bai opened his mouth, he reacted without the slightest hesitation, and almost subconsciously, he twisted his waist and slid, and his toes touched the ground. His whole body was like a flash of lightning, and there was a whoosh Disappeared in place and flew into the air, completely defeating the killing blow of the Teng brothers.

"Damn it! How could he avoid it?" The Teng brothers were puzzled.

"The remnants of the Blood Moon Demon Sect finally can't hold back and want to attack me?" Chen Xi raised his head to the sky and roared, his voice was like thunder, rumbled across the entire ruins of the Five Elements.

In other places of the Five Elements Ruins, there were still waves of monks fighting densely packed monsters. He just wanted to take this opportunity to reveal the identities of the Teng brothers so that everyone would know.

And he was very sure that he would expose them, but they did not dare to expose his identity. He, because the Buddha Pagoda and the Nine-Character Mantra Town Spirit Talisman on his body were must-haves of the Blood Moon Demon Sect. What if I also join in the robbing?So as long as the two brothers are not stupid, they will never know their own identities. [

While speaking, those ice bats were already attacking overwhelmingly, and Chen Xi was the first to bear the brunt!

However, he was not nervous, he used the big handprint of the starry sky, penetrated into the ice blades, and blocked all the attacks between the sweeping of his big hand.And still had enough energy to catch and kill dozens of ice bats.Those ice bats fell like raindrops, and then exploded into a ball of water essence, which was all sucked into the Renshui witch pattern by Chen Xi.

"Everyone in the Blood Moon Demon Sect will be punished. Brother Teng, if you have the guts, come and fight with me!"

Chen Xi felt the increasing Renshui witch power, and a smile couldn't help but float on his lips. Then he gave a loud shout, turned around, and charged head-on into the overwhelming crowd of ice bats!

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